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The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

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The cuts are part of a serious cost cutting that will apparently not stop at talent cuts. Unconfirmed rumors circulating among WWE wrestlers are that the company plans to stop paying for wrestler surgeries and that there is consideration being given to combining the Smackdown and RAW rosters

I don't know if anyone posted this yet, but it's from 1Wrestling.

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You know, up until now I've been completely against canceling the roster split. Now that they've fucked it up in every possible way, I think I'm starting to warm up to combining them.

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*reads about Rico getting fired then hangs himself


SERIOUSLY, FUCK YOU WWE! That goes for management, writers, bookers, etc. I will never EVER forgive you!

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The cuts are part of a serious cost cutting that will apparently not stop at talent cuts. Unconfirmed rumors circulating among WWE wrestlers are that the company plans to stop paying for wrestler surgeries and that there is consideration being given to combining the Smackdown and RAW rosters

I don't know if anyone posted this yet, but it's from 1Wrestling.


Ok, if that is true...that is pretty damn low, even for the WWE.


Also, haven't they effectively killed the Women's division with these cuts? Doesn't this just reduce Trish to a set of breasts again?

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Fuck! Rico was one of the only reasons I watched SD!... his antics always got a genuine laugh out of me, and my parents even loved watching him (and they hate wrestling with a passion)


I was pissed about Stamboli getting fired, but not shocked... but Rico... damn...



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Let me see.


They blew 250,000 on a contract for Christy who is worthless since she will need to be trained at wrestling which is also pointless since they just cut three of the female wrestlers, they added a second PPV a month which doubles PPV costs, they are prepared to give 1 million to an unproven Tough Enough wrestler and the contract of RVD had to be re-upped plus who knows who else came up for re-signing in the last few months.


And they STILL haven't finished paying off Mark Henry's contract from hell.


So the cuts aren't shocking. Plus Rico was screwed when Jackie hooked up with Haas.

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Think of Velocity!!! What about Heat?!

Vince is like a Nazi firing squad today. Way to celebrate your tax cuts and stimulate the economy, Vince. ;)

Only ones that really bug me are Rico and A-Train. Rico always worked hard and was entertaining to the crowd, and A-Train could fill the roll of all these big oafs they keep calling up with more experience and talent. Plus I hear he's a really nice guy too.

Is there anyone left on the roster to job to HHH?

On the bright side, I greatly anticipate TNA's soon to be announced "Gauntlet for a Job" battle royal at Victory Road.

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Whoever said Rico is the worst cut since Goldust, I agree with that....


Of the other males only Stamboli had upside and had been delivering good performances. The cuts of Gunn, Test, A-Train are only surprising inasmuch as Vince seemed to have a hard on for all three of them, giving them multiple chances to fail. They were damaged goods in my book. Rodney Mack never deserved his spot in the first place. The female cuts are a little puzzling as it leaves the women's division incredibly thin, but the comitment hadn't been there recently anyway.


My list for the "mystery two" looks something like:


Steven Richards

Val Venis



Bob Holly


Shannon Moore

Garrison Cade


Wouldn't surprise me to see any of those guys let go.


And whether you like Heidenreich or Snitsky or Tomko or Luthor Reigns or not, it's pretty apparent that the E does, so learn to get used to them. Reigns and Tomko I'm apathetic towards, Reigns rubs me the wrong way just because he's so high profile right now, same with Jindrak who I've never been a fan of. I can take or leave Snitsky, but I think Heidenreich has been entertaining as hell over on SD! Sure, he can't work a match to save his life, but he's excelled in his character role of resident psycho.

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You know, up until now I've been completely against canceling the roster split. Now that they've fucked it up in every possible way, I think I'm starting to warm up to combining them.

yeah, but i AM used to the split now, and i know im not alone in this


but i also know that i really dont watch WWE anymore, and i know im not the only one in this boat either


but no matter what happens, it cant get any worse, so they might as well give it a shot


(but id like to see A LOT more firings if that happens)

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*wakes up and looks on TSM*


Same old firing yada, yada, Test, Gunn, Rico.... WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE! RICO?! WHY RICO?! WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?!


This is seriously making me go crazy...

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You know, up until now I've been completely against canceling the roster split.  Now that they've fucked it up in every possible way, I think I'm starting to warm up to combining them.

yeah, but i AM used to the split now, and i know im not alone in this


but i also know that i really dont watch WWE anymore, and i know im not the only one in this boat either


but no matter what happens, it cant get any worse, so they might as well give it a shot


(but id like to see A LOT more firings if that happens)

I'm not only used to it, but I've been adamant about how the rosters should stay split. Until now. They've fucked up everything about this roster split, and I think that now it will be better as one than as two.

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Aren't there rumors that Shannon Moore has been/is Matt Hardy's "servant" (both business-wise and sexually), throughout the years? This isn't a joke, it's been a long-rumored situation. Anyway, with Matt's impending return from injury, would they release Moore? It always seems like Matt has taken care of his job/gotten him involved in big matches (Rumble, WMania).

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Nowinski and Holly are the two most obvious choices but the fact that they weren't in this initial purge tells me that they'll be sticking around. My guesses are Funaki and Nunzio. Funaki has been reduced to a novelty role and such things usually go during cuts. Nunzio will fall into the "nothing for you" pit with his FBI running mates now gone.

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Guest Trivia247

What the hell is going on in the WWE? What venture did they lose out in what stock crashed? Did Stephane need new implants? what the hell is happening to fire off 6 or more wrestlers and rumors start that the WWE will stop paying for serious medical treatments?

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I went to WWE.com and didn't see any of these firings. Obviously it must of been posted. Why did they remove all of them after only a day?


Honestly, I could give two damns about any of these people who were fired.

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Because RAW and SD can't have vacant World/WWE heavyweight titles.


[ (humongous2002 @ Nov 4 2004, 06:11 PM)

I would fire:

JBL, Bob Holly and Orton.



That would do wonders for the Main Event.


Yeah, it's called improvement.

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