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Be Glad You Don't Go to This College...

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Guest sek69

Good ol' Bob Jones U, when you want the very best in insane religious education.



This part cracked me up tho:


Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:

New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.

Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).


What the fuck else is left? I'm assuming rap/R&B is out, so do you have tap your own music on the walls or what?

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Guest sek69
You uncultured swine. I suppose you've forgotten that classical music exists.

I figured that would be on their no-no list too, since there were a lot of un-christianlike composers of classical music.

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Guest Vitamin X
Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.

What the fuck?



Dishonesty, lewdness, sensual behavior, adultery, homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography, illegal use of drugs, and drunkenness all are clearly condemned by God's Word and prohibited here.

Really? are they?

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Guest Failed Mascot

Loss should apply to this school and then when he's turned away sue them for discrimination...then share the cash with me since it was all my idea.

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That was a laugh, the last one kinda threw me off though, compared to the others.


All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.

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That was a laugh, the last one kinda threw me off though, compared to the others.


All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.

Like anybody who would go to this school would have a gun.


Anybody read the part under "Dress Code" where they talk about Abercrombie and Fitch's "wickedness?"

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Being a stereotypical "nigga" would probably be all types of fun at this school. I could see myself blasting some hardcore rap in the middle of their courtyard while preaching about the good qualities of drugs and alcohol.

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I have a couple friends who go to Erskine Theological Seminary in South Carolina, it doesn't seem to be that bad, pretty much like a normal college except you have to go to church stuff.

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That was a laugh, the last one kinda threw me off though, compared to the others.


All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.

Figures those dumbfucks have a relatively light weapons policy

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Nearby Biola University is more conservative. 100 percent of their graduates go on to Heaven when they die.

So they say. But they chose the wrong religion. Now 100 percent of their graduates go on to Hell when they die.


I'm sorry, the correct religion was "Jedi." Jedi. So Hell is the Dark Side.

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Guest CronoT
I hope not all Christian learning institutions are like this...

No, they aren't, thank God; literally. Buy or get a hold of the book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken. He has an entire chapter about when he and one of the college students who helped write his book pose as people who want to get the "college student" into BJU.


Oh, by the way, the guy who founded that "college" was a White Supremasist.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Geez, if this is what it takes to get into heaven I'd rather take the easy way out and burn in hell for all eternity.

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Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.


Just how the hell are they going to enforce this? I could imagine a student at home slipping in an R rated movie and suddenly the robot devil from Futurama drags him away.

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Loyalty to Christ results in separated living. Dishonesty, lewdness, sensual behavior, adultery, homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography, illegal use of drugs, and drunkenness all are clearly condemned by God's Word and prohibited here. Further, we believe that biblical principles preclude gambling, dancing, and the beverage use of alcohol.


I hate this school even more and more. Thanks for posting this link, my friends are going to have a field day laughing at this.

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the girl that I am fucking with goes to this school. This place is REALLY fucked up. I mean, the shit she tells me about this place is amazing.


Plus their dumbass policies cut back on my sex time to so fuck Bob Jones U. seriously. fuck them right in the ear.



andI would like to add that this weekend, went to a club, got drunk, danced like horney teenagers and were all over each other, watched porn, bet on a game of pool, and had wild freaky sex. I think we might have broken a school rule.

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That is the most fucked up school I have ever seen. Thy tell you what to do. They don't promote individuality. It's fucking ridiculous.

Here is the kicker.


THey openly don't promote individuality. They speak against it honestly. The good of the whole is more important than the good of the individual. They are basically a socialist society there. BUT. They maintained their ban on interacial relationships up until a few years back because they are against the One World belief that they believe will bring forth the Anti Christ and arrmageddon. So yeah...they support a socialist society but they DON"t want all people to come together at the same time.


in other words, that school is insane.


It does add alittle more pleasure into fucking one of their students though.

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huh huh huh....




huh huh huh...

I made that joke. She didn't find it all that funny. I don't care because she has a sweatshirt that says BJU. She gives BJ's. That is just plain comedy people.

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I'm still trying to figure out what is objectionable about new age music.


Also, it's funny that they don't like contemporary Christian music either...


"You can listen to music exalting Christ, but dammit it has to be old school."

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Banning shit, oppressing certain freedoms, requiring total dedication to the cause, sounds pretty Nazi to me.

If it were to be called anything by your description, it'd be a Communist school, which would be on the completely opposite end of Nazism.

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