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24 - Season 6

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Kiefer was on Conan Friday and told a story about why the doll was delayed a year. Apparently they sent him the prototype, and not knowing it was the ONLY one made, him and one of the writers or producers or someone from the show had a few drinks and decided to torture the doll, it ended with them setting it on fire and turning it into a little melted pile.


Everytime I see an interview with Kiefer he just tells some story that makes me wanna hang out with him even more, heh

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Agreed with whoever said that about Palmer's sister, I rolled my eyes at that, but the rest was great.


Kumar as a terrorist is pretty funny, but I think I might have trouble believing Shaun Majumder as a terrorist, after seeing his shitty comedy for so long.

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8:00 p.m.

CBS NFL Playoffs/60 Minutes: 19.2/28 -- 32.22 million -- 11.2/25

Fox 24 (season premiere): 8.1/12 -- 14.38 million -- 5.5/12


8:30 p.m.

CBS 60 Minutes : 11.3/18 -- 17.80 million -- 5.1/11

Fox 24 (season premiere): 8.8/13 -- 15.87 million -- 6.0/13



9:00 p.m.

ABC Desperate Housewives: 10.3/15 -- 18.18 million -- 6.5/14

CBS 60 Minutes/Cold Case: 10.8/16 -- 18.73 million -- 4.3/ 9

NBC Apprentice 6: 4.8/ 7 -- 7.22 million -- 2.8/ 6

Fox 24 (season premiere): 9.1/13 -- 16.28 million -- 6.3/14



9:30 p.m.

ABC Desperate Housewives: 10.9/18 -- 17.25 million -- 7.0/15

CBS Cold Case: 8.9/13 -- 13.64 million -- 3.6/ 8

NBC The Apprentice: 4.8/ 7 -- 7.37 million -- 2.9/ 6

Fox 24 (season premiere): 9.1/13 -- 16.22 million -- 6.3/14



These ratings dont matter for crap though, nor will tonights because everyone will be interested in next week when 24 goes up against Heroes. I think its best that 24 got 4 hours worth in before next week. I personally stayed away from Heroes because even with a dual tuner tivo there was no way I could do 24/Heroes and watch RAW.

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I'd expect the football game to get the best ratings, but fucking Cold Case got higher ratings than 24? That's bullshit! Those cookie cutter crime shows are on all day every day. The season premiere of 24 is a mother fucking event!


Edit: Glad my 4,000th post was about something significant.

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Keifer torturing his own action figure is just awesome.


I also went "bleh" when they brought ANOTHER Palmer conviently into the storyline.


Overall I like how this season is starting, it's not one big thing going down, it's just attacks happening everywhere, more than CTU or anyone can deal with.


I miss Tony and Michelle :(

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One thing I thought of was how great the show would be on Showtime or other cable movie channel. Because I was swearing at the White House when Jack was trying to get them to call off the air attack. It would have been great to hear Jack yell 'Would you fucking listen to me! I haven't even been back in America for 2 hours, and you are already doubting me!'


People should learn to listen to Jack Bauer

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I'm curious to see how long Fayed lasts as the Big Bad of this season. Ususally guys don't get this big of a buildup unless they're in for the long haul. Fayed answering to some white guy in a suit would seem out of place at this point as they've clearly established that he's been masterminding all of the attacks over the last 3 months but 24 logic tells us that he's dead within the next few episodes.


Some of the more hardcore fans might be able to answer this one: Who's the longest running villain on the show in terms of time they were introduced to time they were killed off? I'm probably wrong but I think it's Christopher Henderson, he debuted at 5 PM on Day Five and lasted until the finale.

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Some of the more hardcore fans might be able to answer this one: Who's the longest running villain on the show in terms of time they were introduced to time they were killed off? I'm probably wrong but I think it's Christopher Henderson, he debuted at 5 PM on Day Five and lasted until the finale.


I'm guessing Andre Drazen.


Debuted ~7 in the morning on Day 1, bossing around Gaines. Jack laid him out just after 11PM during his one man killing spree at the docks.

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This is the first season I've decided to watch from the beginning, and this episode confirms that that decision was a good one.

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Next week looks badass as well:


"I swear to you on my family's life."

".......Not good enough."


Jack be PISSED now! Looks like Heroes is going to have to wait until Tuesday for a while. Sorry Hiro.

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Jack's gone. Shot his boy in the throat to save a terrorist's life, hardly thought twice about it, and then got to watch the apocalypse while he threw up all over the grass. I'm gonna be really interested to see what happens with him. The last thing I want is more Jack-works-with-CTU stuff. I have seriously no idea how Jack is going to react to what happened at the end of the hour, so kudos to the creators for making him a bit of a mindfuck upon his return from torture city.

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Some of the more hardcore fans might be able to answer this one: Who's the longest running villain on the show in terms of time they were introduced to time they were killed off? I'm probably wrong but I think it's Christopher Henderson, he debuted at 5 PM on Day Five and lasted until the finale.


President Logan. He was in every episode last year.


If you don't count him as the Big Bad, then Habib Marwan was in 18 episodes in Season 4.

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The last time I sat and stared at the tv like that, Jack had just found his wife dead.




And I want the soundbite that Wayne used, "Get me Jack Bauer" to be my ringtone.

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Future request: don't directly quote the scenes from next week in this thread. I don't watch them on purpose as I feel they give too much away.


As for tonight. Jesus. I heard there was a big ending to this episode so I thought Curtis taking one in the neck was it...but 100,000 dead from a suitcase nuke? Fuck me. So awesome.


I hope Jack goes rogue and just starts laying the hurt on people.

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I'm retarded and went to IMDB after the first two episodes the other night so I knew that Curtis was going to die, but I was totally unprepared for the nuke to go off. That's f*cking crazy. It's one of those things where they always stop it to the point that you think it's automatic that they're going to, and then BOOM! They flip the switch and the giant mushroom cloud envelopes Los Angeles. Fucking crazy.

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Thanks to wrestling and work and other things, I had never seen a full season of 24 or watched it. So the past four shows have been my baptism into 24.



They had me at 6:01:00 AM.

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Man, I avoided the temptation to read any spoilers before the season started so when Jack freaking shoots Curtis, my jaw dropped. And then when the nuke fucking goes off, I was leaning over so far that I fell out of my chair and smacked my head on the coffee table.


Fucking unreal, man. I love this show.

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It's probably a good point that Curtis isn't necessarily a goner but he had a vest on. From my view that bullet went right into his neck. I dunno.

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Yeah, it looked like he got shot in the neck or throat and basically faded into unconsciousness (or death).


I'm not sure Curtis is dead, but it certainly is a great way to completely send Jack off the deep end along with seeing a nuke detonated on US soil (the look on his face may have won Keifer an Emmy already).

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The music made the nuke seen going off unbelieveably surreal and all..but this is now the 2nd damn time Jack Bauer's been exposed directly to nuclear radiation from a nuclear bomb blast.


Also, someone asked me today "Just exactly what year is it supposed to be" and I couldnt give an answer. Looking up on wikipedia it says that Day 5 probably took place in September of 2009, so add 20 months and you get May of 2011 which totally wouldnt make any sense if Wayne Palmer became president between 2009 and then.

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I'd say 08 if anything.


Thats not even remotely possible. I did some figuring..


Day 1 March 2004 (supposedly,,it would have to be the year of an election and March is the month the Cali Primary is Held)

Day 2 + 18 months = Sept 2005

Day 3 + 36 months = Sept 2008 (President Palmer Re-election Campaign fits the timeline as the election would be in Nov)

Day 4 + 18 months = March 2010

Day 5 + 18 months = Sept 2011

Day 6 + 20 months = May 2013 (Fits since Wayne Palmer could be elected in 2012 election)




Day 1 could have taken place in 2000, however there apparently would be inconsistencies with dates that pop up in Day 2.

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