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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Week 3 NFL and Indanap'iss Cotes

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Guest Tzar Lysergic



















Lotta good football this week before we hit the meat n taters of the division schedules. Colts/Texans is going to be a dandy, and I think Buffalo/New England might be a little closer than people are expecting. Packers are gonna get raped at home, though.

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Lotta good football this week before we hit the meat n taters of the division schedules. Colts/Texans is going to be a dandy, and I think Buffalo/New England might be a little closer than people are expecting. Packers are gonna get raped at home, though.


What would lead you to that thought exactly? Buffalo is horrendous.

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You know. I hate the AJC.


Apparently, Matt Shaub is going to be a hall of famer now. I am not exactly sure how this is supposed to happen. But yeah. Hall of Fame.


You see, we gave up Brett Farve so we have now giving up "another guy that will probably be in the Hall of Fame someday."


Anyway, I am routing for the Texans, but Jebbus.


The Falcons have Carolina so the Deangelo Hall/Steve Smith match up is coming up. I look forward to that. It looked like John Abraham (shock of shocks!!!!) might have gotten hurt last game....his hamstring....again...so that might hurt the D line because he really is one hell of a player when he isn't clutching his hamstring.


The offense is still horrible and Joey Harrington still has horrible vision. While the Falcons should have won that game, there were at least 5 plays were Joey threw the ball and I thought the game was over because it would be an easy pick and touchdown. Our receivers and running backs are great DB's though. I really would love if they would sign Bryan Leftwich....please sign Bryan Leftwich.


I am going to go with the Falcons actually winning this though. Jax running D showed up last game, something I wasn't expecting after that week one debacle, but that might have been an anomaly and not the norm. Falcons run game is still strong, despite the numbers for the last two weeks.


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Before the Pittsburgh game, I would have given the Bills a small chance of pulling the upset. Last year they led most of that first Pats game before collapsing. That won't happen this time. The defence on third down is atrocious (which is why Pittsburgh's first punt was in the fourth quarter), and the offence is pretty bad too. Losman is blaming Steve Fairchild for that and if it's true, I'm willing to give JP some more time to see if he can spark something, since Lynch is the only bright spot right now. No matter what though, it'll be a blowout.

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I'm really hoping that Cleveland can get their shit together and start winning some games. They looked good against Cinci, but that's because Cinci's defense is awful.


If Lewis can get going on the ground, that will open up what little of an air attack that Anderson has.


I'm going to say that Oakland will probably beat Cleveland, but a man can hope right?

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Looks like some good games this week, It sucks I gotta work through the day games, with that said I think the Patriots are gonna give the Bills a serious whooping, If they can do that to San Diego Buffalo has no chance in hell

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Well supposedly the Patriots had turned up the intensity in practices last week leading up to the San Diego game. So maybe you can hope for a letdown game vs Buffalo when they feel they got all that out of their systems.

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I Think the Texans will beat the Colts and the Saints will win their first at home on MNF vs the Titans in a snoozer of a game. KC might get a win if Minnesota starts Kelly Holcomb and the Browns will probably will beat the Raiders.


Oh, and the Ravens will go 2-1 with a win vs Arizona (had to slip that one in)



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Well supposedly the Patriots had turned up the intensity in practices last week leading up to the San Diego game. So maybe you can hope for a letdown game vs Buffalo when they feel they got all that out of their systems.


But it's a divisional game and they are always up for divisional games. If it was someone like the Lions (like last year) I'd say there might be a chance, but I doubt it.

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Guest Vitamin X
The last time Agent was this sure of the Packers' impending rape was the final game of last season.


True, but this time I don't think it's going to be pretty. If Green Bay can somehow come out of that game unscathed, that might be one of the more impressive 3-0 starts in recent memory. Knocking off 3 playoff teams from last year, including the team that had the best record in the league, all in a row? Because after that it's the Vikings in Minneapolis, Bears at home, and Redskins at home before the bye.


Games this week are a little weird. There's a lot of games that look like they should be total stinkers but might actually turn out to be pretty good.

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I wouldn't go that far. They were handed the Philly game and the Giants were one of the worst playoff teams ever.


Wow, what a shock from a Cowboys fan


Coming from an Eagles fan, I also think Dallas goes in and beats Chicago. Chicago hasn't shown the ability to go up and down the field if necessary. While they should hold Dallas' O in check, they still probably breakthrough for 17-21 poins. Assuming Hester is avoided, I don't know if Chicago can get there.

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The San Diego Chargers were bound to have a worse record this year just due to regression to the mean. No team in the league has the talent disparity to win 14 games year after year. So, let's say their true talent level is worth 10-12 wins. I figure Norv Turner is just bad enough to cost them a couple of games with his preparation and playcalling. That team might end up with 8 or 9 wins and miss the playoffs.

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I wouldn't go that far. They were handed the Philly game and the Giants were one of the worst playoff teams ever.


Wow, what a shock from a Cowboys fan


Coming from an Eagles fan, I also think Dallas goes in and beats Chicago. Chicago hasn't shown the ability to go up and down the field if necessary. While they should hold Dallas' O in check, they still probably breakthrough for 17-21 poins. Assuming Hester is avoided, I don't know if Chicago can get there.


I'm not high on Chicago's offense either but no way Dallas is scoring 17-21 on Chicago at Soldier Field.

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Kansas City managed 10 (one sustained TD drive and a short field FG drive.) You know Rex will give them a short field at least once, so throw that out as a factor since it will even out. And Dallas has been scoring at will. I don't really think it unlikely that they can put up a TD above KCs performance.

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We'll see. If Chicago loses this one, we can write them out of the playoffs picture already.



Really? Shouldn't we wait until they're, you know, mathematically eliminated. This is just an asinine statement.

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Yes. They might make the playoffs even if they lose to Dallas, but they wouldn't be expected to go anywhere there, if at all. Come on, you don't lose to both San Diego and Dallas and expect to make noise.



There was that one team who lost to Dallas, Jax, Tennesse and Houston last year. They really sucked, right? What was the name of that team again? I can't even remember how they finished the season.


EDIT: Oh, I remember. It was the Colts and they won the fucking Super Bowl!

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I don't think you'd be well served to compare the Colts who had an all-world offense to the Bears. And didn't the Colts start out 9-0 last year? Yeah not the same thing.


Just pointing out the stupidity in saying a team is done because they start 1-2 (and the two losses coming against good teams).

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You mean the same stupidity in crying about the Red Sox losing a series to the Yankees? I'm a Chicago fan. Give me a break. I don't have faith in the Bears to rebound from a bad start, especially with how Green Bay and Detroit are playing. Unlike the Red Sox, we don't exactly have a 4+ game lead up on the division. So I think my concern is more valid than yours.

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You mean the same stupidity in crying about the Red Sox losing a series to the Yankees? I'm a Chicago fan. Give me a break. I don't have faith in the Bears to rebound from a bad start, especially with how Green Bay and Detroit are playing. Unlike the Red Sox, we don't exactly have a 4+ game lead up on the division. So I think my concern is more valid than yours.


Well, people who cry over the Sox losing a series are stupid. Reactionary fans in general are stupid. You don't judge an entire season based on the very last thing that happened.

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Guest Vitamin X

Seriously. I wouldn't really start a judging a team's playoff chances till around Week 7 or 8 or so, anyways.

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We'll see. If Chicago loses this one, we can write them out of the playoffs picture already.

...in week 3?


In the NFC no less?


The Bears defense will carry them to a minimum 4 seed.




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