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The Shield, season 5, official thread

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Glenn Close was great, but I couldn't invest in the character, since I knew she'd be gone after the season. Nothing really happened in Season 4. And a lot of the work they did in Season 3 in building tension in the Strike Team was killed in Season 4. The season actually went backwards.


Forest Whitaker's character is an instant winner, though. He's so fucking sleazy and shifty. You can't even get a lock on him.


If this is the last season, I want Dutch to get some kind of happy ending. I love Dutch.

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Awesome start. Forest Whitaker is great already; I love the way his character seems to have an edge on everyone right off. All the little changes over the past six months--especially Julian as a training officer and Billings as a totally inept captain--seem to have great potential for the season.


Whitaker was crap. So bloody over-the-top, they might as well have put a sign above him saying "I'm going to turn out to be a evil man, so evil that it will make Vic killing Terry pale in comparision to the crap I'm going to be turning out to be involved in".


Say what you will about Glenn Close, at least Monica was consistantly written as a realistic person. Makes me wish they could have gotten Andre Braugher instead of Whitaker, since at least he could pull off the whole "charming and manipulative big bad" without coming off looking like a ham.


And yes, David Snell made the opening credits this season. And not only got a storyline this episode but the lion's share of the hints that he's the father of Danny's baby (note his behavior with Shane, Julian, and his new partner, his name was twice written on the board, the "check-minus" next to his name on the list, and his name being underlined at the bottom of the board).


Billings as captain=pure comedy GOLD~!

Agreed. Makes for an interesting change of pace given how utterly hands off he is compared to Acaveda and Rawlings.....

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I like Whitaker in his role. I think he plays that eerie cool well. You don't know whether to trust him or not.


This has the makings to be an awesome season. Is this the last season?

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I like Whitaker in his role. I think he plays that eerie cool well. You don't know whether to trust him or not.


This has the makings to be an awesome season. Is this the last season?


We don't know; FX and Shawn Ryan were supposed to decide if they were going to do a sixth season in December, but no word has came out about any plans regarding it. Also of note, with them planning on splitting the extended fifth season in half, they might just save the last eight episodes of the season/series until the start of 2007 and promote them as the sixth season rather than go through the process of signing everyone up for a sixth season.

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Yeah, I'm always looking forward to what Dutch is going to do. Which big case he's going to crack that no one else can.

Isn't there still a case from a while ago that is still open?

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Oh yeah, I think I know who the Daddy is. It is something I got from TVGuide.com and it fits the guy perfectly.


He said its a guy with six letter in his name and it has two vowels.




It is so him.

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I too was quite pissed that after everything Shane and the rest of the team just "made nice" and got back together. They could have done alot more with Shane and Army than they did.


Also is Tayvon ever coming back? They kind of just forgot about him after the accident.

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I too was quite pissed that after everything Shane and the rest of the team just "made nice" and got back together. They could have done alot more with Shane and Army than they did.


Also is Tayvon ever coming back? They kind of just forgot about him after the accident.


Agreed, but only in the sense that they really should have spent an episode, before having Lem be busted by IAD, where Lem and Shane reconciled and dealt with the way their friendship went to shit in the last two seasons. Having them magically make-up off-camera is a big cheat and would make for a worthy secondary plot at the very least.


As for Army, since they opted to not make him be the Judas Goat for Shane's multiple fuck-ups last season, him walking away was the perfect ending for the character's arc in that here's a guy, with the worst possible person as his mentor, who ultimately was smart enough to get the fuck out of town rather than stick around and press his luck regarding being inevitably stabbed in the back by Shane and Vic.


As for Tavon, he was supposed to come back last season but the scheduling problems caused them to abort the plotline.


Yeah, I'm always looking forward to what Dutch is going to do. Which big case he's going to crack that no one else can.


According to the rumors floating around,

Dutch is going to be busy not with rape and murder investigations this season, but investigating the personal problems of his fellow detectives. He's going to find out some rather depressing stuff about Claudette regarding her personal life that Claudette is desperate to keep secret and get dragged into the whole Kavanaugh storyline. When Kavanaugh makes his move against Corrine, threatening to send her to jail just because he can, Corrine will run to Dutch for help and this will bring Dutch into the storyline with him having to decide which side he's going to align himself with.

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I marked hard for that. Anyway, good episode and it's great that a Canadian station picked it up to save me the task of finding a decent torrent, which was tough last night. Good to see that several interesting storylines have already developed (the father of Danny's baby, IAD's investigation, Vic's impending retirement/quiting).

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I figure the kid would be Ronnie's or they pull a bait-and-switch and have it be Vic's. (Thinking back to the car scene when they're shadowing the captain's house).


I liked the opening to season five but felt skimmped that the Strike Team became all friendly again. But at the same time it shows how united they are at the core and that'll play a huge part with Whitaker trying to bring Vic down.

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Oh yeah, I think I know who the Daddy is. It is something I got from TVGuide.com and it fits the guy perfectly.


He said its a guy with six letter in his name and it has two vowels.




It is so him.


Dude, read over what you just wrote carefully...


Anyway I liked the episode a lot. That was crazy when the kid was running through the park and just randomly shot someone.

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Oh yeah, I think I know who the Daddy is. It is something I got from TVGuide.com and it fits the guy perfectly.


He said its a guy with six letter in his name and it has two vowels.




It is so him.


Dude, read over what you just wrote carefully...


Anyway I liked the episode a lot. That was crazy when the kid was running through the park and just randomly shot someone.

Errrr, touche.

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This is one of the best fucking shows they've put on TV in years...if this is the end I'm bummed but this show hasn't disappointed. I've been a huge fan since day one when Vic beat the shit out of the pedophile. It felt like Vic was back to his old self when they kicked the snot out of the kid who decided to go EC Dub with the crucifix in the church.


Whitaker's character seems every bit as twisted as Mackey is. I'm looking forward to their first one-on-one. Plus, I see Mackey and Aceveda colliding at one point when possibly Mackey gets hold of something regarding when Aceveda was forced to perform oral on the inmate that got whacked by Antwoine last season.

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Guest Fitzy

The father of Danny's child isn't going to be Vic or any cop for that matter. I think it will be Taylor. In a deleted scene from season four episode one, they showed Danny sleeping with him but then he never appears again. But I still think the father will end up being him. It's too predictable to go with Vic, and I hardly doubt it will be someone like Dutch. It certainly wouldn't be Lem, Ronnie, or Shane. Certainly not Billings, Jullian, or Aceveda. So that rules out all the cops on the show. Taylor seems like the only real option.

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Awesome start. Forest Whitaker is great already; I love the way his character seems to have an edge on everyone right off. All the little changes over the past six months--especially Julian as a training officer and Billings as a totally inept captain--seem to have great potential for the season.


Whitaker was crap. So bloody over-the-top, they might as well have put a sign above him saying "I'm going to turn out to be a evil man, so evil that it will make Vic killing Terry pale in comparision to the crap I'm going to be turning out to be involved in".


Say what you will about Glenn Close, at least Monica was consistantly written as a realistic person. Makes me wish they could have gotten Andre Braugher instead of Whitaker, since at least he could pull off the whole "charming and manipulative big bad" without coming off looking like a ham.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like Whitaker. I was expecting alot for him and just felt he came across as clumsey in the role. I just didn't even feel him as a character and I didn't feel like he brought his A-game, like alot of the less known actors on the show always do.



Agreed that the baby probably won't be Vics as thats a little to obvious. Thanks to Fitzy not using spoiler tags (grrr) I'd probably agree that the baby is Taylors. It will probably remain a secret for a while, she'll give birth to a black child and people around the station will start thinking it's Julians.

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Whitaker was crap. So bloody over-the-top, they might as well have put a sign above him saying "I'm going to turn out to be a evil man, so evil that it will make Vic killing Terry pale in comparision to the crap I'm going to be turning out to be involved in".


Say what you will about Glenn Close, at least Monica was consistantly written as a realistic person. Makes me wish they could have gotten Andre Braugher instead of Whitaker, since at least he could pull off the whole "charming and manipulative big bad" without coming off looking like a ham.


That's pretty much how I felt about the episode as well. I'm glad Braugher didn't get picked up for The Shield because I'm interested in seeing how Thief turns out, and I wouldn't give a rat's ass about that show if he wasn't starring in it.

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I am SO looking forward to the payoff to this Strike Team vs Forrest Whitaker storyline. This is some fantastic television. Forrest is such a prick in this season, I can't wait to see him get his due.

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Wonder how Ronnie's gonna find out the truth about Terry, I'm guessing him and Lem are gonna have a little confrontation and he's gonna assume Ronnie was in on it as well., wil be intereting to see how that goes

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Wonder how Ronnie's gonna find out the truth about Terry, I'm guessing him and Lem are gonna have a little confrontation and he's gonna assume Ronnie was in on it as well., wil be intereting to see how that goes


Logic would dictate that Ronnie beats the shit out of Vic upon finding out about Vic killing Terry from Lem, leaves town to deal with the shock that his best friend is a murderer, only to have Vic track him down and having a quasi-fourth-wall breaking heart-to-heart with him over whether or not killing Terry forever condemns him to being a monster who is undeserving of friendship, love, or sympathy. Ronnie returns to LA, reluctantly agrees to continue working alongside Vic so that they can save Lem's ass from Kavanaugh and deal with the situation involving Danny and their baby.


But most likely? Lem will threaten to tell Ronnie, which will essentially make Lem own Vic's ass lock, stock and barrel under the notion that Ronnie would turn on Vic in a heartbeat if he knew the truth about what happened to Terry. Vic will then save Lem's ass from Kavanaugh and IAD and Lem will use his blackmail leverage against Vic to literally tear control over the Strike Team away from Vic in order run it as a legitimate force. This pisses off Shane, who along the way assumes Vic would give control over the team to him. Along the way, Vic is taken off the forced retirement list and has to deal with Lem running the team as a legitimate, non-corrupt force and placate Shane over him getting past over without telling him why.

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Zing! Whitaker has already crossed the line from being manipulative to creepy. I was really impressed with how the episode ended; I think that moment, with Vic not being able to lie to Lem about something really, truly terrible, is a great way of showing how Vic's approach to, well, everything, has changed over the past two and a half years. I don't know if he's going to be able to convince Lem that he didn't kill Terry, or if the Strike Team is just going to have to deal with all that being on the table. I hope it's the latter.

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