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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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That could just be a Cheesecake Factory trend, actually.


My wife and I went there the other night, and there was this lady there with her husband (who had on one of those ridiculous bluetooth ear pieces...seriously, dude...you're in a fucking restaurant. Take that shit off) and she was yelling for her "Damn drink already!" after ordering, maybe, 30 seconds before she yelled for it. She told some random busboy who happened by her to the clean the table next to them to "Bring my drink or you'll regret it...understand?" He just kinda smiled and chuckled and walked away. Somehow, I doubt that couple fucks, and when they do, it's probably veeeeeeeery wooden. Insert, move around a bit, "I'm done, good night."


Back to bluetooth things: I hate those fucking things. Especially when someone walks by you and they're talking into it, but you don't know they have one on, so you just think they're crazy. And it's become the new latté: Every business douche either has one or is getting one.

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I don't like people who put dead relatives on clothing as tributes

I feel the same way about memorials on rear windshields


You beat me to it. That shit is pretty embarrassing if you ask me.

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I don't like people who put dead relatives on clothing as tributes

I feel the same way about memorials on rear windshields


You beat me to it. That shit is pretty embarrassing if you ask me.


Everytime I see one I just think "he died dealing drugs or in some gang related accident". That's probably wrong and completely douche-baggy of me, but whatever.


I'm starting to agree with the Tapout shirt sentiment. I was at Buffalo Wild Wings last night and there were a ton of guys wearing them and it was always the same damn guy. Frat-boyish guy that's muscular and wearing it waaaay too tight, and he's got his hat on in some stupid way.

Seriously I understand it's a sports clothing brand, like Nike or Adidas, but at least different kinds of people wear those. I really only ever see one guy wearing a Tapout shirt.


I also picture these guys being the kind that took one BJJ class and now they think they're a tough guy or they think they can fight because they watch UFC. Reminds me of the kid in Elementary School that told everyone he was great at karate because he watched Power Rangers and played Mortal Kombat.

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LOL, I knew someone like that in elementary school (watches Power Rangers, therefore he's into martial arts). He started taking karate class and was bragging that if the Putty Patrol was real, he could beat them.


This same kid also would argue with me over whether Mortal Kombat was a better game than Street Fighter II. I claimed that Street Fighter was better, and his entire argument was that Mortal Kombat was superior based only on the violence. I thought that was pretty retarded logic back then, and I was like 12.

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me of the kid in Elementary School that told everyone he was great at karate because he watched Power Rangers and played Mortal Kombat.



these could actually be the very same people.

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I claimed that Street Fighter was better, and his entire argument was that Mortal Kombat was superior based only on the violence. I thought that was pretty retarded logic back then, and I was like 12.


Well, I do agree that SFII is better, but if the violence were what he liked the best, I suppose it would work for him.


Come to think of it, the violence was essentially the only reason I liked MK. Maybe true of a lot of kids.

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I'm still pissed that the best character Kano was only in the first.*


*This statement made on the fact that he wasn't in the next two which is all I played. He might have showed up in MK:Jumping Monkey Fist II Gamma or something I wouldn't know.

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Yeah, he's in the later ones. They really made him super, super badass too.


Because of the movie, he was retconned into an Australian.

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Guest Smues
I'm still pissed that the best character Kano was only in the first.*


*This statement made on the fact that he wasn't in the next two which is all I played. He might have showed up in MK:Jumping Monkey Fist II Gamma or something I wouldn't know.


I'm pretty sure he was in MK3.

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For some reason I really hated Kano. He was the guy I practiced all of my fatalities on. I was actually disappointed that he wasn't in II to use as a practice dummy.

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Back to bluetooth things: I hate those fucking things. Especially when someone walks by you and they're talking into it, but you don't know they have one on, so you just think they're crazy. And it's become the new latté: Every business douche either has one or is getting one.



A buddy of mine had an idea to hand those out to homeless people that talk to their selfs, so that people wouldn't think they're too crazy.

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I'm still pissed that the best character Kano was only in the first.*


*This statement made on the fact that he wasn't in the next two which is all I played. He might have showed up in MK:Jumping Monkey Fist II Gamma or something I wouldn't know.


I'm pretty sure he was in MK3.


I might be mistaken, all I know is he wasn't in MK2 which made me a sad panda. And he wasn't in whatever other version of the game I played.


Anyone else remember how freakin' cheap Scorpion was in the original game? If you had any sense of timing you should never lose with Scorpion in the first game, Spear, uppercut, spear them in mid-air, rinse and repeat to a Flawless Victory.

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Everyone bashing on Transformers in the movie forum reminded me of something else that annoys me: movie snobs. My friend met this other guy that's started hanging out with us sometimes that's just a huge movie snob. If it makes money then he hates it because the masses don't understand what a good movie is and if they're paying that much to watch it then it must suck.

IMO movies are subjective. What you like someone else may not like. But, he's one of those guys that's like "No this movie sucks end of story. This movie was a piece of art. If you can't see it then you're an idiot." I hate that.

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That's true in a very general sense, but there are people who just don't get movies. Like all the people who say Citizen Kane sucks. Fuck you, you don't like movies.


I'll admit that I am a snob (it's part of my unsettling recent realization that I am a nerd), but I keep my hyperbolic comments between my snob friends and I. Anti-snobs are worse. You're not proving a point about freedom of choice because you like shitty movies and don't know quality when it smacks you in your low, sloping forehead.

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That's true in a very general sense, but there are people who just don't get movies. Like all the people who say Citizen Kane sucks. Fuck you, you don't like movies.


I'll admit that I am a snob (it's part of my unsettling recent realization that I am a nerd), but I keep my hyperbolic comments between my snob friends and I. Anti-snobs are worse. You're not proving a point about freedom of choice because you like shitty movies and don't know quality when it smacks you in your low, sloping forehead.


I'm not anti-snob. I just don't like being told that I have to hate a movie I liked because it didn't meet some impossibly high standard.

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Well, I didn't necessarily mean you. This is just the things that anger you thread, and you reminded me of it. I didn't mind Transformers either.

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i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.

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@ Jun 29 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.


People who post in lower case. Use a shift button, assholes.

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@ Jun 29 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.


Opinion snob.


Everytime I read one of your posts I see opinion, opinion, opinion. Quit being so opinionated. Say what you want to as if it were the word of god.

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Movie snob.


Here's my movie snob and his other snob friends (the chick is my friends gf and that's how the movie snob came to be in our group). Well actually they're really snobs with everything: music, movies, art. But, a lot of the time they talk about it like they just want to sound smart. Like if they start talking about how much better this movie is they'll sound smart or if they start describing what makes this thing a good piece of art. The reason I say this is because they try to interject themselves into any conversation about anything. Like when I'm talking about sports and one of them will try to jump in and just start talking about it and expounding on a point using word of the day calendar words.


Anyway here:




You can tell how deep they are by their facial expressions and the fact the photo has been photoshopped to look deep.


The one in the middle once told me movies shouldn't be made for entertainment. They should all be meant to convey a message and to teach us something.

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The one in the middle once told me movies shouldn't be made for entertainment. They should all be meant to convey a message and to teach us something.


And did you know that the PCA once ruled the exact opposite, in response to the the 1945 sex edusploitation film Mom and Dad? To the response that the subject matter was justified because it was educational, they ruled that movies were purely for entertainment, and had no business teaching us anything.


Oh yeah, I just out-snobbed your snob friend right in his snobby face.


Snob Snob

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i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.


People who post in lower case. Use a shift button, assholes.


i used the shift for ARE.




i'm not much into music, but the snobbetry thing transends into other areas. i hate music snobs. and even worse... wrestling snobs. and they ARE the worst, according to me. and really, i'm the only opinion that matters to me.


Opinion snob.


Everytime I read one of your posts I see opinion, opinion, opinion. Quit being so opinionated. Say what you want to as if it were the word of god.


i do not have the word of God. i have the word of a Molly McNobody.


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Firecrackers and the like going off at all hours of the night in the weeks surrounding the 4th of July. Also, neighbors playing music loudly, especially at night. I'm blessed with experiencing both right now. Firecrackers and Three 6 Mafia ballads blasting at 11 on a Sunday night. How lucky?

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