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So how was wrestlemania

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Just give me PYRO and I'll be happy.

Speaking of which, did anyone else think Batista's entrance was a tad unimpressive? They could have given him some kind of pyro package, considering he's in the main event of the biggest show of the year. And it's not like it would have overshadowed HHHis Royal HHHighness's overblown extravaganza of an entrance, not by a long shot.


As for the show itself, it was pretty good, maybe worth $30, but not worth the whole fifty bones. Not enough wrestling, and what there was of it, aside from the usual suspects, was not on par with what the "biggest wrestling event of the year" should be. I will say that this will probably be Shelton Benjamin's official coming out party. Bank on that ladder run to make it into his entrance video, as soon as tonight.


And not for nothing, but HBK's 5-minute SuperJesus act before submitting to the Anklelock was a way overdone. He should have watched the ending of Austin/Hart's Submission match to see how to properly play up a submission. And I loved how he tried to get a Benoitesque standing-O for his efforts, but barely got half the crowd to comply. Maybe if he played the injury up as more than just a stubbed toe, it might have worked out better for him.


But then again, I'm probably not a real wrestling fan, right?

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The hype killed the show for me. Probably would have given it a thumbs down anyway. So as easy it would be for me to map out how every match was flawed and uninspired to the point where this Wrestlemania sucked, I won't. Did they really think LA would actually care? And they will have to do more shows in LA. It's one of the few places left on the map where the WWE can have a legitmate sell-out every time they go there.

Jeez, talk about a jaded "fan" - this is the kind of post that irks me when someone cant even explain why they hated the show, and much less admits that even before the show happened he knew he was going to hate it.


This was easily in the top 3 on the best Manias ever with plenty of stuff to keep the show interesting. Two at least **** (dare I say a ***** with Angle and Michaels)and three others at *** 1/2, only real down parts was the womens match, sumo match, and the WWE title match. And at least they kept all of those short.


For all the people who say the crowd was dead - I was there live and it wasnt dead except the matches noted about above that didnt go anywhere that were admittedly slow and tedious. And until HHH did the blade job and that match started picking up, we were kind of quiet for the main event. Why should any crowd get fired up for a match when it flat out is going nowhere though? The response would likely have been the same at any arena.


For what is worth, I've been to probably 80-some wrestling shows since 87 and this was unquestionably the best ever that I've been to, live. This includes Mania XIX, random WWE/ECW ppvs, and house shows/TV tapings. The atmosphere was electric and everyone worked hard (well maybe except Cena and JBL) to make it a great show.

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And not for nothing, but HBK's 5-minute SuperJesus act before submitting to the Anklelock was a way overdone. He should have watched the ending of Austin/Hart's Submission match to see how to properly play up a submission. And I loved how he tried to get a Benoitesque standing-O for his efforts, but barely got half the crowd to comply. Maybe if he played the injury up as more than just a stubbed toe, it might have worked out better for him.

My God. What, did you actually count how many people were standing up and applauding? I've read other reports where they say it was a big ovation. And where did you get that Benoit-esque crap? Do you think Benoit is the only wrestler who can get spontaneous ovations? Why not say Edge&Christian-esque while we're at it. They also got a huge standing O after their ladder match at No Mercy99. He tried to get the ovation? Does standing up and appauding to the crowd qualifies as that? You just sound bitter at Michaels or something.

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Just give me PYRO and I'll be happy.

Speaking of which, did anyone else think Batista's entrance was a tad unimpressive? They could have given him some kind of pyro package, considering he's in the main event of the biggest show of the year. And it's not like it would have overshadowed HHHis Royal HHHighness's overblown extravaganza of an entrance, not by a long shot.


As for the show itself, it was pretty good, maybe worth $30, but not worth the whole fifty bones. Not enough wrestling, and what there was of it, aside from the usual suspects, was not on par with what the "biggest wrestling event of the year" should be. I will say that this will probably be Shelton Benjamin's official coming out party. Bank on that ladder run to make it into his entrance video, as soon as tonight.


And not for nothing, but HBK's 5-minute SuperJesus act before submitting to the Anklelock was a way overdone. He should have watched the ending of Austin/Hart's Submission match to see how to properly play up a submission. And I loved how he tried to get a Benoitesque standing-O for his efforts, but barely got half the crowd to comply. Maybe if he played the injury up as more than just a stubbed toe, it might have worked out better for him.


But then again, I'm probably not a real wrestling fan, right?

I pretty much agree. Batista's entrance was really weak after HHH getting played to the ring, and it seemed like the volume on his theme was lower and the bass wasn't thumping as much as I'd seen before on Raw. Could be just that the building was bigger so didn't sound as loud.


Two really good matches, few pretty good ones, and the rest kinda "eh" is still good for WM, but next to X7 and XIX--meh in comparison. The previews pretty much gave you good indicators of what to expect. However, the JBL-Cena match seemed like a TV main event, and that was disappointing.


I was really into the ending for HBK-Angle at the time, but it's not something I'm going to enjoy much later--well, except for Shawn tapping. :)


For all the people who say the crowd was dead - I was there live and it wasnt dead except the matches noted about above that didnt go anywhere that were admittedly slow and tedious. And until HHH did the blade job and that match started picking up, we were kind of quiet for the main event. Why should any crowd get fired up for a match when it flat out is going nowhere though? The response would likely have been the same at any arena.


Batista's entrance seemed to get very little reaction from watching it on PPV. How was it live?


And WTF was with that little dance Dave did? Trying to get them to pop then?

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Personally I thought it was a good show...and I also didn't think the crowd was dead at all.


Eddy/Rey - There might have been a couple mess ups here, but it was a good match that was given a decent amount of time and it got the crowd pumped up. ***1/2


Ladder Match - This was really cool and had some awesome innovative spots. Shelton getting his leg caught in the rope was crazy too. ****


Orton/Taker - I wish Orton went over, but this was still damned good and a lot better than I was expecting, and it was one of the better Taker matches in recent memory. ***


Women's Match - This was just horrible, like funny it was so bad. DUD


HBK/Angle - God this match was awesome. I thought that it started out slow, but it needed to start out slow, it had good build up. A great match. ****1/2


Sumo Match - I never want to see Show dressed like that again. Just a lot of boring stalling, and crap. No rating.


JBL/Cena - not much of a match really, just JBL with crappy offense and then Cena wins out of nowhere *


Main event - decent **3/4

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Guest ken adams

Just a couple of thoughts:


When did the "Raw" WCW title become the wwE's main title?


I think it's a shame that the "Smackdown" WWE title seems devalued a bit. The same title that Hogan had for 4 straight years was given a quick, shitty match.


Since "Raw" is the main show, it should have the WWE title.


What happened to Eddie G, esse? He won the WWE title at last year's WM, and now he's jobbing in the opener.


At least he made it to the card. 5 time, FIVE TIME WCW Champ, Booker T didn't even make it on Heat. That sucks, esse holmes.

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Decent enough. Nothing spectacular though.


The inter-promotional matches were the only ones I really got into. Orton should have won off the Chokeslam into RKO counter, no doubt about it. But hey, they killed CCC and Hassan for the sake of putting over old wrestlers who don't work for them anymore. And they missed out on putting Eugene over by having him pose with Hogan. So what's one more youngster who's on the roster jobbed out?


Angle/HBK was best match for my money. The Anklelock had me yelling for Angle to grapevine the leg, because that's the only time he wins with it. HBK stayed in it forever still.


MITB Ladder Match was good, Benjamin was ON. Opener was decent too. The two main events were okay enough, for expectations anyway. Except the SD ending. Piper's Pit was cool. Christy has a nice ass. Big Show/Akebono reminded me of that fight on Friends that Rachel had with her sister where they sorta 'slapped' at each other for a while.



Decent enough show, but certainly not in the top 5 Wrestlemania's ever. The crowd seemed to react for the endings of Angle/HBK, Batista/HHH and not that much else. Even Austin got what seemed a muted pop.

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Well, after reading eveyone's thoughts on last nights show (sorry, didn't order it), the following things went through my mind;


-Now that Batista is the champ, let's hope that he can be a credible one. Also, I still have fears of Raw still being "the HHH show"


-Hopefully, HBK will be moving to Smackdown. Also, now that Cena's champ, I have a prediction: In a few weeks (or months) not only will his title reign flop, but they may end up hitting the "panic button", unless they have either Angle or HBK in the title picture. I bet that they could get some good matches out of him.


-Speaking of HBK and Angle, I'm kicking myself for not seeing their match. I guess I'll order the encore show.


-Good to see that Christy isn't champ, though in a few months, or a year at least, she could possibly become decent, or at least passable. From what I've heard, she's better than Sable was, so that's a plus. Oh, and if there really were "You screwed Matt" chants directed at Lita, then I'm a happy man.


-Suprised to hear that Edge won the ladder match. I wonder what Matt's thinking at home. Also, they really need to take the ball with Shelton and run with it. This guys the future of the company


well, that's it

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Decent show, Hogan's spot, Piper playing to the crowd chanting 'What?', Michaels-Angle, Orton-Undertaker, HHH-Batista and JBL-Cena were all solid matches. Although I think Wrestlemania 20 was a lot better.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Oh, and just because I felt the need to:




WrestleMania 21's Golden Boys, ladies and gentlemen.

"That's hot." - Paris Hilton

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A very fun PPV. Went to a resturant with my bro and a group of his friends.


I thought that Eddie/Rey was a good opener. I wasn't expecting HH '97, so I was happy with the match. With the exception of Owen/Bret, probably my favorite opener in WM history, off the top of my head.


The Money in the Bank match was a great spotfest, which felt a bit too short for me. Shelton was pretty awesome during this match, and hopefully this is the beginning of good things. Then again, that was what I was hoping after the mini HHH feud. Kane and Edge took no serious bumps which is probably for the best as Kane doesn't take big bumps and Edge is a year off neck injury. Hey, has anyone told Benoit that he had a broken neck? Because with his bumps that he took, I'm not sure he knows. Benoit and Benjamin without a doubt shined during this match.


Orton/Taker exceeded my expectations 100%. Orton looked damn good without winning, which I guess is best for everyone. Everyone at the resturant was marking HARD for Bob Orton's cast. Sweet RKO at the end. That would have been a fine finish, but I'm not complaining any.


The women's match was...well, bad. But Trish tried really, really hard! And when Christy fucked up the second last spot (I can't for the life of me remember what it was), did anyone else notice how pissed Trish looked? Random guy comment: "I'll never look a suspenders the same way again".


Angle/HBK was a pretty great match. It started out pretty slow, but it picked up. The Angle Slam into the ring post was a cringe worthy spot, in a good way. I disagree with whoever said that it took too long for HBK to tap out. Normally, I'd agree. But the crowd and anticipation made it work. Where I was at, the emotion was at an ultimate high during it, so it worked really well in that aspect.


Sumo Match wins worst match of the night. Even worse than the women's match. Just a bad idea.


The WWE title match was incredibly boring. It got so boring that we were discussing all the worse gimmicks/angles in wrestling history (damn, WCW had some BAD ideas). Cena winning was good though.


The World Title match. I'm not sure how much I like the supposed #1 heel in the company getting such a huge entrance. I really think those type of entrances should be saved for faces, because that type of stuff is suppose to get a pop, right? I found this match pretty boring too, to be honest. But hey, because of this match, I got my dinner paid for because I bet with a guy that Batista would win. A silver lining indeed.


Very entertaining Piper's Pit (I forget exactly where is was on the card). Piper was pretty fricking hilarious, especially his reaction to the "What?" chants.


Very entertaining card up to and including HBK/Angle (with the exception of the women's match) and pretty boring after. But I wasn't expecting great things with the title matches, but the right people went over in my opinion, so I'm happy.

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Oh, and just for the record...


It seems I may be one of the few, if only, people here that actually liked the "Floating" Taker entrance.


Was better than when WCW did it with Se7en.

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Guest Shadow
The Money in the Bank match was a great spotfest, which felt a bit too short for me. Shelton was pretty awesome during this match, and hopefully this is the beginning of good things. Then again, that was what I was hoping after the mini HHH feud. Kane and Edge took no serious bumps which is probably for the best as Kane doesn't take big bumps and Edge is a year off neck injury. Hey, has anyone told Benoit that he had a broken neck? Because with his bumps that he took, I'm not sure he knows. Benoit and Benjamin without a doubt shined during this match.

Edge took the T-Bone suplex off the top of the ladder. Thats one of the bigger bumps of the night and it got neglected it seems here.


The three highlights appear to be for most


-Shelton's Flipping Plancha

-Stairway to Heaven

-Benoit's awesome selling

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The Money in the Bank match was a great spotfest, which felt a bit too short for me. Shelton was pretty awesome during this match, and hopefully this is the beginning of good things. Then again, that was what I was hoping after the mini HHH feud. Kane and Edge took no serious bumps which is probably for the best as Kane doesn't take big bumps and Edge is a year off neck injury. Hey, has anyone told Benoit that he had a broken neck? Because with his bumps that he took, I'm not sure he knows. Benoit and Benjamin without a doubt shined during this match.

Edge took the T-Bone suplex off the top of the ladder. Thats one of the bigger bumps of the night and it got neglected it seems here.


The three highlights appear to be for most


-Shelton's Flipping Plancha

-Stairway to Heaven

-Benoit's awesome selling

Add in there (at least for me)



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Guest Shadow

The next ladder match needs a STH with the person grabbing the belt/object as they go up.

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I'm actually glad there were minimal insanely stupidly unnessesary bumps, but still very cool moves.

Well, that's probably because Jeff Hardy wasn't in this match.


If he was, insane bumps galore!

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I liked these things


HBK vs Angle = ****1/2

The Ladder Match = ***1/2

Eddie vs REy = ***

Trips vs Batista = **3/4


Hogan and Hassan

CCC on Piper's Pit



I hated these things


Cena vs JBL = *

Taker vs Orton = **3/4 (not a bad match, i just hate em both)

Everyone's entrance music seemed to be toned down. I just think the sound was real shitty in the arena, that would explain the "dead" crowd.


Overall good show. I not sure if it's top 5 WM's. Maybe.

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Oh, something else I noticed that was one of the lesser things from WrestleMania...


When Austin's music started up, for the switch from the ring with Piper to the entryway for Austin's entrance, they had the screen's glass shattering.


...they should have done that years ago...when Austin was still competing...but still.

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Firstly, I loved the entrance set, especially the "Now Showing..." sign and the red carpet. Secondly, I was surprised to read about a bad crowd, because I thought they were active almost all night, especially in the first half. Most notably, I think they were silent for JBL-Cena, but for a match like that, what did you expect?


Eddie vs. Rey

I wasn't expecting Havoc '97, so I was very satisfied with what we got. I've seen some better matches, but this was fine for me. I was into every second of the way.


Ladder Match

Mostly a spot-fest, but a GREAT one at that. Again, I was loving every second of it. The only downside for me was Edge winning, but I guess he's better than Kane. Still, I would've liked to see anyone else win. That aside, Benjamin just about made this match with his dive, exploder, and stairway to heaven. And I loved Benoit's selling, all throughout. Just amazing, and a great match from everyone. Even though I didn't like Edge winning, the ending was sick.


I generally hate Eugene, but his explanation of WM III's midget match was funny. I was even marking out for Hogan cleaning house. This was a perfect segment to follow the Ladder match.


Undertaker vs. Orton

Better than what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting a bad match like most people. Having his dad come in with the cast was a nice touch, and the chokeslam into the RKO was a great spot. I didn't see it coming, and I actually thought it was over.


Trish vs. Christy

Not the trainwreck I was expecting, but it wasn't good either. All I'll say is, thank god Trish won.


HBK vs. Angle

Firstly, I hate HBK's new tights. I was waiting for him to take off these "chaps", but it never happened. I hope he sticks to the originals from now on. I was totally expecting an HBK win here, especially since Taker had already won on the SD side. This is definitely MOTN and probably MOTY so far. Loved the table spot, Angle Slam into the post, Angle Slam off the top, and HBK's clutch superkick. When Angle got the Ankle Lock for the last minute or so, I was just sitting there screaming for him to tap, being the Angle fan that I am. I loved it. This match alone made the PPV worth it for me.


Piper's Pit

Austin & Piper's early exchanges were funny, but I guess interim-WWF President Piper never met the Ringmaster / Steve Austin around WM XII time? Piper said he's never met Austin before. It was obvious that both Carlito and Piper were going to get Stunners, so no big surprise there. Having two interview segments follow the Ladder Match and HBK-Angle was good booking.


Sumo Match

It seemed like forever before it finally began. I'm guessing it was pre-determined, so I can't see the logic in having Show lose. This was the worst part of the night, IMO.


JBL vs. Cena

JBL's entrance had to be one of my favorite entrances of all time. The police was a nice touch, and the JBL $100 bills was awesome. If I was there, I would've loved to take some home as a memento. The match, however, was definitely the biggest disappointment of the night. I'm sure everyone has mentioned how stupid the logic is of pushing JBL as a huge heel champion for 9 months only to lose in a 10 minute match from an FU that came out of nowhere. It definitely caught the crowd by surprise, and the FU is seemingly the only thing the crowd was into. This truely was a Honky Tonk Man reign for JBL. He has the longest reign in years, is put over Eddie, Angle, Show, Taker, and Booker T only to lose cleanly in 10 minutes in unspectacular fashion. If it were up to me, here's the basic format of the match: They do the basic match they had here for about 6-8 minutes. The referee is accidentally slightly hit aside as JBL escapes to the outside. Cena checks on the ref and walks toward the ropes, where JBL nails him with the title belt, busting Cena open. JBL opens the cut some more and gets some nearfalls. Cena makes his comeback, and there's an actual ref bump this time. JBL tries to use the chain, but Cena intercepts it and uses it for a near fall. THEN, JBL can go for his clothesline from hell, and THEN Cena can FU him for the win. This match was seriously lacking drama. A good, bloody brawl would've been good for these two, I think, because just a standard match between them wasn't exactly too thrilling. Cena's celebration was fun to watch, though.


HHH vs. Batista

I thought it was decent at best. After HHH's awesome entrance, Batista's entrance with ordinary theme music seemed a little lame. I wasn't watching this as much as I should of, so I did miss parts in the middle.


Wrestlemania recap video

Just about all of them since X7 have been good, despite having some bad songs. Whatever the song was for this year, it didn't flow well with the video at all. The video sucked, but I won't hold it against them.


Overall, I loved the show, despite being highly disappointed in JBL-Cena. HHH-Batista was about what I was expecting. I wasn't expecting anything from Trish-Christy or the Sumo match, and everything else, particuarly HBK-Angle exceeded my expectations. IMO, it was better than any WM since XIV with the exception of X7 and MAYBE XX. I'll have to completely watch it, again to determine if it's better than XX.

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I was generally happy with those who went over, except Rey. I wound driving up to Berkley to run an errand 20 minutes before show time, so I missed the opening 2 (3?) matches.


Glad UT went over Orton, since Orton sucks. More wacky reversal spots from Orton, but they looked good. I really liked the Chokeslam/RKO spot and actually thought Orton was going over.


Angle/HBK is getting way overrated by the IWC, it seems. *****? The beginning was the drizzling shits that didn't build to anything substantial. The rest of the match were the run of the mill sports entertainment spots of both guys hitting their big moves, then kicking out of eachother's finishers until the drawn out finishing sequence. The match was fun after they ditched the boring headlock sequence, but the finish didn't do anything for me. Yeah, Michaels tapped, but all of us watching were looking at our watches wondering when he'd fucking tap already. Good stuff, didn't suck or anything, but I was expecting more.


Ladder match was MOTN for me. Shelton looked amazing in the match.


HHH/Dave was about what I expected. Right guy went over. Though we didn't pop huge for Dave like we did for Benoit last year.


The finish for Cena/JBL completely came out of left field. I was fully expecting the two to trade finishers for another 5 minutes. I was glad they shied away from that aspect of the main event formula. The match was bad, and the crowd was surprisingly quiet for the match, but I was happy Cena went over.


Haven't bothered to review my tape to watch the other stuff.

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Speaking of which, did anyone else think Batista's entrance was a tad unimpressive? They could have given him some kind of pyro package, considering he's in the main event of the biggest show of the year. And it's not like it would have overshadowed HHHis Royal HHHighness's overblown extravaganza of an entrance, not by a long shot.



Batista's entrance is really weird. He just seems very uncomfortable like he's not sure what to do. He needs to cut out the whole thing where he stands up at the top of the ramp and shoots off the "air bazooka" or whatever it he does. That looks REALLY stupid.

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Guest Coffey

Whatever. That's the best shit about his entrance. My friends and I mark out hard for Batista. We guess how many passes he's going to make with the guns, count how many times he says boom and even have a little game about how many steps he'll take up the stairs to get into the ring.


It's quite funny.

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yknow Id really have to watch this again to fully rate it. I was at my neighbros house with screaming kids and crazy drunk relatives (actually that was kinda fun cuz they were huge wrestlign fans and were talking baout all the stuff from the past 25-30 years of wrsetling)


HBK-Angle and The ladder match i enjoyed the most and paid the most attention to. The angle slam into the post looked sick until a bad repaly angle showed that shawn actually took the force of the blow on his arm and BUTT. but still a fantastic match with a great finish that got the crowd hot (damn this crowd was bad tonight, what is it with wrestlemania and cali crowds? Unforgiven 02 which I went to at staples had a much hotter crowd)



anyways, im going to get the dvd so i can see it again. AInt paying for a replay since I didnt have to pay for it the first time. and I missed the sox-yanks for this (though I did see the condensed replay)



marked out for piper saying wwf (definately will be eidted off the dvd prob along with bullsh-t line. maybe)



anyhow soory for the bad spelling and grammar


raws on in 5 hours westcoast tape delayed time (although right now in la heat is being taped as we speak)

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Speaking of which, did anyone else think Batista's entrance was a tad unimpressive? They could have given him some kind of pyro package, considering he's in the main event of the biggest show of the year. And it's not like it would have overshadowed HHHis Royal HHHighness's overblown extravaganza of an entrance, not by a long shot.



Batista's entrance is really weird. He just seems very uncomfortable like he's not sure what to do. He needs to cut out the whole thing where he stands up at the top of the ramp and shoots off the "air bazooka" or whatever it he does. That looks REALLY stupid.

I thought his entrance last night was pretty hot, myself.


Batista has SUCH a great body. God, what a body. He *should* come out all amped and jacked and acting crazy like that, focusing on his freakness.


Suddenly I feel like finding or making a gif of Batista's entrance from last night. Anyone know where such treasures can be found? I didn't tape the show. :(

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Guest Coffey
But then again, I'm probably not a real wrestling fan, right?

That seems to be the general consensus. Apparently WWE & Wrestlemania XXI are like the USA. You either love it or leave it. :(


God forbid someone have a differing opinion.

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speaking of Dave Batista, what was up with his new trunks for mania? A picture of himself on the back? geez even Trips is conceited enough to do that.

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