No need to discuss my personal life for you to read. From here on out, it’s mainly diatribes towards the basic stuff we all cover here.
This Week in Wrestling
Are the WWE Fans (at least the ones we are associated with here) losing all verifiable proof of any remote intelligence?
The three Big Stories this week in “Professional” Entertainment are as follows
1) Brock Lesnar returns to WWE
2). Mass Cuts
3). The Backlash of the Muhammad Hassan Segment this Thursday following the tragic events that occurred Thursday morning.
Brock Lesnar’s impending return is being met with various reactions; some exhilarated and some outraged. Both are acceptable emotional reactions.
There has been a lot of pointless debate about how the return of Lesnar should be handled.
The general consensus is that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is the potential of a Batista-Lesnar showdown in Chicago to headline next year WrestleMania XXII event.
The problem is that everyone has their own differing belief on how exactly that clash should be built up.
There isn’t a single solid or even a loose argument that Brock Lesnar has to go onto Raw (although it’s likely some people here being the irrational and profoundly oblivious idiots they are, believe Lesnar would be better suited for Monday night. The same show that already has a large cluster of big names from John Cena, Jericho, Hogan, Michaels, Angle, The Big Show, Edge, Kane and Triple H. There’s no way Lesnar wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle over there, it’s not like anyone on that side would play any sort of political Shenanigans). It is crystal clear that Brock Lesnar needs to be on Smackdown.
The debate becomes separated into three things
A). should Brock pay “dues”?
B). How does Brock return?
C). Does a return of Brock Lesnar really signal a change for the Company
A). absolutely not. Bottom line is this, it’s a business. Every wrestler is there for the same reason, to make a living. Don’t get me wrong, some of them have a stronger ethical attachment to their profession but they have their own bottom line, which is making that income. If you want to pay these so called “dues”, do so behind the screen and away from the product itself.
Brock Lesnar, the human being probably deserves to pay some dues but not the character, the performer MUST NOT be doing jobs right off the bat to the bigwigs in the back who feel the need to squeeze onto their “spots”.
B). He needs to return where he left off, DECIMATING the roster, creating a sense of paranoia and uncertainty.
It would be wise to play off the reality of Lesnar’s departure. USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! However such action much be handled delicately, they cannot under any circumstances even come close to attaching some sort of “failure” brand on Lesnar for not getting into the NFL as he had attempted.
You focus on the fact he left the company and deserted the fans and gave no concern for the potential ramifications that come from it.
This is a delicate situation and the most crucial aspect is how he is brought back and how he is built upon that.
None of this “Ring Rust” claptrap; Brock Lesnar is an indestructible force. Ring Rust doesn’t apply to him. He is on another level and that MUST be emphasized emphatically.
C) Put aside the skimpy egos of the players in the back, Brock Lesnar’s return could potentially alter the structure of the company. However let’s be honest; the reality is…
The return of Brock really won’t change anything. Maybe aesthetically but as a whole, the company’s structure will remain the same. It might appear fresh for a couple weeks or maybe even a few months if they really play the cards right which we know is long shot expectation as it is.
It will require a complete overhaul of the product and bringing back Brock Lesnar and cutting a few meaningless names and maybe even adding a couple more of those brilliant creative Hollywood writers they covet won’t change a damn thing.
Vince McMahon is now a feeble old man trapped in collecting the reality that surrounds him. It’s not completely at the feet of Vince McMahon however, it’s the entire pyramid.
Brock Lesnar will be a nice addition to the roster and could possibly give us some quality that the company is sorely lacking but you are fooling yourself if you think this will shake the company to its core.
Mass Cuts
-As of this writing, the WWE roster has been truncated. However none of these releases will change or alter how the company is. Allow us to give a pointless “examination” of the releases.
-Nothing significant of value here. His release has no effect on the product at all. He will obviously rebound and find good work in TNA, ROH and Japan.
Jim Cornette
-Don’t fool yourself into thinking that because he slapped a student for breaking kayfabe, he was fired for it. That was the trigger WWE was looking to obtain to finally get rid of Cornette. It’s obvious they didn’t value his commitment to the territory as the track record clearly proves.
However it’s not to say Cornette is blameless here. Cornette has a well documented history with rage and let’s face it, he’s not exactly the most politically correct person walking around but that’s insignificant when you consider the man at the helm of the ship.
Jim Cornette’s value was greatly under appreciated by this company ran by monkeys, It’s not for sure who is the most as lost here because what exactly is WWE losing here? They never utilized Cornette and his work, so clearly what ever he did was irrelevant and they basically paid Cornette to be a babysitter.
Will Jim Cornette get work elsewhere? Honestly I don’t see ROH or TNA altering its design to accommodate Cornette’s completely different style. He could however just as easily return to the fold as a manager and that could allow him to do what he does best and hopefully help resolve these anger issues of his.
Matt Morgan
-Jim Cornette mission was to make something out of this roid monkey and that he delivered. It just may have been one of his greatest accomplishments of his creative legacy. This was completely pissed on. Matt Morgan offered only one thing of value and that was his ability to cut a promo. Something WWE seemingly salivated over. It appeared they had a jackpot here. Big tall monster that can talk and doesn’t require a voice like Lesnar and Vader did whose size would be able mask his weakness in the ring. They killed him by sending Carlito over to Raw and without making any effort; they cut a man with marginal upside.
Where does Morgan go from here? I wouldn’t be surprised to see him over in Japan soon.
Billy Kidman
-Mrs. Wilson jokes are getting old but let’s face it. That is Billy Kidman’s identity. Trust me; there are worst identities to have. He was done. His body completely banged up from a plethora of injuries that he was never going to recover from. It’s not surprising he was cut.
Will he get work with TNA? History indicates that he will, simply for being a former WCW star. I don’t see him hanging around for much longer however.
Gangrel-Why put someone back on your employment roster if it was just for a couple appearances.
Joy Giovanni-Clearing out the divas is fine with me. She had a brief period of relevance but that ship sailed quickly.
Dawn Marie- Technically she wasn’t released. She was pushed out with a full lump payment. Technically it’s still low grade bullshit just for the ethical reasoning. However I don’t think, honestly it was because of the pregnancy completely but the fact she was aging and although she was an excellent asset to be used for something beyond tits and ass, that just went over the heads of creative. I’m not quite sure if she will rebound and continue to work in the business after the birth.
Marty JannettY
-Shawn did him in first by refusing to do a rocker reunion tour because Shawn felt he wasn’t a nostalgic act just yet. To his credit, he might have a point. Don’t blame Shawn for this though, Marty was the irresponsible one (funny how the more people change…the more they stay the same) who put himself out of a job.
Kenzo Suzuki and Hiroko
-They weren’t on television since January and they weren’t getting over then. Another flop in the book of failures.
Mark Jindrak
-For what attributes he possessed, “the look”, he lacked in everything else. It’s not a case of a green worker here. He’s been in the business for now 5 ½ years. He has hardly shown any measure of improvement in that time, why should we expect him to by now? A case of WWE making another sensible cut.
Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda
-Here is a completely different case however. Gayda was expendable and she even knew this and prepared for it. The fact Charlie Haas was capable of actually wrestling, something they claim to still endorse, and the WWE was incapable of accepting that fact.
To be honest, I’m happy Charlie Haas is gone from WWE. Haas has made it clear he wants to excel in Ring of Honor and the independents and show what the WWE was too afraid to showcase and the success of James Gibson, indicates to me that Haas will have no problem.
It’s just a shame they did this shortly after their marriage. However this might be a GOOD thing for their marriage. Instead of being on the road 250 days a year together potentially suffering the pitfalls of other wrestling marriages, they can live a more balanced life.
Jackie will find work in other venues, from fitness to modeling. They will be just fine.
-A slight surprise if only for the fact he was an example of being completely home grown. However it was time to accept that the TE experiment was a absolute failure, which is evident when only Johnny Nitro and Matt Cappotelli (still floundering in OVW) are the only ones left standing as far as wrestling talent is concerned (Matthews is a product of the TE system) It’s funny that Maven was clearly signed for one reason, He could talk.
That makes it two Tough Enough products to only have talent in that field to be cut, making it seem they would be directing towards a inclination for wrestling talent but the release of Haas and Akio counters that argument. I won’t miss Maven at all. Quite frankly I don’t know if TNA will bother with this but they may find the appeal of potentially turning Maven into a “star” when WWE spent years on him.
Shannon Moore-
I applaud this decision.
Spike Dudley
-Limited to his range of what he could offer, but yet he delivered superbly at his talent of bumping and selling. I guess beating down Spike wasn’t a selling point anymore and that heel run didn’t light the world on fire. Quite frankly he wasn’t serving a purpose in WWE, now he can be happy and fling himself around in the Indy scene.
Kevin Fertig
-He failed at making the best of his big hyped push and cemented his burial by crossing Jim Cornette. No talent, and virtually hated by both OVW and WWE. That’s saying a lot with all the pricks walking back there.
The Dudley Boyz
-An absolute surprise if you were expecting WWE to rebuild its tag division but it’s been in the crapper for years. Bubba and D-Von will retain the rights to the names, I believe. Which right there makes them the biggest Free Agents for TNA to grab. It won’t boost their product or draw but it will give them that “still relevant” appeal because Nash, Hall and Jarrett were completely played out. While the Dudz have a chance to revitalize themselves.
Muhammad Hassan
-Before this week; his character which could have been brilliant with the right writing had merely been an annoying cheap heat piece of junk. That’s par for the offerings we have grown accustomed to from this company.
The original design of this character was that Hassan was an Arab American looking for acceptance. That scheme flew out the window after the first vignette aired.
From there it became a complete reflection of the incredibly warped mindset of Vince McMahon and sadly the unbelievable lack of intelligence it caters to.
Monday night they continued the Hassan/Undertaker program by simply casting Shawn Davari (notice they completely drop his first name there? Guess bible boy didn’t want to be connected) as a martyr. Okay, sure he didn’t strap himself with explosives but im assuming that’s just because the prop department wasn’t stocked with those clever rubber sticks. To top it off, they completely abandon the supposed meaning of Hassan’s “intentions” and just completely made him the image of a terrorist. 4 Men in camo and ski masks (I’m guessing no one could grow a scraggly beard quick enough) attacked the undertaker.
So far you can stretch it and say it’s not much different from other heel beat owns but it is when it’s done in the time of unrest and WWE continued to play into the usual stereotypes of the Arab people and perpetuated the same low class stereotype wrestling has been slapped with for years and something that I don’t believe will ever change.
It escapes from being the traditional heel beat down when Piano wire is used, an instrument well documented as a tool for terrorist activity.
Once again, it’s shining example of Vince McMahon trying to dazzle us with his shocking controversial characters when it’s really just a desperate ploy.
It was bad enough they even did this ridiculous segment, it’s offensive but not because of the circumstances but because it was just plain stupid and this type of “entertainment” makes me ashamed to be a “wrestling” fan.
This week I've read people defending the WWE on firing a pregnant woman, defending the WWE on exploiting the deaths of thousands of people for a quick boo (which, I heard, it didn't get), that is now a smark website, that because "it's television" anything can air on it, that because "it's wrestling" that promotions can be as sleazy as they want and fans should accept that.
Never have I seen such senseless WWE apology.
And I don't understand why. It's not like they deserve it. They put out bad shows, they insult your intelligence, they actively try to offend you - yet there you are chugging away coming up with lame reasons to defend this silly company. I'd say that some people are just doing it to troll, but why waste the time and energy? No, I think these people are naturally stupid. Or Blind. Take your pick, dumbasses: Are you stupid or blind? Do you willingly defend the WWE because you luv them so much, or do you just not know better?
After all the shit the WWE has done, what *I* find most offensive are the people who think what they do is acceptable. I don't expect much out of the WWE anymore, and find it very hard to watch even a few minutes of their programming. I do, however, expect a lil more out of people posting on this board. I call it "BFS" or "Battered Fan Syndrome". Either because they have no alternative ways of viewing wrestling, or because the WWE is all they know, this sort of fan becomes dependent on one company to fill their wrestling needs. And as such, this fan tries to come up with reasons as to why they watch such shitty programming. They convince themselves that "things will get better", or that "it's so bad it's good", and they close their eyes to everything negative surrounding it.
Well I fucking hate this kind of fan. You all make me sick. If you took one second and took a step outside you'd see how bad the WWE is and how fucking ridiculous it is to be defending such a piece of shit company.
And for those saying "Wrestling has always been like this". Well guess fucking what? Just because wrestling has been racist doesn't mean that wrestling _should_ be racist, or that wrestling _has to_ be racist. That's not a suitable excuse. It was wrong then, it's wrong now. It was stupid then, it's stupid now. It's the result of simple minds who can't think of anything better. It's lazy, and it's preys on everything wrong with society. It's total lowest common denominator, and if you find yourself defending it, then you're the lowest of the low, you fucking scum.
Wrestling can be better than this. The other day I watched a wrestling match that showed just that. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue wasn't about the worst in people, it was about the best in people. It was about trying in vain, it was about sacrifice and friendship, it was about the human spirit, it was about the will to win. A lot of people, especially Vince McMahon, forget that wrestling is about CHEERING not booing. Wrestling doesn't have to be for the LCD, it can be art. But the WWE doesn't see it that way. Vince McMahon doesn't see it that way. But you know what can change his mind? US. But not as long as there are still people who will blindly lick up any shit the WWE gives them. The WWE, both shows, are the worst shows on television today. Realize that. The WWE, both shows, CAN be the best shows on television today. Realize that. So why are you willing to accept the worst when you can be getting the best? Stop being stupid. Stop being blind. Open your eyes and your mind.
SmackDown was fairly good last night, all things considered.
With the formalities out of the way, a small thing bothers me. I'm not going to name names (though there is one specific person I'm thinking of) but if you don't like something, what are you proving by keeping yourself up to date with the going ons and posting in threads where many people do enjoy it? I don't go into the "OAO American Idol Thread" and call it crap.
I'm not just talking about people saying "well that Raw sucked" or "I'm getting tired of this"... that's normal. I'm talking about the people that stopped watching in 2002 and feel the need to chime in with "Well I stopped watching X years ago because of this crap and obviously <current thing people dislike> is just more of that crap".
Oh screw the not naming names...
You have very valid comments and god discussion contributions in comic, movie, and game threads. It is best you stick to that.
And while I'm at it...
cabbageboy: "SMDN" (SmackDown) is, by far, the WORST ACRONYM EVER given to a TV show.
Am I being a whiney bitch? Yes. But it gives me an excuse for content.
Can we have some sanity in the house?
Last part of this (should have been slow) Wrestling Week.
Utterly Amazing. This is the week Jerry Jarrett could not have planned. He did nothing, and had TNA look like prestine compared to Vince's bubble boy syndrome issues.
The site has become more of the Smark Based InsiderSite not unlike Dave Meltzers or 1Bob.
The Issue with Hassan is this- The PTC, will not say anything. Not a thing. You watch. If they made nearly 99 percent of the complaints towards Viacom and all it ilk...this time, when they are mostly consertive and supporting The War Against Terror...they will let this go.
Some Indy Results first:
Now some intresting Puro News:
One the greatest wreslers of all time, Momoe Nakanishi married UWF International Booker Makoto Oe- it was a emotional ceremony. Kazushi Sakuraba, Yuji Nagata, Yoshihiro Takayama, Yumiko Hotta, and Nanae Takahashi were the special guests. Nakanishi is pregnant and will have her bundle of joy in Jan 2006. CONGRATS!
Hustle- the promotion so silly it makes sense... gets even more crazy:
The promotion ran an angle with Erica (Aja Kong) (I am sure its based on a Aaliah song, "Erica Jane" announcing a new tag team partner acquisition. Aja says that she "intercepted" Yinling the Erotic Terrorist's newest recruit. The girl in question is a San Diego woman (175 cm tall) who is being named Margaret.
In a separate angle, Tadao Yasuda talked about his upcoming match with Naoya Ogawa on 7/13 at Fukuoka International Center in the $1 million dollar main event match. Yasuda said that he would plan a business takeover for Antonio Inoki's "fighting spirit (toukon) battery development business." This is the business project that ex-NJ President Masakazu Kusama recently talked about Inoki losing a lot of money in. Essentially, the development of a battery that never needs to be recharged. Yasuda, the "Borrowing Money King," said that he looked at his match against "Tax Paying King" Ogawa as an easy way to make "fast money." Yasuda said that after he wins his match against Ogawa, he dreams of buying a horse and that he will use "money violence" to obtain his goals.
It gets much worse...or better if you still think the WWE cant do anymore wrong as they did Yesterday
The promotion is introducing a new character called Razor Ramon HG. The HG stands for "Hard Gay" and he does the "Hard Gay Hustle Pose." Kantaku Nakamura (it's really Nakamura the ZERO-ONE boss) said that the Hustle army lacked hardness. Even more pictures here. The poor man in the "taking-it-up-the-ass" position is Taichi Ishikari.
See Pictures... (Note, not as offencive as the Hassan incident, but still viewer discression is advised):
In other more important Puro news (wow...) :
Last month, the promotion (Jinsei Shinzaki & The Great Sasuke) announced that they would be creating a new women's wrestling promotion in 2006. a press conference was held with Jinsei Shinzaki & Meiko Satomura announcing the creationg of "SENDAI GIRLS' PRO-WRESTLING" (they used English in capital letters, not me). The claim so far is that at least 10 people have been contacted to work with the new project with Satomura as the promotion's ace & booker.
Intriguingly, this news story was not covered by most of the traditional pro-wrestling media in Japan but rather was covered on the mainstream news wires by Kyodo.
Not reported on the news wires is that the promotion is aiming to recruit female High School students/athletes for try-outs with a dead-line of August 20th. The try-outs would then take place in September. Rika Kayama, a famous Japanese psychiatrist, will act as a company advisor. The Japanese office number is 022-785-7755.
For those interested (women's wrestlers already trained) in sending a profile package (DVD, resume, etc.) to the new promotion, here's the address to send it to:
Michinoku Entertainment
Atagobashi Mansion Pharoah E-8
236 Tsuchitoi, Wakabayashi-ku
Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken
7/26 Tokyo, Yoyogi National Stadium Gym II line-up for All Japan:
RO&D vs. Voodoo Murderers: Masa Chono, TAKA Michinoku, Taiyo Kea, & Jamal vs. TARU, Giant Bernard, Chuck Palumbo, & Johnny Stamboli
Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. All-Asian Tag Champions "brother" YASSHI & Shuji Kondo
Toshiaki Kawada vs. Kazushi Miyamoto
Kaz Hayashi vs. Taichi Ishikari
Triple Crown Championship: Satoshi Kojima vs. Keiji Mutoh
Takeshi Rikio has been pulled off of NOAH shows until the 7/18 Tokyo Dome due to a pharynx (larynx) injury/condition.
Lineups of Hustle Matches:
7/13 Fukuoka International Center (6 PM)
- Hustle Kamen Red, Blue, & Yellow vs. Min Tai Soo, The Neo Devil Pierroth #1 & #2
- Wataru Sakata vs. Mr. X
- Erica (Aja Kong), Margaret, and Leonardo Spanky vs. Arisin Z (Ayako Hamada), Blanca X, & Monster J
- HHH Hardcore Royal Rumble: Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Ryoji Sai, Katsuhisa Fujii, Jinro (Wolf), Demon Spider, Monster C, Kwik Cook Lee (a rib/knock-off of Akira Maeda's old WWF ring name)
- Shinjiro Ohtani vs. Yuji Shimada
- "Hustle K" Toshiaki Kawada, "Hustle I" Taichi Ishikari, & Masato Tanaka vs. Bruno Hercules, King Giraffe, & "300% Machine" An Jo
- $1 million dollar match: "Reckless King" Naoya Ogawa vs. "Borrowing Money King" Hollywood Tadao Yasuda
7/15 Osaka Prefectural Gym (6:30 PM)
- Hustle Kamen Red, Blue, & Yellow vs. KIDATA Low, Dark Von Maestro #1 & #2
- Wataru Sakata vs. Mr. X
- Erica (Aja Kong), Margaret, & X vs. Arisin Z, Blanca X, & X
- Captain's Fall Match: Taichi Ishikari, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Leonardo Spanky, & Katsuhisa Fujii vs. Giant Silva, Kwik Cook Lee, The Piranhian Monster gamma, & Monster J
- "Captain Hustle" Naoya Ogawa & X vs. Bruno Hercules & King Giraffe
- HHH Title Match: Masato Tanaka vs. 7/13 Fukuoka battle royal winner
- "Hustle K" Toshiaki Kawada vs. Yinling the Erotic Terrorist
With two weeks to go until the 7/18 Tokyo Dome show, there are still tickets remaining for a good amount of the bleacher seats. The advance is good, but not spectacular given the amount of build-up for the show so far. If there are seats available by next week, then some minor worrying.
There was a "special fan event" at Tower Records (Shinjuku) with John Cena promoting his "You can't see me" CD. Around 400 fans attended and Cena got a huge reception. One woman marked out so much for touching Cena that she started crying. The event with Cena took place on Saturday at Noon.
Meanwhile, there was a PPFM x WWE corporate event with Rey Misterio Jr. and Torrie Wilson that drew around 200 fans. The fans were mostly preoccupied with Torrie. PPFM is a fashion/merchandising company. Kane & Christy Hemme had a separate fan club event meet & greet session as well.
President Simon Inoki announced (according to a Yomiuri Sports report) that a "steel curtain" would be established on all employees of the company in terms of leaking information. This applies to both wrestlers and management. The issue of "leaking" was a big deal for Antonio Inoki, who hated ex-President Masakazu Kusama's "open style" with the press. Simon stated that information such as fight cards were being leaked and that a "special project room" would be created to establish more internal control. Simon further stated that fans got bored with the lack of freshness in the company because the surprises in matchmaking were lost. The new "steel curtain" will be implemented by September.
(Most news coming from PuroresuPower...make sure you hear there show as well...)
No Fire Pro news until next week...but there is some VG News...
To long to post here but a lot of intresting things...
More Next Week...
It's been a very busy week in WWE. Not only have almost two-dozen wrestlers and 'divas' been released, but Brock Lesnar appears to be returning as well, if he hasn't already.
First off, let's talk about Brock Lesnar coming back. It's not surprising that some people are still bitter and angry over Brock leaving last year, and while people can, and probably should be, upset over how Brock left, it's absurd to be upset over that he left at all. Brock didn't want to be in wrestling any more, so why should he stick around if he doesn't want to be there? It goes without saying that Brock could have handled his leaving better, in that he should have put a younger guy over on the way out to give that person a boost, but if he wasn't happy to be there and wanted to leave, who is anyone to say that he should have stayed and been miserable? Sure, his NFL aspirations didn't pan out as he'd hoped, but you know what? He took a chance that not many people would have taken, and he should be applauded for at least trying, because he at least made the attempt. And as for people saying Brock shouldn't be brought back at all, well, they'd make shitty wrestling promoters.
The main talk about Brock being back in WWE has revolved around how his return should be handled. For some reason, people are saying that Brock should lose some matches at first. While on the surface it can appear to make some sort of sense, in that it can tell the story of Brock having to work his way back up or work off the ring rust, anyone with an ounce of common sense should realise that Brock should not lose for a really long time when he comes back. When Brock comes back, he needs to be pushed hard, kept strong, and whether it upsets people or not, he needs to have people fed to him, to set up a potential showdown with Batista at, if they can hold it off that long, at Wrestlemania. Brock v Batista is a money match, even though a lot of people won't want to admit that, and for that match to draw the absolute most money that it can, both parties need to be protected leading up to it.
I know some people are saying that Smackdown doesn't need Brock, but those people need to pay attention to the business side of wrestling. While Smackdown does have a decent amount of talent when it comes to ability and/or personality, when it comes to draws and matches that could draw, Smackdown is severely lacking. Right now, Batista v JBL could draw decently on a 'B' PPV, and relatively strongly on an 'A' PPV with some significant build-up. You've also got Batista v Undertaker and, maybe, Batista v Orton which could draw something, but apart from that, Smackdown is rolling snake eyes when it comes to matches that could really make money in the main event. By bringing in Brock, you've instantly added a ton of potential matches that you can put on tv and PPV that could, not only deliver in the ring, but deliver at the box office as well. With Brock coming back, you've got the natural storyline of the other wrestlers being upset with Brock walking out on the company last year. Not only is the storyline natural, but it's one that the fans can easily believe, not only because it's true, but also because a lot of them still feel that Brock 'turned his back on them', and combining those two factors gives you a real potential goldmine when it comes to making money, because people are going to pay to see the 'turncoat' get his ass handed to him, and if they can build it up properly and hold it off long enough, when it comes to time for Brock to finally get his ass kicked by Batista at Wrestlemania, then people aren't going to just want to see Brock get his ass kicked, they're going to really want to see him get his ass kicked.
Moving on to the roster cuts, there have been some surprising and not-so surprising cuts made, and I'll give my thoughts on each cut that has been made so far, with more cuts set to come:
Joy Giovanni: One of the numerous nameless and faceless women in WWE, Joy is no big loss.
Kenzo Suzuki and Hiroko: Kenzo is, was, and likely always will be terrible. He only got hired because he has size, but that was all he had, and even with a hot looking wife, he wasn't safe. Again, this one is no big loss.
Matt Morgan: Morgan wasn't very good in the ring, but he could talk his ass off. So, naturally, he got given a gimmick that made him wrestle and made no use of his mic skills. Morgan getting cut is a bit of a surprise in that he was big, tall, had the look WWE likes, and he did have a lot of potential. Sadly, Matt is a victim of WWE not having the patience to wait until Matt is ready for the main roster to call him up, and he's been labelled as not being ready. He wasn't ready, but he could have been, and would have been had WWE not blown their load over his size and look.
Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda: What a wedding gift this is. Gayda was just another face in the crowd of nameless, faceless women in WWE, so her getting axed was no surprise, but Haas getting canned is. Haas had the ability, but he was never given the the right push and gimmick to get him over based on his strengths, and he really suffered when Shelton Benjamin was moved over to Raw.
Marty Jannetty: With Shawn not wanting to be a Rocker again, there was no reason to bring him back in the first place, and that he even lasted this long is the real surprise.
Dawn Marie: Congratulations on soon being a mother Dawn. Now get the hell out of here, because you're fired. Understandable given there was nothing they could do with her, but it's still cold doing it when he's pregnant.
Mark Jindrak: That Mark got cut even though he was tall and had a good body is a bit of a surprise, but Mark had nothing going for him. He has no personality or charisma, is really mechanical in the ring, and when that was exactly how he was when he got brought in the first time four years ago, it's not hard to see why he was let go.
Maven: I know Maven wasn't that hot in the ring, but he could really talk, and when someone is that good at something. you really should find something to do with him, and I don't mean a stupid midcard gimmick that doesn't make use of his strong suit. That seems to be a habit of WWE.
Shannon Moore: A small guy with nothing making him really stand out, this one is no surprise.
Akio: Like Shannon Moore, but with more ability. Again, not a surprise.
Gangrel: Was it even worth signing him back in the first place?
Kidman: A surprise, if only because he's married to Torrie Wilson, but even with that factor, it's not hard to see why he's been let go. Despite being really talented in the ring, WWE has totally sucked the charisma and personality out of Kidman, making him just another small guy, who was considered expendable.
Spike Dudley: This one was a surprise to me, purely because Spike can bump like a total madman, isn't afraid of taking the most insane of bumps, which all helps in getting the monsters that WWE love so much over. Still, Spike didn't seem to mind, given his statment on his site over his release.
Kevin Fertig: Not a surprise given his rep and standing with the locker room, both in WWE and OVW. I won't miss him.
The Dudley's: A surprise given their tenure, but not so much when you realise how stale they are; they've done everything that a team can do, and have nowhere else to go.
Just finished watching Mitsuharu Misawa/Kenta Kobashi vs. Toshiaki Kawada/Akira Taue (6/9/95 - World Tag Titles) . I've had it on my hard drive for a while now, but it's 43 minutes long and AJPW matches tend to take lots of motivation to watch (not that they're bad, they just take a different mindset and I've been in my "shoot style" mode for a while now and I have to adjust it to "get into" such kind of matches). And. Um. Best match I've ever seen. I don't think I have ever said that about any match on the first viewing, but there it is. This is the new standard for excellence. I never thought a tag match would take the top spot, cause, well, here's the list of some of my favourite matches:
Benoit/Ohtani vs. Sasuke/Tiger
... ONE tag match. They usually aren't done as well as singles matches, but this was just perfect. So much has already been said by many others, there is no need to get into the specifics. Justin Baisden has a more in-depth recap/review at Review #1 that is more PBP and Chris Coey has one at Review #2 that is more about the story of the match. However, I will comment on what stood out to me.
1. Payback spots. I love'em, and this was full of em. From Kawada's initial dick-ass kick to Misawa while he was on the apron, to Kobashi doing a dropkick to Taues leg, almost every action had a similar reaction which made for a nice, self-contained story. You don't see a lot of that stuff nowadays, and they did it so naturally. Kobashis attempts at the moonsault were particularly great and made for an effective nearfall.
2. The Story. I've seen Kandori/Hokuto, and I've seen Misawa/Kawada, and I enjoyed them both. But not enough to rank them in my top 10. This has been said by others, and those who _would_ rank the matches in their top ten would say "you don't know the whole story". Which is true enough. The call-back spots in those matches may be over my head, I may not look at it the same way as those others.
This tag match has that sort of depth, BUT, it is also very easy to follow for any unfamiliar viewer. Kawada HATES Misawa. Misawa, knowing Kawada hates him and will do anything to beat him, and since he is the top guy -in turn- does not like Kawada. Taue, Kawada's running buddy, is there to kick ass and help his friend out, but isn't really involved in the spat. He has a stoic look on his face throughout, and just likes to hurt people. Kobashi, on the other hand, wears his heart on his sleave. The match is not only about Kawada and Misawa, it's also about the outsiders caught up in it.
Kobashi is like Misawa's dog. Fiercely loyal, willing to risk his life to save his master. His leg is injured, and Kawada/Taue continually go after it. At the start of the match, Kobashi is game. Despite the injury, he still believes he is a vital member of the team. Slowly, as Kawada/Taue pick him apart, he becomes less and less useful, and almost becomes a detriment. The spot which changes his role in the match is when he is unable to save Misawa from a chokeslam off the apron from Taue. After that, the best Kobashi can do is take the brunt of the assault on himself in hopes that Misawa can muster enough energy for the comeback. I. Love. That.
I went into this match cheering Kawada/Taue. But as the match went on, as Kobashi sacrificed himself and as Kawada/Taue acted like total bastards, at the end I was behind Kobashi/Misawa. The spot at the end where Kobashi tries to protect Misawa and both Kawada and Taue try to pull him off and he's just fighting with everything he has and they finally get him off and then MURDER him with an Backdrop/Nodawa combo... I was like "NOOOO!!! STOP! STOP! THIS IS UNFAIR!!". It was Kawada/Taue going too far, IMO. Great stuff.
3. The build. They paced it amazingly well. The match was primarily strikes, but when they used their moves every single one had an impact and was necessary. The tags and heat spots were done to perfection. The match went on for 43 minutes and they went through several stages which made those minutes fly by. The final 10-15 minutes were particularly well done. Kawada/Taue having the advantage, then Misawa/Kobashi having it, and finally back to Kawada/Taue. It's hard to describe how effective it was done, because each time one team had control it seemed like they were going to win it. The team that was in control were in full control and the turn of the tide was logical. When Misawa did the German Suplex to Kawada for the near fall. Then the Tiger Suplex for the nearer fall. Then the Tiger Driver. I said "Taue HAS TO make the save here" because the way they built it, there was no way Kawada could have kicked out. And guess what? Taue made the save. PERFECT! Misawas ill-fated comeback at the end was so beautiful, because the way they built it, even though you knew he was climbing a mountain, you wanted to believe he could win.
I'll finish it up with one more review, from DVDVR 100 Issue:
You Got CUT!
Here is who is out of the WWE:
-- Marc Loyd
-- Mark Jindrak
-- Maven
-- Shannon Moore
-- Akio
-- Gangrel
-- Billy Kidman
-- Spike Dudley
-- Mordecai
Maven? Maven? The guy who took more bumps than HHH in the last 3 years?
This is intresting Billy Kidman is gone...
And Mark Jindrak is done too.
Mordecai would not have done much and was a bit too small.
Akio is great and would be a great find for ROH.
Since one is a draft pick, what will RAW get from Smackdown? We will find that out next week...
More Cuts are on the way...
I think I know how this story ends…
It was good. Very Good. However…
I can’t say I was surprised by any means. I knew it was coming and had the feeling in the pit of my stomach, I knew all along. It’s how this thing works, Love. You put your stock into love and cast away your ability to think clearly…
There’s no question that I let myself down here and let her control me and for what? So she could end up wanting to explore other things and then she goes and claims “I will love you forever”…which you quietly chuckle to yourself because of the absurd hypocrisy of it all. And you quietly thank yourself for being the "better" one because she never knew you were doing the same unto to her...
In one sense, I’m “broken” but that’s not because it’s over, like I said I knew there would come a day she would leave despite all the times she said otherwise, I’m broken because I learned another piece of life’s learning puzzle, nothing ends right.
Sadly you let something last as long as this did and believe me, *almost* sixteen months is a lifetime for me and what gets to you, what eats away in the night is the fact she was *that* easily willing to break it off, and not really willing to go for it and make it work and settled for what would be easier. I don’t know if she honestly likes this other guy and im guessing she does. Because I would hate to think she ended what we had for some short lived fling. But its what it is.
It’s funny, in some sense that you finally put yourself in a position where you would go to hell just to protect her or be with her and yet, while you’re spending an entire holiday weekend wondering while she's in the arms of another, should you feel guilty for letting it happen knowing well enough?
It’s like a really bad soap opera here. Because while she’s in those arms, here I am, fighting this feeling that kept growing in my stomach, telling others “I cant do it”. I passed up on opportunities just because that was how strong I felt for that relationship but was wise to know she would do something like this and planned for it....
This is how the story ends…
How original, thoughts on Raw.
Anyhow, while the WWE mark in me gives them a free pass for a boring show by saying they booked it uneventful for the Holiday, the realist in me can't help but think the show would have been booked that way any other Monday.
Not withstanding, the HBK heel turn was quite surprising and I look forward to it's follow up and future developments.
Small things that bothered me about Raw:
- Making it sound like Dupree has never been on Raw before, or at least not referencing that. He also didn't dance.
- Edge still having his breifcase. After the draft lottery was announced (but prior to it starting), Todd Grisham had an interview with Edge where he brought up the possibility of the draft voiding his World title contract. The draft has ended and the World Championship is on SmackDown now. This was not addressed at all on Raw but, due to Edge still having the briefcase, one would assume it just carried over to a WWE title match.
- Marc Loyd still doing Live Event News on Canadian Raw. WAsn't he released? Must have been a pre-tape.
...On a Substandard Raw
Ok, short notes...
Diva Search should be called Joshi Whores. UGH, Shame on ya...
Good Promo by Cena and Jericho...
Hogan Goes Over again...
Substanard Raw...
(And just a quick shout out to the admin here at smarkmarks for posting on last weeks Post, how nice of him )
here is some results from July 2 at Japan:
1. Akebono & The Big Show defeated Carlito Caribbean Cool & Matt Morgan in 8 minutes, 40 seconds when Akebono used the Banzai Drop on Morgan for the win.
2. WWE Cruiserweight Title Match (3-Way Dance): Paul London defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Funaki. Funaki over Chavo in 7'18 with a Shining Enzui and London over Funaki in 11'16 with the Oklahoma Roll.
3. Chris Benoit defeated Shelton Benjamin in 12 minutes, 38 seconds with the Crippler Cross Face hold.
4. TAJIRI defeated Muhammad Hassan (w/ Daivari) in 4 minutes, 46 seconds with an inside cradle.
Torrie Hunter, Stacy Keibler, and Christy Hemme came out to shoot t-shirts to the crowd with the air gun.
5. Rey Misterio Jr., The Undertaker, & Kane defeated Eddy Guerrero, Kurt Angle, & Edge (w/ Lita) in 23 minutes, 34 seconds with a triple pinfall (Undertaker over Angle with the Tombstone, Kane over Edge with the Tombstone, Rey over Eddy with the West Coast Pop).
6. WWE Heavyweight Title Match: John Cena defeated JBL & Orlando Jordan in 13 minutes, 26 seconds when Cena hit the FU on JBL for the quick win. The finish saw a referee bump and JBL cover Cena for Jordan to do a 3-count. JBL wanted Steamboat to ring the bell to give him the win. JBL and Jordan went to attack Cena together but Jordan accidentally laid out JBL with a case in a "friendly fire" mishap. Ricky Steamboat acted as timekeeper for the match and JBL sneered at him for not ringing the bell for his near falls that would have given him the win. They had a post-match confrontation. Cena, meanwhile, got on the microphone and said "Please congratulate me" in Japanese and pulled out some coffee milk, which prompted a "coffee milk" call from the fans. Cena drank some and the fans marked out.
7. Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho in 33 minutes, 30 seconds with the superkick (Sweet Chin Music). Both men shook hands and hugged after the match.
8. World Title Match: Batista defeated Triple H (w/ Ric Flair) in 17 minutes, 31 seconds with the spinebuster.
Lots of intresting news coming on Friday!
short n sweet
Opening Segment-Carlito's Cabana with guest-Hulk Hogan
It's bad enough they have fallen back into the rut of using Hogan beyond a one off appearence and now have made him a consistant character once again but now we have to watch clips of his television show?
Honestly I can see the show being amusing in the trainwreck sense.
Nice to at least acknowledge Angle making Hogan tap out way back when Hogan was just an spry newcomer.
Edge and Snitsky Vs Kane and The Big Show
I can't understand this at all; It feels like they are just keeping Edge in a warming position for now, waiting to see what Matt Hardy decides.
If they wanted to build Edge up, he should be going over Kane and TBS easily instead of looking like second fiddle to GENE SNITSKY!
Okay. I am in love with her. It's simple as that.
but KERWYN WHITE? Oh god, it should be amusing for a couple weeks and then he'll go back to being Chavito or something im sure...and not a soul will care
Rap Vs Rock
It first seemed like they were building to a rock/rap storyline but it instead for once went a smarter direction and it shows so far why they don't like each other and showed, at least it will provide some great promo wars. They need to bring up that Cena went over Jericho early in his career and that plays some part of Jericho's hatred for him.
He had his cup of coffee, get him off the tv.
Booty Camp
If you liked this, you haven't gotten laid ever in your life.
So they channel Macho Man, Masters, AJ Styles, Undertaker all into one lump of suck? Yay for Val Venis still having a job. Why the need to protect him? Just let the "Pheom" go over CLEAN. Is that so hard to understand?
Holy hell was that the suck or what? I literally ignored every second of it, It was painfully obvious Shawn was turning when he wasn't as "into" it, you just felt the presence of a heel turn coming and BOOM, it happened.
About fucking time. Shame it had to come against Hogan leading to a program bound to overshine the title matches.
Raw Score
Raw Is Statutory Rape
Hulk Hogan on Carlito’s Cabana
So, now we’re making matches from statutory rape angles?
Edge and Snitsky v Kane and Show
I avoided most of this. Edge should be getting primed for a program with Cena, not bogged down with a feud that nobody gives a shit about.
Main event announcement:
The Heartthrobs v Viscera
A can’t miss gimmick that isn’t over a lick versus a can’t hit gimmick that that the people actually cheer for thanks to creative getting behind the gimmick that won’t draw a dime. Naturally, the woman feels sorry for the man who humiliated her on PPV in front of the world. End this shitty angle, now.
Chavo Guerrero becomes Gunther from Friends
Kerwyn/Kerwin White? WTF? And the bastard made Maria cry.
Hurri-shits segment
John Cena peps-up Maria
Maria is happy again, and all is right with the world.
John Cena on the Highlight Reel
Why does Raw have two talk-show segments? They can both talk, I’ll give them that much. Would be nice, though, if the WWE Champion got put over in the main event slot for a change, instead of in a midcard segment with a midcard wrestler,
Diva Boot Camp
You expected me to watch this shit?
Fu Macho Man Chu Renee Dupree v Val Venis
Crisp while it lasted, but why are they protecting Val Venis? Is he so big a star that he couldn’t do a clean job?
Carlito and Angle v Shawn and Hogan
I skipped the match, and turned back literally as Shawn’s foot hit Hogan’s chin. I loved the turn, and what I liked most was Shawn not saying a word, and just staring down at Hogan. The way Shawn walked off and just had no emotion on his face was a great touch too. The only down side to this is that it means Hogan v Shawn, most likely at Summerslam, which will totally overshadow whatever match John Cena is going to have, and Batista too for that matter, and they’re meant to be the guys that are WWE’s future.
Today is the nationally celebrated holiday known as “Fourth of July”
I remember as a child growing up loving this holiday because to me it meant my family would gather at my aunt’s house and we all would partake in a day of swimming, volleyball, basketball and a scrumptious cookout. Three years ago that tradition came to end.
My grandmother died on July 4th 2002. It was one of those “unexpected” situations where despite her health completely deteriorating leaving her into this complete state of senile-ness. She was 79 years old. While everyone else lamented on her “sudden” death (she died of a heart attack to be specific), I spent that day contemplating how life plays out.
To say the least, for whatever reason, that 4th of july holiday expired to exist after her death. The last two years I found other things to occupy the day. Today; the 2005 edition of this holiday has basically been me sticking @ home and watching various marathons and such. While my girlfriend Kristen is at an amusement park with the guy she’s seeing on the side. She thinks I don’t know but I do. I’m waiting for her to spill her guts but for now I enjoy seeing her in action, pretending everything is all right. It’s fine though, always expect this. It’s not like I haven’t put things in plans for my life beyond her.
RAW is back on again and forever the same reason to watch is mainly boredom and habit I will watch the show and it’ll suck for about 90% of the show while 10% is amusing or just down right atrocious, its somewhat entertaining. The last two shows were above the suck lines so who knows, maybe 3 for 3? Doubt it. It’s a holiday, why waste anything good on this night.
My argument is, might as well show 4 15-20 minute matches just for the hell of it and not bother advancing storylines since ratings will be in the low 3’s anyways.
So back in April I finally bought an Xbox to get on Live and try this "WrestleMania 21" game people were talking about. Well the game came out and, well, pretty much everyone agreed it was terrible.
This was fine, however, as I now have the ability to play a lot of games I missed out on (and still haven't bothered playing yet...soon!). For instance, I really think Knights of the Old Republic is a kickass game. I also finally borrowed Halo 2 from a friend last night and, while I totally suck at it, the online experience is pretty cool.
DrVenkman21 is my "gamertag", for those interested. I look forward to trying out some sports games online in the future.
My beautiful car. It's gone. Fuckin' bullshitty fucking fuck.
I wrecked my car yesterday. I was day dreaming while driving and crashed into some dude who was stopped in the middle of the road. I was so enjoying the fact that I wasn't going to have to work much while in school. Now I'm going to have a fucking car payment.
Not to mention that I let my car insurance run out. God, that was so fucking dumb. I don't even want to think about how much shit that's going to cause over the next couple of months.
And I was supposed to add to my tattoo this week. There goes that plan.
I really didn't enjoy car shopping the last two times I had to do it....
I am in a bit of a quandary. Live 8, Bob Geldorf's lofty dream and wish to end poverty in Africa, was one of the biggest and maybe most eventful concert in mankind’s short civilized life. Kanye West proved he, along with Outcast, is worthy of the Hip Hop Crown. Pink Floyd proved why it will take so long and so far for Rock to reach the high’s it had once.
But what was the point? I know about Bob Geldorf’s sexual proclivities- and all that bullshit. However, helping the country where my father was born, is going to take much more than just singers, dancers, and actors that cant even get a buyrate in the movie theaters anymore.
America, Europe, Russia, and Japan- need to save themselves first. I do not want problems that these countries have to be transplanted into a continent, that has leaders that don’t know there left from there right, who Robert Mugabe continues to destroy the lives white farmers in Zimbabwe.
Japan cannot admit about its dark history to China, its problems with childbirth.
Russia with the Cronyism and the lost identity crisis they are having.
Europe, with sexual pervasion to its highest levels (in England)- and its lost Christian Ideals, morals, and responsibility
In addition, America- with its boarders not protected, Same Sex Marriage- Property Rights, War in Iraq, War on Terror, Cultural Wars, Internet Rights, Real ID, Lost Jobs and lots more.
So, why are the stars not looking at the real problem? Themselves? No, too busy- we got have to save Africa again!
Yes, we have a country that has the greatest freedoms. However, we have some of the largest problems. Its time we save OUR Country first, before Africa. Solve most of OUR problems first, and the rest will take care of itself.
Its something Bob Geldorf missed when he planned this.
Save Our Nation before all else.
Two things:
No grown man should ever be able to wear briefs comfortably. Nor should they be allowed to.
That is all.
My Friend Dahmer...
Is now the book to give a comic book unfan. I command everyone who reads this to go to dude's webiste and buy three or four copies of this book. Come one, it's only three bucks. I'll probably post a full review at the Pit sometime after I've slept.
Buy it now, bitches!
Maybe it’s because of the summer season coming up, but the idiocy of certain portions of TSM is really starting to shine through. The most recent example of this would be over the number of buys that One Night Stand got. The first estimates of the number of buys are out, and ONS is pegged at around 265,000 to 275,000 buys, and there are people who are proclaiming, almost gleefully, that this means it was a flop. I’m wondering if these people even have a clue what they are talking about, or if they’re so determined to see ONS as a flop, for whatever reason, that they fail to apply even simple logic to the evaluation that the buy rate was a flop.
The entire PPV was sold on WWE TV over WWE ‘crusaders’ invading a PPV that was being held under the banner of a promotion that not a lot of people at home knew anything about. Sure, WWE fans might have heard the ECW initials chanted from time to time on TV, and there might have been some holdover fans from ECW that have stuck around, but how many WWE fans today do you think have any real clue about who or what ECW was? And how many of them that are aware of it even have the emotional attachment to ECW to want to tune into a PPV to see them fight off the ‘crusaders’ from WWE?
RRR pointed out, and it was something that either went over the heads of the naysayers or something they desperately tried to play down to make their shaky point look good, not one match was announced or promoted on television. It was never pushed that you would see Lance Storm take on Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio take on Psicosis, Chris Benoit take on Eddie Guerrero, and so on. Now, unless you’ve got a Wrestlemania or Royal Rumble PPV that has huge name value, what PPV is ever going to draw big numbers without one match announced?
As for promoting and pushing the ECW name and concept on television, WWE did a generally piss poor job. They didn’t show any interviews from people involved in ECW to talk about it. They didn’t show matches from ECW, either in full or in clip packages, to give people a true idea of what ECW about. They did nothing like that. All they did was promote a series of ‘ECW rules’ matches on Raw, which were really just glorified ‘Hardcore’ matches, that neither showcased the true spirit of ECW, nor featured ECW wrestlers. It was WWE wrestlers who either happened to be part of ECW or were going to be part of the ‘crusaders’ group that was going to invade ONS. Now, with angles that came across as WWE wrestlers attacking a single WWE wrestler, how does that make the PPV look any different, and more attractive, to any other standard WWE PPV? People are already picking and choosing what WWE PPV’s they want to buy, so why should they treat any differently a PPV that, on the surface, which is as far as most casual fans look, looks just like every other PPV WWE offers up?
Sure, the last Raw and Smackdown shows before ONS ended with a group of ECW guys fighting off the ‘crusaders’ that would be at the PPV, and as stand alone angles go they were enjoyable, but those two angle were not enough to counter what had been, up to that point in time, a terrible job of building a PPV that was depending on strong promotion to get the numbers of buys that it had the potential to achieve.
With the bulk of the promotion of ONS ignoring the fact that the majority of people at home didn’t have a real clue about who or what ECW was, something that really needed to be hammered into the brains of people in order to make them emotionally invested into wanting to see this PPV, is it any wonder that a PPV which, going into it, felt like every other WWE PPV got the same number of buys as every other WWE PPV?
Some commercials really bother me with their technical ignorance...
There's the Cogeco Cable video on demand one that features a man with tattoos and a gruff voice getting teary eyed over allegedly just watching a romance film, yet the images (though somewhat blurred to try and mask this) are just commercials for video on demand movies.
Today I saw a commercial, I think it was for window installation, where a man is flipping through channels on his TV not by using the large green channel up/down buttons, but the smaller, pink "2" button. To further make no sense, the commercial has added sound effects that one would hear if they were changing channels on a television dial.
Maybe I'm just too picky about stuff like that.
On a better note, I was the Vengeance Play-Per-View champion at Stablewars. Hooray!
Oh, Happy Canada Day!