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Crash Holly passes away

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This just came out of nowhere. I told two of my friends who follow the business, and both of them immediately said 'What the fuck?'.


I thought the guy was entertaining. The 24/7 rule was his gimmick, and it should have stayed his gimmick. I never had a chance to see Mad Mikey, but I will now order more TNA from the last couple of months.


RIP Michael Lockwood. Condolences to Stevie, and Crash's family.

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He admitted to having the problem IN THE 80S. He was fired because he told the truth.

He said he didn't like what he saw in the mirror. He said he has a serious complaint about this business.


Now, if you were paying a guy who said that, in his heart, he hates his job, would you want him working for you? Probably not unless you absolutely depended on him (not a good sign), and they weren't depending on Piper for anything.


I blame vince for forcing wrestling to be this three ring circus that leads to their deaths.


What? Working NWA-TNA, ROH, Japan, etc takes more effort, more endurance, I won't say more pain because I have no idea if that's true. The WWE audience is a lot less demanding. Do you think Nathan Jones would main event a program in one of the areas listed above? No. Do you think ROH is going to mark for Rikishi because he can moonwalk? No.


In terms of tearing your body to the limit in the ring, WWE is probably one of the better options. The most grueling thing I can think of in WWE that the other feds don't have is the constant touring.

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Maybe, the reason they resort to the drugs and the alcohol for the most part is because they don't have it easy anymore, not being in the WWE anymore.


Not being in the "easy" big time means they have to work their way once again through the indies, where it IS very rough mentally and physically. Some struggle.. and some don't make it.


It's all so depressing.

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Well, I just got through reading eevry single post in this thread. The discussion in this topic reaffirms my belief that we have the most intelligent wrestling discussion on the entire net here. It's just very unfortunate that it took a tragedy to spawn such an interesting exchange of ideas. I will comment more on my thoughts of what should be done to prevent such events from occuring, but at this time it's too late to put all my thoughts together. However, I will re-post what I wrote at another board when I first read of his death.


"I guess wrestling deaths do always come in threes. It's been a horrible few weeks... Road Warrior Hawk, one half of my favorite childhood tag team passed away, followed by Stu Hart, father of my all time favorite wrestler (Bret) and one of my top 10 (Owen, who is hopefully resting in peace as well... I cried when he died as I was watching the PPV live and almost went to the actual show... glad I didn't) and now Crash. I was never a hug fan of Crash Holly/Mad Mikey, but he was incredibly entertaining as the 24/7 Hardcore Champ and also as an MF'er. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. It's so weird, seeing as how he was so young and I just saw him on TV a few months ago. I'm getting chills just thinking about this... how utterly tragic. I'm still planning on resuming my training and getting into the business once I can afford it, but all these deaths make me second guess my decision. Knowing that probably 1/4 of the people I meet/work with/befriend will die tragically young is very unsettling."

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Damnit! I didn't want this to happen to Crash. He's too young. This just follows my theory that, if you get fired by the WWE on bad terms, you're gong to die soon(I.e. Mr. Perfect, British Bulldog, Hawk(one match deal)

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Damnit! I didn't want this to happen to Crash. He's too young. This just follows my theory that, if you get fired by the WWE on bad terms, you're gong to die soon(I.e. Mr. Perfect, British Bulldog, Hawk(one match deal)

Well, Raven and D-Lo Brown haven't died yet, fortunately.

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Choking on your own vomit is very common in the entertainment industry, and its usually drink related. Immediately Dave Williams (lead singer of Drowning Pool) and one of the members of AC/DC spring to mind.


RIP Crash

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Guest Goodear

Come on guys, I know Vince is no saint but to blame him for every wrestling death ever is sad. Just for example, Hawk was always a big monster way back in the NWA and AWA. You could plainly say that The Road Warriors had more influence on the WWF than the other way around. Pitbull II never even worked for Vince.


Crash on the other hand was a jobber for the majority of his tenure and hadn't even been on TV in a constant role for years now. It's not like he even had to work 10 minutes a night while on tour on average.

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First off and most important, RIP Crash, I always enjoyed the 24/7 and the super Heavyweight gimmicks.


Now, I've read through all the posts in this thread and have this to say.


Wrestlers get into this business to wrestle. If giving them two months off were to happen, all that would mean is some independents would have some great shows for those two months. Some would take the time off, but most would take the oppertunity to moake a few extra dollars. It's just not going to happen.


It's not Vince's fault that this is happening. You cannot watch that amount of people 24/7, as others have stated. It comes down to choices that people make. Vince is not standing over them throwing pills down their mouth or buying them a bottle of rum. If they choose to take those pills or have those drinks. It's on thier own head.


With Steroids, It's almost an occupational hazard, but as long as there are people who want to see the "super Human" bodies and people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get themselves there, they will be a problem. No one takes them without knowing what could/will happen. Once again, it's a choice.


Regulation is not going to help, commissions and inquirys are not going to matter. The only thing that is going to change what happens in this business that we all love is changing the type of people that decide to make thier living at it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
He's now running away from Hardcore title contenders in the sky...

RIP to crash, first of all.


Second of all, after reading that statement, I got a picture in my head of Abraham Lincoln and Genghis Kahn giving him the doomsday device. I don't know what that means.

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Guest nikowwf
The three ring circuis I was referring to was the McMahon ideal that bigger is not only better but the only way to go.

I think that letting all the smaller guys fly around doesn't help either cause they all wind up being hurt and needing painkillers.


The problem is that a safer style with smaller less jacked up guys would be best. But, would we watch it?


This one is so depressing....more than some of the others.



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He's now running away from Hardcore title contenders in the sky...

RIP to crash, first of all.


Second of all, after reading that statement, I got a picture in my head of Abraham Lincoln and Genghis Kahn giving him the doomsday device. I don't know what that means.

Can you just picture Abraham Lincoln sneaking up on Crash in heaven and winning the Hardcore title?

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Guest One Trick Pony

I'm not sure who brought it up but an off-season would possibly hurt some of the wrestlers too. Not just in the pocket but otherwise. If you listen to Benoit, Rhyno, and Lita they talk about going into major depression from being away from the business because of their injuries.

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The three ring circuis I was referring to was the McMahon ideal that bigger is not only better but the only way to go.

Guys like Crash and Spanky won't be A-Train size, drugs or no drugs. Vince's near-homoerotic obsession with big men has been discussed many times on this board. There's only so much a guy can do to bulk up.



And for Slapnuts, who suggested that Shane be the next wrestling death, my suspicions are that Vince himself is going to die a steroid-related death (ie enlarged heart), since otherwise he's a pretty clean guy and I'm not aware of any other bad habits that could be the end of him. It won't be that much longer, and certainly will make a ripple through the office.

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Crash...ah Crash...the smaller, more fun...possibly more talented of the male Hollys.


We'll miss your antics.


...now, I hate to change the subject after that, but here's a question:


Who do you think will be the first to go via steroid abuse...Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan?

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Guest hunger4unger

It's not fair to blame Vince for anyone's death. He's an employer and like any company, cut backs are sometimes made when business is down. Crash, Hawk, Perfect etc were all grown adults and no doubt fully aware of the problems stemming from alcohol/drug abuse.


In saying that, it sucks that Crash has passed away. I always found him very entertaining and by all accounts was a decent guy "in real life". Best wishes to him and his family.

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Crash...ah Crash...the smaller, more fun...possibly more talented of the male Hollys.


We'll miss your antics.


...now, I hate to change the subject after that, but here's a question:


Who do you think will be the first to go via steroid abuse...Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan?

Like Vince said at his birthday bash a few weeks ago...he will outlive us all.

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Crash...ah Crash...the smaller, more fun...possibly more talented of the male Hollys.


We'll miss your antics.


...now, I hate to change the subject after that, but here's a question:


Who do you think will be the first to go via steroid abuse...Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan?

Like Vince said at his birthday bash a few weeks ago...he will outlive us all.

Aww, he didn't say a classic quote I heard off of the old Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts?


You know..."May you all live forever, and the last voice you hear be mine"?

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Ok, I'm not reading ten pages. Has it been reported how he died yet?


The day is getting closer to when the FBI storms backstage at an event and searches, finds, arrest and charges the McMahons and MANY other wrestlers on drug procession. The end of wrestling is coming sooner rather then later if this shit keeps up.

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Choking on your own vomit is very common in the entertainment industry, and its usually drink related. Immediately Dave Williams (lead singer of Drowning Pool) and one of the members of AC/DC spring to mind.


RIP Crash

That would be Bon Scott.


Rest in peace, Crash.

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Crash Holly's finest achievement was being in one of the best matches of the night at Wrestlemania 2000. Had Dim White not screwed up the count at the end, little Crash would have had a remarkable victory.

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