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The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Guest Flyboy

I only want three teams to win now (well, not because the Spurs lost because I'm not a big Spurs fan either): T-Wolves, Pacers, and the SUPER DARKHOUSE... Heat.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I like the Heat because they have Skip To My Lou on their team.

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I love the Heat, but they're not getting past Indy. I wouldn't be surprised if they won game 6, but they have no reason to believe they can win game 7. Indy puts this one away, then jobs to the Nets and we get a rematch of the 2002 finals.


I think the Nets would do much better against the Lakers this time around. They obviously don't have an answer for Shaq (Jason Collins? Aaron Williams? Brian Scalibrine? Bitch, please). However, they could abuse the old guys with fast break points. Martin and Jefferson are infinitely better this time around, too. They may not win, but they certainly wouldn't be swept.

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Guest OraleHolmes

The Kings are choking against the Wolves after picking up that early lead.




This is the Kings last chance at a championship, dammit.


Edit: Kings are getting lots of points off turnovers. GO KINGS~!



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Guest OraleHolmes

Holy Shit! Did you see that stiff forearm by Peeler to KG's chin?


Peeler started the whole thing with that blatant elbow to the midsection of KG. When they came back down again, KG barely retaliated, then Peeler clocks him in the jaw. Peeler should be suspended for the rest of the Playoffs, IMO.

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Come on Pacers !!!!!!!! Reggie needs his ring.

That's the spirit.

Now that the Spurs are out, I will hop aboard the Indiana bandwagon.


ind2-sm.gif Go Pacers!

Welcome aboard.


It's been a long, lonely ride...

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Come on Pacers !!!!!!!! Reggie needs his ring.

That's the spirit.

Now that the Spurs are out, I will hop aboard the Indiana bandwagon.


ind2-sm.gif Go Pacers!

Welcome aboard.


It's been a long, lonely ride...

I like the Pacers, too. And I'm greatful for all th amazing moments that Reggie Miller has brought us.


However, my desire to see Malone and Payton win is greater than seeing Reggie get a ring.

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Perhaps the Peeler suspension (and trust me, he'll be suspended for game 7) is a blessing in disguise. Instead of Peeler's miserable 31% field goal percentage, we get the energetic and clutch for now Rodney Buford. I like Buford in that he is athletic, something the Kings don't have and abundance of, and he has range on his jumper. Ballsy move by Adelman to play him in the fourth instead of Christie. I marked out when Flip Saunders thought he had the right move by making Jabari Smith shoot free throws instead of taking Peja's one for two and Jabari nailed both. While I don't like that the Kings are on the road and the fact they have never won a game 7, as a Kings fan I have to go in with the mentality that anything can happen in a game 7. If the Kings can get game 7, they may turn the corner. Unfortunately, around the corner is a brick wall called the Lakers.


Can't wait to see if the Pistons can stave off elimination.


I'll have to respectfully disagree with Just John about the Nets chances against the Lakers if both teams meet in the Finals. The only team the Nets stand a chance against in the Finals is the T-wolves and while they might get past the Kings, they will get swept or put away in 5 against the Lakers. If the Nets make it to the Finals again, they will become the Buffalo Bills of the NBA because they ain't winning it all, plain and simple.

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The T-Wolves will win Game 7 and the streets of Minneapolis will break out in riots and such. I'm hoping. The writers were right, this series would bring us to Game 7.

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The T-Wolves will win Game 7 and the streets of Minneapolis will break out in riots and such. I'm hoping. The writers were right, this series would bring us to Game 7.

I like the T-Wolves. More so than probably every other team in the Western Conference......I hope they take it all. I like KG a lot.

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KG is a nice guy, one thing i know is that he wouldn't of thrown an elbow if he didn't think the other guy deserved it. I strongly dislike Anthony Peeler, i disliked him when he was a T'Wolve as well, you can't throw an elbow to the jaw/face and not expect a ejection so it's all good.

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What I think is funny is everyone going on about ratings and what will draw and what not like the NBA is booked. Sorry guys this is a real sport.....and unfortunately you have to deal with the teams that won the games that counted in the end. You can't book the best ending possible.

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I'll have to respectfully disagree with Just John about the Nets chances against the Lakers if both teams meet in the Finals. The only team the Nets stand a chance against in the Finals is the T-wolves and while they might get past the Kings, they will get swept or put away in 5 against the Lakers. If the Nets make it to the Finals again, they will become the Buffalo Bills of the NBA because they ain't winning it all, plain and simple.

I don't think the Nets would win either, but I think it would be a lot more competitive this time around. Outside of having nothing on Shaq, they match up pretty well. They have good outside shooting and Martin and Jefferson can take it the hoop. Although, that may only work for one game, then LA would use the Tony Parker strategy. And there's no way LA keeps up with NJ's fast break.

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Guest TheArchiteck
*lets out a gigantic sigh of relief* Game 7 at the Palace!

Yep Yep!!!!

I'm pumped!

This is going to be a BATTLE.

Ben must have the fro next game!

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I don't think the Nets would win either, but I think it would be a lot more competitive this time around. Outside of having nothing on Shaq, they match up pretty well. They have good outside shooting and Martin and Jefferson can take it the hoop. Although, that may only work for one game, then LA would use the Tony Parker strategy. And there's no way LA keeps up with NJ's fast break.

You have to assume K-Mart doesn't pull a Van Horn or more aptly, a Kenyon Martin.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Man I tried posting, but my post did not go through, so here I go again...


Good going Kings. Glad they were able to pull Game 6 out, and force Game 7. I liked how the Kings were able to withstand the T-Wolves early run, once again jump started by my boy Madsen. I did not like that Peeler elbowed Garnett, not once, but twice. I have always thought of Garnett as a pretty classy guy, and one who normally you would never think of pissing off an opposing player to actually make him actually hit him. I guess that shows that playoff series which go 6-7 games can bring out the hatred of anyone and bring out the worse of anyone. But boy Peeler, that was dumb. But hey the power of Buford saved the day. Maybe he can keep it up, but at this point I thing the Kings really missing Jackson, and will damn that dumb ab injury to the very end. C'mon Jackson, pump it up, and suite up. Well, at least Bibby has been the man, so not all is lost. Just sucks when you lose your best bench player.


So we have Game 7, which the T-Wolves have never experienced, and the Kings have had bad luck winning (their last two playoff exits have come in Game 7). So something has gotta give. But regardless, this has been my favorite series so far. And I both teams at this point hate each other, so Game 7 should be a very entertaining battle. Bibby is the key here. If he can cause havoc, get everyone involved, the Kings could pull off the mini-upset. But I do expect the T-Wolves to come out fired up, so this has the making of a classic, or it could just end up being the Kings jump shooting themselves out of the playoffs. Please Webber, we know you love the jump shot, but take it to the hole (and also work on your free throws) every now and then, and leave the jump shooting to Peja, Bibby, and Miller (suprisingly).


As for the other game tonight, man the Pistons showed they had the stones to rebound from a heartbreaking lost, and win one on the Nets home court, which I did not think they would be able to pull off. I did not get to see this game, but I am impressed with the Pistons mettle. And low and behold, we get another 7 Game Series. Man, I hate when that happens. I think that the Pistons might actually be able to win this one. Winning two in a row on the road in the playoffs is very difficult thing to do (well in the NBA at least). And so I think the Pistons will win this one. Call it a hunch. The Nets had an opportune moment to win this. They had just won a game that usually proves to be a back breaker for many teams, but in this case they were not able to finish on their home court, and that spells trouble for their reign as the East Champs. I do not like this series as much as the Kings-T-Wolves, but this has been a very good series, which gets bonus points for going 7.


So the Second Round has totally made everyone forget about the abomination which was the first round. Two 7 Game Series and there is another potential Game 7 on the horizon, as the Heat have not lost at home yet in the playoffs. And that series with Indy could very well go 7 as well. And the other one went to Game 6, Lakers-Spurs. That series had the great Game 5, but I really did not like how Game 6 went, only becuase I hate when teams shoot 22% in the second half, and basically pull a choke job when they need to play their best. I am not a Laker's fan by no means (I actually real hate this team with a passion) but I will not take anything away from their win and great comeback, but I wish Game 6 had been a back and forth shoot out, with each team matching each other shot for shot. Where both teams shoot 50% or better from the field. Unfortunately it ended up that the Lakers made the proper adjustments to stop Parker, and Parker could not overcome this. And the player I called the X-Factor was not a factor at all. And once that happened the Spurs turned into the team with Tim Duncan and four other teammates. Who'd have thunk it that the Spurs would miss Robinson, Jackson, and especially Speedy Claxton.


Oh well, this has the making of a great Confrence Finals, regardless of the teams, but I am hopping for the sake of a close Final, which hasn't happened since the Bulls played the Jazz (sure the Bulls won in 6, but except for one game, all the games were close and came down to the wire). So the two teams I feel in the East which might be able to play the West tough are the Pacers (with the best Big Man/Defender in the East and home court advantage), or the Pistons (who have the best Power Forward Combo, yeah they have two good PF, which can drive any team nuts) and one of the best defenses in the league, and oh yeah, DARKO baybee, can't forget about that dust collector, but also throw in a player who is turning into, to paraphrase the Sports Guy, "a Go To Player" in Hamilton, and the East is not as weak as it has been in the past.


And I am hoping that the Kings win, only because you can never underestimate the power of hatred over a team that has no respect for you. The Kings have a been able to keep their core players together, with many having experience playing the Lakers in the playoffs. And as history has shown, sometimes a team will beat a team consistently in the playoffs for multiple years in a row. But as you watch, the loser keeps getting closer and closer to beating that team until they finally figure out how to beat them. The Pistons of the Late 80's porved this against the Celtics. Plus, I see Bibby driving the Lakers nuts, like he did two years ago, even more so than Parker was supposed to do. But the Kings might be a little too depleted to beat the Lakers, but at least they have two big men who do not fear Shaq, and that could be a factor. And maybe Doug Christie's wife goes mental, thinks that either Shaq or Kobe's wife are hitting on her man, and she ends up going mental on the player's wives along with their husbands. All kidding aside, I am just hoping for a rematch of two years ago (Which was one of the best playoff series of all time)


But, at the same time the T-Wolves also have matchup problems for the Lakers as well and home court advantage as well. So the West Finals hopefully will be an entertaining series. And despite the Lakers beating the Spurs, this is not a perfect team by no means, and they might fall victim to overlooking their oppanents, which has shown in the past to undo many championship dreams. And the T-Wolves did a great job bringing in playoff experience, Cassell has two rings, Latrell lead his team to the Finals, and of course my boy Madsen and his two rings. But Madsen is instant energy off the bench. I would love to see him show the Lakers that they made a mistake of not resigning him. And no one can deny that Madsen will outhustle most players in this league, despite not having the most athletic talent, he definately has one of the biggest hearts. And oh yeah, Kevin Garnett is not bad either. He definately poses a huge potential problem for the Lakers, as Malone might be looking at KG run circles around him.


The Lakers however are still the favorites here. What might have been considered a hinderance, has actually not affect Kobe at all, it seems to drive him to play better. And Shaq is still a dominant force. Gary Payton, despite his declining speed, still can go for 15 points a night, along with a decent amount of assists. Karl Malone, can still get you points. And Fisher has taken over Horry role of hitting the back breaking game winning shot. I am still not sold on the Laker's bench though, but the Lakers have the players who know win it. And damn it, we have the return of "Press the Button" style basketball that the Lakers appear to be able to do, and no one else. But I do think the Lakers will face a stiff challenge in either the Kings or T-Wolves, or at least for the sake of my sanity and the continued awesomeness of the playoffs this year, that we get at least 6 or 7 games.

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Ok some observation so far in the Kings/T-Wolves series:


When the Kings are playing well, (not like the best record in the NBA Kings we saw for mot of the season, but simply just good/well) then they basically are way too much for the T-Wolves. However the Kings have yet to play a complete game so far in the playoffs. Game 6 was the closest they came so far, which is a good sign that they may start shooting well again, however so far the Kings have only played well in short bursts.


When both teams are playing fair or medicore, then the game is usually turning out to be a nailbiter. I'm sorry T-wolves fans, but if the Kings find their shot and start making open looks like they started to in Game 6, the T-wolves are done. On the other hand, the Kings have yet to show that they are over the injuries that are still nagging, and B-Jackson being out most likely still hurts like a bitch.


What is up with Sam Cassell? Is he extra cranky or something. I mean the guy never agrees when he is called for a foul, even when it is the most obvious call to make.


Anthony Peeler will most likely be suspended, but the way the Kings bench made up for his absence, I am not so sure it is a bad thing. Oh and Garnett didn't "barely nudge" Peeler, he gave him a hard shot to the chest.. I'd even argue through my bias kings goggles, that peeler's shot looks harder on film, but he mostly caught Garnett with the back of his arm moreso then the elbow, and Garnett was VERY SMART to play up the "wincing in pain" crap after the officials stepped in. Another thing to look for is, which bench players left the bench from the Wolves bench, because you definately saw blue jerseys come onto the floor. Personally, I don't think it should result in any suspensions, but shit, the rules are the rules!?!


As far as the Western Conference Finals go, you have to like the Lakers right now, NO MATTER WHAT, but one thing for sure is, the T-Wolves will get blown off the court by the Lakers, if for no other reason then matchup problems out the ass, where as the Kings possibly possess the tools to make the series interesting, and possibly pull out an upset, even though they would have to start playing like they did, a couple of months ago, which could mean to stop messing around with the Webber experiment if he goes cold at the beginning of the game.


As it stands now, I am taking the Kings in Game 7, by a point. They haven't shown me enough during these playoff games for me to predict even a comfortable win, but I think experience will win out, and this is usually the type of heartbreaking loss a team like the T-Wolves go through before turning that corner to a championship run.


Look out for Daniel Stern sightings on Wednesday night, because you all know that for business purposes, the NBA wants LA/Sacramento in the WCF......


Hopefully I can get out of class for the game on wednesday evening..... :cheers:

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Guest OraleHolmes

When you have the two best players in the world -- in Shaq and Kobe -- as well as two players who were once the best at their position, albeit past their primes now, you can "press the button" whenever you want.


By the way, I don't see Bibby posing any threat to the Lakers. The Lakers FINALLY figured out how to defend the pick n roll in the Spurs series -- and with masterful precision, too. The Lakers are fully prepared and have had successful experience defending the ultra-quick Parker, which won't bode to well for Bibby and the Kings, if they advance. In addition, Payton showed why he was once referred to as "the glove" in that last regular season game between the Lakers and Kings. Payton should have no trouble containing the slower Bibby; but even if he does, Laker enforcements will help smother Bibby, just like in the S.A. series.


The Lakers have homecourt advantage against the Kings, too.


Lakers in 5 against the Kings.

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When you have the two best players in the world -- in Shaq and Kobe -- as well as two players who were once the best at their position, albeit past their primes now, you can "press the button" whenever you want.


By the way, I don't see Bibby posing any threat to the Lakers. The Lakers FINALLY figured out how to defend the pick n roll in the Spurs series -- and with masterful precision, too. The Lakers are fully prepared and have had successful experience defending the ultra-quick Parker, which won't bode to well for Bibby and the Kings, if they advance. In addition, Payton showed why he was once referred to as "the glove" in that last regular season game between the Lakers and Kings. Payton should have no trouble containing the slower Bibby; but even if he does, Laker enforcements will help smother Bibby, just like in the S.A. series.


The Lakers have homecourt advantage against the Kings, too.


Lakers in 5 against the Kings.

I don't want to debate the Kings/Lakers too much until(if) the Kings advance, because if they don't it will be a moot point anyway, however I will say that the Kings and Lakers are very familiar with each other, and saying the series would end in five, is sort of foolish.


They play each other too well, and I don't think homecourt advantage will play THAT BIG of a factor in the series, unless there is a game seven. They have both won playoff games on each other's floors in the playoff past, and that was when both teams were in better for then they are now.


*must resist further Kings/Laker debate* arrgh.

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Guest OraleHolmes

The Kings hit their peak in 2002, when they were one overtime away from the NBA Finals, and ultimately, the NBA championship. However, the Kings' overall talent has regressed -- Webber's injury has been a greater setback than most anticipated; Bobby Jackson is injured for the remainder of the playoffs; Peja isn't shooting the ball as consistently as he did in the regular season; and, Vlade is on his last legs. The Lakers, on the other hand, have improved , ESPECIALLY on the defensive end. Their defensive clinic against the Spurs was the best defensive effort I have EVER seen. And when you have four guys -- GP, Malone, KB, O'Neal -- who are/were 1st team all-defenders, their exponential growth on the defensive end isn't all that surprising. So, coupled with unprecedented defense, and an offensive scheme that permits more options and freedom now that Jackson has abandoned the restrictive, passe Triangle offense, I see the Lakers cruising through the Kings or Wolves, barring any serious injuries to the Lakers, of course.

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The Kings hit their peak in 2002, when they were one overtime away from the NBA Finals, and ultimately, the NBA championship. However, the Kings' overall talent has regressed -- Webber's injury has been a greater setback than most anticipated; Bobby Jackson is injured for the remainder of the playoffs; Peja isn't shooting the ball as consistently as he did in the regular season; and, Vlade is on his last legs. The Lakers, on the other hand, have improved , ESPECIALLY on the defensive end. Their defensive clinic against the Spurs was the best defensive effort I have EVER seen. And when you have four guys -- GP, Malone, KB, O'Neal -- who are/were 1st team all-defenders, their exponential growth on the defensive end isn't all that surprising. So, coupled with unprecedented defense, and an offensive scheme that permits more options and freedom now that Jackson has abandoned the restrictive, passe Triangle offense, I see the Lakers cruising through the Kings or Wolves, barring any serious injuries to the Lakers, of course.

Actually I'd say the Kings were even better in 2003, before Webber got injured in the playoffs against Dallas, in which the Kings still took the Mavs to a game seven and overtime(if I remember correctly).


I don't see how you can say the Lakers look more dominating then they did during their three-peat years.


Hell, the Lakers/Spurs series is one of the most OVERRATED series in the past ten years. Sure it was high on drama, but that drama was due to some shitty ass play. Don't give me this "defensive chess match" horseshit. That is a lame cover.


Another thing is, the Spurs can't pass like the Kings can, especially the big men, so of course the Lakers looked good against the Spurs' pick N roll, but the Kings Pick N roll is in an entire different level, when they are playing good.


Peja is a great shooter, and great shooters work their way out of slumps, the way Peja did in Game 6 against the T-Wolves.


The Lakers look good, damn good, don't get me wrong, but they didn't show me ANYTHING in the Spurs series, to suggest they would "breeze through" the Kings. I do concede that my pick will probably be The Lakers in 7, but you gotta be kidding me if you think the Lakers will win it in five.


(Ok I lied, sue me, LOL, the Kings/Lakers debate is just too tempting)

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The Kings hit their peak in 2002, when they were one overtime away from the NBA Finals, and ultimately, the NBA championship

Lets not forget about the most bias officiating job in Game 6 in LA..... :firing:

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Guest OraleHolmes

biased? I've never seen a more impartial game by the referees. I don't recall seeing anything out of the ordinary. In fact, it seemed like the Kings tried to intentionally foul, just like the Spurs did in game 6, when the Lakers had 30 free throw attempts. Still, when it counted, the Kings, who touted their homecourt advantage all season long, lost in Game 7 on their homecourt. Let's not forget Peja and Christie's choke jobs, either.

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