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Giuseppe Zangara

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I ran into a girl I used to know today (didn't talk to her). I don't think I ever did anything particularly bad when I knew her except tell her she looked like she was gaining weight, but she seemed terrified/disgusted to see me. She had gained even more weight. That's probably why.

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Why do smart marks talk about the ratings of wrestling shows? .....


and the ratings come in for each segment. that's the part i don't understand. yeah, the ratings for the first hour were x.x and the second hour were x.x. that i understood. but this every segment, every 15 minutes, that's just really...anal. not even geeky in a cool way. it just seems desperae.


Quarter ratings can show who draws, who attracts viewers, who doesn't, etc. If hour 2 with a CM Punk main event draws a 3.9 but a CM Punk main event drew a quarter rating of 3.3 and lost 650,000 viewers, then you know his push is failing and people are tuning out. In the case of the June 30th Raw, Punk's title defense saw a huge viewer increase in the last quarter which led to the highest rating in months - that sort of thing is really important to fans tracking that sort of thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally see the points you and everyone else are making about how people should spend less time tracking numbers and more time just ENJOYING the form of media they're watching or discussing, but it's not really fair to put down the value of a quarter rating.

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Why do smart marks talk about the ratings of wrestling shows? .....


and the ratings come in for each segment. that's the part i don't understand. yeah, the ratings for the first hour were x.x and the second hour were x.x. that i understood. but this every segment, every 15 minutes, that's just really...anal. not even geeky in a cool way. it just seems desperae.


Quarter ratings can show who draws, who attracts viewers, who doesn't, etc. If hour 2 with a CM Punk main event draws a 3.9 but a CM Punk main event drew a quarter rating of 3.3 and lost 650,000 viewers, then you know his push is failing and people are tuning out. In the case of the June 30th Raw, Punk's title defense saw a huge viewer increase in the last quarter which led to the highest rating in months - that sort of thing is really important to fans tracking that sort of thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally see the points you and everyone else are making about how people should spend less time tracking numbers and more time just ENJOYING the form of media they're watching or discussing, but it's not really fair to put down the value of a quarter rating.


I know you're being serious, but it just sounds so funny.

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Guest Vitamin X
"Oh man, I'm on drugs right now" was mine.

I always thought that was Spoon, but it may have been more because the thread bearing that meme was started by him, plus he would IM me every now and then saying that when he got high. I miss that wacky fellar.

And durgz is mine

Also, tirts.


I forget that Rant has a couple of his own, and then Brody came up with *unzips pants*. What was the first ever TSMeme? INTENSE~? Established?

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Guest !!!

Maybe we can combine Poster Tournament and TSMemes into The Tournament Of Memes. I'll file that away for the next time we're in a lull and need to do a big group activity again.

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CronoT gave us "The Frog Ending", "Right here, you little bitch." and probably another one I'm forgetting.

Disillusioned intellectual

"You laugh at me because I'm different"


"I laugh at you because you are all the same"

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
TSMemes aren't totally limited to lame posters though... just look at how many CWM has given us.


I can't even remember all of them, there's too many.

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Guest !!!

I almost intercepted "Hot Bitches Draft" from the get-go, but it wouldn't have been worth the negative pub.

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Certain pet names, when used in a serious context, are real dated. My brother and his fiance frequently call each other "honey." I'm not sure if I've heard anyone use that particular pet name without any sense of sarcasm since like The Donna Reed Show.

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A girl who I'm friends with and almost dated has the pet name of Nighthawk for me. It came from the fact that one day I said "You have to call me Nighthawk."

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That reminds me of another one... another friend of mine is dating a German guy (nobody likes him but her), and he is constantly referred to by German puns. It started with just like "Hey, Klaus, what's the haps?" or "How you been, Fritz?" and he'd be like "This is not my name..." Now it's gotten to like "German Helmsley" and "Gaul" and "Hey, Expressionist Cinema, you want something to drink?" It's funny cause the guy can't speak English that well, and he can't really follow it.


He got really offended when I called him Adolf once.

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Expressionistic Cinema. That's great.


Hey, I was in Berkeley today, and apparently there was a hobo fight right outside the door when I was in Rasputin. Damn!

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I think I met the most stereotypical 'dumb Americans' today at work. I work at the local harbour, and a boatfull of them came in to go to dinner and while one of them went in to check in with customs, the rest of them (well, the older ones, I think they had their kids with them) seemed to be in awe of the fact that they were actually in another country. The one guy asked me if they had to 'parlay frawn-say' and when I shook my head, his wife chimed in, 'Oh yeah, that's just down in Montreal, right?' The other woman was amazed that I sounded different than they did, while the girl I was working with didn't, and she kept pointing at me and yelling that I had some sort of an accent. Oh, and they also demanded that we show them how polite Canadians are, however you do that.

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I haven't changed. You can go back to fearing and loving me any time you'd like.


Ok, I have. I think it was finding out that you drink cheap beer and smoke cheap cigarettes that did it. You're too handsome for me to expect that, it's like James Bond drinking a bottle of Boone's Farm and lighting up a Pall Mall. I was crestfallen. But you're still wonderful.


You did call me up one time pretty out of it, and I did enjoy that conversation. Other posters who have called me under the influence: JSYK on coke, and that was ok, but he couldn't track very well, VX on weed, but that was just a couple sentences, Jingus on so much wine that he was like "What sheems to be the offisur, problim?" he also I think gave me Marney's phone number, and she claimed to change it because of this, which makes her a stupid worthless cunt. I knew there was a reason I treated her like shit for years afterwards. Dammit, and now I can't take back that apology. As if just asking me not to call her wouldn't be enough? God, what a cunt.

Apparently I recently told Rando repeatedly that I wanted him to die, but I don't think that was on the phone. I didn't ask though, and I really don't remember it. I love drinking, but blacking out is really getting annoying. Hangovers are for the birds too.


So where was I? Oh yes, Danny wins the best tsm fucked up phone call with me award.

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Guest Vitamin X

What? I don't recall being high. Well, I guess that would make sense, then. I only remember that you were drinking.

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I'm always drinking. I only thought you were high because you told me you were later. Perhaps you were high when you said that.


You know what I think I should do? Write a partially fabricated addiction memoir, in the vein of A Million Little Pieces. Do you know how many times people have feared for my life because I was hungover and expressed how bad I felt that they thought I was going to kill myself? It's a lot. My dad has told me that I would die before I was 22 if I didn't stop drinking. This is all not from how bad my drinking problem actually is (moderate), but how bad I make it seem when I talk about it (catastrophic). Solution? Write it down, go on Oprah.

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