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Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

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I took down Amy's pictures on my site and in my house because they were sickening to look at.


Well, he went from chipper and optomistic about the future to completely and totally bitter real quick.


I can't wait to hear Jeff Hardy's soulful tune about Matt and Lita breaking up, though. That should be a good future torture weapon.

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They absolutely have to make this into a storyline feud, hell it'd draw more money than anything they've done in the past 3 years.

I agree. Bret and Shawn worked together.


Some of those promos were awesome because of the real life hatred these two had for each other.

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They absolutely have to make this into a storyline feud, hell it'd draw more money than anything they've done in the past 3 years.

I agree. Bret and Shawn worked together.


Some of those promos were awesome because of the real life hatred these two had for each other.

Yeah I was just about to post how this is probably a modern day fued of Bret and Shawn Standards in terms of anger.

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I think this goes a little deeper, Bret did not like Shawns way of life, and Shawn didn't like him because of it. While Edge FUCKED the woman Hardy LOVED, I think they might have a little harder time putting thier differences aside to work an angle, but I do agree it would make good tv.

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What honestly is the worst thing that can happen?

Matt could go a step further and call Edge a 'piece of shit'. Or maybe 'dogcrap'.


Though it is funny how he seems to blame Edge more than Lita. Whatever, I just hope they make a feud out of this.

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Man, Jeff Hardy writing a song; Edge being called feces (Man. where's Jimmy Valient when ya need him?)



This is more entertaining then anything else in wrestling right now. Yes, even more so than Snitsky

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
Did this thread break some sorta record for the amount of views?

there are threads with 20,000 more views. So no.

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Adam Copeland is feces. As upset as I am with Amy now, I still care about her and I would hate to see her destroy her life. The feces' track record speaks for itself.

About time.....

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
I called this as a work way back when it first broke.





There was a thread started on this, including a response from Matt Hardy regarding the situation.

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Guest Trivia247

It couldn't be a work for this indirectly screws up many angles active with Lita and Edge.


the On air suspension of Disbelief Marriage to kane for instance, who can follow that when the true melodrama that went on eclipses it.

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Adam Copeland is feces. As upset as I am with Amy now, I still care about her and I would hate to see her destroy her life. The feces' track record speaks for itself.


that's awesome. That's awesome right there!

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Ha.. look what you lads have done now.

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Vern: Matt could TOTALLY shoot on Edge and break something purposefully (since I doubt he'd care much about his WWE career when given the chance to hurt the man that his girlfriend cheated on him with), or vice versa (in which case Edge would be buried more for not only infidelity, but also for injuring another wrestler on purpose).


CC: It's a guy thing. When the woman cheats on you? You're hurt, but you know you still care for her on some plain, so you don't absolutely 100% want her dead. But the guy? The guy said "yes" too. And when the guy she cheated on you with has been one of your best friends in the company for half a decade? You want to fuck their shit up.

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Y'see, here's the problem with them doing an angle out of it. Edge'd either have to be an asshole about it, which would antagonize things further, or act like he's sorry which would undermine the feud's motivation.


I'll admit if they did it, though, I'd tune in again for the first time in I don't know how long.

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WWE doing an angle would rob the whole situation of all that's entertaining about it.

I can already see it. Edge distracting the ref and hitting Matt with a chair. Horribly acted backstage segments. HHH somehow inserts himself into the feud. The whole thing turns around and Edge is the one with all the odds against him. I can just picture all the booking idiocies. Pray that WWE doesn't make an angle of this great stuff.


Maybe Jeff can make a song about Edge being feces?

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