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Horseshit, I got 3 red lights again.


Anyone that's had the problem recently, how are the turnaround times? The last time I had it I called the day they announced the 1-year warranty upgrade, had the box the next day and had it back by the end of the week.

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Okay, this TVersity looks pretty cool.


Edit: Wow. Once you get it configured the way you want it, it's awesome. I can watch all my videos, regardless of codec.

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To update on what's happened with my 360...


It's completely went now. I can't even boot the system now.


The good thing is, Microsoft is sending me a box with prepaid shipping, so everything should work out.


The seller was willing to send me a new system, but wanted me to pay the S&H...So I figured this would be the best idea, financially speaking. Plus, I doubt my 360 repaired will break.

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Older, it was.


Looking forward to the 360 Naruto game coming out at the end of this month. Yeah, it's a licensed game, and I'm lukewarm at best on the licensed property, but it's from Ubisoft Montreal (the Prince of Persia/Assassin's Creed studio) and it's been in the works for a couple years. The gameplay seems to be PoP + Crackdown's hyper skills + sandbox structure and missions.


Found a video preview with lots of gameplay footage:

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GH3 demo available on Live. Good thing they got it out there well before the release date to build the word of mouth.


Im all honesty though, I do like the demo. There's a BIG jump in difficulty from Medium to Hard. I love Evenflow on Hard. Lot of fun to play.

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The GH3 demo is useless if you don't own the 360 guitar, right?


Is there a converter for the PS2 version, or a universal guitar for either system?

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To update on what's happened with my 360...


It's completely went now. I can't even boot the system now.


The good thing is, Microsoft is sending me a box with prepaid shipping, so everything should work out.


The seller was willing to send me a new system, but wanted me to pay the S&H...So I figured this would be the best idea, financially speaking. Plus, I doubt my 360 repaired will break.

Don't be so sure; I sent mine back in August of 06 (given, this was right when they announced the one-year warranty on three red lights...literally, the day they announced it I sent in my request) and it just conked on me Monday, so it's not perfect once it's shipped back.

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That is true. The thing is, my 360 began acting up litterally, the moment I got it from the Seller on Ebay. I'm actually amazed I got as much as I did out of the thing by babying it. So I don't trust anything I would get from the seller. Free repair = Good repair.


I WOULD give the seller negative feedback (Because, obviously, he gave me a defective "In mint condition" item) but the seller was pretty cool about things. I won't give him positive feedback, for good reason, but I think his communication deserves a neutral atleast. I'll just have to try and use that comment space as effectively as possible.

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Ign has a review up for Naruto 360.


As exclusives reviews tend to be, it's quite a bit on the positive side. BUT, looks really solid from top to bottom: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/831/831258p1.html.


As you learn and improve your Jutsu the single-player world opens up. With the highest level of Chakra Concentration, you can scale the tallest buildings in Konoha and find all new areas for exploration. You can even use this power to eventually walk on water. The stronger Naruto grows, the better the campaign gets. And it ends in a no-holds-barred brawl with some tough enemies. Once it is over (in 6-8 hours), you can continue to run around Konoha and do odd jobs for people in attempt to win them over (and earn more Achievements). But by this point, you should be ready for the true meat of Naruto: Rise of a Ninja -- the multiplayer.


Sounds kind of like Crackdown with the skill-building. I'll definitely rent at least.

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So I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get myself a 360 and most likely a gold Live Membership by the end of the year. Only two questions left: 1) Do I even consider used 360s as an option? & 2) Is it worth the extra cash to spring for an Elite?

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So I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get myself a 360 and most likely a gold Live Membership by the end of the year. Only two questions left: 1) Do I even consider used 360s as an option? & 2) Is it worth the extra cash to spring for an Elite?


1) I wouldn't.


2) All you're getting is 120 GB instead of 20 GB. If you don't intend to download a lot of TV shows, you'll be fine just as long as you delete old demos. Purchased items can be redownloaded, too.

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1) Do I even consider used 360s as an option?


Unless you know exactly how much coverage remains on it (the older it is, the less of that 3 years RROD coverage there is, and likely used 360s with have little or no 1 year standard warranty remaining), I'd say forget it.


& 2) Is it worth the extra cash to spring for an Elite?


Are you going to download TV shows and movies to your 360? Does IPTV sound like a feature you might use down the line? Do you see yourself purchasing *lots* and *lots* of DLC?


If you answered "No" to all of those, then it isn't worth it. The only difference between *currently shipping* Elites and standard 360s is color and hard drive size (ever since HDMI became standardized. If you look for the "standard" 360 (i.e. not the Core/Arcade or Elite), the inclusion of an HDMI port should be a good indicator that it's got at least the extra heatsink installed.


*However*, due to limited supplies in relation to the standard, Elites are carried by retailers in smaller quantities, and likely any given number of Elites you see should have been put in the shelves not long ago.


The Halo 3 models are naturally pretty new, just ugly and only available in standard. I still think MS should have had a Halo 3 "Elite" Elite rather than shitty Todd MacFarlane art controllers or that green turd 360, but they'd probably make it almost as ugly.

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They are giving Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance with the new Premiums (along with the HDMI and new heatsync) so I would personally (and did) go with that.

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That sound you hear is my gut wrenching, as the Guilty Gear 2 demo is made available to Japanese users. Oh man, I wanna play so BAD.


And FYI, The Xbox 360 Arcade, gimped as it may be, DOES have an HDMI port.

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And FYI, The Xbox 360 Arcade, gimped as it may be, DOES have an HDMI port.


Yeah, one thing I appreciate about the 360 is that even the base model is fully upgradable to have the same functionality as the Premium. You're just going to lack the Premium's chrome drive tray cover.


Which is why PS3 defenders' "Core 360 can't play xbox1 games!!" argument doesn't gel, because you can still get that functionality later.

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That sound you hear is my gut wrenching, as the Guilty Gear 2 demo is made available to Japanese users. Oh man, I wanna play so BAD.


Oh cool. I'll go download it with my Japanese Live account. :)


Here's how to make one yourself, Thoth, so you can download and play demos that are released in Japan first:


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Scroll down. :P


GG2 wasn't so hot, at least from what I played.


I picked up Naruto Rise of a Ninja, though. Ubi Montreal pulled off a really fun little game. The fighting engine is simple button-tap stuff (think like the DBZ Budokai games), but I enjoy the platforming and exploration. Feels a tad like Crackdown once you get stuff like the sprint and double jump, but I still feel more games need to borrow Crackdown's skill progression, rather than giving you X skill after event Y, or whatever.

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New update on the 360 situation:


Xbox Repair is saying they have shipped the 360 back to me today. That means they had the unit for a maximum of one day. I think they received it today, and it's already being sent back.


A part of me is excited...but there's also warning bells going off in my head. I did everything they told me to, but this quick turn around says the problem was either really easy to fix, they are just giving me another unit, or their shipping it back without repair due to finding internal tampering.


As I've stated before, I bought the 360 off Ebay in "Like new condition" which we've since determined to be "bullshit". Now the possibility becomes that I've been further screwed by the seller/previous owner having went into the system and tampered with it.


If the system HAS been tampered with, I'm not entirely sure what to do about it. My only options would be to contact the seller, or go through ebay/paypal. At this point, I'd rather get my money back from the seller if that is the case then deal with getting another unit from them. I'd ALSO like to keep the defective 360 if only for the goddamn trouble I've been put through. That way if I got my money, I could just spring for a new warranty and get it fixed...but I somehow doubt that would happen.


This has been another installment in: "The ongoing trials of Hawk"

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They always just send you a new unit instead of actually waiting to repair the one that you sent in. Thats just how they do it and it makes sense. You are just shell shocked from this whole exchange. Everything is fine, and you will be xbox playing again tommorrow.

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They always just send you a new unit instead of actually waiting to repair the one that you sent in.


Well, "new" to you at least. Or have they stopped doing the refurbs?

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Oh no, they are refurbs. I meant it as "New to you".


I guess "different" would have been the better word for it.

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I got the 360 today...Vast improvement over the old system. This is much quieter. The old one sounded like it was gonna take off in flight. This one doesn't even really make any noise.


They also gave me a one month Gold Subscription. An appology letter. A brand new warranty. AND Call of Duty 2.


I think they just made me into an even bigger fan of the console with all that. I just got done playing Call of Duty 2...Fun game. I'm very new to these intelligent squad realistic based shooters. I've only really played a few of the Rainbow Six games (Which I found the AI to be pretty stupid), and the Medal of Honor: Airborne demo. So new experience for me.

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What the hell did you do? I was on my second ship-back and I got the same console I sent them, complete with power drill disc drive and I only got the apology and a month of XBL. I want a game and a new warranty, damn it.

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I could be wrong about the warranty. I haven't gotten everything set up on Xbox repairs yet to check...but I'm pretty sure it says that they've given me a new one for this new system.


As for COD2...I really have no idea why they sent me that.

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