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Guest TysonTomko420

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From Gerweck


- Apparently before his removal from ECW creative, Paul Heyman pitched an idea to Vince McMahon to bring back Spike Dudley as the "giant killer."


- Heyman suggested that Spike Dudley defeat The Big Show at last year's One Night Stand PPV. McMahon felt having Spike Dudley going over his giants would hurt their credibilities.


- One of the roles considered for new IC champion Santino Marella was to be Kurt Angle's protege.


- Another idea discussed for Marella was for him to be introduced as Anthony "Killer" Karelli.


- ECW head writer Dave Lagana believes Marella could be the next Tazz.



(source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter)


The next Tazz? What was Marella's character in OVW?

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by Mike Johnson @ 4:34:00 PM on 4/27/2007


Several sources are confirming that Rob Van Dam has turned down his latest contract offer to remain with World Wrestling Entertainment. As of now, his deal is set to expire over the summer (I believe but can not confirm late July) but until the deal has expired, there's always a chance that the two sides will come to terms. As of right now, I've heard that creative has been instructed to focus on CM Punk and Elijah Burke as the major players for the ECW brand so that if Van Dam does depart, it's not as strong of a blow to the ECW storylines.


Van Dam has been with WWE since July 2001 when he was brought in as part of the ECW end of the ill-fated Alliance contingent during the Invasion storyline. Van Dam has held just about every major WWE championship belt, although he was never pushed as a top performer for any extended period of time despite a large contingent of fan support, especially early in his tenure.


Should he leave the company, Van Dam's true legacy would be that he was the primary motivating factor in convincing Vince McMahon to revive Extreme Championship Wrestling for the 2005 ECW One Night Stand PPV event, which ironically, Van Dam missed due to a knee injury, although he did give the best promo of his career during the show.


When WWE decided to re-launch ECW as a third brand for the company, Van Dam captured the WWE championship from John Cena and was then awarded the resurrected ECW World championship. The original plan was for Van Dam to have a long run with the ECW belt while dropping the WWE title, but those plans were tossed aside when he and Sabu were pulled over for speeding and later charged with possession of a controlled substance. Van Dam quickly dropped both belts and was suspended by the company. Upon his return, he remained a top-tier ECW player but the brand was no longer built around him.


Prior to his WWE run, Van Dam worked for the original Extreme Championship Wrestling from January 1996 to the end of the company's existence, although there were times towards the end of ECW that he took extended breaks from wrestling when ECW wasn't able to pay him to perform. During his ECW run, he gradually graduated from undercard heel feuding with Sabu to the top babyface attraction of the latter days of the company. Van Dam also worked briefly for WCW under the moniker Robby V and toured All Japan Pro Wrestling.


Considered to be an extremely popular performer among die hard fans, Van Dam would be highly prized on the independent scene should he leave the company, particularly since he's had usage of the Rob Van Dam ring name from 1992 on and likely wouldn't be prevented from using it by World Wrestling Entertainment, as the former Dudley Boys,

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The next Tazz? What was Marella's character in OVW?


Boris Alexiev, a Russian grappler that had some good suplexes, strikes, and used an armbar submission that appeared to break opponents' arms (he twisted the arm at the last minute so that it bent naturally at the elbow, but it appeared to hyperextend it severely.).

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Has anyone else read the reviews for The Condemned? The movie is getting killed. I'm not really surprised. I never saw The Marine, but See No Evil was the worst "horror" film I've seen in years next too "Black Christmas."

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Yes. It's been slaughtered across the board. Mostly because of Austin and the shitty concept. Someone needs to tell WWE they'd have better chances of success if they just have their wrestlers in secondary roles. That's how The Rock started. A handful of the workers could work as actors in secondary roles but WWE insists that their bad acting can transfer to the big screen with big explosions and idiotic WWEized plots.

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This take on the movie is hilarious cause it comes from a political person who's always on MSNBC and such...


Debbie Schlussel: "The Condemned": Time for a Divorce from GOP's Version of Pimp & Ho Rap


By Debbie Schlussel


Sometimes a Republican pot needs to do its own introspection. And get its own house in order, while it keeps the heat on the kettle.


In the wake of Imus-gate, we've been hearing about Democratic Presidential candidates--like Hillary Rodham Cankles and Hussein Obama--hangin' with the worst purveyors of hip-hop trash.


They should be ashamed. Hip-hop is among the worst cultural influences, and it has helped speed up the decline of American civilization. By standing side-by-side with--and accepting campaign contributions from--vile rappers, prominent Dems have legitimized their beat-laden spewing.


But the GOP has its own version of Hip-Hop. In fact, the Party of Lincoln and Reagan has also embraced a violent pimp-and-ho culture all of its own: WWE--World Wrestling Entertainment.


I was reminded of this, Tuesday Night, when I screened the thoroughly sickening new movie, "The Condemned." Starring convicted wife-beater and WWE star "Stone Cold Steve Austin" a/k/a Steven James Anderson, this horrifying snuff film is produced by WWE and its CEO, Vince McMahon. Normally, I'd have skipped this killing-and-torture fest. But because I will be reviewing movies on a national cable news network on Friday Morning, I was obligated to see it.


Two hours later, I'd viewed a two hour series of non-stop torture, slashing, hacking, shooting, beating, raping, dismemberment, exploding humans (with bombs strapped on), and other assorted killings.


The "plot"--if you can call it that--is that 10 men and women condemned to death and sitting in prisons around the world are acquired by an egomaniac American (of course) millionaire and dropped on an island for 30 hours. The millionaire is shooting a sadistic online reality game show, "The Condemned." At the end of 30 hours, only one of the condemned can survive. He/she must kill the other nine or be killed by virtue of an exploding ankle bracelet. At any time, one participant can try to blow up another by tugging on the other's exploding ankle bracelet.


The tagline for this horrid blood-fest on film:


10 People Will Fight. 9 People Will Die. You Get to Watch.


And, sorry, this is no "300." It's not art. And there isn't any brave or important message about freedom. Though the movie pretends to have a moral message, uttered by a Diane Sawyer knock-off named Donna Sereno, that's really just a phony attempt to give the kosher seal of approval to this celluloid horror.


Yet, despite movies like this and other products like its regular TV shows filled with the pimp-and-ho mentality, the Republican Party continues its long-term relationship with WWE and the McMahon family that owns, runs and stars in it.


At the 2000 Republican National Convention, then-WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson a/k/a "The Rock" addressed delegates. Jim McMahon and his wife had a luncheon reception attended by George W. Bush and wife Laura. At the 2004 Convention, the GOP again invited WWE personalities as the GOP's special guests and invited McMahon to include the GOP in his effort at having WWE consumers and fans influence elections.


That, despite the disgusting pimp-and-ho story lines on WWE shows. And there is no sign the GOP will change course in 2008, especially when the party is desperately fighting to beat Hillary in a very uphill battle.


It's time for the GOP to finally divorce itself from WWE--not because its fan base is waning, but because it's the right thing to do. If the GOP cannot do that, Republican activists and conservatives are in no position to attack Hillary and B. Hussein Obama for their alliances with disgusting rappers.


"The Condemned" is just the latest in a long line of disgusting trash coming out of WWE. If conservatives and Republicans are truly offended by the trash coming out of hip-hop, why are they so silent about the trash coming out of WWE?


And finally, there are "conservatives" like Bill O'Reilly, who are upset about Obama's friend, rapper Ludacris. His raps are obscene and disgusting. But the pimp-and-ho and drug-pushing phenomena he is glorifying is the same stuff "Kid Rock" a/k/a Bob Ritchie is gushing over.


Yet, O'Reilly has praised Kid Rock because "he's a friend of 'The Factor,'" while O'Reilly rips on Luda. And the GOP initially invited Kid Rock to perform at Bush's 2004 inaugural festivities (he was disinvited after some family-values conservatives protested).


But here's the scoop on Kid Rock, from my November 2006 post on this sleazebag:


Rock/Ritchie has repeatedly told the world that he modeled himself after convicted, imprisoned Detroit drug kingpin "White Boy Rick" a/k/a Richard Wershe, Jr., with his fur coats and pimp hats.


Wershe ran one of the most notorious drug rings in America in the 1980s. He ordered the murder of countless people. Kid Rock glorifies Wershe in his lyrics and wrote a letter on his behalf to authorities in an attempt to get Wershe paroled. Thankfully, Wershe was not paroled, and soon after, he was discovered to have been running a national auto theft ring from his prison cell, for which he's since been convicted.


Kid Rock is an admitted former drug dealer, but he still speaks glowingly of doing drugs. He gleefully raps about his life as a drug dealer, doing crack, and having sex in a school bathroom with the fellow drug dealer who had his out-of-wedlock kid. (It's not like he had to be this way. He comes from a wealthy family. His father sold his lucrative Ford dealership for millions. The whole trailer park thing is an act.) He had to go to court to stop the circulation of a video of him and another rock star getting oral sex from groupies on tour.


Glorifying hard drugs and misogyny are themes in a lot of his most popular "songs." He used to "date" porn stars, and they and strippers are a constant accessory on his tours. Don't forget what he told Rolling Stone:


Bill Clinton ... a [expletive]pimp. ... The guy's my hero.


(He told the mag he was stoned on drugs when he met Clinton at the White House.)


Ritchie--the self-proclaimed "Pimp of the Nation"--likes to give the one-finger salute in every publicity shot and toured the country in his "White Trash on Dope Tour." He used the Michigan chapter of crime-prone "Outlaw Biker Gang" as security at a video shoot.


The GOP must end its relationships with WWE and Kid Rock. Or shut up about the Dems and Hip-Hop.


You can't be a family-values, moralizing pot. . . when you're as black as the kettle.


Posted by Debbie on April 26, 2007 11:49 AM to Debbie Schlussel

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I just like how she groups the WWE with hip hop......and brings up Stone Cold being a wife beater even though it has 0 to do with his movie.

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Nice reference. Flair totally lost me in that promo where he was naming off all these WCW legends that Vince couldn't hold in his hands, and screamed "BAGWELL" at the end of it.


Although Bagwell was there for a goddamn long time. At least 10 years.

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A few things to address here......


First, where the fuck was it ever even reported the Hardy tag title win was an accident in the first place? Thats news to me.....someone needs to get their facts straight.


Secondly, I'm as much of a non-Orton fan as the next guy, but to say he's never gotten over with the crowds before is blinded mark hate.


To say he's actually been over enough to main event is blinded mark ignorance.


He definately has - watch the SummerSlam match w/ Benoit as an example. The guy was getting over that whole spring into the summer, part in thanks to Foley's rub. I'll restate I'm far from an Orton fan, but there wasn't question that the guy was making waves around that time as an over heel. And then came the out of the blue face turn the next night (which clearly was premature at best, anyone should be able to see that), and subsequent HHH feud, which certainly put him down a peg or two in the fans' eyes. Again, some of you guys' opinions here are very closeminded. I'm not saying the guy is great or anything, but it can't be denied that he COULD get over under the right circumstances and HAS before.


Also, regarding that rumor of someone leaving, I havent seen any indication of that from Meltz anywhere, and he himself even debunked a rumor going around apparently that he reported Orton is leaving, which I'm not sure is the same post in question here.


Orton was getting scattered pops at his most over. Hardly anything resembling main event heat, and I think it's pretty much agreed upon that the fans attending SummerSlam that year simply wanted attention and cared very little about the show (and even then the Orton chants were scattered and inconsistent). Orton was never over at a level someone with his push should be. Before, during or after the Foley fued. I think you're just so used to seeing him pushed that you automatically assume he has to have some reason to be.


And I'm actually embarrassed I got that Singing in the Rain reference, but yeah, I agree, he lacks any real talent or heat. His apparent 4 star matches with Benoit were pretty boring, and that was entirely because of Orton.

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I remember that. I'd like to think Flair was joking, but I don't think he was.


I like to think he was drunk, cause even joking you have to be on something to say Bagwell as a WCW Legend.

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At the 2000 Republican National Convention, then-WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson a/k/a "The Rock" addressed delegates. Jim McMahon and his wife had a luncheon reception attended by George W. Bush and wife Laura. At the 2004 Convention, the GOP again invited WWE personalities as the GOP's special guests and invited McMahon to include the GOP in his effort at having WWE consumers and fans influence elections.


Why did she bring up the Chicago Bears' QB? What does that have to do with wrestling?


QFT = Quoted for truth.

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Ya know, Randy Orton really is WWE's Buff Bagwell.





Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Randy Orton is a good wrestler. Which is more than one could say for Mr Bagwell.


Also, I don't think Randy had a career in soft porn films before entering wrestling. I could be wrong though.

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by Mike Johnson @ 4:34:00 PM on 4/27/2007


Several sources are confirming that Rob Van Dam has turned down his latest contract offer to remain with World Wrestling Entertainment. As of now, his deal is set to expire over the summer (I believe but can not confirm late July) but until the deal has expired, there's always a chance that the two sides will come to terms. As of right now, I've heard that creative has been instructed to focus on CM Punk and Elijah Burke as the major players for the ECW brand so that if Van Dam does depart, it's not as strong of a blow to the ECW storylines.


Van Dam has been with WWE since July 2001 when he was brought in as part of the ECW end of the ill-fated Alliance contingent during the Invasion storyline. Van Dam has held just about every major WWE championship belt, although he was never pushed as a top performer for any extended period of time despite a large contingent of fan support, especially early in his tenure.


Should he leave the company, Van Dam's true legacy would be that he was the primary motivating factor in convincing Vince McMahon to revive Extreme Championship Wrestling for the 2005 ECW One Night Stand PPV event, which ironically, Van Dam missed due to a knee injury, although he did give the best promo of his career during the show.


When WWE decided to re-launch ECW as a third brand for the company, Van Dam captured the WWE championship from John Cena and was then awarded the resurrected ECW World championship. The original plan was for Van Dam to have a long run with the ECW belt while dropping the WWE title, but those plans were tossed aside when he and Sabu were pulled over for speeding and later charged with possession of a controlled substance. Van Dam quickly dropped both belts and was suspended by the company. Upon his return, he remained a top-tier ECW player but the brand was no longer built around him.


Prior to his WWE run, Van Dam worked for the original Extreme Championship Wrestling from January 1996 to the end of the company's existence, although there were times towards the end of ECW that he took extended breaks from wrestling when ECW wasn't able to pay him to perform. During his ECW run, he gradually graduated from undercard heel feuding with Sabu to the top babyface attraction of the latter days of the company. Van Dam also worked briefly for WCW under the moniker Robby V and toured All Japan Pro Wrestling.


Considered to be an extremely popular performer among die hard fans, Van Dam would be highly prized on the independent scene should he leave the company, particularly since he's had usage of the Rob Van Dam ring name from 1992 on and likely wouldn't be prevented from using it by World Wrestling Entertainment, as the former Dudley Boys,


I hope he signs a new deal eventually, or if he must leave WWE, at least pop up in NOAH for a bit before the inevitable TNA appearance (I would kill for a KENTA - RVD match).

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I would see RVD headed back to AJPW before NOAH. Wonder if he left, would he give himself a high price tag like 3D and Angle?


RVD would probably love to work in Manhattan with any great talent but especially the Danielson, KENTA and Albright's of the world.

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I'll wager good money that Van Dam winds up staying with WWE. His current downside is, I believe, in the $250,000 per year range. If Van Dam plays it cool and acts like he can and wants to go elsewhere, he's got a great shot at getting a significant raise, if only because Vince likes to sign people who he thinks don't want to be there. If you assume that gets him a raise in the $375,000 to $400,000 per year range, add in merchandise and you're looking at a guaranteed level of income that Van Dam will unlikely be able to get with TNA, even if you add in whatever money he can make working Indy dates and in Japan.

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Ya know, Randy Orton really is WWE's Buff Bagwell.





Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Randy Orton is a good wrestler. Which is more than one could say for Mr Bagwell.


Also, I don't think Randy had a career in soft porn films before entering wrestling. I could be wrong though.

No, he was just being a piece of shit going AWOL from Marine Corps boot camp.

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Ya know, Randy Orton really is WWE's Buff Bagwell.





Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Randy Orton is a good wrestler. Which is more than one could say for Mr Bagwell.


Also, I don't think Randy had a career in soft porn films before entering wrestling. I could be wrong though.

No, he was just being a piece of shit going AWOL from Marine Corps boot camp.


Yeah, cause staying when he absolutely hated it would have been better.


If you're not totally certain you want to be in the marines, then you have to leave. Otherwise, you'll get yourself killed. Granted, he could have went about a better way but you can't judge him when you don't know the entire story.

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Van Dam will likely go the route Jericho did and just take a break from wrestling, and just make appearances in the indy circuit to do autograph signings. I fully expect to see both Jericho and RVD back in WWE in the future though.

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