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Lord of The Curry

Rob Feinstein........

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I wonder if Rf is watching south park...






Rob..touching little boys makes me a SSSSSSAAAAAAAADDDD PANDA :(


"Ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury...this is Chewbacha."

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Clear something up for me. Is this moron still going to own ROH and only step down from president (or whatever), or is he going to cut all ties with the group?

No one knows for sure.


Personally, I think it's just a front that he's "resigning". Until the words "sold his part of" come into play...I think he's still benefiting.

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That won't happen. RoH fans would buy tapes and tickets from a serial rapist who assinates puppies as long as they can still see the shows.

Then we've got a problem.


I just noticed that this twat was on AIM under the screen name in question, heh.

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BPS, honestly, you're talking out of your ass. I've heard from multiple people that they are scrambling to completely disassociate ROH from Feinstein, and are scrambling to get a notorized letter to prove it to the owners of the Rexplex, in order to be able to run their show on 3/13. These issues can't be solved in a day, and saying that he resigned was just a way of telling people that he's leaving before anything was made official, as far as I see it.

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I'd say that the trouble won't be from the fans as much as in booking arenas.


Considering how ugly the infighting is between ROH, 3PW, and CZW, who WOULDN'T expect Zandig or Jasmine St. Claire to call every arena that ROH has ever considered running and asking them how they feel about letting a promotion associated with a person who was part of a Internet child molestation expose.


They've already had problems with keeping arenas around Boston because of "concerned citizen" calls about the content of their show, so this IS a legitimate concern for them.




I figure they'll only lose a small percentage of their ticket sales... at first. 3/13 will probably go off for them with about 800-1000 in attendance (800 pre-sold tickets already announced) but their next show could see a marked change in the number of tickets sold, especially if there are serious questions about ROH being able to book a venue and KEEP the show there.



As for video sales, it depends on everything going on. Even if RF Video stays open, there are questions about whether people would want to buy from them on moral reasons AND whether they'd expect to see their merchandise, which hasn't been much of a problem lately but WOULD be a big concern if it looked like RF was going to be in more trouble.


On talent, I'd say that no wrestlers (or VERY few) will pull out of the 3/13 show. Depending on how things are handled after that, I could see several wrestlers "accidentally" booking another show on the same day as an ROH show as a way of staying out of the controversy until it is resolved. The only wrestler to come out against ROH so far is Lo Ki, who was not expected to come back anyway, while CM Punk has reaffirmed his committment to ROH while expressing his disgust at RF himself.



In summary, I'd say that things will get VERY tough for ROH soon, although not enough that they'd have to shut down anytime soon. More accurately, they'll probably backslide to where they were in late 2002, when they weren't drawing HUGE numbers of fans but were making enough money to continue operations.

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You might want to check out the forum for the guys that did the chat with RF.




You need to first sign up, post once in the Perverted-Justice forum, then go to the Perverted Justice - Followup Forum to check out the topic on RF.


These people are hell bent and dead serious about what they are doing. They are putting together demostrations, calling all of Rob's neighbors, calling all of the venues that ROH run shows in, and on and on and on. I don't know how much influance they can have, but still.


They say they will not "back down" untill Rob publicly comes out and says "I will never make a dime off of ROH and RFVideos again, I'm sorry", and untill then they are going to be calling and pressing all advertisers, friends, those who work in ROH, the venues, etc... to not have anything to do with the company.


The thread that I link to right here has the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc... of all of these people for everyone to call and to contact.

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Highlight of the RF joke bonanza at www.scotsmanality.com-




"Why did Feinstein check himself into the Betty Ford Center?


To get treatment for his 14-year-old crack addiction."

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I really hate to say this: But Ring of Honor might as well be dead now.


It's not right, it's a damn shame that one man can bring down a whole company but that is what might very well happen. If you think the boycotts will end after RF sells, you are mistaken.


ROH will just be looked at as the company that helped a sicko make money, it'll be tarnished with jokes and some venues will not want to even run the shows because of the stain.


One of the problems is the media and coverage AREN'T seperating the two and I doubt they will. It will always be "ex owner of Ring of Honor".


This prick may have just severely crippled this company's future. I hope I am wrong and that they can break apart the two but I don't see it happening. RF may or may not go to prison for a long time, but ROH is the one that will really have to pay for his mistake.

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Also, why does it matter if he is gay or not?

Child molester. Period.


Whether he was gay or not shouldn't make a damn bit of difference. Child molester should be the only thing that matters here.


Would it say, "straight child molester" if he went after a young girl? I mean come on, adding the word "gay" is pointless.


Just to be clear, I'm not taking a shot at anyone or insulting anyone. I'm just confused why that part has to be added on?

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It's a way people try to make it sound worse.


If Rob sells, the stigma will stay with them for a while, but they will be able to get through it with a bunch of great shows.


If Rob stays, they're done.

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If RF leaves they'll get over it the next day. The only thing standing in the way of things being normal is the voice in the back of people's heads that don't want to do anything to put a dime in his pocket. The product is too good for anything short of the shows taking a huge quality decline to turn their customers off.

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Also, PJ is doing everything it can to get venues to cancel RoH while RF is the owner. It's going to be tough getting places to run with him in charge. He needs to realize that he's not going to make anymore money as owner of RoH, and it's time to sell the thing, if he cares at all about Doug, Gabe, and the workers.

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Guest TDinDC1112

RF must be freaking because he actually might have to get a real job now.


Also, I think this is so awful, but there is something I don't understand. Why is this website trying to destroy him? Shouldn't they be trying to get him arrested and gear everything towards a legal perspective? It seems like (with protests and calls to neighbors) that they are only concerned with ruining him - it almost seems personal.


I have this feeling that he isn't going anywhere. ROH is nothing without RF. The entire idea of ROH was to make money for RF.

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Guest Jimmy Saint
I do not like RF, never have and never will.

I do not like how everybody on the net is using the word pedophile. It is about a grown-up loving a young boy. Not someone who is in his puberty. A pedophile loves boys who are not over 12. Everything else is "normal" homosexuality. Nobody says you´re a pedophile when you´re dating a 17 year old girl - but i assume most of you guys would say it´s pedophile to date with a minor guy. You are not using the right word to desribe RF´s sexual orientation. It´s like chanting "murder!" if HHH is attacking someone with his sledgehammer.

You are calling a homosexual a pedophile - that is not right

No its about in the eyes of the law a 28 year old man grooming a minor or child for sex using the internet. I can't speak for any gay people but I doubt they would accosiate themselves with calling this normal behaviour for a homosexual.



As a straight man in his mid 20's. I can see how fucked up it would be for someone to do this to a 14 year old girl. I'm not sure why you seem to not really have a trouble with this ? or understanding it.



"It´s like chanting "murder!" if HHH is attacking someone with his sledgehammer."


Are you trying to compere a worked fight which has no real links to reality to what has become a major problem and embarresment for the internet in the modern age ? If you have watched the news over the past few years you will have noticed that pedophiles praying on underage kids using chat rooms has become a big problem.

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If you have watched the news over the past few years you will have noticed that pedophiles praying on underage kids using chat rooms has become a big problem.

It's "preying", but spelling it that way got a big laugh out of me. Sorry, continue.

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"ROH is nothing without rf" is grossly unfair, since the vast majority of work is done by Gabe, Doug, and everyone else. Their DVD deal is entirely independent of him, as an outside company makes DVDs for RoH, not Rf Video. Doug Gentry works for ROH, and he's the main video editor--RF leaving won't make him lose his skills. The only thing rob has that they would need to go on without him is those cameras. If it comes down to that, there are enough rich ROH fans I know that would help donate enough to at least help buy the equipment.


Rob isn't going to make anymore money as owner of RF--he should take money from the sale, move to another country, get a new job, whatever. His life as rob feinstein, wrestling promoter, is over, and unless he wants to drag everyone else down, he will sell.

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Guest OSIcon

As some people have pointed out, this all just went down two days ago. People seem to be expecting the sale/future of two businesses to be handled in one day while one of the main parties involved in that is also dealing with obvious legal problems. It just isn't practical to expect those kind of immediate results because the process takes a lot longer.


I am not saying ROH and Feinstein have handled the situation perfectly up until this point nor am I saying that they will have handled it perfectly when it is all said and done. However, little time has elapsed for them to able to do all that they need to/should do. Whether or not Feinstein will completely sell at least his owning interest in ROH has yet to be seen, but not enough time has gone by for a sale like that to happen. The other business partners need to decide what they are going to do, whoever is going to buy Feinstein's portion from him needs to get his finances together, the terms of any sale need to be figured out (which could prove to be difficult depending on well they actually maintain their financial records), and more before a "sale" goes through.


I do agree that they could do more right now. For instance, a statement directly from Gabe (and marked as such) stating that Feinstein is no longer a part of ROH in any way, shape, or form. They've already released the Feinstein statement saying that he is stepping down. That's really all that can be said right now even if they are doing a sale, because a sale will take a little longer than 2 days to figure out.


AS people have pointed out, there are basically two options for ROH's future at this point. There is the worst case scenario where Feinstein does stay on the board in a behind the scenes way. In that case, ROH is dead and burried as they won't be able to run most venues anymore, most of their fanbase will leave, ect. For that reason, one has to thing that won't be the course of action they chose to take. The other is to get rid of Feinstein completely. I am sure there will still be some backlash from fans that either refuse to believe he is fully gone (possibly even after it is proven) or just decide to not support ROH even after Feinstein is gone (which wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to me).


Like Michrome alluded to, the worrying about a "smoke screen" will be unfounded soon. With the Rexplex requiring certified proof that Feinstein is gone, we will know soon whether he is completely gone or not. There won't be any hiding it and it would be a mistake on ROH's part that I couldn't see any logicial person making as trying to help Feinstein by secretly keeping him on board makes no sense at all. So we will know for sure sometime soon whether he is completly gone or not. The venues and the people who are still going after Feinstein aren't going to settle for ambiguity in thise situation.

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Guest TDinDC1112
His life as rob feinstein, wrestling promoter, is over, and unless he wants to drag everyone else down, he will sell.

Since when has he been known though as a nice, reasonable guy?

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He has been friends with these people for years, I don't see any reason he would try to drag them to the ground. Like I said, there is nothing left for him to gain as owner of RFVideo and Ring Of Honor.

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Guest TDinDC1112
He has been friends with these people for years, I don't see any reason he would try to drag them to the ground. Like I said, there is nothing left for him to gain as owner of RFVideo and Ring Of Honor.

except money

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But with ROH not looking to make much $ with Rob still around- I don't see why he would want to stay around and just drive his promotion into the ground

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He has been friends with these people for years, I don't see any reason he would try to drag them to the ground.  Like I said, there is nothing left for him to gain as owner of RFVideo and Ring Of Honor.

except money

Not even that as this point.


Most people won't spend another dime that they haven't already spent on that company as long as RF is even suspected of having anything to do with the company.


The only reason I'm still planning on making the June 12 show in Dayton is because I'd already paid for the ticket before this all came down, and I sure as hell don't want to waste it since it's nonrefundable.


But if RF completely cuts ties with them, that's another matter entirely.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Time for more off color comments:


Why did Feinstein get sick???


-He ate a 14 year old weiner.......

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