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Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

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I wonder if next week Batista will appear out of the crowd during Smackdown, go after Booker only to be restrained by referees and agents before grabbing a microphone and calling Sharmell a whore, Booker "Huffman" a bastard and then screaming "Come see me on Extreme Championship Wrestling, ECW!" before being dragged out of the arena. It's quite obvious they are running out of ideas so this could still possibly happen.


Batista Hardy, Version 2? :lol:

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Fuck the whole idea of Batista going to ECW. I hate the man, and what' seven worse is you are suggesting he does the same program that Matt Hardy did when Edge came back.

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Fuck the whole idea of Batista going to ECW. I hate the man, and what' seven worse is you are suggesting he does the same program that Matt Hardy did when Edge came back.


I was implying that running two "shoot" angles so close to one another just shows they are so desperate for ideas, as the ECW revival shows, they are rehashing ones that aren't even a year old, just doing it on the other brand. I wasn't implying Batista will got to ECW, I was just making a joke you were obviously too stupid to understand.

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Did they report when Goldberg and Jericho got in a fight in 2003? I'm really confused about this, if it was a work then they wouldn't be playing Booker T as the good guy.


I remember it was reported at the time, and Jericho himself veryfied it several times on different interviews. He said that he had Goldberg in a headlock or something that he wasn't able to escape from, so essentially he humilliated him. I haven't heard Goldberg's version of the facts, though, or if there were any to begin with.

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Foley is acting like it was shoot in his latest blog entry.




I really hated to hear about the fight between Booker T and Batista. I like both guys, and wish whatever bad blood had been brewing could have been worked out some other way. Or at the very least, if another way couldn’t be found, maybe the bloodshed and mayhem could have taken place in a WWE ring.

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This was a shoot IMO, but could be turned into a storyline later on. Storylines based on shoots usually work really well.


Matt and Edge, disprove this.

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This was a shoot IMO, but could be turned into a storyline later on. Storylines based on shoots usually work really well.


Matt and Edge, disprove this.


The fans say other wise.


Arguable the best fued of 2005.

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Watching Smackdown right now and Booker T is sporting a black eye with no explanation.

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Guest mrperfect_

Yeah honestly, that Matt Hardy feud was really anti climactic..


It could have been done SO much better.

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Watching Smackdown right now and Booker T is sporting a black eye with no explanation.



It's called make up.

It's called being black.

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Yeah honestly, that Matt Hardy feud was really anti climactic..


It could have been done SO much better.


Just like the Invasion angle, just like Rey's current booking, just like... most everything in McMahon-land in quite some time.


Other than Melina doing the splits. That's the BEST THING EVER!

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Did they report when Goldberg and Jericho got in a fight in 2003? I'm really confused about this, if it was a work then they wouldn't be playing Booker T as the good guy.


I remember it was reported at the time, and Jericho himself veryfied it several times on different interviews. He said that he had Goldberg in a headlock or something that he wasn't able to escape from, so essentially he humilliated him. I haven't heard Goldberg's version of the facts, though, or if there were any to begin with.


Yeah even Bret Hart wrote something about it to.

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Guest Heel Heat
I'm pretty sure they didn't report it on WWE.com. Back in those days they weren't so keen on reporting those kind of news as they are now.


Most likely because they know now that reporting something online means that it'll get instant heat whether its a work or not because of threads like this one. Theyyre smarter than you think, even the people that are saying that this is a dumb angle will watch to see how it plays out on television when Batista comes back.

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Watching Smackdown right now and Booker T is sporting a black eye with no explanation.



It's called make up.

I'm not saying it's shoot or worked because honestly I don't really care. Just thought I'd post that his eye was almost swollen closed because they broadcast Smackdown early over here and someone might be interested.

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Watching Smackdown right now and Booker T is sporting a black eye with no explanation.



It's called make up.

I'm not saying it's shoot or worked because honestly I don't really care. Just thought I'd post that his eye was almost swollen closed because they broadcast Smackdown early over here and someone might be interested.

Cole mentioned the "fight" during the broadcast. Ergo, work.

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From Wade Keller:

Edit: Lifted from Inside Pulse in case someone has the direct source for comparison.


The recent Booker T/Dave Batista fight started because of Batista's mouth. During the Summerslam commercial shoot, Batista consistently mouthed off about the Smackdown brand. He badmouthed the other workers, saying that the show could not draw without him around to pull in ratings, and that everyone was hoping he would heal from his injuries quick enough to come back and "save the show". He consistently degraded the quality of the Smackdown shows, saying that they "just haven't been the same" since he left, and kept pointing out that Raw was clearly the superior show.


While these comments were what led directly to the fight, the tensions between Batista and the rest of the roster had been building for some time. Since the departure of Brock Lesnar, Batista has believed himself to be "above" the rest of the roster, and has claimed on several occasions to be on the same level as The Rock, Steve Austin and Triple H. While his ego never seemed to be a problem backstage before his injury, he's always been prideful of his friendship with Triple H, even going so far as to point out to other workers that he's friends with "management".


The fight clearly did not favor Big Dave, however, as Booker was definitely taking the upper hand before Sharmell pulled him off of Batista. Batista has claimed that he was protecting his injured arm, thus giving a reason for losing the fight.


All parties agreed not to talk about the fight, mainly because Batista did get dominated and WWE brass doesn't want the public to know that one of the brand's main drawing cards was decisively beaten in a real fight by someone who's not supposed to be in his league.




Can see why Booker was pissed.

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but Batista was still pretty much a lacky in Evolution ON RAW when Brock left. ....so how can he put himself "above the roster". That, ergo, puts himself above those on Raw too, and only an idiot would put themselves on Austin and Rock's level at this point in time in a career.


Whomever wrote that, Keller aside, is an idiot.



ALSO... Booker T said the same things as a storyline when he went to Smackdown, so it's hilarious that he is the one in this storyline defending the name of the show.

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Batista was badmouthing Smackdown! before he went there, so if this was shoot (as I believe it as at this point with WWE.com just trying to captalize on being first to break the story) then it definitly is not coming out of the blue.

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Yeah honestly, that Matt Hardy feud was really anti climactic..


It could have been done SO much better.

Vince has forgotten that for a fued or even a match to be interesting, there has to be some belief that either guy could win. One guy winning every time kills any drama leading to the finish.

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