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Guest Suicide King

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I'm retired, so I don't have to be tactful. The fact that Ash is related to every wrestler who ever lived and has a laundry list of their names tattooed on his arm is fucking ridiculous. And the fact that his dad basically makes the existence of Pedro Morales null and void pisses me off to no end for some reason.

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Tom already did.


The X/Thugg fued was hatred stemming from the fact that Thugg was responsible for X's near fatal crash, once again, turning his back on a friend.


Uh, that IS pretty ridiculous, no matter how you look at it. Didn't that also lead to amnesia from Xstasy where he couldn't remember Thugg ever beating the hell out of him and suddenly spoke in ebonics for no good reason, only to have King (playing Yojimbo) finally succeed in setting the two against each other so he could successfully defeat Thugg for the world title?


A few more that occured to me:


-That one promo Spider wrote where he killed one of the Clan's mysterious corporate benefactors. With an ash tray.


-The entire IGNWO debacle. Jayson sells the company to a mysterious Japanese business man who represents the most generically named company imaginable ('The Firm'), and reveals that he secretely intends to give certain wrestlers carte blanche muahahahahahaha. Their stable gets named even MORE unoriginally than The Firm, Merc and Spike make nonsensical heel turns, and... the entire thing sucks because none of them are good enough to get to the world title and the Midnight Carnival whoops them repeatedly.


-Edwin's completely ineffectual heel turn where he becomes eeeeeeeeevil and joins Jayson's corporation out of the jealousy of seeing the King of Hearts, Spark and some other people get bumped out of the ML. Except, y'know, he acts exactly like the charismatic, goofy face he used to be. Might have had more success if he wore a shirt saying "I AM A VICIOUS HEEL. PLEASE BOO ME."



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Uh, that IS pretty ridiculous, no matter how you look at it. Didn't that also lead to amnesia from Xstasy where he couldn't remember Thugg ever beating the hell out of him and suddenly spoke in ebonics for no good reason, only to have King (playing Yojimbo) finally succeed in setting the two against each other so he could successfully defeat Thugg for the world title?

Actually, if you remember...regardless of the amnesia, X never knew about Thugg causing the accident. There wasn't a beat down or anything like that...X had a motocycle accident...that was later revealed to be caused by Thugg. The amnesia had nothing to do with it. As for the ebonics...Thugg always talked like that...X never did it to the extent of HVT, but he went in and out depending on what version of X he was using.


And it did lead to amnesia that caused X to forget everything from his past, including Thugg turning on him earlier. King came in to try and get X to remember that Thugg was a jerk, but he really had an alterior motive to get Thugg's title.


If you don't like it...that's your opinion, but it certainly wasn't ridiculous or unrealistic.


Da "what, exactly, was unrealistic or ridiculous about that?" H

Edited by HVilleThugg

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Speaking of shooting things... Exploding Chicken shooting Galatea (and him no-selling it) in every promo from his bump on was quite hillarious.

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Oh, hey... there was the time Tod deKindes and I decided to tease Tod joining the M7 just before the Clusterfuck where I was planning to beat ELM. I posted a bar promo and Tod promptly replied to the effect of "I didn't agree to this."


I killed the angle there and approached Silent about the tease... and, well, we know what happens when someone works out an angle with Silent.

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Cutthroat: Remember when he joined as Dragon?  And he had that website devoted to him?  And we all hated him?  And then his "brother" Cutthroat joined?  I mean Jesus Christ.

I beat both of his gimmicks! Sadly, I gave him offense in both of these matches. *bows head in shame*


My big ridiculous moment: Winning the Hardcore Gamer's Title off of f'n JD. Good God, did that ever spell transitional champion and lead into the depths of jobber hell...after the tag championship run. Yeah for the BCW!

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-Edwin's completely ineffectual heel turn where he becomes eeeeeeeeevil and joins Jayson's corporation out of the jealousy of seeing the King of Hearts, Spark and some other people get bumped out of the ML. Except, y'know, he acts exactly like the charismatic, goofy face he used to be. Might have had more success if he wore a shirt saying "I AM A VICIOUS HEEL. PLEASE BOO ME."

Hush ya mouth, fool. The first week, at least, was awesome - c'mon, Edwin coming out of nowhere to falcon arrow Fallout off the top and give Jayson the win via scoop slam? You loved it, and if you didn't, I'll pee in your nose. I even cost Raynor a first blood match and cut some smarmy-ass promos.


So, uh, I will always maintain that the heel turn was pretty good for about 8 or 9 days. After that point it became pretty clear that I was just eager to get to the WF after everybody good but me had been drafted out of the ML.


I was also always a fan of Thugg killing the shit out of Chris Storm over and over again. I maintain that he eventually just ended up in a coma due to persistent bludgeoning, and that's why he sorta mysteriously disappeared. Poor guy probably had 150 or so of his bones broken by the end of his run...

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Oh...anyone remember that match from quite a way back in the SJL where after every nearfall both guys had to take a shot of Vodka. I only vaguely remember, but I'm sure it was Tarakanov and someone. I read that and wanted to join the JL right there and then. Of course, I sucked at match writing, so left it a year or so.

I remember it... probably because I wrote it. (Y)



Crow© vs Viktor Tarakanov

Description: Viktor Tarakanov earned his shot in a tough 3 way match... and now he faces the World Champion... with a twist! Every 90 seconds in the match, each wrestler must stop to do a shot of vodka. This match won't just be a test of strength, but of fortitude as well! Will the Russian have the advantage with his native beverage? Or will Crow, that fucking alcoholic, reign supreme?

Rules: See match description. No DQ, no countout. Win via pin, submission, or knockout.

Word Limit: 6000

Send To: Thoth


A link to the show thread, if you would like to skim it again.


I think that's the only match I've written where the word count is exactly the limit. The main problem I had with this match is the time factor, having shots every ninety seconds was a bitch and I think I neglected it often and just ended up including it where ever I deemed it appropriate.


Chugging along, the weirdest thing I've ever been apart of was a punishment match laid down by TBS/LDP (I forget which, I know Pete marked it), it was called the Ball Crawl match.



Crow vs. Insane Luchador vs. Spike Jenkins

Description: This team turned in nothing for the Metal main event and will now be forced to suffer the consequences in this punishment match. Anyway, you know those little Ball Crawl areas at McDonalds playgrounds? The ones with hundreds of multicolored little plastic balls...? Good luck trying to wrestle when you're maneuvering through those.

Rules: Once all three competitors enter the ring, a ten-foot-high hard, thick clear plastic cage wall will descend over the ring, trapping the competitors inside. Then, millions of multicolored plastic balls will be released into the ring, filling to a depth of about three feet. Every five minutes after the match starts, more balls will be released from the ceiling, making it that much harder to move about in the match. The only way to win is to escape the cage with both feet touching the floor outside. The plastic wall has no handholds, but competitors can likely escape by standing on the top turnbuckle and climbing up and over.

Word Limit: 4500

Minimum Word Limit: 2000

Send To: Longdogger_Pete


Amazingly, I actually turned out a good effort for this match, using almost all of the word limit (4,406 to be exact) and wrote three classic promos with Janus in the show. Fun fun fun.


And now, gone.

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Oh, hey... there was the time Tod deKindes and I decided to tease Tod joining the M7 just before the Clusterfuck where I was planning to beat ELM. I posted a bar promo and Tod promptly replied to the effect of "I didn't agree to this."

We did that?!


One of my own: trying to make Tod look like a badass face.

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Guest Suicide King

Then there's every card that Thoth ever has or ever will book. Of course, this is self-fulfilling. He's so afraid he will lever be allowed to book again that he makes each one as ridiculous as possible, in case he never books again. ;)

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You have it wrong, King. My idea was that the JL and WF need to be a bit lighter, like the old days when we fought at McDonald's and whatnot. That aside, the last JL card I did I made that way simply because I could. Abuse of power and whatnot.

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Guest Goodear

My weirdest stuff happened I think around the tail end of the Midnight Carnival with Annie just joining that squad after joining and betraying just about every squad EVER. I think she was in one group for like two weeks. Anyway, in one of the most intricate promos I've actually ever read, Annie sneaks into Mag 7 headquarters for the horrible purpose of painting the Mag 7s faces on our walls... in Hamster form. Being the second time getting pranked by the M7 (the first was a Z promo where he was all turning evil to get to Silent and fed the M7 bad food in the process), I decided to basically pay them back with the insane notion of getting past all of their security and an American Gladiator just to put up Annie's toliet seat.



I don't know if painting Spongebod Sqaurepants on the Unholy Trinity's hummer topped that or not.

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Guest Goodear

Bah, just wait until the RV begins to TALK! Just like Knight Rider...




Others: Is he kidding?

Me: Bwa HA HA HA!

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I find it hard to believe that Z can recall all of this stuff since he wasn't even around then. Anyway, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the one angle with Brimstone involved that sank quicker than the Ben Affleks carrer after Gigli. I'll detail it after I get off work just to amuse those who weren't here for it.

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RSJL BLACKOUT YO! I actually didn't think it was that bad an idea. Kinda collapsed, though.


And Z was lurking wayyyy back in the day. Fuckin' groupie.

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Brimstone 'killed' JD, Munich, and Sarah, I think.



That was fun. It was the only JL card I ever had a hand in booking. It was an AIM chat. Sarah, Jay, me...and Storm or someone, I forget. One thing led to another, and Brimmy pissed us off or something, so we booked him in a hogpen match. It was cute, a bit harsh, but cute. So I believe things went on fine for a day or two, then all hell broke loose around me. For a few hours, the board was armageddon. Sarah and JD, or maybe just Sarah, wrote a promo where all three of us went to some military place where Brimstone trained. The goofy part was that everyone was a flaming homosexual.


I remember Sarah writing about us seeing one man fellate another and then saying, "then we bolt". This happened about three or four times, I believe. I didn't know anything about this promo, so I was all, "ahh shit", since IGNWF canon at the time stated that he would be able to return fire, and he did...by being very violent.


All three of us were hanging out like the Joker, Penguin, and Catwoman, bragging about what we did to Brimstone. Then Brimmy ambushes us and flat out kills us, I believe glass and blunt objects were used in our beatdown. It was a classy beatdown, though. And that was that.


That's the story, pretty much. The old memory is a bit foggy, but it's how I remember it.

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RSJL BLACKOUT YO!  I actually didn't think it was that bad an idea.  Kinda collapsed, though.

Red Storm Rising... Wasn't half bad while it lasted. When it went south, it went south hard and fast.


Continuing on with some nostalgic thoughts, my own that is. So please bare with me.


Somehow, my very first match beat out all others, even though it was the worst one handed in (you guys claimed it wasn't, but I clearly remember seeing someone else's and it was better). And some how I managed to get the ref, I think it was Thugg, to help me win the damn thing. I think I had him throw someone over the rope just because. Then I just joined RSR for the hell of it. Well actually because Brimstone asked me too.


Then my match with Brimstone against Luchador and ... uh someone else whom I forget. Half the match was bullshit and flashbacks, while the other half was the actual match. I think we won because we were the only ones who sent in our match. I do remember a lot of people weren't exactly happy with my title win. Especially myself as I said I shouldn't have won it.


Also it never was explained about why the hell Mistress Sarah and I were together. I do remember the reason, but still. It was kinda stupid to have all the build up for that, and nothing came of it.


...sighs... I had a lot of bad stuff that just didn't make any sense. And I really sucked at this stuff.


And yah, I know, "get out". Gotcha. Doing so now. Just saying my piece.

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