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ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

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RVD was not treated like a jobber. I don't like Cena but it would have been idiotic for WWE to have him come off looking like a pussy because he's their flag-bearer for Raw, which we've heard that they're treating as THE show. They can establish ECW perfectly well by having Heyman and RVD tell Vince to fuck himself when he tries to strip them of the title.


Who is saying he needed to come off like a pussy? They could have easily done the spot where Heyman comes down to make the count WITHOUT Edge ever interfering.

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I'm not saying Sandman isn't over. He is obviously. I just think the reaction for him tonight could have been better, and having the actual "Enter Sandman" song would have helped.


The music really really really matters when it comes to guys like him/Dreamer/New Jack etc....


The music certainly adds a little to certain wrestlers, but I just don't like the fact that some people say the fans will completely shit on Sandman because he lost his theme music. They certainly proved tonight that there is more to Sandman than just the music.


I don't think anyone here was trying to shit on the Sandman. It's just that the music is so important for a guy like him, that it isn't the same when he doesn't have his original music. It takes away from the charachter/aura.

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You can't even really compare this year's ONS to last year's, they're in totally different contexts. Last year the show was a one-off nostalgia trip, this year it was to relaunch the brand.

this bears repeating....come on, guys. If you can't figure out those two sentences, you really need to get a cluepon.

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Wow. Does everyone really feel like the PPV finish sucked? I don't post much in the WWE folder but what did you want to see? RVD to win the belt and pull a Shane at the PPV. That was a shoot for a reason... what promoter would let their flagship belt get basically pissed on.


Even though it was bittersweet to most, this was the finish that made the most sense and should've happened. And this is coming from a Philly guy that grew up hearing about and seeing ECW on network TV.


It protected Cena, set up Vengence and still gave ECW a claim at the belt. After Monday, they can talk shit on their cable TV debut about how Vince screwed them and figuratively throw it down then.


Bye the way, Edge's run in was the OMG HOLY SHT moment in my mind. JBL and Sandman/Eugene were pretty good shocks I guess, but really, how surreal is it that after the heat he got for pinning Beulah the way he did, EDGE, got a damn "Thank you, Edge" chant!


PPV gets a thumbs up just for the great little stuff RVD/Cena did with the crowd, but I'd err on the side of caution to buy it if you can get over the little things. They were there and will be jarring to most. This wasn't as great nostalga-wise as last year, but it wasn't supposed to be and I enjoyed it.

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:huh: I liked it.


The crowd made this show especially during the main event.


As for Enter Sandman, surely the crowd in NY could have sang it.


This PPV could have used another match,


I think Sabu should have won the belt and RVD could have lost. Then RVD and Sabu could have feuded over the belt.


At the end of the PPV, there weren't that many wrestlers in the ring. Last year, the ring was full of wrestlers and they weren't trying to start a promotion.

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RVD was not treated like a jobber. I don't like Cena but it would have been idiotic for WWE to have him come off looking like a pussy because he's their flag-bearer for Raw, which we've heard that they're treating as THE show. They can establish ECW perfectly well by having Heyman and RVD tell Vince to fuck himself when he tries to strip them of the title.


Who is saying he needed to come off like a pussy? They could have easily done the spot where Heyman comes down to make the count WITHOUT Edge ever interfering.

The 3,000 people in the crowd chanting "Thank you, Edge!" makes me believe like the ECW faithful didn't give a fuck about the interference. If they didn't care, what the fuck are you bitching about? You sound like one of those people who watched the main feature of Rise & Fall of ECW and then decided "OMG ECW! IM HARDCORE!" Shut up, impostor.

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You can't even really compare this year's ONS to last year's, they're in totally different contexts. Last year the show was a one-off nostalgia trip, this year it was to relaunch the brand.

this bears repeating....come on, guys. If you can't figure out those two sentences, you really need to get a cluepon.

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The crowd basically made this show. If they do a show like this in front of a Smackdown crowd...Ugh. The generic music, the Sabu/Rey non-finish and the main event made me feel like I was watching an early TNA show with Cena in Jarrett's role.



From Keller's PPV Report on PWTorch.com:

STAR RATING: **3/4 -- Decent match, really bad finish. In the end, though, RVD got his ass kicked for several minutes, the announcers put over Cena as being impressively hardcore, and then RVD won on as big of a fluke finish as you can dream up with Edge doing the real damage and Heyman making the count.

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You guys are hilarious.


What really matters is what happens on Tuesday night, the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi. That is their chance to establish their own identity.


Of course Cena was going to be booked strong. You guys born yesterday?


This was a mixed WWE/ECW event, so yes it had a lot of WWE in it. The question is what will happen in a solely ECW event. We'll find out in 2 days.


So all the "OMG ECW IS DEAD TO ME NOW" can just hold up a couple of days. Something is on it's deathbed when it hasn't even started yet? Show at least a tiny bit of patience.



You hit the nail on the head. People, you have to remember that right off the bat this PPV lost about 90% of it's significance once Heyman stated two weeks ago that ECW was coming back full time, thus negating the entire "One Night Stant" premise. I mean think about, ECW is back now, so this isn't a One Night Stand.


The Sabu/Rey match ended the way it did to protect both guys, obviously. Rey is a WWE champ, and Sabu is going to be a top player in ECW, it wouldn't have been a good idea for business for either guy to lose clean. Now, not only does neither guy come off looking bad, but it could extend the feud, which so far has produced a hell of a match.


The real test IMO, is going to be the ECW PPV in December, assuming that is the first all ECW event, then really that is going to be the show that puts forth the first 6 months of ECW-only programming. That PPV is going to make or break ECW a lot more then ONS II. From the beginning we knew that ONS II was going to be a mixed event, so it was only fair to assume that the results would be mixed.


Also, regarding Cena getting "Screwed" well I am sorry Jim Ross and WWE fans, but wasn't this an "extreme rules" match? So the Edge interference is perfectly OK. Now, whether or not it hurts RVD, seeing that it wasn't a clean pin can be debated, but as far as the RULES go, RVD's victory should be valid. The only tweak I would have made is to have had Fonzie run down and make the pin instead of Heyman, since Fonzie was an actual ref, plus why have him backstage and not come out when he fucking MANAGES SABU AND RVD...SERIOUSLY WTF?


And stop bitching and whining about how bad it will hurt RVD, lest we not forget that HHH was AWARDED A FUCKING TITLE BELT ON RAW for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....remember that? How is that any better then this, and you know what, a couple months later, no one cared.


My BIGGEST FEAR to come out of this, and has been in the back of my mind now, is that Vince will do something stupid and not completely serperate ECW/Raw/Smackdown from now on. Now I wouldn't mind annual or semi-annual cross-brand shows, that is fine, but I think each brand needs to have it's own set of belts. Now that RVD is the champ, WWE RAW should have no champion until a they work out a way to have a tournament or #1 contenders matches and the winner at Vengence be declared the new champ. I REALLY DON'T WANT, RVD on the next WWE PPV or hell even RAW having to job the title back. At the LEAST, what they better do have RVD awared the ECW Title Belt and then he can vacate the spinner belt back to Raw for them.

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What I have learned from the last few pages of this thread is that the entire point of existence of ECW is wrapped up in one Metallica song that anyone can download for free, or at worst case buy for $12.99.


Who would have thought an entire promotion could be based on one 4 minute song?


Maybe I'll just fire up my "Apocalyptica plays Metallica" CD...look I just made an entire wrestling promotion obsolete with my exciting new tech called "a CD player."

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You can't even really compare this year's ONS to last year's, they're in totally different contexts. Last year the show was a one-off nostalgia trip, this year it was to relaunch the brand.

this bears repeating....come on, guys. If you can't figure out those two sentences, you really need to get a cluepon.

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I'm waiting for the follow up on Monday.

It just seems at the end of all of this, this PPV was about using a show that should have been all about splitting off a new brand and turning it into an angle to set up a Vengance PPV.


I'll see how they treat RVD and ECW on Monday.

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RVD was not treated like a jobber. I don't like Cena but it would have been idiotic for WWE to have him come off looking like a pussy because he's their flag-bearer for Raw, which we've heard that they're treating as THE show. They can establish ECW perfectly well by having Heyman and RVD tell Vince to fuck himself when he tries to strip them of the title.


Who is saying he needed to come off like a pussy? They could have easily done the spot where Heyman comes down to make the count WITHOUT Edge ever interfering.

The 3,000 people in the crowd chanting "Thank you, Edge!" makes me believe like the ECW faithful didn't give a fuck about the interference. If they didn't care, what the fuck are you bitching about? You sound like one of those people who watched the main feature of Rise & Fall of ECW and then decided "OMG ECW! IM HARDCORE!" Shut up, impostor.


Ouch, that hurt.


What the crowd full of ECW diehards thought isn't all that important because they would have loved any ending that resulted in RVD getting the title. The problem is that to the general wrestling audience it looks like Cena dominated the match, and then lost due to Edge interfering.


The entire Starrcade 97 crowd went batshit when Sting beat Hogan for the title, of course after about 24 hours, the novelty wore off and everyone realized what a joke of a finish it was, and it made the title victory look like garbage.

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Hey, I'd have settled for the Motorhead version. Or would HHH have been jealous?


I don't think RVD will be on Raw again after tomorrow night. He hasn't been on many Raw house shows of late and isn't advertised at all for Vengeance. I'm reasonably sure tomorrow night will be the last night of RVD on Raw, or any ECW guys on Raw for the forseeable future. I can see the SD crossovers more since that is taped the same night.

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This show sucked. Fuck relaunching the brand, there are other ways to do that than make RVD look like shit for needing Edges help to finish Cena and then to have Paul fucking Heyman make the pin count. It totally screamed out "this won't last", so why does it even matter if RVD won tonight since it was clearly a disputable finish. I don't even like RVD, but this was not the way to relaunch a brands champion.


Ballz/Tanaka put me over the hedge for buying this show, and they gave it less than five fucking minutes and it ended in a single fucking chairshot. Totally ruined the show for me. And then...


They couldn't even have Sandman come out to the right fucking music. This is going to be a disaster. They actually thought he could come out and do his schtick without the music - there wasn't a fraction of the heat the dude had last year tonight. If they thought that was a good idea, its guaranteed this WWE venture will suck. Hope is gone.


And Kurt Angle is the worst worked shooter I have ever seen. John fucking Tenta was better than Kurt Angle.

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I was looking at ECW.com and out of the 5 matches that had "ECW" talent (Kurt counted as "ECW" talent, just cuz) against WWE talent, ECW won 3 of the matches, drew one of them, and lost one.


Now note, that I didn't see the PPV and I'm going off of reports and this thread, but coming out of this PPV, the two guys coming out of this PPV strongest are Sabu (who was booked as equal to the World Champion) and Edge. However, you can make an argument that Sabu didn't come out of the PPV looking all that good seeing how just about everyone's beaten Rey recently. You could also make an argument that RVD looks a bit better after tonight seeing how in less than 7 days, he defeated both Raw and Smackdown's World Champions, winning the title from Cena. Then again, the win wasn't clean (I didn't see the match so I'm not quite sure if Cena dominated or not). On the other hand, Cena has been protected by WWE on an Austin-ish level. This is off the top of my head, but isn't the only person with a victory over Cena in a singles match, this year, Edge? And that victory was after Cena went through the Elimination Chamber. Therefore, RVD is the only person other than Edge to have beaten Cena in a title match. There are a lot of ways you could look at tonight, many positive, many negitive. It just depends on how you feel. But keep in mind that the entire picture has not been revealed and none of us here really knows what's going to happen between this moment and the end of the first ECW on Sci-Fi.


Personally, I'm still in "wait and see" mode and have been since the new ECW was announced, so I'm not making a call until I've gotten a chance to see "ECW" work "independently" from the WWE. And I'm not harboring any illusions that it'll be the ECW from years back that had the Dreamer/Raven feud or any of that stuff people today remember fondly. All signs point to ECW being a developmental brand, feeding talent to Smackdown just as Smackdown feeds talent to Raw. Though that doesn't neccessarily mean it'll be bad. OVW proved that some damn good stuff can come out of developmental, so who knows?


But yeah, just some observations from someone who hasn't seen the PPV yet.

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Guest panthermatt7
What I have learned from the last few pages of this thread is that the entire point of existence of ECW is wrapped up in one Metallica song that anyone can download for free, or at worst case buy for $12.99.


Who would have thought an entire promotion could be based on one 4 minute song?


Maybe I'll just fire up my "Apocalyptica plays Metallica" CD...look I just made an entire wrestling promotion obsolete with my exciting new tech called "a CD player."


dude... apocalyptica RULES.

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You don't have to wait and see. It was pretty obvious the direction they are going with this ECW. And it's an awful direction. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking fool.

Except one thing.


Weren't reports that this PPV was booked mostly by WWE people.


Whereas, thus far, the rumors are Heyman is booking ECW v.3 (V.1 was Eastern, V.2 was Extreme)

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You don't have to wait and see. It was pretty obvious the direction they are going with this ECW. And it's an awful direction. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking fool.

Except one thing.


Weren't reports that this PPV was booked mostly by WWE people.


Whereas, thus far, the rumors are Heyman is booking ECW v.3 (V.1 was Eastern, V.2 was Extreme)


That's correct, for better or for worse.

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Um no, Sandman really didn't get all that much of a reaction tonight. I'd think his WCW run as Hak showed that he was mostly about the entrance and music.


I dunno what I think of any of it. I'm quite possibly the biggest RVD fan on this entire board, certainly one of the biggest. When he was hurt last year I kept pimping him on here and quite a few people thought I had a hole in my head. I've wanted the guy to get that elusive title win since about 1998 and I knew tonight was the best chance for it.


Frankly, the entire Cena/RVD feud has been booked for shit. Cena wasn't the right guy for this match, despite the crowd trashing him. This match tonight and angle before it needed to be centered around RVD, his quest for the title after 16 years in the business. No mention of him being matched with Taz in 1999, but then Taz signed with the WWF. No mention of him likely to beat Mike Awesome in 2000 before he got hurt. No mention of him coming so close to winning the WWF title and the insane amount of non title wins he's had. In the end, the angle was all about fucking Cena: Can Cena survive the ECW crowd? Was Cena screwed tonight? No offense, but I don't give a shit about Cena in this scenario. This tonight shouldn't have been about him, which is why I almost wish they'd gone with the JBL plan since RVD would have kicked his ass, hit every move in his arsenal, etc. I wanted RVD to pull out all the stops in an epic win. I wanted the somersault into the 5th row. I wanted the Van Daminator. The Van Terminator.


I wouldn't have even had a problem with the Edge aspect of the match if it didn't literally lead to RVD winning. It seemed like they were going for the Goldberg run in on Eddie/Lesnar, but in that match Lesnar actually got a bit of offense after the GB run in, so that you can say it was a token screwy finish, but Eddie in the end won on his own merits (the cheating fits Eddie better anyway, though most of RVD's ECW wins were hardly clean).


GREAT FUCKIN' POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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ECW is a WWE project. Therefore it is booked by WWE morons. Don't fool yourself or let Paul E fool you into thinking there is any autonomy in this WWE project. That bullshit vampire line should have been enough to tell you where Paul E stands in this mess. You actually think Paul E would have given Sandman that generic shit? Or let Sandman come out to that generic shit? And you think Sandman is going to stop coming out to that shit after tonight? You think the WWE is not going to produce this ECW show, which means the same sorta camera angles and cuts and shit like that? You are one dumb naive lil cocksucker if you think that.

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For the record. No one knows what direction the new ECW is going, because for gawd sakes, it doesn't start UNTIL TUESDAY.


People can't seperate ONS from ONS II, they think they should have been the same PPV it seems.

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Here's what Meanie is up to btw:




This new gimmick is awesome. It finally closes the book on the unfinished "Bare Bitch Project" or whatever it was where he walked into the woods. Clearly, he was bitten by a wolf.


Meanie Wolf! I'm sold!

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Foley getting mauled by the fire extinguishers was unexpected and hilarious.


And to add to what Rudo said, I was pissed with some of the camera cuts tonight. It's like they want to hide the highly concealed secret that wrestling is fake by not showing any impact whatsoever either through cutting to bad shots or being too close to get a good luck.


I also must reiterate that live WWE PPVs look atrocious and extremely pixelated on my TV. I can't see why it would be just me. I have sympathy for those with wide-screen TVs and whatnot, it must look like absolute shit on yours. And I want to destroy whoever thought it would be a good idea to do pyro (I think for Orton's entrance) tonight, it made the poor vision even worse.


I would say that right now, ROH comes across 110 times better on the screen.

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Yeah, this show didn't tell us anything about what the new WWE project is about... cept...


The Wrestlers will use Generic WWE Music.

It will be at least 90% WWE guys.

They will wrestle the WWE style with WWE pacing.

There will be much less blood and hardcore trash on the TV shows.

ECW Kurt Angle is a laugh.

There will be similar booking in ECW as there is in WWE.

The production of ECW will be the same as the WWE.

Big Show push #5780 begins where Big Show will squash a bunch of lil guys a lot as they try to rebuild him as a monster and then eventually job him out and then rebuild him, then job him out, then rebuild him, then job him out.

Paul Heyman will make a bunch of worthless speeches.

Styles and Tazz will be very annoying on commentary.


Oh, and since the show is filmed infront of WWE arena audiences, the fans tonight are gone from those shows. And can you imagine what ECW, what a show like this, will be like infront of a WWE arena audience?


The direction is pretty clear, skippy, and it's no good.

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