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DrVenkman PhD

WWE General Discussion - February 2009

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Florida Championship Wrestling updated their superstar section. No bios yet, but you can get a look at the superstars of tomorrow - http://www.fcwwrestling.com/talent.html


Windham Rotunda looks like a white Takeshi Morishima



Rotunda doesn't look a damn thing like his father.


Barry Darsow's kid, on the other hand, is a spitting image. Fore!



Tank Mulligan is also a Rotunda - Taylor Rotunda.


I love the last guys name "Yo! Shit At U"

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Brett Dibiase, DH Smith, Joe Henning and both Rotundas for the next Legacy faction. Is Wes Brisco of any relation to the Briscos? He can join too. Kafu and Darsow as well.


Wes Briscoe is Gerald Briscoe's son. Kafu isn't a legacy as far as I know, unless you were thinking of Manu.

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I don't know about his history, but if Kafu had a father workin in the business at one point or another, I think he should have been called up instead of Manu

He isn't a 2nd generation wrestler to my knowledge.

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Brett Dibiase, DH Smith, Joe Henning and both Rotundas for the next Legacy faction. Is Wes Brisco of any relation to the Briscos? He can join too. Kafu and Darsow as well.


Except Henning and the Rotunda's don't exactly have the "look" to fit in with Legacy. They look like generic jobbers. I have never seen Henning before. His receding hairline is terrible. I was expecting a bit more.

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Any news as to why Sheamus hasn't gotten a call-up? I've heard nothing but good things about the guy.


TJ Wilson has the most fucking ridiculous haircut I've ever seen. I see Joe Hennig is doing everything he can to compensate for the receding hairline. The only other crazy comb-down I've seen like that has to be on Buff Bagwell. I saw the guy in early 2007, and he was rocking the comb-down.

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So, I just got in the mail today the collectible WM 24 motorcycle that they were giving away last year. They were out of stock and told me they'd get me one asap, and I completely forgot about it since it was almost one year ago. It's pretty cool, I'll leave it in the packaging and just put it on my TV stand or something.

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IMDB is reporting that Oscar winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, David Otunga, just signed a development deal with WWE.


Christopher Nowinski V2?

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Christopher Nowinski V2?


That's what we're calling Jack Swagger.


I'm sure someone else has already made the comparison, but with Swagger, I can't help but be reminded of Brock, from the amateur background, to the freakishly long arms, to the hunched shoulders, to the voice that on 1st hearing it surprises you b/c it's much more soft and less bass-y than you'd expect from the guy.

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IMDB is reporting that Oscar winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, David Otunga, just signed a development deal with WWE.


Christopher Nowinski V2?



That news is several months old. I remember hearing about him and the WWE back in Octorber when her mother was murdered. He took time off out of development to be with her. He is just a gay star fucker. Reminds me of that fat bitch from the View and her ex husband.

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IMDB is reporting that Oscar winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, David Otunga, just signed a development deal with WWE.


Christopher Nowinski V2?



That news is several months old. I remember hearing about him and the WWE back in Octorber when her mother was murdered. He took time off out of development to be with her. He is just a gay star fucker. Reminds me of that fat bitch from the View and her ex husband.



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Also, going off of memory, I do believe that they came back the next month, so it probably notified them that they could get a refund or roll their tickets over as well.



If it was for a house show, then I hope people got some kind of refund if they kept the tix, else they paid TV taping prices...


It was a RAW.


They told the fans that the reason was b/c of Benoit, so I think everyone understood.



No, that's what I mean. I know it was RAW that got canceled. So if they replaced that RAW with a later house show, then those people who kept their tickets to use at the house show essentially paid TV prices for a house show.

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I just checked my email and I got an email about a survey.


I went to take the survey and it skews young. It goes... Under 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and older.


As soon as I hit 18 and over, it said...


Unfortunately, you do not qualify to take this survey. Thank you for your participation. Please look for other feedback opportunities in the future.





Oh ya. Here's a link to the survey.






HAHHA. I just read the question.... It reads...



In these next questions, we're interested in what you see and hear in movies, TV shows, magazines, radio, websites and other places about "drugs and alcohol." Specifically, think about intoxicating substances like marijuana, alcohol, street drugs and pills used without a prescription.



I wonder what that's about. Punk?

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IMDB is reporting that Oscar winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, David Otunga, just signed a development deal with WWE.


LOL, Punk's joining the WWE? He's a big dude so its no surprise they took an interest in him.

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Having not ever seen one of his matches, but just seeing his stats, why isn't Chris Hero employed by WWE or TNA?


Under contract with ROH?

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They probably think he is too small in terms of muscle mass. Which is unfortunate because he's got something special to him.

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