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Open the Muggy Gate

Check out this botch video.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Liger's spot where Sausuke blows the leap was planned apparently.


I wish I wasn't at School so I could listen to the audio.

I've never heard sid request the Live interview to restart.


Good Stuff all around!

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I am assuming the botched Asai Moonsault from Haybusa is the one that caused his broken neck? Has there been any recent updates on his condition?


Sid had me rolling at the end. Asking JR if he could restart the interview, and JR says "We're live, pal".

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Awesome. That shit is why I will always like wrestling.


Yeah, that was the one that crippled Hayabusa. Setting it to Benny Hill music? Awesome.

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Guest BDC

Ah, my bad.


I cringe every time I see a set of idiot yardtards, though. That driver off the roof they did? I'd put that next to "Stupid" in the dictionary. But the followup: "You guys okay?" Good call, idiot.

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You know, now that I've seen it, I can say with reasonable confidence that there is no way in HELL that powerbomb botch was all Holly's fault. He was not sandbagging Lesnar; he went up for it perfectly, but then Lesnar held him there for some reason, then lowered him, THEN dropped him.


And JESUS CHRIST, why isn't London dead?

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Guest BrokenWings

I've never seen that Goldberg clip where he spears his own head into the turnbuckle. What happened with that, was he legit knocked out? If so, what did the two guys in the ring do?

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You know, now that I've seen it, I can say with reasonable confidence that there is no way in HELL that powerbomb botch was all Holly's fault. He was not sandbagging Lesnar; he went up for it perfectly, but then Lesnar held him there for some reason, then lowered him, THEN dropped him.


And JESUS CHRIST, why isn't London dead?

Lesnar could have pulled him up at least a little more, but he seem to just give up.

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thats the first time I've seen that entrance by the Shockmaster. When exactly did this take place and I presume it was on a Live PPV or Clash show then? Hilarious stuff!

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