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WWE General Discussion - December 2007

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How many second or third generation performers are under contract with the WWE?



Cody Rhodes (Dusty Rhodes)

Carlito (Carlos Colon)

DH Smith (Davey Boy Smith, Stu Hart)

Randy Orton (Bob Orton, Bob Orton Sr)

Umaga (Samoan's)



Chavo Guerrero (Chavo Sr)

Deuce (Jimmy Snuka-adopted?)

Jesse Dalton (Bam Bam Gordy)



Scott Amrstrong (Bob Armstrong)



Nattie Neidhart (Jim Neidhart, Stu Hart)

Afa Anoia Jr (Afa Sr)

Lacey Von Erich

Ted Dibiase Jr. (Ted Dibiase)

Eddie Colon (Carlos Colon)

Reid Flair (Ric Flair)


Who am I missing?


Thanks for that. Dibiase's other son Mike is under contract, and I believe Curt Hennig's son Joe signed last year.


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Eh, I'm thinking that some of these TNA fans or the ROH geeks at that signing were likely trying to goad him into an argument. I can see some of them saying stuff like "Punk, you suck! You sold out and left ROH!" Or "Hey Punk, you couldn't cut it in TNA!"

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If the story is true, then he needs to learn a thing or two about how to be a professional.


He needs to learn a thing or two and follow the lead of someone like Randy Orton.


I mean...in such a scummy business, who would ever think some of these guys are real life dirtballs?

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i doubt all that stuff about Punk is true..


I do believe what they said about Layla though...


Ive heard she's always been extra friendly w/ the fans


and really excited to meet them

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"Hey Punk, you couldn't cut it in TNA!"


Honestly, who takes TNA seriously enough to make a statement like that? TNA is the shittiest, most bush league promotion I've seen on cable since the dying days of Global Championship Wrestling on ESPN. And I really doubt the claims made against CM Punk are true.


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I just posted it because if he did cut down ROH it was obviously to get internet fans talking, etc. I was thinking the same thing about how he goes to the Chicago shows, and helped out that one time when they lost a lot of talent to the snowstorm. I've always heard that Punk is a dick to fans that want autographs, but then on the flipside I've heard quite a few stories that he's a cool guy to fans as well. I guess it just depends on what setting you catch him in.


As far as the story I posted, I think I'd probably be pissed that the whole goal of the appearance was being wasted. Should have made everyone donate their autographed action figures and dvds.

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Found this on the wrestlingfigs website, and thought it was interesting. I think Punk being upset sounds about right considering that it was supposed to be a charity style event for kids, and it turned into an autograph signing. I just thought the part about his supposed comments on ROH is interesting.



Autograph session report featuring Rey, CM Punk, and Layla By Chris Sullivan


On Tuesday, December 11 at Faneuil Hall in Boston, WWE stars Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, and Layla were set for an appearance to help Globe Santa. Globe Santa is set up to help needed children in the Boston area during the Christmas holiday. The appearance was set to be from 12 noon till 1pm.


Many fans began to show up around 11am, by 11:45 there were almost 200 people. The stars limo should up about 12:20, 20 minutes late. At that point a rep from the WWE came out to see what was going on. It seemed that the WWE did not know what was going on. The WWE did not know if the stars were going to be signing autographs or if they were just going to say a few things. The people at Globe Santa said that they knew many fan had personnel things to get signed. At that point the rep went back to the limo and 5 to 10 minutes later the WWE stars came out of the limo.


At that point all madness started. There was no line just a large group around the small table set up in the court yard. Fans circled the table and the wrestlers did not know what was going on. CM Punk kept asking what is Globe Santa and what were they doing. A Globe Santa worker yelled they are collecting toys and money to give to need children. At that point CM Puck got on the back of the Globe Santa truck yelling to go to the store and get toys or just to give money.


No line was formed. The WWE rep tried to get a line formed but it would not stay long. CM Punk, Rey, and Layla signed everything that was put in front of them. They tried to keep the line moving but were stopped by different cameras (I think some were from new stations and WWE.com). Just before 1pm, the WWE rep was starting to cut off the line. You could see the CM Punk was getting mad. He was telling fans to move along. He kept leaving the table, and even told a fan with a CM Punk figure to grow up. At one point he took items from a fan that he wanted Layla to sign and told the fan not to get it signed. CM Punk insulted a fan that had a Ring of Honor DVD. Punk belittled ROH and its wrestlers. CM Punk also insulted a few people for handed out fliers promoting TNA’s Impacted and Final Resolution. The people were from TNA Wentworth. They had a few choice things to say to CM Puck including he could not cut it in TNA that is way he was on the low rated ECW.


Layla on the other hand was a sweet heart. She was talking with all the fans. Took photos and signed everything. Layla picked up a set of Christmas bells and started signing Christmas songs. Fans could tell that Layla was having fun.


Rey Mysterio also spent a good amount of time with the fans. Signed everything and took photos with everyone. Rey took the time with all the young fans; he even picked one up and sat the young boy on the table to talk to him for a way.


The whole thing was a giant mess. The WWE reps were extremely pushy. CM Punk was a jerk. Fans that got stuff signed would not leave the autograph table. Layla and Rey Mysterio made the best of a bad thing. I hope the people at Globe Santa did well.


Are we supposed to believe the seven year old with spellcheck that wrote this?

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Sounds like a disgruntled fan who didn't get the reaction he wanted bitching like a baby.


"What? CM Punk didn't sign my shirt!?!?!? I'll get him back..... ON THE INTERNET"

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Dave Kapoor, the creative team member who plays the translator for Great Khali, got screamed at Monday night. Even though everyone in the final segment on Raw pretty much broke kayfabe, apparently Stephanie felt Kapoor was having too much fun. As everybody was getting their stuff after the show she called him over and told him that it was very unprofessional, and intimated that if he didn't take "the job of a lifetime" seriously that might be it for him.


She said someone on creative shouldn't be an on-screen character and she'd gone to bat for him, so he better not screw it up. He's only been watching WWE since 2003, so I can understand him doing something like that and not even thinking about it, particularly in a segment like the Austin beer bash where everyone was just having a good time.


credit:F4W Newsletter


She needs to talk to the rest of her family.


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Dave Kapoor, the creative team member who plays the translator for Great Khali, got screamed at Monday night. Even though everyone in the final segment on Raw pretty much broke kayfabe, apparently Stephanie felt Kapoor was having too much fun. As everybody was getting their stuff after the show she called him over and told him that it was very unprofessional, and intimated that if he didn't take "the job of a lifetime" seriously that might be it for him.


She said someone on creative shouldn't be an on-screen character and she'd gone to bat for him, so he better not screw it up. He's only been watching WWE since 2003, so I can understand him doing something like that and not even thinking about it, particularly in a segment like the Austin beer bash where everyone was just having a good time.


credit:F4W Newsletter


She needs to talk to the rest of her family.


I wonder what he was supposedly doing that was so much worse than everyone else? and lol at steph saying someone on creative shouldn't be a tv character. The level of stupidity and hypocrisy shown by the mcmahons on a weekly basis is astounding.

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Guest Joseph2112
CM Punk also insulted a few people for handed out fliers promoting TNA’s Impacted and Final Resolution. The people were from TNA Wentworth. They had a few choice things to say to CM Puck including he could not cut it in TNA that is way he was on the low rated ECW.



Was Kurt Angle at this thing?

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If true, Stephanie is ridiculous. Kampoor has a ridiculously little part of being an interpreter of Khali - it's not like he's putting himself over in any way or anything. I mean what about the fat butterball "stripper", that guy is a writer, as is Hayes and Dusty Rhodes. Stephanie/HHH make sure he is at the top, along with his buddies. Vince Mcmahon has been the top heel in the company for almost a decade now, to the detriment to the rest of the card. This is too ridiculous to be believeable.


I'd have spit in her face and quit on the spot. Wwe is going to go to shit when Vince dies.

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As soon as Matt Young posted a myspace link, I lost all interest (which would put it in the negatives somehow, since the interest level was just hovering above none) in this TNA Wentworth business.


Now if they had a Facebook group...

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Dave Kapoor, the creative team member who plays the translator for Great Khali, got screamed at Monday night. Even though everyone in the final segment on Raw pretty much broke kayfabe, apparently Stephanie felt Kapoor was having too much fun. As everybody was getting their stuff after the show she called him over and told him that it was very unprofessional, and intimated that if he didn't take "the job of a lifetime" seriously that might be it for him.


She said someone on creative shouldn't be an on-screen character and she'd gone to bat for him, so he better not screw it up. He's only been watching WWE since 2003, so I can understand him doing something like that and not even thinking about it, particularly in a segment like the Austin beer bash where everyone was just having a good time.


credit:F4W Newsletter


She needs to talk to the rest of her family.


I wonder what he was supposedly doing that was so much worse than everyone else? and lol at steph saying someone on creative shouldn't be a tv character. The level of stupidity and hypocrisy shown by the mcmahons on a weekly basis is astounding.

The guy did what any legit fan of the business would do if found in the same situation: mark the fuck out.


It's not his fault that the McMahon children have had the business literally hand them everything, from the money they currently get when Vince dies to their wife/husband and children, and have therefore spent so much time around the business that they don't understand the concept of being excited about being around wrestlers.

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If true, Stephanie is ridiculous. Kampoor has a ridiculously little part of being an interpreter of Khali - it's not like he's putting himself over in any way or anything. I mean what about the fat butterball "stripper", that guy is a writer, as is Hayes and Dusty Rhodes. Stephanie/HHH make sure he is at the top, along with his buddies. Vince Mcmahon has been the top heel in the company for almost a decade now, to the detriment to the rest of the card. This is too ridiculous to be believeable.


I'd have spit in her face and quit on the spot. Wwe is going to go to shit when Vince dies.




The stripper guy is... a stripper guy. He does his little cameos and that's it. He's hardly an 'on-screen character', at least a regular one. Hayes and Rhodes were relatively successful professional wrestlers in their own right, I believe, which I'd assume makes them special cases. And the McMahons OWN THE COMPANY. Which, I'd assume, makes them special cases. That's the difference between employer (and family) and employee. And if that troubles you... well, welcome to the real world.

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It's ridiculous no matter which way you look at it. The fact that the heels and faces were in the ring drinking beers, pepsi, water, and coke together kind of takes kayfabe right out of it. The only kayfabed part of that segment is Austin decking Vince as he gets on the apron and then Austin, Hornswoggle and Triple H pouring beer on him. Sounds to me that someone was bored, and wanted to pick on someone because they could.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
CM Punk also insulted a few people for handed out fliers promoting TNA’s Impacted and Final Resolution. The people were from TNA Wentworth. They had a few choice things to say to CM Puck including he could not cut it in TNA that is way he was on the low rated ECW.


The same low-rated ECW that on a weekly basis still has stronger ratings then iPMACT? The same ECW that, with a horrible PPV buyrate, still did better than TNA's best buyrate?


Or how about the fact that Punk's the face of ECW, and has more exposure now then TNA could ever hope for?


Are you sure this wasn't Jearan?

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If true, Stephanie is ridiculous. Kampoor has a ridiculously little part of being an interpreter of Khali - it's not like he's putting himself over in any way or anything. I mean what about the fat butterball "stripper", that guy is a writer, as is Hayes and Dusty Rhodes. Stephanie/HHH make sure he is at the top, along with his buddies. Vince Mcmahon has been the top heel in the company for almost a decade now, to the detriment to the rest of the card. This is too ridiculous to be believeable.


I'd have spit in her face and quit on the spot. Wwe is going to go to shit when Vince dies.




The stripper guy is... a stripper guy. He does his little cameos and that's it. He's hardly an 'on-screen character', at least a regular one. Hayes and Rhodes were relatively successful professional wrestlers in their own right, I believe, which I'd assume makes them special cases. And the McMahons OWN THE COMPANY. Which, I'd assume, makes them special cases. That's the difference between employer (and family) and employee. And if that troubles you... well, welcome to the real world.



The stripper guy aka Big Rod Johnson is a writer though and when he is on camera he is there as a focal point. When Kampoor is on camera Khali is always the focal point, he is there to translate and look scrawny. Stephanie said that writers shouldn't have on-screen roles. I simply pointed out all of the writers who have on-screen roles.


Condescend much? Make you feel like a big man.

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To be fair when I saw the segment and noticed him in it I thought he was being a bit overly friendly with Jericho iirc so I can see what she meant.



Edit - Actually just it again. It was that MSP member joking around with Jericho. Only saw Kapoor once he was ringside just clapping and smiling, nothing major.

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Well Steph has this rep that she likes to go out of her way to look tough or "ruthless" like her dad, if this is one of those occasions she is just going to come off looking petty.

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