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Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest Wondermouse
But lemme get something straight: Eddie's still feuding with JBL? Cena/Booker/Dupree/RVD are still feuding (if RVD/Dupree feud, they would have done every variation of feuding save heel/heel and face/face)? I'm not going to complain yet, but I really, truly hope they get these storylines moving.

You'd rather Eddie WOULDN'T feud with JBL? That's the whole reason JBL won the title, so he could chase it.


I really hope the cage is the blowoff, with Eddie winning it back.


As for the US Title, those are really the only 4 that are available for contention. Smackdown's roster is mostly stacked with cruisers and tag teams. I think the Haas/Luther feud is set in place to elevate Charlie so he can get to the point. Kenzo sucks, Mordecai shouldn't give a damn about titles, so the only other midcarders they have are guys like Holly/Gunn and Jindrak, who's not at that level yet (especially thanks to him being turned into, what, an enhancement guy?).


I think SD actually found a way to make me want to see another JBL/Eddie match, and, consequently, for JBL to win a title defense.

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Here's an alternate report from LOP:


Dark Match


Shannon Moore defeated Carly Colon with a corkscrew moonsault. Fayetteville isn’t far from Raleigh, Moore’s hometown, so he got a good pop to start the night. Several “Shannon” chants during the match (which was nothing to write home about).


Velocity Tapings


FBI defeated The Basham Brothers when Nunzio and Stamboli hit their tag team-finishing maneuver and got the three count. The crowd was into the FBI, as they played the role of the good guys in this contest. Did they turn babyface on Velocity or something? This was a pretty solid match. Nunzio was very entertaining, as usual, and he and the Bull did some solid tag team work. They should be challengers to the Dudley’s tag titles on SD ppv’s rather than having 4 throwaway matches instead.


Charlie Haas defeated Mark Jindrak when Haas hit a German suplex pin to score the pinfall. Before the match, Teddy Long hyped the Reflection of Perfection and Jindrak stared at himself in the mirror. Haas was also pretty over (hot-crowd). Jindrak is quite the athlete, but still needs some work in terms of wrestling. Decent match…


Paul London and Billy Kidman defeated the Dudley Boyz via DQ (non-title match) when Brian Hebner was pulled from the ring while counting a pin attempt following a Billy Kidman Shooting Star Press on D’von. The lady next to me mentioned how small both Kidman and London were and shouldn’t be in the ring with those bigger guys (I told her size shouldn’t matter in pro-wrestling…she laughed). Anyhow, Kidman and London were impressive as usual, but the match still wasn’t that entertaining. There were a lot of “Tables” chants and Bubba mouthed off to the crowd quite a bit to ensure he got the heat he wanted.


Just before the SD tapings, several officials came out and set-up red, white, and blue banners all around the ring. (It’s funny…I seemed to be the only one in listening distance that didn’t say, “Are they going to do the Great American Bash again?”)




The show opened Kurt Angle on the Titantron. He said that at the Great American Bash, as true travesty had taken place in the Texas Bullrope Match. He continued by saying that the travesty was that Nick Patrick had declared Eddie Guerrero the winner when, in fact, he hadn’t won. Luckily, said Angle, the GM had gone down to the ring and made the right decision in giving JBL the title…Kurt then introduced the new WWE Champion, JBL…


JBL came to the ring and cut a promo on winning the WWE title and being a champion that we could all be proud of. I can only remember bits and pieces of this promo because the two hardcore JBL fans in front of me kept desperately trying to start a JBL chant (obviously no one cared that much)…The basic gist of this segment was to get across that the JBL-Eddie feud isn’t quite over and that tonight, JBL would defend the WWE title against someone who was at the GAB (I immediately thought of Spike Dudley). He also mentioned that Eddie wasn’t here tonight. Entertaining stuff from the new champ…also of note were the number of Eddie chants during this segment…


Booker T defeated RVD and Rene Dupree in Triple Threat match to determine the number one contender for the US title. This was a good triple threat match that was given the proper time to develop and turned out with no blown spots. Should come across well on TV. The crowd was really into Rob Van Dam, as there were numerous chants of “RVD.”


Backstage, JBL was visiting in the locker room with Cena, Book, the Dudleys, and Rey Mysterio. Basically, he announced that despite the fact that all the above were good performers, he had chosen Spike Dudley to be his opponent tonight with the WWE title on the line.


Rey Mysterio defeated Mordecai when Mysterio countered the Crucifix powerbomb into a hurricarana pin. Yes, you read that right; the cruiserweight champion defeated the second coming of the Undertaker. When Mysterio was on the offensive, this was a good match…when he wasn’t, the match wasn’t so good anymore…decent overall effort, but nice to see Rey get the win.


Backstage, Luther Reigns was talking to referee Charles Robinson about the mistake he made in the Torrie-Sable match at the GAB. Apparently, Robinson made the three count on Torrie despite her shoulders not even touching the mat. I figured, so what? Kurt Angle says- Re-match with Robinson as ref again…


Paul Heyman made his way to the ring and showed as all what happened at the Great American Bash again…Paul Bearer is dead and the Undertaker apparently did do the right thing because he got rid of his conscience on his own. Heyman said that Taker was now unleashed and would be a more dominant force than ever…and he owed it all to the brilliant mind of the former Paul E. Dangerously. Heyman went on to say that he expects to be repaid. Suddenly, lightning bolts strike the post and the Undertaker appears on the tron. Taker said that he had felt he had to get rid of Paul Bearer because he was his only weakness. He then said that since he had killed the only person who meant anything to him; just imagine what he was going to do to Heyman. Heyman looked stunned…


Torrie defeated Sable…crap match…waste of time…crowd was alive when the ladies came out, then died during the match, then came alive when it was over.


Get this, Charles Robinson and Luther Reigns wrestled to a no-contest when Charlie Haas interfered and the match was stopped. Can you believe that? Well, at the conclusion of the Torrie vs. Sable match, Angle though that Robinson needed more punishment for screwing up on PPV, so he booked him in a match (sounds like RAW 2003 Eric Bischoff stuff to me…I hated that…) against Luther Reigns. Reigns came down, I went to the bathroom and apparently while I was gone Charlie Haas came down and made the save. But wait! Apparently, knowing I chose to take a potty break during this segment, they taped it again later…and the guy next to me said they didn’t change a damn thing from the first time…


Kenzo Suzuki made his way to the ring and cut a promo that was entirely down in Japanese…he got the “WHAT!?” chant after everything he said. Then John Cena came out and proceeded to “translate” everything Suzuki had just said. It was a very fun segment, as even though Cena got a little corny at times, he still managed to make something entertaining of the horrible Kenzo Suzuki. BTW, they kept showing a Cena vs. Booker T match for the US title on the screen…I ASSUME that’s going to happen next week, which is sweet…


Backstage, JBL was making his was toward the arena, shaking hands and acting all political on everyone, when he walked past Eddie Guerrero’s car. After getting conformation that it was indeed Latino Heat’s low-rider, he continued his way to the arena with a far-off look.


JBL defeated Spike Dudley when Layfield connected with a powerbomb to pick up the pinfall victory. The crowd was all over Bradshaw and he received more “Bradshaw sucks” chants than I can recall. Several “Eddie” chants, as well. This was the main-event and it stunk. I teased the two Bradshaw lovers in front of me with comments such as, “this is a five-star match, guys…JBL is great.” Afterward, though, Eddie Guerrero came out (about a split second after the bell signaling the end of JBL’s first title defense was rung) to MASSIVE POP…He brawled with JBL, gave the champ a low blow, and then nailed a DDT before ascending to the top rope for Frog Splash. Unfortunately for us, Layfield slid away at the last second. He then got on the microphone and told us that before Angle had become GM, he had managed to secure a re-match clause in his contract. The interesting part was that the re-match clause specifically stated that Latino Heat could choose the type of match in the re-match. So, in two weeks, Eddie will challenge JBL for the title in a STEEL CAGE MATCH! Sweet…


That’s likely where the TV taping ends…Afterward; JBL came back to the ring and did the routine he does after every TV taping with the Undertaker.


Not that great of a show, but it did have its bright spots. Watch it and form your own opinion, though. The crowd was awesome tonight, as we were red hot for everything. Not a single match went without some sort of massive chant, but it was clear who drew the biggest pops and the most heat…


Biggest Pops- 1) Eddie Guerrero (by far…unreal how over he was with the NC crowd)

2) Cena

3) Taker


Most Heat- 1) John Bradshaw Layfield (by far…see Eddie comments above)

2) Paul Heyman

3) Kurt Angle

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Guest bigdiswrestling



Hopefully Eddie will regain his title in 2 weeks in the Cage Match... this actually might get viewers to watch Smackdown. A Free-Per-View match is just what the doctor ordered.


I seriously hope that they're amping up an Angle return. Nothing would be better, and we're about 2 months away from Summerslam. Hey... it would fit!

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Guest Goodear

Things I learned from Smackdown/Velocity this week...


1) JBL picks up his third televised win since the new character appeared three months ago! WOOO! Unfortunately, one was against El Gran Luchador and this one was against Spike Dudley. There is your World Champion folks.


2) A match that might actually help make some stars with the World Tag Team Champions having to resort to a disqualification to escape from an underdog tag team like London & Kidman isn't shown on Smackdown because we have to beat up Charles Robinson.


3) The Mordy and Jindrak pushes are pretty much on their last weeks despite never really having a chance to succeed since Mordy never actually got to do anything and Jindrak having only one match on the main show against... you guessed it... Spike Dudley.


4) Taker sank his own manager in concrete in order to get to Paul Heyman and will have to go through all of Heyman's troops in order to do so... wait... he did that on PPV just a few days ago.

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Hm. Looks like JBL's title win was just a consolation prize from Vince for losing his CNBC job. And possibly a reward for his "loyalty" to the company.


Hopefully his title reign is shorter than the Iron Sheik's.

Well hopefully by then Vince realizes how dumb it was to give the title to Bradshaw(who bombed as a Hardcore champion by the way) and gives it back to EddY......I HOPE! :(

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I think the FBI are getting a face push right now, but since they're only on TV every other other week, and usually just Nunzio popping up backstage,  it's kind of hard to tell  :huh:

I think you maybe right, because on Velocity last week, Stamboli was playing face to a jobber.

Add to that: 2 weeks ago on SD, FBI played face against Akio/Sakoda, and got a decent face pop after getting the win. I'd be all up ons an FBI push.


As for this week, Velocity looks pretty good. I'm interested in seeing all 3 matches. SD looks like it starts pretty strong, but then limps to the finish line. Should be an OK show, though. Needs more Knoble, though.


And that Cena "translation" stuff is just awful. Hopefully they don't run w/ a Cena/Suzuki feud. Cena is best when getting beat up & making his comebacks, which would put Suzuki in control of the matches. That's just a recipe for disaster.

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You know, I’m not thrilled with either Jindrack or Mordecai, but if they really want to elevate them as heels, they shouldn’t be so quick to job them out.


ESPECIALLY jobbing Mordecai out to Rey.

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Hm. Looks like JBL's title win was just a consolation prize from Vince for losing his CNBC job. And possibly a reward for his "loyalty" to the company.


Hopefully his title reign is shorter than the Iron Sheik's.

Well hopefully by then Vince realizes how dumb it was to give the title to Bradshaw(who bombed as a Hardcore champion by the way) and gives it back to EddY......I HOPE! :(

It's shocking really. I mean, Bradshaw has these incredibly talented opponents such as Johnny THE BULL Stamboli and Tommy DREAMER~!, and yet his reign as lower midcard belt holder during a low drawing time for the WWE wasn't a success!


If that doesn't prove Bradshaw sucks, I don't know WHAT will.


The lady next to me mentioned how small both Kidman and London were and shouldn’t be in the ring with those bigger guys (I told her size shouldn’t matter in pro-wrestling…she laughed).


I'm tempted to put this in my sig for the next 'why isn't Paul London bein' pushed coz he is ***** materialz~!' thread.

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I suppose Rey beating Mordecai is part of that "Pushing established stars instead of continuing with failed projects" booking theory I read WWE wants to use. That is pretty neat that they are pushing Rey again.


So after Eddie wins the title in two weeks, will the hype towards Eddie vs Jindrak at SummerSlam begin? :lol:

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Again, I'm no fan of Mordecai, but is it really early enough to label him a "failed project"? I don't even think the guy's had 5 televised matches.

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Eddie's winning the belt at SummerSlam, I bet.  Just so a face can walk off with a "World Title".

Summerslam's not for another 6 weeks, though. That's four weeks after the steel cage match. Doesn't it make more sense to put the belt back on Eddie, then have the Angle/Guerrero rematch at Summerslam?


Cena's " You're gay You're gay You're gay You're gay You're gay-izzle world life yo dawg YOU CAN'T SEE ME (even though the guy clearly can)" promos ceased amusing me around November.

Every once in a while he'll throw in a reference to his opponent's masturbation habits. Give the man a little credit, here.

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So Undertaker is still a face despite what he did at GAB?  :huh:

Various sources are reporting they're supposed to tell us Bearer isn't dead on air this week.

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According to the report on 411:


After the Taping Stopped: When the show ended JBL came back to the ring and called out anyone in the back. Undertaker came out to huge reaction from the crowd. JBL then proceeded to cut one of the best chickens--- heel promos I have heard in a long time. I was in shock at how good he was. I wish I could transcribe it. He was absolutely hilarious on the level of some of Kurt Angle's funny heel promos. Undertaker almost broke character and laughed at JBL. Undertaker eventually laid out JBL with a chokeslam fallowed by a Tombstone and left he ring, JBL continued his funny heel promo after coming to from being knocked out. I was never a fan of JBL, but he won me over as a fan tonight with his great promo. It's too bad it this will not be seen on TV. It was the highlight of the show and a good way to send the fans home happy.


I wish someone would put up the satelite feed. I'd like to hear a GOOD promo from Bradshaw for once.

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But lemme get something straight: Eddie's still feuding with JBL? Cena/Booker/Dupree/RVD are still feuding (if RVD/Dupree feud, they would have done every variation of feuding save heel/heel and face/face)? I'm not going to complain yet, but I really, truly hope they get these storylines moving.

You'd rather Eddie WOULDN'T feud with JBL? That's the whole reason JBL won the title, so he could chase it.


I really hope the cage is the blowoff, with Eddie winning it back.


As for the US Title, those are really the only 4 that are available for contention. Smackdown's roster is mostly stacked with cruisers and tag teams. I think the Haas/Luther feud is set in place to elevate Charlie so he can get to the point. Kenzo sucks, Mordecai shouldn't give a damn about titles, so the only other midcarders they have are guys like Holly/Gunn and Jindrak, who's not at that level yet (especially thanks to him being turned into, what, an enhancement guy?).


I think SD actually found a way to make me want to see another JBL/Eddie match, and, consequently, for JBL to win a title defense.

Well, I'd rather that new main eventers either than Eddie and JBL were established before this whole mess. Yeah, I want Eddie to win, but that wasn't really my point. Look at Smackdown 4 weeks ago, then look this Smackdown: They are very similar. It isn't can't-miss-TV at all. SD sorely needs to make their show can't-miss in terms of storyline because judging by the matches lately, it ain't can't-miss wrestling-wise.


And I don't think Haas needs anything to get plugged in the US Title division, or, as I like to call it, 3 Raw Rejects and Cena. One win over Dupree, and he's an automatic threat.

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They need to use the Eddie/JBL title match to get Kurt started with his rematch with Eddie at Summerslam. Have Eddie win after Kurt tried to help JBL win. Then Kurt would present Eddie with the title. Eddie is about to take the title from Kurt, but Kurt RISES from his wheel chair and knocks him out cold with the belt. Then Kurt can give him a beating, using the cage and the belt. That should set up the next couple of weeks up until Summerslam.

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Is there a reason why the Smackdown tag division has been relegated to Heat for the last few weeks. There are a reasonable number of teams (FBI, Bashams, Kyo Dai, London/Kidman, Dudleys), but they can't get over if they all pull velocity duty week in week out.

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They need to use the Eddie/JBL title match to get Kurt started with his rematch with Eddie at Summerslam. Have Eddie win after Kurt tried to help JBL win. Then Kurt would present Eddie with the title. Eddie is about to take the title from Kurt, but Kurt RISES from his wheel chair and knocks him out cold with the belt. Then Kurt can give him a beating, using the cage and the belt. That should set up the next couple of weeks up until Summerslam.



If Kurt's not ready to come back, use this to bring back Big Show, and have HIM feud with Guerrero for Summerslam.


Show IS ready to compete, correct?

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I'm not sold on Eddie regaining the title in 2 weeks. I can't see them giving away a title change when they did it last September. I just don't trust them. Why would the company take the belt off Eddie on a ppv show just to put it back on him on free tv?

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They need to use the Eddie/JBL title match to get Kurt started with his rematch with Eddie at Summerslam. Have Eddie win after Kurt tried to help JBL win. Then Kurt would present Eddie with the title. Eddie is about to take the title from Kurt, but Kurt RISES from his wheel chair and knocks him out cold with the belt. Then Kurt can give him a beating, using the cage and the belt. That should set up the next couple of weeks up until Summerslam.



If Kurt's not ready to come back, use this to bring back Big Show, and have HIM feud with Guerrero for Summerslam.


Show IS ready to compete, correct?

Last thing I read about Show was that he was out through August so that wouldn't work. Although if he's ready, he can take out Eddie because he was the reason he got fired.

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Guest TigerDriver91
I'm not sold on Eddie regaining the title in 2 weeks. I can't see them giving away a title change when they did it last September. I just don't trust them. Why would the company take the belt off Eddie on a ppv show just to put it back on him on free tv?

Quote Vince McMahon...


"Anything can happen in WWE."

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I'm not sold on Eddie regaining the title in 2 weeks. I can't see them giving away a title change when they did it last September. I just don't trust them. Why would the company take the belt off Eddie on a ppv show just to put it back on him on free tv?

Quote Vince McMahon...


"Anything can happen in WWE."

Yep, that's why "anything can happen" can also mean giving the impression Eddie will regain his title to appease pissed off fans to tune in and then screw them over some more in hopes that Eddie will regain the title on major a pay per view show called SummerSlam. I hope he does win it back(although I still wouldn't really care for this feud)and normally it would be so, but they haven't been conventional to say the least in the last few months since the draft lottery with some of the choices they have made.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I'd ask what "clowned" means, but really, if Cena and Bradshaw are doing it, it must suck.


BTW, not only will that Cena promo translate poorly on to TV, it translates poorly into print.


Good thing Sox/Yanks is on Thursday.

But at this point, Cena could read from the phone book and get a huge reaction.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
1)  JBL picks up his third televised win since the new character appeared three months ago!  WOOO!  Unfortunately, one was against El Gran Luchador and this one was against Spike Dudley.  There is your World Champion folks.

I know. At least Booker picked up wins against RVD, Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn leading up to the Feud He Had No Chance of Winning against Taker. There's no real reason why JBL couldn't have done the same, especially if he was going to win the WWE Title.


2) A match that might actually help make some stars with the World Tag Team Champions


Or an actual feud between established teams. They DO exist on Smackdown so it's not like they can use the excuse of there being none like for RAW.


having to resort to a disqualification to escape from an underdog tag team like London & Kidman


Considering what they've been doing with the FBI as of late, I'm a bit suprised that Nunzio and Stamboli weren't in this spot.


isn't shown on Smackdown because we have to beat up Charles Robinson.


What doesn't make sense about all that is why would Angle and Luther arrange a Torrie/Sable rematch and even care that Robinson screwed up? It was Torrie that was 'screwed' and she's the reason Angle is in the wheelchair and can't have sex with his wife anymore, remember. What a waste. I'm not holding my breath that Haas will win a rematch with Luther either. However, I will say that Luther actually seems to belong on Smackdown, unlike Suzuki.


3) The Mordy and Jindrak pushes are pretty much on their last weeks despite never really having a chance to succeed since Mordy never actually got to do anything and Jindrak having only one match on the main show against... you guessed it... Spike Dudley.


They really have to find a better approach with the new gimmicks other than "feed Spike/Scotty/some random small guy to 'em", because when it's done threefold at the very same time, it's yawn city.


4) Taker sank his own manager in concrete in order to get to Paul Heyman and will have to go through all of Heyman's troops in order to do so... wait... he did that on PPV just a few days ago.


So Paul Bearer is really dead, huh. Makes the whole WWEParents.com situation that much funnier.


But at this point, Cena could read from the phone book and get a huge reaction.


I prefer him doing that than making farting noises again.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Shit, did I read that right?


London and Kidman actually BEAT the tag champs?

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Guest Anglesault
I'd ask what "clowned" means, but really, if Cena and Bradshaw are doing it, it must suck.


BTW, not only will that Cena promo translate poorly on to TV, it translates poorly into print.


Good thing Sox/Yanks is on Thursday.

But at this point, Cena could read from the phone book and get a huge reaction.

Which is kind of sad. You would hope that once he got huge, they wouldn't just flat out stop trying. And that's exactly what they did with Cena. They turned him face and just sent the character on cruise controll.

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