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WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

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Of course, the institution that is Billy Gunn being canned after well over a decade in WWE is a total shock. Let's reflect on our favorite Billy Gunn memories....





Remember when he said "WE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA?!"


Remember when he beat X-Pac for the KotR?


Remember when Edge made fun of him for being the 2nd worst KotR?


Remember when him and Chuck Palumbo were gay homosexuals, had matches with 2 Count that weren't complete abortions, and were involved in the wedding where Bischoff unmasked, and had 3MW attack Stephanie to huge pops?


Good times.

Remember when The Rock stuck his face into that large woman's ass?


Good Times.

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No doubt in my mind, A-Train pissed someone off six months ago. He got caught doing something, fighting someone, etc.


He went from being on Smackdown at least every other week to not even getting Heat matches.

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Guest LooneyTune

Billy Gunn I didn't find too bad as Velocity fodder, but I'm glad he's gone simply because he got way too many pushes for a many with so little talent.


A-Train: I'm not partial to either way. I didn't hate him, but didn't like him either.

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Guest Ronnie755

This may be another example of Johnny Ace trying to weed Jim Ross's people. Didn't J.R. really love these two? Calling Billy Gunn the best pure athlete in WWE and saying that A-Train would be the next big main eventer.

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Guest Stupuss

From WWE.com


A-Train, Billy Gunn, Test released



The WWE released A-Train, Billy Gunn and Test from their contracts today. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.





Looks like the predictions for Test to be released next were true! Spooky as this has been updated only a few minutes ago!

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Maybe T&A can reform in TNA when Test is better. Of course, TNA will probably be dead by then.


The WWE is building up Snitsky, right? Why couldn't they have had Snitsky end Billy Gunns career and, like, kill Albert... or something...?


Silly customer. That would make sense.

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I'd rather not see any of these guys in TNA. Stick with what talent you have, don't bring in the leftovers. Then again tna has brought in jeff hardy, lex luger, hall, nash and piper. I don't want to see TNA die, but if your going to bring in everyone who has worked a WWE show and push them as main eventers well then GO to Hell and fold.

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Guest hey_yo

I can't see A-train fitting in with TNA so he'll likely work Japan and the indies. Test and Billy Gunn though, can be decent draws if used correctly though. Gunn reforming the NAO with B.G. James would be cool for nostalgia sake and Test if/when he ever gets healthy has always had potential and has a good look.

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I thought the WWE didn't fire injured workers. Test and A-Train are both injured and Billy Gunn was on his leave of absence.


Any bets/guesses on the next to be released from their contract?

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A-Train had some underrated matches with Benoit.


Test had that match with Shane.


Billy Gunn's best days were with Road Dogg in DX and the NAO.



That's about all the three of them were good for.

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Sucks. I've always beena fan of Train. I've always thought he got a lot of unnecessary hate from the net. I liked him in the ring and felt that he's never really gotten the push he deserved. Had he been booked strong on a more consistent basis, I think he could've been a good upper-midcard threat.


Same for Test. Another guy that could've been something if not for half-assed pushes and constant burial by HHH. I was actually starting to like him in his heel role too before he got yanked off Raw last year.


Fuck Billy Gunn, though. I've hated that man since I was 9.

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Well, it took a couple of years, but WWE finally answered some of our prayers by firing 3 of the most worthless scrubs on the roster. Although I also admit A-Train was growing on me before he was moved to RAW.



"Hey, remember when I won immunity for a year? That year ended two years ago.... shit."


Test decided to be a dickhead in real life to a mentally challenged boy. Now his neck is fucked up, he may never be involved with any physical activity again, and his ass at the end of the unemployment line. Karma's a bitch, fucker!


Edit: Oh yeah, thanks for wasting a KOTR on Gunn, WWE braniacs.

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Billy Gunn should never have returned from his retirement.


A-Train on the other hand was killed due to the WWE Trademark Halfassed push. He would constantly pop up out of nowhere, destroy people for a month or so, get beat by some midcarder and then disappear to Velocity for 6 months. Nobody can't get over like that. He had a good moveset, but lacked some basic wrestling skills, likely due to poor training. He certainly had potential, which is more than I can say for Heidenreich and company.

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