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Guest Askewniverse

Star Wars Trilogy coming to DVD (again)

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Mutherfuckin George Lucas, he said he'd never do it, said this is what we'd get then he goes and does this


it really IS about the money

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Guest El Satanico

If you're gullible enough to believe him, don't blame Lucas.

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Guest Smues

Is it wrong of me to want to slice up George Lucas with a rusty razor for releasing something I want?


I saw no, so I'm gonna have my cake and eat it too by buying those DVDs, yet at the same time screaming FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS YOU PIECE OF SHIT DIE IN A FIRE.

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He is doing what everyone wants.


And I am one of the few who like the new ones because shit like Han shooting 1st or 2nd doesn't bother me what-so-ever.

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Actually I'm mad at George for caving in, whatever silly reasoning he had for the SE I respected him for sticking to it.


I'm not sure if I'll pick these up, I really have no problem watching the SE versions

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Guest El Satanico

I don't have a problem with the SE trilogy either, but I still want the originals.

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Too late to hope for the Holiday Special getting DVD treatment? Maybe if George gets bugged enough about it...

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Is it wrong of me to want to slice up George Lucas with a rusty razor for releasing something I want?


I saw no, so I'm gonna have my cake and eat it too by buying those DVDs, yet at the same time screaming FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS YOU PIECE OF SHIT DIE IN A FIRE.

Nothing wrong with that.


How "limited" will this set be? Because if it truly is "limited" I WILL buy it... and then resell it on eBay.

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I really love the SE Trilogy, but then again, these are the original movies. Right now it is pass for me, but that could change if I have some extra cash around release date.

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I've got them on video...I'm not THAT much of a fanboy where I have to run out and grab this...let's say it's 50 bucks. I could go to Hollywood Video and get 6 pre. viewed DVDs for that same price.

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Exactly I have the orignals when they where released on video for the first time and now i have the se on dvd. I need to have a lot of extra cash for me to get this.

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I never bought the Special Edition DVD's, so I'm very happy with this announcement.


I smart. I nevered caved in because I thought the originals would come out on DVD. I am kind of hoping for a big box set with all six movies all together.

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I have no problem with the SEs, and in many ways prefer them (a lot of the special effects in the battles have been cleaned up, I always hated how the Snowspeeders were transparent in the original). I'm likely going to pass on them, unless I get some sort of urge to go out and get them when they are released. Personally, I think those that despise the SEs and love the Originals have too much time on their hands as the changes are very minor and don't affect the story or plot at all.

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Don't bitch. If you didn't want the altered versions, you didn't HAVE to buy them back in '04. I never had any problems with the changes Lucas made. They're his movies, and he can pretty much do whatever he wants with them. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy them. At least now all the Greedo vs Hans people can stop whining over 2 seconds of footage from Episode IV. Yes, I will most likely end up buying the new set along with all the rest of you.

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The man knows how to make money, makes us think that they SE are the only ones he'll release. Then when everyone buys them he throws this on us... he's lured me in.

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Of course it's all about the money. After these DVDs, he will release the Ep. I-II-III boxset and, a year or two after that, he will release the complete Star Wars set with Ep. I through VI. I own the 1997 special edition and it's still in good condition, I won't pay again for movies that I already have.


The major complaint with the special edition was Greedo shooting before Han. I think that seeing Hayden Christensen instead of Sebastian Shaw is a much bigger crime.

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This cracks me up. For two years, all I hear is that people want the original trilogy in the pre special edition format released on DVD. Then he announces it and most of the responses fall into one of two categories:


1.) Greedy Lucas is out for more cash.


2.) I'm not buying them becuase I already bought the previous DVD set.


Poor guy can't win for losing. He finally does what fans have been begging him to do and, in general, the reaction is mosty "I don't want them and I don't care."

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Hmm, I forgot about the original Anakin being restored to the final scene. Maaaaaaaaan, this is tough.


EDIT: Wait, I've got that on the VHS version of the trilogy I got back in 1997. Nevermind.

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