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It's not going to happen, but the only way I really want to see Austin on TV is him wrestling.


The past 2 years has really taken away from his character. He was fine when he came back and up to his match at Mania 19, even the first few weeks of him being GM was okay...but right around this time exactly two years ago, it really got stale and started to take away from his character and it obviously hasn't recovered yet.


If it's something different and original, I'm for it. If it's him just beating up people for no reason and drinking beer and giving people Stunners cause thats' all he can do, I'm not exactly sure if the world needs that.



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I agree if he comes back, he needs to have a real feud with someone. And even if he's super-protected, and has a five minute Hoganesque match with no bumps, the feud needs to be blown off in a wrestling ring.


I'm not saying by any means that he should return on a full-time basis, but id he's going to be on the show, he needs to wrestle at least as much as Foley or Vince.

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HHH and Austin on the same brand?


No exemptions in the draft?


Undertaker also possible to change brands?


Cena fans better hope what I think could happen doesn't with Vince emphasizing the WWE Champion possibly ending up on RAW. Especially with the wwe moving RAW back to USA.

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What if they actually moved Cena to Raw without moving Batista to Smackdown. That would be hi-larious. Just basically say to the world, "yes, it's the B-show". It's not important, but if you want to waste your time watching it, go ahead.


Actually, if they did do that, it would be kind of neat to move Benjamin over to Smackdown and make the IC Title the premier belt for the brand, at least after Shelton beat the US Champ. (It's still Jordan right?)

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I really don't care to see Austin anymore, unless he is actually doing something new. I don't care to see him just drinking beers and stunnering people every show like he was doing 2-3 years ago. I worry though, that the creative people in WWE lack any imagination to come up with a new angle or character for him, or if Austin would even be willing to go along with something like that.

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I don't want to see Steve Austin come back and make the midcard look like shit. What is the point in putting a guy who can't wrestle over guys who still have a career?


I was a fan of Steve Austin until 2002 when the "What?" crap started and it's been all downhill for him since then.


I just want him to fuck off forever.

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He should come out in suit and tie, maybe with the goatee shaved off, not drinking any beer or cussing. Have him go full circle and become the authority figure he hated so much.

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I want an Austin / Heel Coach / Josh Matthews commentary team on RAW. They can use JR and King backstage.

I suppose if they can have purposeless divas on the show, there's no harm in having JR/King roaming the backstage halls on Monday nights too . . . unless if you meant using JR/King as agents, then nevermind.

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He should come out in suit and tie, maybe with the goatee shaved off, not drinking any beer or cussing. Have him go full circle and become the authority figure he hated so much.

Now, see...that would actually be something different!

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

I'm angered and somehow, not surprised. It'll just be the same old bullshit with Austin interrupting matches, drinking beer, spouting off, and just being a general dick about everything.


Boring AND annoying! Just like most of WWE's programming to date.

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SCSA has no business being in a WWE ring or on WWE programming outside of being a one-off guest (i.e. Rock, Hogan, Piper). Keep away from my TV, period.

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Austin can fuck right off. I have no confidence that he'll do anything except bury people, drink beer and stun women.

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Trust me, he's not going to be doing anything different from what he's done before. He's going to do what can get him the most merchandise sales, i.e. drinking beers and beating up heels like he always has in the past.

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The problem with keeping Austin around is that sooner or later the fans are going to want to see him wrestle, and he can't do that, beyond one match, maybe two if he's lucky. All he can do is give Stunners to people, and that's not something you can work with a whole lot outside of leading to that one match that he may not even be able to go through with.

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I'd only be slightly interested if a) he comes back as an actual wrestler, not just a guy who comes out and wastes 20 minutes talking to the crowd before stunning someone, and b) he puts people over in actual feuds.


Since neither is likely to happen, who gives a shit.

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Austin as an announcer or manager would be nice but to bring him back as deputy drunkass or just to have him waste time drinking beer in the ring would be boring.

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well how wild is this? Rumors of Hogan returning for one more match (singles) ...now Austin claiming he will be back very shortly?!


Probably will be for the draft...then some sort of problem will arise and history will repeat itself

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Anyone who is for Austin coming back merely to stun the hell out of midcard workers on a weekly basis, better never complain or bitch about why workers are not getting over.

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The WWE can't seem to go even a few months without rushing back to their security blanket of Austin, Hogan, The Rock, whoever. Austin might pop a few ratings, but as usual they'll be oblivious to the long-term damage of Austin's presence undermining the majority of the roster, dishing out stunners to everyone with no retaliation, having actual wrestlers running in fear from him, putting over no one but himself and making it perfectly clear to the viewers just who's important. Then Austin leaves, the fans don't give a shit about anyone else since they've made them all look stupid/inept/cowardly and the WWE wonders why.

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