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It could just remind everyone about the numbers, which haven't come in to play since the first episode or so.


Maybe they are on their way back.

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Regarding the whole Locke thing: After finding the hatch, Locke seemed to undergo a change. Before discovering it, he seemed to be content to just be on the island. Afterwards, he started to change, he became obsessed with it. He sacrificed Boone to open it, ignored Hurley's warnings about the numbers, and hasn't really seemed to care about much else. He's obviously playing up to Claire for a reason, whether that's to get the baby or just give Aaron the father figure he never had. Either way, the Locke of today to the one of beginning season one does not seem like the same guy.


I think that Hurley saw Libby at the mental hospital as a fellow patient, not a doctor like she claims to be. We don't know how Hurley got there, maybe Libby plays a part in that somehow.

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The entire series will end up being Charlie's hallucination while getting high in the airplane bathroom during the flight.


Ok, seriously now. I'm not sure about Locke. Maybe he wants to get close to Aaron because he believes the baby will eventually end up being important regarding the island since both Ethan (in a round about way) and Danielle wanted him.


I do agree with him not being the same person, but I think his obsession is because he knows what the island did to him so he wants to find out what is going on.

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This might sound a little bit "markish" but, the smoke above hurley's mom's new house...was the movement a bit....contrived?

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Apparently there's a big rumor going around that

Michelle Rodriguez, because she's such a bitch

is going byeeee byeeee.


And good riddance.


When they first focused on the tail section, I would have loved this, but now... I certainly hope it doesn't happen. Now that she's getting a lot less airtime/focus and Jack has asked her about training an army, they could actually be going somewhere interesting with Anna-Lucia.

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Another update


2.13 - The Long Con (Sawyer III)

airdate: 2/8/2006

Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.

Guest Stars: Kevin Dunn as Gordy, Beth Broderick as Diane, Kim Dickens as Cassidy, Finn Armstrong as Arthur and Richard Cavanna as Peter.


Beth Broderick is the actress who plays Kate's mom.


2.14 - One of Them (Sayid III)

airdate: 2/15/2006

When Rousseau leads Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle, he becomes determined to find out if he is one of the “Others.” Meanwhile, Sawyer discovers Hurley’s potentially devastating breech of the survivors’ trust and blackmails him into helping track an elusive island creature that won’t leave Sawyer alone.

Guest Stars: Lindsey Ginter as Sgt. Austen, Mira Furlan as Danielle Rousseau, Michael Emerson as Henry Gale, Marc Casabani as Tariq, Theo Rossi as Sgt. Buccelli, Clancy Brown as Joe Inman, Thomas Meharey as U.S. soldier no. 1 and Kamari Borden as U.S. soldier no. 2.


2.15 - Maternity Leave (Claire II)

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New shit, ya heard?


As always, your official preview courtesy of the good folks at ABC.com


"The Long Con"

Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt.


Discussion, ho!

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Failed? The other's may have something we don't know about working in their favor, but if this is one of them again then it's pretty clear they're not unstoppable.


I missed last week which worked in my favor because it was a gapper episode, but I have a feeling tonight's gonna be important.

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I'm surprised ABC would put the "failed" attempt in there. I thought it was such a huge deal that she was being taken, a little disappointed, but it still creates even more questions. The Others must have thought that Jin's knocked her up and wanted the baby.


My question is, how many of the survivors know where her garden is, Locke, Kate & Michael?

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Charlie's heel turn is now complete! The return of badass Sawyer! Awesome!


Very interesting episode, with a nice twist. There was so much action in the Kate-Locke-Jack-Ana Lucia saga that I didn't even think of Charlie being the one who kidnapped Sun and help Sawyer steal the weapons. This is leading up to interesting drama in the camp unfolding.


My only compaint is I really wished they use Ecko more though.

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Charlie turning full heel against the group, especially Locke, was a great turn. Sawyer being tweener for a while and going full fledged heel badass again was very good stuff. You can tell that the group is starting to fall apart.


I really liked this episode. First episode in quite a while that I've got really into the show.


The radio deal with Hurley/Sayid was kinda cool, but a little dissapointing.


I loved the end with Sawyer in the car and looking over to see that he officially pulled off The Long Con.

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Locke being duped...Brilliant- Sawyer reaffirming his cocky heelness and Charlie being lured to the darkside...all just great

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