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Bringing a baby to class...

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Earlier this morning I went to my regular Tues-Thurs class only to see one of my classmates had brought his baby to class. Normally I don't have a problem with people bringing their kids to class, except those kids are usually at least 5 years old and capable of staying quiet, while this baby was probably between 6 months to a year old. I should note here that I'm already not a big fan of babies as is and I only start to like and interact with kids after about 4 or so.


Before class started, everyone else in the room (a small class, only 10 of us) was of course "Awww look at the baby" and such until class began, at which point everyone got quiet so we could start... everyone except the baby that is, who was being a noisy little thing while everyone else was just sorta laughing it off. After a couple minutes of this, I decided I couldn't take anymore and ran through the list of options in my mind:


1. Try to ignore it and tough it out for the next hour

2. Get pissed (well, more pissed anyway) and let loose in some verbal way

3. Pack up and walk out


I probably wasn't going to do #1, and I knew that #2 would have bigger consequences than I wanted to deal with, so I opted for #3. I figure I'll probably be perceived as this big baby-hating bad person now [cynicism]since society has convinced us that if you don't like babies, you must be a BAD PERSON[/cynicism], but I don't really care.


Thoughts? Similar experiences?

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While not a class thing...


Sitting in the airport in Vegas waiting for my flight back home, and this kid...maybe three years old, probably younger, wasn't just crying. She was fucking screaming. Loudly. To the point that I walked from my gate to the restroom (at least 200 yards away) and could hear the girl from inside the fucking restroom.


Thank God the kid shouted itself to sleep before we got on the plane, or I probably would have slugged somebody.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I hate babies. I agree with Dr. Tom that they shouldn't be allowed in public till 8-10. The absolute worst is on planes.

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It's about time we had our own song

Don't know what took so long

Cuz now-a-days it like a badge of honor

To be a baby mama

I see ya payin' ya bills

I see ya workin' ya job

I see ya goin' to school

And girl I know it's hard

And even though ya fed up

With makin' beds up

Girl, keep ya head up

All my




This goes out to all my baby mamas

This goes out to all my baby mamas


This goes out to all my baby mamas

I got love for all my baby mamas

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talk to me when you guys start pumping out children...


EDIT: i will admit, however, that babies do NOT belong in the classroom...now the screaming toddler thing, which I'm dealing with now, that's just how it goes at that age...

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Children are evil. You did the right thing.


One thing I love to do though if I'm at a store is, if I'm near some brat who is trying to get a parent to buy them something, is to laugh out loud when the parent is getting ready to flip out at their kid. It just adds more tension to the situation and makes you feel better afterward.

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I seem to be missing the "you must love and want to pop out babies" gene. Which is just fine by me and my womb, thank you very much. But it's not infants that bug me so much as young toddlers. You know, the ones that are around that age where they say "wa-wa" and "banky" a lot. Those little crotch droppings have lungs of steel and can make these high pitched noise that if harnessed properly, could shatter glass and call wild animals for miles around. I hate them.

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Guest Salacious Crumb




I will admit, I am ready for my 2 year old to jump up about 3 or 4 years anytime now...

Then you'll be wondering where all the time went when you find the dead hooker in his room 18 years from now.

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Like I said, I love kids after about 5 or so. I just don't know about those five years in between.


My brother's oldest kid is just hitting the point where I not only tolerate her but can enjoy her presence, and she was born when I was still living in Minnesota, which feels like a longass time ago

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Guest Salacious Crumb
heh, well he is actually a she so hopefully SHE isn't the dead hooker!

Damn it, I knew if I made that joke it was going to be a girl.

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I have no problem with kids in public, because, believe it or not, I was one once. I didn't just pop out a grumpy 22-year-old.


I can't stand babies, or any kids, in the classroom, though. First of all, there's the offensive undertone of "Look what I made!" I don't give a shit what you made, not when I'm paying however much a credit to listen to a middle-aged man with frazzled hair and flood-victim clothes spit formulae and theories at me. Second, no matter how cute it is, it's going to be a distraction, whether it's just a lot of "how cute" or it starts crying or craps during class.


Third, and this is a special one for older kids, I don't care how cute your 6-year-old thinks it is to participate in the class discussion. If he raises his hand again, I'm going to drop him on his head.

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I hate loud annoying kids because I rarely ever was a loud annoying kid. My parents had me well trained enough to keep my fucking voice down in public, and it's my right to hold every other parent on the planet to that same standard.

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I don't like kids, and I really never want to have any of my own.


I've been lucky by not really having to deal with any kids in the classroom, but I often have the misfortune of having to deal with them on the subway going to or from school. Nothing's worse than being on a cramped subway car having to deal with some screaming child, where the parents are either too lazy or too inept to do anything to stop their incessant crying.

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Tomorrow I have to try and get the class notes from one of my classmates and find out if anything else happened after I left

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I like kids when they're around 10 or so and I swear to god you'd better not twist my words around on that. I never got the whole baby thing either.


Start cussing a lot in class and maybe they won't want their kids there.

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See, I used to go out with this girl and she had this little cousin who was a fucking brat. I didn't see him much but she would tell me these things he did like it was the cutest thing in the world and I was thinking "I would smack that little shit." See, now I liked that girl, but if we had ever had kids that would have been a major problem, me wanting to bash the rugrat for the same things she wants to reward him for. My own parents used to argue over that.

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Guest OSIcon

Is it a rule (of either the school or some higher authority) that teachers have to allow students to bring a kid into the classroom? Or is it just a teacher's decision?


I haven't had that happened to me (probably in part because of the college I go to) but I can't imagine a teacher just letting someone keep their noisy kid in the room. If the kid is quiet and well behaved, fine, but the moment it gets loud the mother should have to take the kid out until it can calm down. I also can't believe the mother just sat there while her kid disrupted the whole class.

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This is kinda OT but, I always thought a good joke on South Park was when all the kids were claiming they had ADD, and Chef showed the parents that film, "shut up and study before I pop you in the mouth."

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Guest Vitamin X

No it wasn't.


Oh, and I also think it's absolutely ridiculous to be bringing kids to your class. Either go to college or raise your kids on your own spare time. Don't fuck up everyone else's college experience with your kids crying in there, be more considerate to their hangovers.

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I want to have kids for the simple fact that it will be a big challenge. I'd rather have boys than girls though, especially when girls get around 17 and every guy she comes home with wants to have their dick in her, no matter what they try to say otherwise.

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One day in college, we was sitting around in the student union playing cards. Apparently it was "bring your kid to work" day and this girl had broght her kid to school. I guess she was one of those paid to go to school types.


Well my friend had a good hand, and let out a loud "WOO HOO" waking the sleeping kid.


The chick got pissed and started bitching at us.



HELLO!?!??!?!?!? You're in a college student union!

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I can't stand the parents who are in denial about their kids being crying brats. They've obviously conditioned themselves to just block it out, but that leaves the rest of the innocent people around them to endure their screaming and crying.

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Guest BDC

Only time there have ever been kids in any of my classes, they've been very well-behaved. They sat there and read, played on their gameboy, whatever. Just quiet enough that you could forget they were there.


I gotta say, I'm terribly happy about that.

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