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Top 50 Most Replied TSM Sports Forum Threads

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Hey its entry #200! Ya I had nothing special thought out. I've tried putting together a list of the Top 50 Oakland A's of All-Time but am never satisfied with the list when I put it together. I also tried putting together a list of the Top 100 baseball players of my baseball lifetime but that became too difficult and eventually too subjective as I made adjustments to it. So as a total cop out I decided to list the Top 50 most replied to threads in the Sports forum here at TSM which is pretty much the only forum I post in for the most part. I'd pull quotes from these threads but not even I'm not Bored enough to go through threads with thousands of posts to find something remotely funny although feel free to do it for me.


1. One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread 3616 replies

Sarted September 27, 2003 by KingPK

Most Posts: Choken One - 612


2. English Football 3483

Started June 22, 2003 by welshjerichomark

Most Posts: TheFranchise - 893


3. The Official MLB Offseason Topic 2396

Started November 9, 2003 by Bored

Most Posts: alkeiper - 448


4. Fantasy NBA League? 2264

Started October 1, 2003 by MarvinisaLunatic

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 415


5. The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread 2145

Started April 10, 2004 by Dangerous A

Most Posts: Choken One - 203


6. And So it Begins 2132

Started October 28, 2004 by Bruiser Chong

Most Posts: alkeiper - 238


7. The one and only NHL playoffs thread 1989

Started October 6, 2003 by Urban Warfare

Most Posts: ???


8. The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox 1902

Started October 9, 2004 by The Dames

Most Posts: Anglesault - 246


9. NFL Discussion Forumtable 1870

Started November 14, 2006 by Agent of Oblivion

Most Posts: Porter - 144


10. Smartmarks Fake Baseball League 1714

Started October 18, 2003 by Evolution

Most Posts: Evolution - 553


11. Another reason why ESPN sucks 1681

Started April 13, 2006 by KingPK

Mosts Posts: Leena - 156


12. 2006-7 MLB Offseason Thread 1593

Started October 2, 2006 by Mik

Most Posts: cheech13 - 182


13. 2006 NFL Off-Season 1558

Started January 3, 2006 by FFMS

Most Posts: Carlito Brigante - 203


14. The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Thread! 1369

Started October 23, 2003 by Just J

Most Posts: alfdogg - 167


15. The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread 1317

Started April 4, 2004 by CanadianChris

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 99


16. The Official 2003 NBA Playoffs Thread 1246

Started April 16, 2003 by Crazy Dan

Mosts Posts: ???


17. Official College Football thread 1229

Started September 2, 2003 by Vern Gagne

Most Posts: Bored - 216


18. The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread 1177

Started January 22, 2005 by MrRant

Most Posts: Vitamin X - 158


19. TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007 1150

Started January 12, 2007 by MJ Styles

Most Posts: MJ Styles - 179


20. TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread 1140

Started April 17, 2006 by Dangerous A

Most Posts: alfdogg - 105


21. The One & Only 2003 NFL Draft Thread 1126

Started April 25, 2003 by Flyboy

Most Posts: ???


22. The Rose Bowl Thread 1112

Started December 3, 2005 by Bored

Most Posts: Damaramu - 236


23. NBA Offseason Thread 1109

Started May 8, 2006 by Kingofthe909

Most Posts: alfdogg - 143


24. NBA Offseason News and Moves 1104

Started June 17, 2004 by NaturalBornThriller4:20

Most Posts: alfdogg - 106


25. 2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread (Part II) 1095

Started December 11, 2006 by alkeiper

Most Posts: cheech13 - 154


26. NHL 2006 Playoffs thread... 1087

Started April 17, 2006 by Carlito Brigante

Most Posts: CanadianChris - 165


27. NBA Roundtable Discussion 1056

Started December 7, 2006 by alfdogg

Most Posts: Ripper - 145


28. Head 2 Head Fantasy Baseball 2005 1026

Started February 21, 2005 by Lightning Flik

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 205


29. NHL 2006 Off-Season... 1012

Started June 19, 2006 by Carlito Brigante

Most Posts: Kingofthe909 - 134


30. NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread 1006

Started March 17, 2005 by Slayer

Mosts Posts: Damaramu - 131


31. The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread 1003

Started December 2, 2003 by CanadianChris

Most Posts: CanadianChris - 118


32. Super Bowl XL 996

Started January 22, 2006 by CanadianChris

Most Posts: Hawk 34 - 67


33. NBA Offseason Stuff 953

Started May 31, 2005 by alfdogg

Most Posts: alfdogg - 128


34. The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread 917

Started January 10, 2004 by CanadianChris

Most Posts: FrigidSoul - 102


35. College Hoops: NCAA Tournament Rounds 1 and 2 913

Started March 13, 2006 by SilverPhoenix

Most Posts: Leena - 100


36. 2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread 891

Started October 19, 2005 by Mik

Most Posts: FFMS - 138


37. Fantasy Football 871

Started July 7, 2003 by razazteca

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 162


38. The Official SmartMarks Fantasy Football Thread 869

Started July 28, 2002 by The Man in Blak

Most Posts: ???


39. NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals 867

Started May 6, 2006 by alfdogg

Most Posts: naiwf - 89


40. TSM Head-to-head FantasyBaseball League~! 841

Started February 18, 2004 by Lightning Flik

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 216


41. TOAO NFL Week 2 Thread 813

Started September 13, 2003 by bps21

Most Post: tpww - 144


42t. Anyone up for Fantasy Football? 808

Started July 3, 2004 by LaParkaMarka

Most Posts: Lightning Flik - 151


42t. 2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread (Part II) 808

Started Decmeber 11, 2005 by alkeiper

Most Posts: alkeiper - 114


44. OAO 2004 MLB Games Thread 800

Started April 4, 2004 by HarleyQuinn

Most Posts: Anglesault - 165


45. Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread 799

Started October 5, 2004 by alkeiper

Most Posts: mike546 - 131


46. The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread 795

Started October 16, 2003 by alkeiper

Most Posts: Mik - 179


47. The 2006 NFL Draft Thread 766

Started April 28, 2006 by Gert T

Most Posts: teke184 - 100


48. World Cup 2006 in Germany 753

Started May 10, 2006 by CurryMan

Most Posts: Kingofthe909 - 75


49. The 2004 NFL Draft 749

Started April 15, 2004 by JackBauer

Most Posts: bps21 - 102


50. NBA Playoffs 722

Started April 17, 2005 by alfdogg

Most Posts: The Electrifyer - 59

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I just noticed that the ESPN Sucks thread is the most viewed thread in the history of the Sports forum with 43,825 and counting.

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Ha, Al in the 2004 MLB thread on April 5th.


You have to consider the Blue Jays ranked second last year in runs scored, and they didn't lose a single player in their starting lineup. They have six guys who are still heading towards their prime. On top of that, they solidifyed their rotation. I don't think the Orioles are bad, its just that the Blue Jays are that good.


Blue Jays record that year, 67-94, finishing in last place. Good year.

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8. The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox 1902

Started October 9, 2004 by The Dames

Most Posts: Anglesault - 246


That's not suprising.


I think Czech is the active leader in the Why ESPN sucks thread.

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Ha, Al in the 2004 MLB thread on April 5th.


You have to consider the Blue Jays ranked second last year in runs scored, and they didn't lose a single player in their starting lineup. They have six guys who are still heading towards their prime. On top of that, they solidifyed their rotation. I don't think the Orioles are bad, its just that the Blue Jays are that good.


Blue Jays record that year, 67-94, finishing in last place. Good year.

Ah yes. Probably in response to Marvin's unchecked optimism every year over his Orioles that lasts sometimes into mid-April.

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