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It would have been a better show if they ran it in a city like Chicago. The dead, unsmart crowd kind of ruined the nostalgia bits.

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I dont want to be a negative nancy, because I liked the show, but I was very disapointed with the very predictable ending. Sometimes I hate being a Rock fan.



Cmon man....you should realize that he's done with wrestling totally now. I don't think he's disrespectful towards it, but he's past that stage in his life.

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Great show and It makes me really want to get that new raw dvd. So many great moments. Loved seeing Molly Holly again.

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What a great ending to a great show.

I'll second that. I want to see the live report on what happens after the show is off the air. Usually when SCSA is there he puts on a hell of a show for the live fans.

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I dont want to be a negative nancy, because I liked the show, but I was very disapointed with the very predictable ending. Sometimes I hate being a Rock fan.



Cmon man....you should realize that he's done with wrestling totally now. I don't think he's disrespectful towards it, but he's past that stage in his life.


I know. But there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking right? :)

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What a great ending to a great show.

I'll second that. I want to see the live report on what happens after the show is off the air. Usually when SCSA is there he puts on a hell of a show for the live fans.


I was at the Raw in 2004 where The Rock came back and helped Foley beat down Evolution. After the show, Rock, Austin, Foley, and Lilian Garcia were goofing off in the ring until about 11:45.

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As much as I hate to admit it, Cena missing this didn't feel right. He's been carrying the show for a couple of years now.

Had Cena been on there, he probably would have shared the biggest reaction title with RVD.


Perhaps the same thing could have been said about Sid had he shown up.

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