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SWF Storm Card, April 9th

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The Smartmark's Wrestling Federation presents...


(5:00pm PCT, 8:00pm EST; check local listings)




Charlie "Grappler" Matthews© vs "Deathwish" Danny Williams


And now, if you will, a dream match. Although it is non title, the most impressive and winning champion since Tom Flesher faces off against one of the most accomplished technical wrestlers in SWF history, and a former champion at that. What more needs to be said, other than the man Grappler is on a collision course with shall provide his esteemed insight on the contest? Danny Williams vs Charlie Matthews. Let's git it on.

Rules: Standard singles match. Duran may write if he so desires.

Word Limit: 6000

Send To: realitycheck




Toxxic© vs Janus

Ah, the pains of being a double champion. Toxxic has steamrolled all competition for the last two months, and that ain't gonna' change anytime soon. On Storm he faces the on remaining member of the Trinity that he hasn't defeated--the hulking behemoth Janus. Not that any match against a man over a full foot taller than you would be easy, but with the re-emergence of Janus' unstable alternate personality, Toxxic's got a lot to watch out for... also, who IS this deadlocked beauty that continues to assist Toxxic in matches? What is her connection to Mr. sXe? And what about scarecrow's brain!?

Rules: Both men are connected at the wrists by a single leather strap about 12 feet long, and the winner is whoever touches all four of the turnbuckles despite having to drag their opponent. No-DQ, no countout, obviously, but that is by no means an invitation to go hardcore.

Word Limit: 5500

Send To: realitycheck



Ann "Ichiban" Onita/"The Superior One" Tom Flesher vs The House of Todd

There are ood things going on with the Superior One lately. If disrespecting your opponent's and being acting like a general prick is odd, anyway. Never the less, he faces off against the same woman he abused two shows ago for a tag match against the House of Todd, whom actually picked up a "W" last show! With Duran's help, but hey, progress.

Rules: Standard tag match. Remember the tag ropes!

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: Grand Slam




Alan Clark© vs ???

The mystery man returns, and this time he turns up on Alan Clark's doorstep. Just what we need with Alan: More anomalies and strange happenings. There isn't much to be told about this match, naturally, although I will say this: Alan ain't gonna' like this opponent ONE BIT.

Rules: Standard singles match. ???-guy, send your statsizzle to Clarkdizzle.

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: Suicide King



Dace Night vs Insane Luchadore

The hardcore Tour de Force for these two guys continues, as both of them have been in extremely vicious matches lately. Of course you know, this means they had to lock horns eventually, and in the enviroment they know best. It ain't DIaB, but by gum, it's still going to be a knock-down-drag-out-no-holds-barred-pull-no-punches-so-put-yer-nose-to-the-grind-and-Katie-bar-the-door-gangland-massacre! Daaaas right.

Rules: What?

Word Limit: 4750

Send To: 5_moves_of_doom




Stryke© vs Edward James

Yeah, I know, they faced once before a few shows ago, but hell. No-one wrote, but this time Eddy J is coming off a win and Stryke has a title! IT WILL BE DIFFERENT, OH YES! Plus there's a fun stip, just for the fuck of it.

Rules: Funyon has a card on his person which he will read off of before the match starts. On it is a move, sans something generic such as a whip, punch, kick or clothesline, which must be preformed three times to be declard victorious.

Word Limit: 4000

Send To: Grand Slam



Johnny Dangerous vs Aecas

Johnny Dangerous faces off against Aecas, one half of the team that robbed Wild & Dangerous of the SWF tag titles! Johnny's no stranger to big, tough bastards, and Aecas is no stranger to squashing little guys such as Johnny like flies, so this should be a pretty good one.

Rules: Standard singles match.

Word Limit: 4000

Send To: chirs3



Jacob Helmsely vs Austin Sly

Somtimes, they don't need much explanation. Mainly because there's not much to be said. Jacob Helmesely returns after a brief haitus, and has his eyes trained on bigger and better things--better than he's ever achieved in his long career. Time to get crackin', then, and what better way to start then against rookie newcomer Austin Sly?

Rules: Stanard singles match.

Word Limit: 3500

Send To: Thoth


(Send shit to Thoth)

Edited by realitycheck

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Guest Goodear

So... since I don't have a match, I can feel free to go out tonight though right?

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No. You're expected to roll mats and serve drinks to the seniors.


I'm REALLY excited to finally get the chance to work with the House of Todd. Overall this looks like a really well-booked card, with Danny back in the limelight while still highlighting the Duran/Grappler feud. Also, Dace and IL are going to bleed buckets.

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Triple Impact Match? So we got a match that hands out a stip move we must hit three times to win? Oh bloody hades...


USJL? I don't know what I did to earn a title match. I didn't even know I was in contention for the title!


Me vs. Stryke...? Stryke deserves better than my sorry self.


So much to take in just after you wake up first thing in the morning.

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Guest Goodear

Oh, I call the 'guy goes into Z's office to complain about crap' promo. So... if anyone is planning to cripple the comissioner, do it later on in the show. Assuming we don't have thirty people in there this week.

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Me vs. Stryke...? Stryke deserves better than my sorry self.

This makes me chuckle, two of the most self-depreciating writers we have... Guys, you're here because you can write well enough to turn out 3k-6k worth of wrestling. It means you belong here. Too bad :)



very very well booked card, and I sort of feel bad for Alan Clark this round. Poor boy.


Tom, later we should IM and work out what we should do for this.



cool card all around, great setup action for the PPV




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Sweet Baby Jesus.


That is one stip that I CERTAINLY didn't see coming. Now if this was the WWE, the fact that I am a small heel holding a title facing the righteously-angry larger face I would be a dead cert to win. As it is, throw SWF meritocracy and the Terrence/Janus thing into the mix and I am gonna have to write my arse off here.



Oh, and James - I won all but one of the matches in my first month, and that was because all but one of my opponent's no-showed. I got the Hardcore Title shot through a no-show. My record caused me to be top of Zed's listings, which meant I got a title shot of my choice - so I got a shot at IL for the ICTV Title on the basis of four wins over no-shows. When it came to the ICTV match, IL no-showed that too. But then again, IL had won it on a no-show cos Graps was concentrating on the FTF main-event - and won it on a no-show.


Just write, man, and don't worry. Most of my career would have been as successful if my match had consisted of:


*Ding! Ding!*











*Ding! Ding!*

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Guest D. Lucretia

Very good looking card, to me at least... but what do I know, I'm new?


Anyways... lets see if I can get back in the habit of writting matchs...


Edit: Newb Squash? Fucker. Now I'm angry. :angry:

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Toxxic© vs Janus

Ah, the pains of being a double champion. Toxxic has steamrolled all competition for the last two months, and that ain't gonna' change anytime soon. On Storm he faces the on remaining member of the Trinity that he hasn't defeated--the hulking behemoth Janus. Not that any match against a man over a full foot taller than you would be easy, but with the re-emergence of Janus' unstable alternate personality, Toxxic's got a lot to watch out for... also, who IS this deadlocked beauty that continues to assist Toxxic in matches? What is her connection to Mr. sXe? And what about scarecrow's brain!?

Rules: Both men are connected at the wrists by a single leather strap about 12 feet long, and the winner is whoever touches all four of the turnbuckles despite having to drag their opponent. No-DQ, no countout, obviously, but that is by no means an invitation to go hardcore.

Word Limit: 5500

Send To: realitycheck


Why do we dictate what kind of matches people can write? I mean, the bookers set the stips...shouldn't it be up to the writers to determine whether or not to bring "hardcore" into it? It seems like the booker is pushing the type of match he envisions on the writers, instead of the writers just writing what they want and seeing if it wins.


Da "just my opinion though" H

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Because this isn't the match for it, Thugg. It's like when bookers do a "No DQ" match, it's just to allow a little spot or add a hint of flavor... not having DIAB brutality. I'm not trying to pick a fight or gang up against you due to recent events, but didn't you, as a marker, mark off because people went too hardcore during No DQ matches? It might not of been you, but I'm just recalling how it's happened a few times.


Anyway awesome card-it's no DIAB... but maybe one day... *sighs and looks off into space dreamily*

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I don't care about recent events. What's done is done. :)


I think my point was a little unclear there IL. I did, as a marker, take off if I felt that someone went too hardcore in a match that didn't really need it. I think I'm just saying that it doesn't need to be dictated to the people writing. If both people write something that's hardcore, then so be it...and the marker just picks the best one. It just seems that when things like that are put on cards, it seems a bit like the booker's vision for the match is being pushed on the writers.


It's merely a thought, so...whatever...forget about it. If I were writing it, I'd have a bit of a problem with it...but since I"m not, and no one seems to have a problem...then perhaps the issue is not worth bringing up.


Da "no little flame war is going to keep me quiet" H


Edit: Oh yeah...decent card as well...a bit gimmicky, though.

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Me vs. Stryke...? Stryke deserves better than my sorry self.

This makes me chuckle, two of the most self-depreciating writers we have... Guys, you're here because you can write well enough to turn out 3k-6k worth of wrestling. It means you belong here. Too bad :)

Toxxic, Ann, I still only just won my first match. And still trying to get my writing style going, and to nail down my skills.


Besides, I'm quite sure that like half the Fed has a higher ranking at a shot then I do. :D


Also wasn't Johnny Dangerous supposed to have a Cruiserweight title match? I remember him winning the #1 contendership awhile back, and I've been expecting to see it for the last while, but I haven't seen him have it yet. Only reason why I'm asking is cause I wanna see Dangerous vs. Clark© for the Cruiserweight title!

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