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Dangerous A

The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Methinks you guys should bench the Lakers/Kings talk until they actually face off against each other.

I was ready too, until this joker said that he didn't see anything biased about the officiating in Game 6 in 2002.....oh the hell with it. Too long ago to waste the energy.

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Guest OraleHolmes

The Kings will defeat the Timberwolves in game 7, though. Their experience in game 7 situations, albeit both failures, will finally help.


My prediction for Wednesday's game:


Kings 104, Wolves 103 on a buzzer beating three pointer by Bibby with 0.7 left on the shot clock.

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The Kings will defeat the Timberwolves in game 7, though. Their experience in game 7 situations, albeit both failures, will finally help.


My prediction for Wednesday's game:


Kings 104, Wolves 103 on a buzzer beating three pointer by Bibby with 0.7 left on the shot clock.

Don't make predictions like that :(


The Kings have put me close enough to cardiac arrest enough in the playoffs so far, and that is WITHOUT buzzer beaters....

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Guest Crazy Dan

Good point on talking about the Kings-Lakers talk, until Game 7 is over. I was just voicing my opinion that I would like to see the Kings play the Lakers, if anything, to see two teams that will not need 6 games to trully begin to hate each other. That will begin with Game 1.


But if the T-Wolves do win, I will be pulling for them. Mainly becuase of my boy Madsen, and my other boy Olowakandi. (It is fun when two of your favorite players play on the same team, talent be damned).

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Guest OraleHolmes

Well, Olowokandi should be talented. After all, he was the number ONE overall pick in the draft. What a bomb he turned out to be, eh?

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The Kings will defeat the Timberwolves in game 7, though. Their experience in game 7 situations, albeit both failures, will finally help.


My prediction for Wednesday's game:


Kings 104, Wolves 103 on a buzzer beating three pointer by Bibby with 0.7 left on the shot clock.

...and then ICE COLD MARK MADSEN~ makes a swinging shot at the buzzer. :lol:

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Man, this thread lost all creditbility once "Malone>KG" was posted. What in the mutherfucking hell is some people smoking.


The ONLY reason the Lakers can out match the Wolves is because Fisher>Derek Martin and Cassell is hurt.


Can they stop Shaq? Nah. But as any CLipper fan can tell you (all 4 of them) Kandi plays Shaq better than most every center in the league. He won't shut him down, but he makes him work and work HARD. AND the Wolves have Madsen, Trent, Johnson, and Kandi to throw at Shaq. That is 24 fouls that they have to work with. KG>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Malone...


Latrell Sprewell...once again, he can make Kobe work...and thebiggest thing...TRENTON FUCKING HASSELL makes everyone work hard. Trenton Hassell>>Devin George. Thats two guys to throw at Kobe. Once again, not to shut him down, but it will slow him down.


Cassell=Payton. They play the same game, on Cassell is a better midrange shooter. Payton will be alot more useful on d. Hoiberg, Wally, Martin...they are a decent bench...much like the Lakers bench. (Slovo, Rush, Walton...basically same thing)


Now the Kings/Lakers. The Kings play like mad men when they play the lakers and Bibby has his god streak going. Peja OWNZ Deven George, he has problems with Rick Fox. Fox ain't exactly playing. Webber/Malone....same thing. They cancel each other out in this series. Webber is a imobile jump shooter now, Malone is a jumpshooter that is too lazy to move.


Bibby>>>Payton now. Doug Christie plays Kobe Tough. BRAD MUTHA FUCKING MILLER and Vlade both play shaq well.. Throw ina Songola to bang around and be hardass andfoul out in about 3 minutes...good series.


The thing is. The Kings are going to be HURT by Anthony Peeler being a fucking dumbass. The reason is that Bobby Jackson is hurt and Bibby and Cassell seem to be masters of getting fouls on each other. I mean, Minnesota isn't any better with Derek Martin backing up Cassell(unless he gets hit Clipper stroke back and gets hot...the guy WAS the man for a year or two) But the Kings are going to have to have Christie log major minutes at teh point, and that is going to hurt them. It is going to be a hell of a game though.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm a huge Laker fan and even I have to agree that Malone>KG is absolutely fucking ludicrous. Come on now, Malone wasn't even the second best player on a team that rallied late in the season to finish the #2 seed, whereas Garnett has been the #1 player on the #1 team overall in the NBA. HE'S THE FUCKING MVP FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. Like someone here said..


Kobe > Shaq > Malone > Payton. And that's the food chain right there when it comes to the Fab Four.


So anyways, the general consensus seems to be this -> If the Timberwolves win Game 7, Shaq is the answer against Minnesota. If the Kings win Game 7, Kobe is the answer against the Kings. Malone, Payton, Fisher, George are all solid backup against the stars.


I knew the Spurs would be the hardest team to beat, but I think San Antonio really let Game 3 get away from them and had absolutely NO answer for Kobe in Game 4. By Game 5, they must have realized they had to do something but it was already too late, and the Fish Swish crushed them too much mentally to play well in Game 6.


I really want Miami to push Indiana into a game 7. I really have a good feeling about these guys, and I so want to see the city I was born in and currently live in (Miami) against the city I grew up in (L.A.) play against each other in a major championship, something I have never seen in my whole life and might never see again since the Lakers are aging and the Heat are young. I think Miami wins game 6, shocks Indy on the road, then MAYBE they'll have to get past the Pistons.


If they have LA/Sacramento and Miami/New Jersey, it'd be a hell of a WCF/ECF round, and interesting since both are right down the west and east coast.


EDIT: Oh and if somehow Miami pulls another miracle out their ass against Indiana, I think they can probably compete with New Jersey but they'll have difficulty against Detroit similar to Indiana. Lightning won't strike twice there.

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Rick Fox hasn't "owned" Stojakovic since 2001; Peja was injured during the 2002 Playoffs, and was a non-factor. In all of the regular season games since the 2001 playoffs, Stojakovic has averaged over 26 points a game against Rick Fox, which is slightly higher than his career average.

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Rick Fox hasn't "owned" Stojakovic since 2001; Peja was injured during the 2002 Playoffs, and was a non-factor. In all of the regular season games since the 2001 playoffs, Stojakovic has averaged over 26 points a game against Rick Fox, which is slightly higher than his career average.

In all fairness, Fox was injured during the meetings this year and did a good job on him last year.


Fox is just one of those annoying defenders, like Lindsey Hunter that you can tell the guy with the ball just wants to punch in the face.



And Spicy...Hedo and Devin Brown had what, 10 trillon WIDE THE FUCK OPEN shots last round. Hedo just couldn't hit the 3. Try that shit with Peja if you WANT to.

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Guest Vitamin X

Another key towards beating the Lakers: When Medvedenko gets in the game, GO NUTS. That guy has to be one of the most timid, nervous, out of place professional athletes I have ever seen. When LA was up 16 on SA in Game 5, they took Shaq out and put Medvedenko in and they just VICTIMIZED him. He can play alright D, but I have seen the guy maybe make like one basket in the playoffs thus far.


EDIT: After taking a look at LA's playoff roster, I realized Horace Grant was still on the team. What the fuck?

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Rick Fox hasn't "owned" Stojakovic since 2001; Peja was injured during the 2002 Playoffs, and was a non-factor. In all of the regular season games since the 2001 playoffs, Stojakovic has averaged over 26 points a game against Rick Fox, which is slightly higher than his career average.

In all fairness, Fox was injured during the meetings this year and did a good job on him last year.

I didn't count this season; I don't think that Fox even played in the first two matchups. Those numbers I quoted were from last season.

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Peeler was suspended for two games, and Garnett was fined $7,500.


On Sportscenter, they'll be doing the top 10 fights in basketball shortly.

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Look out for Daniel Stern sightings on Wednesday night

Why? Are they planning a Wonder Years-style highlight film? Or are he and Joe Pesci going to try to sneak into the Staples Center only to get hit in the junk with a sack of doorknobs?

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Look out for Daniel Stern sightings on Wednesday night

Why? Are they planning a Wonder Years-style highlight film? Or are he and Joe Pesci going to try to sneak into the Staples Center only to get hit in the junk with a sack of doorknobs?

LOL, my bad..... :lol:

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Rick Fox hasn't "owned" Stojakovic since 2001; Peja was injured during the 2002 Playoffs, and was a non-factor. In all of the regular season games since the 2001 playoffs, Stojakovic has averaged over 26 points a game against Rick Fox, which is slightly higher than his career average.

that pretty much sums it up.....Fox has been OWNED by Peja ever since he came back from the injury he had in the playoffs two years ago.

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A Peeler 2 game suspension is actually a relief. If the Kings can get past the Wolves without him, then only missing game 1 against the Lakers should be fine.

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On Sportscenter, they'll be doing the top 10 fights in basketball shortly.

10: Xavier McDaniel vs Charles Oakley, 1989


9: Mark Cuban running on the court vs Cleveland in 2001


8: Barkley vs Shaq, 1999 and Bird vs Laimbeer


7: Bird vs Dr. J, 1984


6: Shawn Bradley vs Mark Davis and Manute Bol vs Anthony Mason


5: Jerry Sichting vs Ralph Sampson, 1986


4: Derek Harper vs JoJo English, 1994 (this was discussed earlier in the thread after a similar occurence between Jermaine O'Neal and Brandon Hunter, an opposing coach sending a rarely used player in to bait a player who's torching them into a fight. This one was an actual FIGHT, though.)


3: Danny Ainge vs Tree Rollins, 1983


2: Marcus Camby vs Danny Ferry, 2001 (Camby swings and hits Van Gundy on accident)


1: Zo vs LJ, 1998 (the one where Van Gundy hangs from Zo's leg)


God forbid they show Kobe getting punked by Chris Childs.

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Guest OraleHolmes

I said Malone>KG on the DEFENSIVE end. I think Malone is a great defensive player, even better than KG. For instance, how many times did the mailman pull the rug out from under Yao and Duncan or slap the ball free?


KG is a twig compared to the tour-de-force Malone. Karl will rough him up, and use his 22 inch pythons to put a lot of pressure on KG; hence, Garnett will snap in half.

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Don't kid yourself.


Garnett will do what he does no matter who guards him.


Secondly, "pulling the chair" is cheap ass bullshit, it's almost as bad as flopping. It's what guys do when they're too big of pussies to play real defense.

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I said Malone>KG on the DEFENSIVE end. I think Malone is a great defensive player, even better than KG. For instance, how many times did the mailman pull the rug out from under Yao and Duncan or slap the ball free?


KG is a twig compared to the tour-de-force Malone. Karl will rough him up, and use his 22 inch pythons to put a lot of pressure on KG; hence, Garnett will snap in half.

or elbow the shit out of them and have the benefit of the doubt with him getting the no-call time and time again..UGH :angry:

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

"pulling the chair" is what you do when you're guarding a dumbass. Which apparently Malone has been doing a lot of lately.

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OK, so it's a pussy vs a dumbass, then.


Though you'd think Tim Duncan would know better.

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Guest Flyboy
Don't kid yourself.


Garnett will do what he does no matter who guards him.


Secondly, "pulling the chair" is cheap ass bullshit, it's almost as bad as flopping. It's what guys do when they're too big of pussies to play real defense.

alfdogg speaks the truth.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

You might think it's a bitch move, but it's funny as hell when it happens.

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