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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The Damian Gonzalez Memorial Thread

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

In honor of everyone's favorite sawed off latino message board administrator heart throb, I present to you: a bunch of spiders.


tarantula.jpg Isn't she precious?


Look at this big fella: TarantulaLg.jpg


This cutie pie is a Mexican Red-Kneed tarantula: tarantula-big.jpg


More to come.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion


Does Dames have some sort of Arachnidphobia


To put it mildly. I made a thread like this a year ago and it scared him so bad he had to have Dr. Tom or Kahran or someone delete it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Piss just broke out the ruthless Brown Recluse. A fairly common evil bastard where I come from. They're very comfortable in old tires, sheds, outhouses..any decrepit abandoned semi-open enclosure.

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When I was younger I was bitten by black widows while I slept 20 or 30 times over several days. They said I probably would have been worse off except the number of bites heightened my immunity to the venom. True story.

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I saw a guy get stung by a scorpion once, and the thing was maybe a quarter of an inch big, but the dude still carried on like he was going to die. I imagine it's quite painful.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Mine was pretty decent sized. They say smaller younger ones have more dangerous venom, due to their inability to otherwise physically defend themselves. I was staying with my grandparents in Arizona, and it zapped me when I was cleaning a pool filter. Yeah. Fuckin' hurt.

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I got tattered by a wasp several times, not fun...


oh and I'm allergic to bees...


Agent, that spider in your second post looks pretty similar to the ones used in Arachnophobia (the drones), no?

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....I disabled pictures to come into this thread just so I can call you a bastard.




My name is still in Red mofos!!!!



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Japanese Giant Hornets are what you should fear.


Bees, other hornet species, and larger insects such as praying mantises are no match for the giant hornets, which often stalk their prey in relentless armies. Just one of these hornets can kill 40 European honeybees a minute; a handful of the creatures can slaughter 30,000 European honeybees within hours, leaving a trail of severed insect heads and limbs.




People are not the Japanese giant hornet's usual prey, but those who have felt its sting describe the pain as excruciating. Masato Ono, an entomologist at Tamagawa University, near Tokyo, said it's "like a hot nail through my leg."


Someone who is stung by the hornet and doesn't receive proper treatment soon thereafter can die from the venom, which is powerful enough to disintegrate human flesh. About 40 people die each year after being stung by giant hornets, mainly as a result of an allergic reaction to the venom.


A couple of interesting notes on the V. mandarinia's venom and stinger:


The venom contains 5% acetylcholine, which stimulates the pain nerve fibres more than bee or other wasp venoms, so that it is a bit more painful.

The venom is optimized to kill bees which are the V. mandarinia's natural prey. This means that while the venom may be a bit more painful to vertebrates, it is actually less toxic.

Like all hornets, V. mandarinia can sting repeatedly, and do so when they prey on bees and other insects.


According to a report, one victim could not be recognized because said victim's face was dissolved beyond recognition due to numerous stings to that area.


Fuckers can travel up to 25MPH so you aren't outrunning them either.

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Piss just broke out the ruthless Brown Recluse. A fairly common evil bastard where I come from. They're very comfortable in old tires, sheds, outhouses..any decrepit abandoned semi-open enclosure.

I found one of these crawling along my dashboard as I was out driving around the other day. That I wasn't disturbed by it, coupled with me being pre-occupied with not crashing or running off the road in moderate traffic, led me to just let it go about its way. I haven't seen it since, but that doesn't make not killing it any less of a mistake.

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If they really get you good, fire ants are some of the worst things.

Oh, don't I know it...


Back during my senior year of high school during an away game, I knelt on a fire ant bed while the coach was chewing us out(we were getting blown out like hell at halftime). I felt something irritating my right leg, but dismissed it as the grass until I stood up and moved over to the sideline. See, I wear glasses and w/o 'em, I'm damn near blind as a bat, so imagine my surprise when I rubbed my leg and one bit me on the finger, heh.


Funny thing afterwards: During film session on that Sunday, I told him and the rest of staff about it and they kinda spun it into some "Now THAT'S devotion!" drivel when mentioning it to the rest of the team.



Let's see what else...


I got stung by a bee in the ass when I was 12. Somehow the fucker got in the house and under the cushions of the couch I had just flopped down on.


A wasp stung me in the back of my neck when I was walking through the annex of the church I used to go to and a hornet stung me in the back of my left leg when I accidentally bumped the front tire of an old car that had a huge ass nest on it.


Now, if you want to feel some pain, let a couple of horseflies bite you on the top of your head or a black fly that gets you on your inner thigh.

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Odly enough, I've never been stung by anything but Bumble Bees. That happens at least a couple of times a year, though, so I'm pretty used to it.


Back when we where kids, my cousin and I used to go to this tree behind his house, catch black widows, and then throw them at each other. Fun times. Stupid, but fun.

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Like, what if, on my way to work tomorrow, it makes its way from the car's gas pedal, onto my shoe and then up my pants leg?

You smash your own leg in sacrifice before that fucker gets anywhere near your groin, of course.

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The Wolf Spider.


I saw one of those fuckers on the floor infront of me while laying down to sleep at my Uncle's house in BC. I went to find something to kill it with but by the time I got back it was gone. My uncle assured me that it would leave me alone.. still made sleeping a little uneasy.


I've been stung on the tounge by a hornet.. snuck into my coke. That hurt a bit.

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Wolf Spiders ain't shit. I've probably seen more of those little fuckers than I have humans in my life. They're completely harmless.

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Anyone have the link to that video that was posted a year ago or so that showed a few Japanese Hornets slaughtering an entire hive of bees? That was one of the most badass things I've ever seen.

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