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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Hey, if you do weekly ppv's like TNA, and get a TV show, does that fuck up your money something bad? Cause now that I've gone global, sophie keeps bitchin at me to hire more workers, and I'm already struggling to use the ones I've got. So, the way I figure it, a TV show would help me immensly.


Also, how the hell do you win a war against the WWE? At the end of each week my PI loss is greater than what I gain, so I drop out of the war, but then my PI rises due to good shows and thus I'm in a war with them again. Now, since the wrestling industry is just starting to come down from it's 100% boom, I figure I'm fucked if there PI starts dropping, cause It'll force mine down too. Any ideas/suggestions? Please help me!

You can't do Weekly PPVs and TV show. It'll kill your PI.


Just trade off one for the other. You make more with the TV shows. Trust me. Oh and make sure that when you do monthly events and TV shows that you adjust ticket prices to reflect what your finacial advisor tells you. Just in case it doesn't happen automatically.


To wage war against the WWE, you have to have the more talented roster and the more over roster as well. Not only that, but sign away some top notched players from the WWE if you can. Yes, it might be over your budget, but it does make a dent in them and adds to your roster's overness which always helps.


Also try and keep your roster hiring at a certain level Sophie says. Unless Adam FINALLY changed it, it actually will also effect your PI drop (it used to anyways).


A little bit more knowledge about you game would also help. Like who's over, what's not working, that kind of thing will help me make more improving suggestions than the ones I've mentioned.

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Guest JacK

Well, in the overness stakes, I've got styles, Jarrett, Raven, Daniels, Low-ki, sting, B-Jizzle aka BG James, Ron Killings and Alexis Laree all 90+ over;

Feuds I've got going Are AJ-Low-Ki; Raven-Sting, London-Super Crazy, Shannon Moore (X-division champ) -Ebbessan, and tag team Champs AMW vs Sanders and Siaki


Oh, and I'm going to start a raven jeff program, since my sting -raven feud has proggressed to the blow-off stage in a little over a month, with 97 heat. Currently running a $ 2 and 1/5 million surplus, at around 60 pi compared to the WWE's 100. Advertising at 95, production 100, risk 75 and merchandise 85; and oh, it's on easy cause I've never played before. Currently getting 0.5 buyrates for the ppv's


Edit: And HHH, Big Show, Kane, Mattitude, Regal, Stamboli, and Ultimo Dragon are all coming off contract from the WWE


Oh damn, I gotta hire 8 workers, that's gunna suck. I've already had the Harris Bros walk out (not like I care about them though)

Edited by JacK

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Well, in the overness stakes, I've got styles, Jarrett, Raven, Daniels, Low-ki, sting, B-Jizzle aka BG James, Ron Killings and Alexis Laree all 90+ over;

Feuds I've got going Are AJ-Low-Ki; Raven-Sting, London-Super Crazy, Shannon Moore (X-division champ) -Ebbessan, and tag team Champs AMW vs Sanders and Siaki


Oh, and I'm going to start a raven jeff program, since my sting -raven feud has proggressed to the blow-off stage in a little over a month, with 97 heat. Currently running a $ 2 and 1/5 million surplus, at around 60 pi compared to the WWE's 100. Advertising at 95, production 100, risk 75 and merchandise 85; and oh, it's on easy cause I've never played before. Currently getting 0.5 buyrates for the ppv's


Edit: And HHH, Big Show, Kane, Mattitude, Regal, Stamboli, and Ultimo Dragon are all coming off contract from the WWE


Oh damn, I gotta hire 8 workers, that's gunna suck. I've already had the Harris Bros walk out (not like I care about them though)

Feud and heat wise on the uppercard and higher is good. Just keep it up.


As for the advertising max it out, same with merchandise (as you'll gain a little more money). No worries about it being on Easy. I played Easy for the longest time myself.


As for people to hire give advanced offers, usually I'd say go with whoever is the highest in overness. However, I suggest that you make advance offers to Mattitude (which will end up becoming a written contract offer, but the pay off will be worth it). Other than that, it's up to who you can seriously use.


As for the 8 workers just hire nobodies and don't use them. That way you can then get out of the contracts because they are fed up with you. Make sure you hire sucky guys that you don't need so that you don't feel guilty about letting go a talented superstar.

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Guest JacK

Cool, thanks . . . mindless jobbers here I come! Now where'd Ashley Hudson go . . . gotta support the Aussies, with open contracts and no hirings.


I think I will go and get mattitude, though it'll cost me around 245000 a month I estimate, based on previous figures.


Another thing:

Overall Rating 78

Crowd Reaction 89

Match Quality 84



What gives?


And Dames is getting guilible:

Raven hits D'Lo with a plastic dinosaur! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there.

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Cool, thanks . . . mindless jobbers here I come! Now where'd Ashley Hudson go . . . gotta support the Aussies, with open contracts and no hirings.


I think I will go and get mattitude, though it'll cost me around 245000 a month I estimate, based on previous figures.


Another thing:

Overall Rating 78

Crowd Reaction 89

Match Quality 84



What gives?


And Dames is getting guilible:

Raven hits D'Lo with a plastic dinosaur! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there.

If you are paying that much, sign him for two years to make it last longer.


Also it probably was an "off" match. Not really much you can do about it. It happens every so often.


Dames guilible? How absurd! We all know that he'll believe a fall from a foreign object. Considering how often Triple H does it and TNA, it kinda becomes a certain mindset.

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Wierd occurance: I've had this happen twice now, in two separate games. Once with Johnny Kashmere and once with Devon Storm. I hire them to Open contracts, they agree and sign. Yet they are nowhere on my roster. They don't have tour commitments either. Yet, in the Wrestling Heat "internet site" it will say "Devon Storm to debut soon?" or "Johnny Kashmere to debut soon?" Anyone else have this problem?

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Wierd occurance: I've had this happen twice now, in two separate games. Once with Johnny Kashmere and once with Devon Storm. I hire them to Open contracts, they agree and sign. Yet they are nowhere on my roster. They don't have tour commitments either. Yet, in the Wrestling Heat "internet site" it will say "Devon Storm to debut soon?" or "Johnny Kashmere to debut soon?" Anyone else have this problem?

Get the latest version 4.1. That will fix that problem. And no worrying about losing your saves, it's just a new .exe file. That's all.

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Wierd occurance: I've had this happen twice now, in two separate games. Once with Johnny Kashmere and once with Devon Storm. I hire them to Open contracts, they agree and sign. Yet they are nowhere on my roster. They don't have tour commitments either. Yet, in the Wrestling Heat "internet site" it will say "Devon Storm to debut soon?" or "Johnny Kashmere to debut soon?" Anyone else have this problem?

Get the latest version 4.1. That will fix that problem. And no worrying about losing your saves, it's just a new .exe file. That's all.

Tried the patch.. no such luck. =\ It's not a big deal in the long run.

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AJ Styles and Johnny Smith are fucking miracle workers in this game. Not once but twice have they carried the Road Warriors to near 80% match quality. Hopefully Smith doesn't stay with All Japan when they announce their new touring schedule, because him and Styles will be getting a big push if I can sign him under a written contract.

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I'll tell you what was bullshit. Sonny Siaki went into rehab, and I figured I needed to strengthen Power Inc., (the Russo stable that he was a part of). So I set up a beautiful double turn with Jeff Hardy and Kid Kash. Russo attacks Hardy in one of their matches, and Kash and Russo beat down Hardy, but the next week Kash refuses to join the stable. Then Kash starts feuding with the stable, and when they attack him, Hardy joins. But then, when I pull the trigger on the turn, having Hardy officially join the stable, they say that there aren't enough members of the stable to complete the angle, and the screen has gone black, giving me a zero for the segment. That gave me my worst show and pissed me off so much that I haven't played since.

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Guest JacK

That's gotta suck . . .


But about the open contracting dealy bit; where the guy doesn't appear, yes I've had that too, though I haven't tried to fix it with a patch, I was quite annoyed about it. Lucky I always keep a backup save game for buggy things like that. Lucky me.

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Guest whatitistoburn

I've had two different guys find religion (Jeff Hardy and EZ Money).


How does that effect the game exactly?

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I've had two different guys find religion (Jeff Hardy and EZ Money).


How does that effect the game exactly?

Jeff Hardy is a drug junkie, thus making him a 'troublemaker' - i.e verbally bashing your company on radio shows, getting caught with drugs, showing up late to shows, missing photo shoots etc. (all of which are in the game).


When someone 'finds' religion, they change their ways, thus reversing their personality from a troublemaker, to a model wrestler, such as Shawn Michaels is these days.


EZ Money I know nothing of, just that he was HELLA-over in my game and suddenly took it upon himself to call us all tools. His morale plummetted to zero and I suspended him for a year to show the peice of shit who's in charge.


Ah, that'll learn 'em.



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Guest TheArchiteck

WWE is now the 6th top promotion now....their CULT!

Only my promotion and NWATNA are global....and they can't even stay in the double digits. The market is dropping and is at 43% now.


The only thing bad about WWE dropping is the talent I'm stealing.

I got Bischoff coming in the next month....but since WWE is cult now...his overness sucks.

Same with the Rock......

His wrestling stats are the shits....only reason I signed him because he was so over. But now he's like in the mid 60's.

I have to cut these guys on their first days.



Right now i'm having a major Chris Kanyon vs Booker T feud.

It is my goal to have them main eventers. I snagged Booker while WWE was regional...so he's midcard material now.

Kanyon had the midcard belt for 5 months now. He's been the only champ.

Right now, both of them are 79 over. They started the feud at 73/76.


Also, John Cena and Booker gave off a 4 star match. With no buildup or anything.

Cena (89 over) asked to work with Booker (76 over at the time). I let them have a cage match. Boom, instant 4 star match.

I was suprise because neither of them have that great of a stat roundup. But they both have charisma...so maybe that helped a lot. They got like a 95+ crowd reaction.

I may have Booker feud with Cena next.


AJ Styles is like my hottest guy.

Everyone wants to work with him.....and he always get like 4.5+ match with damn near everyone.

Angle isn't doing as well as I expected. Haven't had a 5 star match with him yet, beside with AJ. AJ can like carry any match!

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I just had the greatest thing happen on this game. I was 4.8 million dollars in debt, on the verge of going bankrupt when I get an incident report saying that Jerry Jarrett was starting a comedy channel, and needed to take some money out of the wrestling funds to do it. Wondering how he would do this since we were so far in debt, I checked the financial figures and lo and behold the money is now at 4 million dollars positive!


It's probably a bug because the money can't go under a certain amount, but it sure saved my ass.

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Well, NWATNA must really have a crappy work environment because I've lost quite a few people to rehab. Shark Boy(93 over), AJ Styles(100 over), Raven(100 over(Real Shocker ;) ), CM Punk(91 over(Guess Straight Edge is just a Gimmick :ph34r: )), and Syxx-Pac(84 over (:P)) all in three months. :(

EDIT: Also had Alter Boy Luke and James Mitchell find religion which had me rolling for a minute or two.

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Guest Nanks

Damn this Japan touring shit. I want Chris Daniels and I want him now but he won't come and work for me.

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Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles.


Match Background: Daniels and Styles have been feuding for quite some time now. This match is for the ROH Title title. Christopher Daniels has been ROH Title champion since 23 October 2004.


The Match: Daniels hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Christopher Daniels misses a clothesline. Spinning back kick from AJ Styles. AJ Styles misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! DDT from the top rope by AJ Styles. That looked KILLER. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Daniels kicks AJ Styles in the gut to reverse the momentum. Christopher Daniels hits a rolling kick on Styles. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Daniels crushes Styles with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Christopher Daniels. Nicely done. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! AJ Styles powers out of a Christopher Daniels headlock. Lightning kick by Styles on Daniels. Pin, but Daniels is out just before the three count. Daniels counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! AJ Styles can barely stand. Last Rites!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

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Ok, here's a downloading question. When I download the game it goes fine but, when it finishes all of a sudden the download thing just starts to blink I guess you could call it. And it just does that and it doesn't stop so I have to restart the computer. What's wrong?

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Hm... I'm not exactly sure. I'm thinking it might be a problem on your end (with downloading it), but I might be wrong. As I don't really know what's up.


Try downloading something else and see if that works. If so, then it's a problem with the file for download.

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Guest JacK

Hey, yo, Lightning Flik, thanks for your help! Now at 72% PI and rising, but, alas, the WWE are still at 100%. oh well.


Oh, and also, Sophie's whinging about the TV show- PPV in the one week I've noticed hasn't seemed to do much, cause PPV buys are still coming in strong. But TV show attendences are only in the 2000's, but then I'm on a crappy network. Eh, maybe it's only working cuz the industry is still over 90%

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In my NWATNA game before everybody went drug-crazy, I found it much better to try and get a real tv show instead of weekly ppv. It allows more booking spots, better money from sponsors, and helped me destroy WWE in less than 4 Months.

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Guest Nanks

Is there any way at all of getting Daniels to come work for me at WWE?? Get this Japan rubbish out of here, the silly bastard turned down $300 000 per month on an open contract and he's not touring again for months. My Main Eventers are starting to get a bit upset for some reason. I'm struggling to find people to pit against my champ Y2J. He's nearly had 5 stars against AJ & Hurricane recently. In a weird incident I had Test marry a previously unknown daughter of Linda McMahon after a whirlwind romance recently, he now is unsackable and has creative control. Oh, and I found this awesome British rookie Jonny C, he's in OVW, he'll be a superstar

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Hey, yo, Lightning Flik, thanks for your help! Now at 72% PI and rising, but, alas, the WWE are still at 100%. oh well.


Oh, and also, Sophie's whinging about the TV show- PPV in the one week I've noticed hasn't seemed to do much, cause PPV buys are still coming in strong. But TV show attendences are only in the 2000's, but then I'm on a crappy network. Eh, maybe it's only working cuz the industry is still over 90%

Great to hear that you are getting over.


...you can actually have the TV show/PPV going at the same time and still work?


Wow, didn't know that.


As for "awesome" stars here's my list that I almost always hire:


Aidan Nathans

Air Paris

Austin Lee

Chance Beckett

Jonny C.

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Heatwave from August 2004 (possible card of the year drawing a 92% overall)


Backseat Boyz vs Yung Dragons.


Match Background: Yang knows Kaz well from AJPW in Japan. This is another chapter in the long-running Backseat Boyz vs Yung Dragons feud.


The Match: Jimmy Yang hits a rolling kick on Kashmere. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Superkick by Jimmy Yang practically knocks out all of Johnny Kashmere's teeth! Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Kaz Hayashi. Yung Dragons whip Kashmere into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Kashmere takes a flying neckbreaker from Kaz Hayashi. Covers for a quick two count. Standing leg lariat by Kaz Hayashi on Kashmere. Johnny Kashmere fights out of a grapple. Back heel kick off the second rope, Kaz goes down. Kashmere tags out to Trent Acid. Acid hits a dropkick on Kaz Hayashi and gets right back up. Acid crushes Kaz with a huge legdrop. Kaz powers out of a headlock. Kaz tags out to Jimmy Yang. Lightning kick by Yang on Acid. Diamond Dust from Jimmy Yang, Acid is out! Pin, but Acid is out just before the three count. Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Acid goes down. Jimmy Yang gets taken down out of nowhere! Yang takes a NICE hurrancarana from Trent Acid. Jimmy Yang is in big trouble...T-Gimmick!! 1....2....3! Backseat Boyz remain in the ring, celebrating their victory.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!


Spanky vs Psychosis.


Match Background: Spanky and Psychosis have been feuding for quite some time now. Psychosis has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: Psychosis kicks the leg, knocks Spanky down, and goes to work on it. Spanky avoids a Psychosis avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Spanky kicks the leg, knocks Psychosis down, and goes to work on it. Psychosis charges, Spanky moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Tor-NADO DDT from Spanky, Psychosis got planted! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Psychosis reverses a Spanky hammerlock. Implant DDT by Psychosis! I will always and forever mark out for that move. SUPER frankensteiner on Spanky, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Hooks the leg for a two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Psychosis. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Spanky backdrops Psychosis out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Spanky. Spanky crushes Psychosis with a huge legdrop. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Psychosis is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Spanky hooks up a suplex, but it is blocked. Psychosis scores with a low blow, then turns it into a small package! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Spanky got screwed out of the victory! Psychosis slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Spanky to get some payback.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****!


TAKA Michinoku vs Kid Kash.


Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This is another chapter in the long-running Kash vs TAKA feud. So far, Kash hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over TAKA since the feud started. This match is for the ECW Television title. TAKA Michinoku has been ECW Television champion since 25 July 2004.


The Match: Flying elbow by TAKA Michinoku from the top of the ladder! OOHHH, YEAH! VICIOUS lightning kick by TAKA on Kash. Kash kicks TAKA Michinoku in the gut to reverse the momentum. Kash just WAFFLES TAKA with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! TAKA takes a flying neckbreaker from Kid Kash. Kid Kash dives off the middle of the ladder with a clothesline that connects. Spin kick by Kid Kash to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. TAKA ducks a wild right hand. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by TAKA. Kash walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. TAKA Michinoku blasts Kash with a slingshot into the ladder. Kash kicks TAKA Michinoku in the gut to reverse the momentum. Flying elbow from Kid Kash connects. TAKA walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Kid Kash moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Cha Ching. Kid Kash climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Kid Kash remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!


Low Ki vs Taiyo Kea.


Match Background: Low Ki and Kea have been feuding for quite some time now. So far, Low Ki hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Kea since the feud started.


The Match: Back suplex on Kea. STIFF high kick on Kea by Low Ki. Big dropkick by Low Ki, who got a ton of air on the move. Bodyslam by Low Ki. Taiyo Kea pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. BIG clothesline on Low Ki. Low Ki walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Low Ki comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Low Ki! Covers for a quick two count. Low Ki brings out a jumping powerbomb to nearly murder Kea in the ring! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Kea kicks Low Ki in the gut to reverse the momentum. Kea slams Low Ki. Low Ki reverses a waistlock. Low Ki drives a thrust kick into the chest of Kea. Low Ki charges, Kea moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Low Ki knocks Kea to the outside, then signals for the Dragon Clutch. He reaches out of the ring for Taiyo Kea...and gets clobbered with the ring bell! Right to the head! The referee looks up to see Kea sliding in and making the pinfall. The referee calls for the bell though! He's disqualifying Taiyo Kea, he must have seen the ring bell shot! The match is over. Low Ki offers a handshake to Kea...and he accepts it! No! Taiyo Kea levels Low Ki with a cheap shot right hand! Taiyo Kea spins Low Ki around. Taiyo Kea hits the Hawaiian Smasher! Low Ki has been floored after the match.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!


Also had 2 **** matches and 2 ***3/4 matches. Shamrock v. Shamrock submission blowoff only hit **** which was dissapointing. The 2 ***3/4 were also dissapointing as I had them pegged for **** at least.


On top of this, got my first graduates from training camp. A few alright talents, however nothing special. Perhaps if I upgraded to superb. I've been forced to open up a developmental teritory essentially just for these guys.


Also, despite being only 80% National (while 88% now, but 80% at the time) and the WWE being 100% Global I decided to go head to head on Monday nights with them.


The result: Two close to call. I drew a 5.86 while they drew a 6.06. Not bad for a difference of about 120% in public image. For some reason however, after two strong showings against them my rating dropped to about a 5.4 and I don't think because of the head to head, because my unopposed Friday show also featured a drastic drop from about the same ratings. Only explanation might be the industry is starting to wane. However, a drop of .5 with my public image actually growing higher throughout the time period? Any other explanations for this.

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I've got a question for you. If I'm playing on rock hard, and I'm at 62% cult level, how good do my weekly PPVs have to be for my public image to go up? I actually got it to go up for one month, but that seemed to have more to do with hirings than the actual show. It just really pisses me off when I put on a 75% caliber show and my public image drops two points.

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Rock Hard is just a tad unrealistic and is only really there for people looking for a seriously hardcore experience.


I prefer playing it straight on medium, as that isn't too hard, but not too easy, and allows other promotions to grow and challenge me.



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Okay- I have a glitch


For some reason I can never read about my third match on the card. It'll skip over it completely and I'll only know how it went by the overall rating

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