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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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Don't wish harm on people.  Saying you hope someone gets released is kind a dick thing to say, no offense.  They have families to support you know.


I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job.


They still have to eat though.


That's like that quote by Moss, or Owens, or someone like that, who said something similar during a contract spat.


In all seriousness, is anyone supposed to feel sorry for these guys that they didn't budget their money wisely to the point that they couldn't afford basic necessities? I expect the lot of them to have opened up savings accounts or something like that, so that they could have money for a bit. Not to mention that WWE probably dangled a No-Compete in front of their faces, meaning that if they accept it, they get paid for a while yet to come while they line up other work. Speaking of work, if you were a decent name in WWE with some recognizability, while the work isn't guaranteed, you'll still be alright in the indys or Japan. Getting released by WWE isn't the end of the world, and this type of stuff is the nature of any type of business.

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Boo fucking hoo.


People get fired and layed off every day. In most companies, what we saw today from WWE happens monthly and not just 20 people but add another couple zeros to that.


Because they are wrestlers, doesnt mean we should feel sympathy for them getting canned. 



I never said we had to feel sympathy for them, I just said that wishing that certain wrestlers would get released was fucked up.

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Don't wish harm on people.  Saying you hope someone gets released is kind a dick thing to say, no offense.  They have families to support you know.


I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job.


They still have to eat though.


Boo fucking hoo.


People get fired and layed off every day. In most companies, what we saw today from WWE happens monthly and not just 20 people but add another couple zeros to that.


Because they are wrestlers, doesnt mean we should feel sympathy for them getting canned.



I didn't say we had to feel sympathy for them. I just think them getting released isn't cool & shouldn't be made light of. They may be bad in the ring & WWE may need to cut down on their budget but they're still people. I understand that laying people off is neccessary though. I can just relate a bit because I know what it's like to be without a job (I've been tryin to get a damn job for the longest with no success).

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I figured it out.


These releases are coming just a week after Hogan made his huge return. They need to free up money to pay him, as well as his returning parter, Brutus!






I will say that I seriously feel sorry for some of these guys, especially those who seemingly worked really hard.

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Spike responds to his firing:


I'M BACK!!!!!!!!


And in more ways than one. First, yes I'm gone from the WWE. Does it sting? Hell, yeah. Especially since I've always been one of their "model" employees. It makes sense that I was released, I don't bitch, moan, groan or suck. I just didn't fit in with what the WWE puts on tv. No, I'm only kidding (but not really). It was my turn and that's the nature of the beast. The WWE is a sinking ship. Cursed by owning 100% of the industry, I can see how they couldn't afford my outrageous salary in these times of number crunching. Hey, they gave me a great oppurtunity and maybe I didn't make the most of it. That's life. At first I was pissed, but I woke up this morning feeling, I don't know, alive. Check this out, this morning I woke up and visioned having a wrestling match without a script. I visioned going to an arena and actually having fun again. I visioned not having to go to the hospital after being hurt by a "future" WWE superstar who may look good but have the wrestling ability of a dead walrus. I visioned pitching an angle without having to get approval from writers who 6 years ago were buying ECW tickets and making signs (it's true). Hell, I visioned blading!!! I really don't want to burn bridges (if I haven't already) and all that, but that company sucks the life out of you and then spits you out. Enough on them.


I want to love wreslting again. I want to be passionate about the business. It's been so good to me, I want to give back. I don't know how yet, but it will happen.


Right now, I'm going to chill. I've got some time to sit back and re-evaluate life, smell some roses and get my head straight. I doubt you've seen the last of me. And if anything it's a blessing. Nothing sucks worse than working for a company that doesn't respect you. Paul E. (God bless him) proved that to me. Now I don't have to worry about it.


Majik, you f'n rock. Big boost this morning, thank you. I"ll be in touch.


Everyone in Dudlyeville, you all are the best. My many thanks to everyone for the support and love you've shown. Now that I'm on my own I will be back more often, so it's fun time. I can't name everyone but you know who you are. Keep the faith, and if anyone is hiring get in touch.


Thanks guys,

Spike "no more tears" Dudley


From www.spikedudley.net

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Guest *KNK*
What does that mean, "if WWE sticks to their word"?


They promised to bring Noble back?


Gibson never would said they "promised". Its the iwc spinning it to make it look like WWE lied again

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Bring him AND Nidia back! :)


I loved their work together.


I don't understand why someone wouldn't answer their phone today. What good does that do? It's not like WWE is going to go "Well this guy wont answer the phone, I guess we can't fire him so he'll stay with us. Now on to the next person on the list!"

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Guest *KNK*
Bring him AND Nidia back! :)


I loved their work together.


I don't understand why someone wouldn't answer their phone today. What good does that do? It's not like WWE is going to go "Well this guy wont answer the phone, I guess we can't fire him so he'll stay with us. Now on to the next person on the list!"


Blind hope.


That person just might not be home or carrying his cell. They can leave a message and fire him cant they?

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I think WWE should have a poll on the internet where we can pick the top five or so people for them to fire. Not just for kicks, but for them to really go by. You know, something like Taboo Tuesday.


That would be fun.

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I'm guessing two out of the following three will be next: Ivory, Victoria, Trish. They won't pose for Playboy, and they don't look like Stacy.


I had a whole rant on why this mass release is more stupid and petty than economics, but I'll reserve judgment, since it's obvious that the WWE isn't done cutting people whose time they wasted.

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Guest *KNK*
I'm guessing two out of the following three will be next:  Ivory, Victoria, Trish.  They won't pose for Playboy, and they don't look like Stacy.


I had a whole rant on why this mass release is more stupid and petty than economics, but I'll reserve judgment, since it's obvious that the WWE isn't done cutting people whose time they wasted.


Trish has to be on the upper echelon of the bulletproof names. Vicky and Ivory are fair game.

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Wow, they released the Dudleys. Didn't see that one coming. Nor did I see Matt Morgan being released.


To the Dudleys: Since you'll probably be in the indie circuit, some advice: If you see New Jack, RUN.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
I'm guessing two out of the following three will be next:  Ivory, Victoria, Trish.  They won't pose for Playboy, and they don't look like Stacy.


I always thought my Trish was much more attractive and interesting than Keibler. However, if the WWE is continuously out to look for younger women with diva searches instead of focusing on what talent they have, then yeah, it's time for Trish to go (she's only 30 but in "model years" that's past prime).


I would hope Trish and Victoria would go the Molly high road out rather than wait for the divas to crowd them out.

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First, I have to say that the image JoeDirt posted was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


Anyways, even though a lot of people did lose their jobs today, you just gotta accept it. It's the nature of the beast that is WWE. I mean it's not like any of them are irreplacable. It's not like any of them were over (outside the Dudleys and arguably Haas). And it's not like there aren't a couple thousand people working on the indies, not to mention the mass of people in OVW and Deep South Wrestling, that they could either sign or bring up. When you know that you're going to have less income withing the next few months, you make some sacrifices, keep things you can afford (with maybe a luxury item here or there), and buy things at a lower price that are just as good as what you got rid of. Like it or not, all the workers cut were expendable.


Think about it. If you were a mark, would you really even notice that Maven/Mark Jindrak/*insert person who cut here* was gone?

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First, I have to say that the image JoeDirt posted was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Lol..yes, it is, I especially love the search bar part of the graphic.

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