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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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Over/Under on Triple H itching to write a blog about the IWC and while he may be universally hated, at least he's not a murderer?



Please shut the hell up. You come off as a tremendous asshole.


Sorry...but I have zero sympathy for this asshole


A week from now, people will go back to the regular routine(i.e. Cena sucks, Triple H is ruining the WWE, I <3 Val Venis etc..) and it will be forgotten. Sad, but true.


It's just another example of how you shouldn't become overly attached to entertainers that you don't know a damn thing about.


Kind of amusing that of all the known and percieved scumbags in the WWE, the biggest dirtball of them all turned out to be the all-time IWC fan favorite.


It's the ultimate irony and it shows that wrestling really is what we all think it is a truly sleazy business pretty much on the level of porn for the stuff that goes down. Even a man we thought we could respect in the end was no better........there probably are no good people in the business and it's best to accept that and not put them on personal pedestals for anything other than what they do in the ring.


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Guest Soul_Assassin
I'm having trouble finding the link between this occurrence and Congress enforcing changes in the wrestling business. I know that the steroids angle is being played up, but there really is no correlation between Benoit being a murdering psycho and having wrestling as his day job. One has nothing to do with the other.


I respectfully disagree...would Chris Benoit have been using steriods if he was the "Canadian Construction Worker"? (IE..if he wasn't in pro wrestling) I think there is a direct correlation between Benoit being a murderer and being a pro-wrestler. He had become relient on the drugs and it ultimately cost him his life and his family their lives.


READ: I don't think all pro-wrestlers are capable of murder, but I didn't think one of my favorite wrestlers of all-time could have done something this heinous. HOWEVER, wrestling (scripted as it may be) is a violent sport (like football) and sometime wrestlers can get lost in their character. This blurring of the lines between reality and fiction gets hard to differentiate...some people can handle it better than others.


God Bless Daniel...he didn't deserve any of this.

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And when I was younger and a teen I always wanted to be a wrestler. Thank god I didn't follow that dream. Seems like nothing but hell, torture, depression, pain, and aguish involved. I'd rather just work in an office.

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I would like to say that something feels wrong about all this now. I know, yeah it was wrong from the start, but I could kinda see it, but now...its all weird and wrong.


Ripper - Should stop watching murder movies and start accepting things for face value.

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And when I was younger and a teen I always wanted to be a wrestler. Thank god I didn't follow that dream. Seems like nothing but hell, torture, depression, pain, and aguish involved. I'd rather just work in an office.


I had that dream but then I screwed up my knee.........sometimes I still wish i could pursue that which tells me I'm not that smart or I have an love for wrestling that is probably unhealthy at times that I would want to do that to myself.

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I find it odd that Chavo, having received the text message, probably knew Benoit had killed them but still seemed sad and heartbroken over his freind's passing. I think if eddie was still around even he would have a tough time forgiving Benoit.

It's not about forgiving. I think anyone would be sad when a dear friend dies even if he went psycho. My guess is Chavo is having a hard time correlating/understanding "that" Benoit as opposed to the Benoit "he knew". Eddie, my guess, would be distraught over this if he were alive.

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I'll say it again........Those vignettes and that gimmick tweak he had a few years back where he had that sinister smile, and the laughing and screaming while loving to put people in pain seems very scary and close to the person he actually turned out to be.


Do you think he could have gotten lost in that character, or were we seeing what he really was? alot of the time these wrestlers base their character off what they really are.

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The vast majority of the wrestlers dying early has been from painkillers, and alcohol. So basically they are going to nail Vince for what? Grown men drinking?


Eddie is pretty much the only guy that has been with the company to die, all the rest of them were out working on the independent circuit and drank/od'd themselves to death. the "wake up call" for the industry is that people that live on the road lack meaningful relationships which can lead to depression, drinking and drug abuse which will lead to early death. I bet if you look at the death rates of fucking truckers it wouldn't be much different.


Steroid abuse and physical punishment might have a say in there too. This is a well-documented problem, you can't point out painkillers and alcohol as the lone problem here. Have you ever even read about these guys backstage antics? Alcohol was the least of the problems. Much crazier, harder drugs were being used on a regular basis. I won't bother telling you who made it easier to distribute either. Let's just say guys would go to the doctor and get prescriptions for drugs that they "needed". I don't know in how many pharmacies you can just walk in, ask no questions, and get a prescription for steroids, amphetamines, or a block of nose candy. Maybe in Mexico.


EDIT: Listen, these guys ultimately made the choices themselves. However, it wasn't made easier by someone putting pressure on them and controlling a very large aspect of their lives (their careers and livelihoods). Is it completely Vince's fault? Nope. Should he shoulder a large part of the blame? Yes he should. I keep going back to that interview with Armen Keteyan (sp?) and he just slapped the clipboard out of his hand. That's what he's like on a nationally televised interview where they are basically insinuating the worst about him, and he's prepped himself to restrain himself to an utmost degree. I can't imagine what he's REALLY like.

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I'll say it again........Those vignettes and that gimmick tweak he had a few years back where he had that sinister smile, and the laughing and screaming while loving to put people in pain seems very scary and close to the person he actually turned out to be.


Do you think he could have gotten lost in that character, or were we seeing what he really was? alot of the time these wrestlers base their character off what they really are.


No, he used to let go pretty soon after the bell rang...


Seriously, though, hard to answer without ever having spent "real" time with him, and even the likes of Eddie may not have known the real him.

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All we really need now is a motive and a more fleshed out timeline. Sure, we know when they all died, but it would be good to have a better time line to really figure out this mess.

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I find it odd that Chavo, having received the text message, probably knew Benoit had killed them but still seemed sad and heartbroken over his freind's passing. I think if eddie was still around even he would have a tough time forgiving Benoit.

It's not about forgiving. I think anyone would be sad when a dear friend dies even if he went psycho. My guess is Chavo is having a hard time correlating/understanding "that" Benoit as opposed to the Benoit "he knew". Eddie, my guess, would be distraught over this if he were alive.

Just a guess on my part, but if Eddy was still alive, I don't think we'd be having this discussion right now.

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Guest Soul_Assassin

His entrance video was still on wwe.com an hour ago or so....seems chilling just watching that now. I also believe I saw a shot of a little boy (Daniel maybe?) doing the "trademark Benoit scream". Sad...

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I'll say it again........Those vignettes and that gimmick tweak he had a few years back where he had that sinister smile, and the laughing and screaming while loving to put people in pain seems very scary and close to the person he actually turned out to be.


Do you think he could have gotten lost in that character, or were we seeing what he really was? alot of the time these wrestlers base their character off what they really are.


I'm honestly not sure what to think........I think he hs been dealing with alot of very heavy issues since Eddie died. Depression, questioning life all of that sorta stuff......


It's hard to say what happened but it appears he had alot of really bad things happen to him in a row and I guess it was to much for him but I dunno I'm just rambling through thoughts of what I'd think.

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The vast majority of the wrestlers dying early has been I won't bother telling you who made it easier to distribute either. Let's just say guys would go to the doctor and get prescriptions for drugs that they "needed". I don't know in how many pharmacies you can just walk in, ask no questions, and get a prescription for steroids, amphetamines, or a block of nose candy. Maybe in Mexico.


No prescriptions needed in Mexico. Just cross into Tijuana and see the endless "Pharmacias" selling horse roids sometime. Nothing's regulated there.

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When ABC, WWE and others are reporting authorities believe Benoit killed his family and then himself the only thing left to speculate is how and why the scumbag did it.



This is stupid.


It's not so fuckin' stupid now, is it? Benoit was a scumbag who commited a low life crime. I just wish he didn't take his own life so he could rot in prison.


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I just read the details, and that is SO INCREDIBLY FUCKED UP.


I mean, yes, stuff like this actually happens every day all across the country, but it's still fucked up to see someone you followed.


I mean, wow. Chris Benoit was one of those fuckin' lunatic religious freaks!? Killing them, leaving a bible next to them, for the purposes of sending them to heaven? Good lord, he's one of those uber religious freaks I mock in my day to day life.

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I'm having trouble finding the link between this occurrence and Congress enforcing changes in the wrestling business. I know that the steroids angle is being played up, but there really is no correlation between Benoit being a murdering psycho and having wrestling as his day job. One has nothing to do with the other.


The way the media is playing it up is that because Benoit was a pro wrestler, he used steroids and the steroids caused him to go wonky and murder his family and himself. That steroids were found in the home seems to support this hypothesis to some degree; however, that hasn't been conclusively determined. The correlation that they seem to be proposing is that 'Pro wrestling positively correlates with increased steroid usage' + 'Steroid usage positively correlates with increased rage and/or anger' + 'Increased rage and/or anger positively correlates to violent or murderous acts' = 'Pro wrestling positively correlates with violent or murderous acts'. However, the correlation isn't between pro wrestling and being a murderer, but is between (hypothetically) steroid usage and the type of rage that would lead to murder, but, it can possibly be inferred that the fact that Benoit was a pro wrestler, he was in a field that lent itself to steroid usage and, ergo, steroid rage, but, that's sort of a leap of faith. Correlation doesn't mean causality, but it can infer causality. There have been many, man pro wrestlers that likely used steroids, but weren't driven into a murderous rage. Therefore, I don't think steroids can be inferred to be THE cause of the murder, but they can be, possibly, inferred to be a a factor in the equation that led to murder, dependent upon the outcome of the toxicology reports.

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I just read the details, and that is SO INCREDIBLY FUCKED UP.


I mean, yes, stuff like this actually happens every day all across the country, but it's still fucked up to see someone you followed.


I mean, wow. Chris Benoit was one of those fuckin' lunatic religious freaks!? Killing them, leaving a bible next to them, for the purposes of sending them to heaven? Good lord, he's one of those uber religious freaks I mock in my day to day life.


I did research on serial killers for a class once. Whenever a bible or a crucifix or any religious object was left beside a victim it usually symbolised remorse on the killers part.

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Even if there was no roid rage, I'm glad the media are at least somewhat putting it together, even if its disengenious.


Ever since Eddie i've been wanting sweeping seroius change in the industry on steroids, serious sweeping change. Hell even independently of Benoit, i've wanted this, and if something REAL happens (which I doubt), it can only be a good thing.


I'm talking like, mandatory weekly testing of everybody, all done by an independent agency with no ties to WWE, and anyone tests positive is banned for life, period, that sort of thing.

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I find it odd that Chavo, having received the text message, probably knew Benoit had killed them but still seemed sad and heartbroken over his freind's passing. I think if eddie was still around even he would have a tough time forgiving Benoit.


Man, Chavo and the Harts just have bad things seem to follow those who are close to them. Chavo's autobiography, if he ever felt compelled to write one, would be something that would be a can't miss read for just his WWE accounts alone (Eddie + Benoit's last days). Really, this is the only wrestling autobiography I would read/wait for.

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Even if there was no roid rage, I'm glad the media are at least somewhat putting it together, even if its disengenious.


Ever since Eddie i've been wanting sweeping seroius change in the industry on steroids, serious sweeping change. Hell even independently of Benoit, i've wanted this, and if something REAL happens (which I doubt), it can only be a good thing.


I'm talking like, mandatory weekly testing of everybody, all done by an independent agency with no ties to WWE, and anyone tests positive is banned for life, period, that sort of thing.


That's a little severe, I think.

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Even if there was no roid rage, I'm glad the media are at least somewhat putting it together, even if its disengenious.


Ever since Eddie i've been wanting sweeping seroius change in the industry on steroids, serious sweeping change. Hell even independently of Benoit, i've wanted this, and if something REAL happens (which I doubt), it can only be a good thing.


I'm talking like, mandatory weekly testing of everybody, all done by an independent agency with no ties to WWE, and anyone tests positive is banned for life, period, that sort of thing.


The government, athletic commision anything you can think of would likely find this funny seeing as wrestling isn't a sport.....

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Guest stringerbell



By: Scott Hudson

6/26/2007 3:44:44 PM


Not a human victim. As the beautiful Nancy and the young Daniel lay dead and dying in their new home, Chris was slowly suffocating another victim as he ended his own life. He killed what shred of innocence was left in wrestling. I know that’s akin to lamenting the loss of integrity in the legal profession - but there was a little bit left.


The innocence was found in the locker room, in a backstage handshake and embrace between two athletes, in ribbing among the members of the fraternity. As kayfabe went the way of the dinosaur, the wall of insulation constructed from the inside out by those in the business grew higher. One knew that any casual hotel lobby conversation with a fan or radio show guest shot would be on the internet in mere minutes. Nothing wrong with that. But we knew that the only people you could trust - albeit very little - were those in the locker room with you. They knew. They understood. The pain. The travel. The pain. The loneliness. The pain. The frustration. That common thread linked everyone. They knew you and you knew them. Maybe not personally - but you just knew. Everyone around you began in small buildings with even smaller pay-offs and much larger aches and bruises. We were all on the same team - no matter what.


Suicide is an awful thing. Whether it’s the coward’s way out is a matter for the bumper sticker writers. That person is still just as dead. Wrestling has had its share of intentional and unintentional suicides. Insert the word murder in place of suicide and that statement rings just as true. But murder/suicide? Of a child? Like he has so often - Chris Benoit raised the bar.


Double-crosses occur in every profession without exception. Salesmen, attorneys, entertainers, bureaucrats - makes no difference. Wrestlers included. But like the old saw dictates regarding families, “We may fight among ourselves but God help the outsider that fights one of us. You fight one of us - you fight all of us.” That was a strong bond among wrestlers. That was part of the innocence.


The biggest marks in the building are backstage. We believed that we knew - as much as we reasonably expect - those in there with us. We put our lives in each others hands and trusted them not to injure us. We believed. We knew.


George Carlin noted, “People say ‘sometimes you just don’t know.’ That’s not true. Sometimes you do know. You just don’t want to say it out loud.” Now we know. The guy you’re in the ring with; the man you’re working out spots with; the guy next to you in the rental car - he could kill his family. What? That won’t happen? You just know it couldn’t happen. How do you know that?


Nancy and Daniel will be forever mourned as the victims of a mad man and a madman. Their memorial service will be tearful pageant celebrating their lives. As well it should be. The man who killed them was working out spots with Elijah Burke three nights previously.


We can no longer assume that just because we’re in the same biz and have paid the same dues that we are all hard-wired the same way. We are not. Chris, the son of a bitch, killed that, too.

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Here are details from a law enforcement news conference held Tuesday afternoon regarding what is now ruled as a double homicide/suicide involving Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and seven-year-old son Daniel in their Atlanta-area home:


X: Fayette (Ga.) County district attorney Scott Ballard said law enforcement officials believe Benoit killed his wife Nancy on Friday night via affixation, then did the same to Daniel on Saturday morning before hanging himself Saturday night.


X: Ballard said Nancy Sullivan’s wrists and feet were bound with tape and that there was some blood under her head. Ballard said Sullivan was found in an upstairs living room area. Daniel Benoit was found dead in his own bed in his upstairs bedroom. A bible was placed next to the body of Nancy and Daniel.


X: Benoit hung himself with a cord in his basement weight room.


X: Anabolic steroids and what was described by one law-enforcement official as “lots” of what is believed legal prescription medication were found in the house. A complete list of medications may be given to the media at a later date.


X: A WWE “co-worker” [believed Chavo Guerrero] received a text message on a delayed basis from Benoit. Officials declined to elaborate on what information the messages contained.


X: Benoit was previously arrested in the Atlanta area on a DUI charge but has no record of a previous arrest for domestic violence.


X: There was no suicide note left inside the house.


X: “In a community like this, it’s bizarre to have a murder/suicide, especially involving the death of a seven-year-old child,” Mallard said. “That’s what struck me the most in all this: There’s a seven- year-old little boy who’s dead. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wrap my mind around that completely.”


“It struck me as somewhat bizarre that he would even be in the home with their deceased bodies all that time … I’m baffled why anyone would kill a seven year old. I don’t have any idea at all about a motive.”


X: Keep checking wreslingobserver.com for more details as they are available.



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One thing we don't know yet is why he did what he did. I have no idea the relationship that he had with his wife, so I'm not assuming anything.


Then again, does it matter to anyone or is it just me being morbidly curious?

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When ABC, WWE and others are reporting authorities believe Benoit killed his family and then himself the only thing left to speculate is how and why the scumbag did it.



This is stupid.


It's not so fuckin' stupid now, is it? Benoit was a scumbag who commited a low life crime. I just wish he didn't take his own life so he could rot in prison.


Yeah, its still stupid.


"ABC sed it wuz true so it must be. I don't need no actual proof."

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I just read the details, and that is SO INCREDIBLY FUCKED UP.


I mean, yes, stuff like this actually happens every day all across the country, but it's still fucked up to see someone you followed.


I mean, wow. Chris Benoit was one of those fuckin' lunatic religious freaks!? Killing them, leaving a bible next to them, for the purposes of sending them to heaven? Good lord, he's one of those uber religious freaks I mock in my day to day life.


Interesting music in this tribute video, if anyone can stomach watching it:





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