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New School Question Thread

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When was Ken Shamrock's last televised match in the WWF, and who was it against?

September 23rd, 1999, where he lost to Chris Jericho in a "First Blood" match on Smackdown.


CRZ's recap of that match...


KEN SHAMROCK v. CHRIS THURSDAY JERICHO (with Curtis Hughes...I think) in a First Blood match - How can Shamrock have abs of steel AND love handles? Jericho is dressed in hockey paraphernalia (Buffalo Sabres! In Dallas! Jericho's AWESOME!) and swinging a hockey stick, which misses. In fact, it comes closer to Harvey Wippleman that Shamrock. Anyway, kicks from Shamrock quickly take Jericho down. Whip into the corner, whip into the opposite corner - Jericho puts up a boot, but Shamrock ducks the clothesline and hits one of his own. Here's a beal by the facemask. There's a ONE-HANDED beal by the mask. Clothesline takes Jericho to the outside. Head to the post, head to the STEEL steps, but, like, he's got a helmet on, dude. Did I mention the "Y2J" on the back of his jersey? Okay. How about the ponytail sticking out the top of the helmet? Okay. Oh, THERE'S Mr. Hughes, apparently only arriving just now, and through the crowd at that. Shamrock quickly knocks him down, but this gives Jericho enough time to grab his stick and work over Shamrock with it. TOP ROPE SPLASH! This is apparently legal in this match - okay. Shamrock is now "bleeding internally" so Wippleman calls for the bell. (2:23) Can I tell you that once again, these "scab" refs aren't exactly *underperforming* compared to the real refs?

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I have one:


Who (which brand) gets the Judgement Day PPV? The split PPVs started right after that last year if I'm correct so it hasn't yet been an issue. Whoever gets it, it would make things uneven, right?

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I have one:


Who (which brand) gets the Judgement Day PPV? The split PPVs started right after that last year if I'm correct so it hasn't yet been an issue. Whoever gets it, it would make things uneven, right?

Theyll probably just keep going alternately. Whoever's turn it is that month will get that ppv...I doubt theyll even touch on the one show having an extra ppv issue.

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Since we're kind of on the topic of Jericho's title reign, I believe Meltzer wrote something on wrestlingclassics.com once on how Jericho's title reign was seemingly sabatoged. Interesting stuff.

Here it is:


I don't know what the word was. At first, it was company arrogance. There is a feeling, and even when WWF was losing in the ratings, that WWF was "the show" and if you were a main eventer and/or a big draw in WCW, it somehow didn't count. If you were a main eventer and didn't draw in WWF, somehow you were a proven commodity. WCW fed into that perception by being marks for anyone WWF casted off (huge contract for Brian Adams when Vince fired him).


Jericho got over on his first TV show huge, but to them, he was unproven and instead of taking advantage of it when he was at his hottest and they had a chance to make a real superstar, he had to pay his dues. They missed on everyone that crossed over besides guys who they saw as their own creations because of that mind set. I've got some great Hogan vs. Flair stories from 1991 that I'm saving that will illustrate this.

Do you have the rest of this? I'd be curious to hear about some of those Hogan/Flair stories.

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Raw: Apr, Jun, Sep, Dec

SD: Feb, May, July, Oct

Both: Jan, Mar, Aug, Nov

thanks for sorting that out.


and Orton looks like he has down-syndrome in your sig pic.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt
There's also the idea that the WWF was biased against wrestlers from ECW due to the whole Public Enemy debacle from early 99 and from that point on decided to put ECW wrestlers through a humbling process, forcing them to job for a few months to bring them down to earth. The Dudleyz fell victim to this process in late 99 (feuding with the Acolytes and giving Bubba the old stuttering gimmick again) before being pushed seriously in 2000, and they appeared to be repeating this process with Tazz.

How did Bubba lose the stutter in both ECW and WWF? Was there an incident, or was he suddenly cured with no explanation?

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Guest Loss
Since we're kind of on the topic of Jericho's title reign, I believe Meltzer wrote something on wrestlingclassics.com once on how Jericho's title reign was seemingly sabatoged. Interesting stuff.

Here it is:


I don't know what the word was. At first, it was company arrogance. There is a feeling, and even when WWF was losing in the ratings, that WWF was "the show" and if you were a main eventer and/or a big draw in WCW, it somehow didn't count. If you were a main eventer and didn't draw in WWF, somehow you were a proven commodity. WCW fed into that perception by being marks for anyone WWF casted off (huge contract for Brian Adams when Vince fired him).


Jericho got over on his first TV show huge, but to them, he was unproven and instead of taking advantage of it when he was at his hottest and they had a chance to make a real superstar, he had to pay his dues. They missed on everyone that crossed over besides guys who they saw as their own creations because of that mind set. I've got some great Hogan vs. Flair stories from 1991 that I'm saving that will illustrate this.

Do you have the rest of this? I'd be curious to hear about some of those Hogan/Flair stories.

To my knowledge, the only story he's revealed since then was one where he was talking to Pat Patterson about the Hogan/Flair house show program. Patterson told Meltzer he expected the match to do a great house, but nowhere near what Hogan v Undertaker would do because Flair still had to establish himself with the WWF fanbase.

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There's also the idea that the WWF was biased against wrestlers from ECW due to the whole Public Enemy debacle from early 99  and from that point on decided to put ECW wrestlers through a humbling process, forcing them to job for a few months to bring them down to earth.  The Dudleyz fell victim to this process in late 99 (feuding with the Acolytes and giving Bubba the old stuttering gimmick again) before being pushed seriously in 2000, and they appeared to be repeating this process with Tazz.

How did Bubba lose the stutter in both ECW and WWF? Was there an incident, or was he suddenly cured with no explanation?

I'm not 100% sure how he lost it in ECW. I vaguely remember turning on ECW TV in late 96 and hearing Bubba say his name perfectly without the stutter. All the while, Styles is in the background saying "He got it! He finally got it!"


In WWE, it was more of a gradual process that was never fully explained. By Rumble 2000, it was just gone.

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This is the first time I checked this thread out and my head hurts after reading that stuff with Jericho. I had no idea he had that many problems with people when he first entered the WWF.


To continue on, what lead to Eddie getting fired in 2001? Was there a certain incident with his drug/alcohol use which lead to his release?

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Guest Loss

Apparently, he had been slipping and had quite a few chances to turn things around and couldn't seem to do it. If you believe his recent promo, he was getting high in the shower room backstage, but that may not be totally true.


He was sent to rehab following whatever incident in May and was about to be brought back when he was arrested that October on DUI charges. It was at that point that WWE released him.


He was brought back in April 2002.

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When Brian Pillman jumped to the WWE, was he injured?

That was from his Hummer accident. He had to have his ankle fused and when it was not healing properly they ran the angle where Austin crushed his ankle with a chair so he could have it operated on again. I believe after the operations his foot was stuck in one permanent position.

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Who were the members of Mick Foley's "Union" Group?

Mankind, Test, Ken Shamrock, Big Show. Vince was with them for a few weeks until he was revealed as the "higher power".

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When was it Austin and Rock sang in the ring, and Rock asked Austin if he felt better and Austin said "I feel like crap." Anyone have a clip?


It happened on November 12, 2001, the last RAW before SSeries and I do have a copy of it. Hit me up on AIM if anybody wants it. :)


Okay some more questions from me:


1.) I was watching some Attitude era tapes and at the end of them, they had the PPV recap special hosted by Coach. Do they still do that on the WWE VHSs?


2.) I remember seeing a Backlash promo poster featuring Chris Jericho, was that the real poster?


3.) What was Theodore Long's last TV and PPV match where he refereed?

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2.) I remember seeing a Backlash promo poster featuring Chris Jericho, was that the real poster?

Yeah, it was. Odd at the time, and more so looking back on it.


Anyways, it kinda looked like this:


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Ok here's a random question, who was the fastest to leave the WWE at any time period?

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Hell I'll say he's the winner of that one...alright how bout this, why was J.R. fired so many times?

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Guest Choken One
Hell I'll say he's the winner of that one...alright how bout this, why was J.R. fired so many times?

The real confusion is trying to remember when he was LEGIT fired and fired storyline wise because he's reaching the double digits with the storyline firings.

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Trying to remember...what was the exact date that Eric Bischoff first appeared on WWE TV again?


Also, if someone has a video clip of it (backstage thing with Booker T optional), it'd be appreciated.

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Trying to remember...what was the exact date that Eric Bischoff first appeared on WWE TV again?


Also, if someone has a video clip of it (backstage thing with Booker T optional), it'd be appreciated.

Bischoff first debuted in WWE on July 15, 2002. I was there that night and when they first showed him on TV, the whole crowd was silent.

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Trying to remember...what was the exact date that Eric Bischoff first appeared on WWE TV again?


Also, if someone has a video clip of it (backstage thing with Booker T optional), it'd be appreciated.

Bischoff first debuted in WWE on July 15, 2002. I was there that night and when they first showed him on TV, the whole crowd was silent.

Silent in shock or silent as in "Who the hell is this guy"?

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