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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Satanico, why not bust out the Stretching Crew name for Shelton and Charlie? I used to use it way back when in EWR 2.0 when I had Shelton and Eric Angle as a tag team in my WWA game.

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Guest El Satanico
However, Orton is only 84 over.

Someone has a problem getting Orton over?



Well the game told me I needed to freshen up Orton's character. He had the gimmick of evolution, so it must be a case of weak gimmick. After all he's pretty good in the game stats wise.



why not bust out the Stretching Crew name for Shelton and Charlie


That's actually the name I was thinking of. Would you do it with or without the Minnesota part.

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As for Orton getting over, just make him appear in angles, get the pins in matches, etc. and you should have no problem. I had the same problem (on a lesser scale) with Frankie Kazarian and Jason Cross, but fixed that in no time.

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Guest El Satanico
The Stretching Crew vs Backseat Boyz.


Match Background: Backseat Boyz are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion.


The Match: THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Shelton is down! There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere. Backseat Boyz whip Shelton into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Spin kick by Johnny Kashmere to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Hooks the leg for a two count. Johnny Kashmere strikes Shelton. Shelton Benjamin once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Shelton Benjamin. Tag to Charlie Haas. Big dropkick by Charlie Haas, who got a ton of air on the move. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and  Kashmere hits hard. Charlie Haas misses a clothesline. Kashmere tags out to Trent Acid. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Haas is down! Tiger suplex on Haas. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Standing leg lariat by Trent Acid on Haas. Haas counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and  Acid hits hard. Trent Acid can barely stand. Here it comes - Haastruction. 1....2...3, it's finished. Orton and Rhyno come running down the aisle with chairs! They slide in behind The Stretching Crew...and drop them with stereo chair shots! Orton and Rhyno leave the ring, the damage done.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****!


Overall Rating: 95

Crowd Reaction:90

Match Quality: 100

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Guest El Satanico
Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon.


Match Background: This will be an I Quit bout. Vince will be retiring shortly.


The Match: Spear by Vince McMahon. Stone Cold counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Vince is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Bodyslam by Stone Cold. Bodyslam by Stone Cold. Steve Austin misses a clothesline. Spinebuster by Vince McMahon. Death valley driver by Vince McMahon! No one executes that move properly anymore. Bodyslam by Vince. Stone Cold blocks a kick from Vince McMahon. Stone Cold slams Vince McMahon down and motions to the crowd. Steve Austin scores with a big spinebuster. Vince counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Vince McMahon climbs to the top rope...but Stone Cold gets back up, and climbs out onto the apron! Vince gets grabbed...and gets pressed from the top rope all the way to the outside, through the announcer's table! Stone Cold climbs out with a microphone and asks Vince McMahon...who has no choice but to quit! The impact of that last fall was too great. Steve Austin remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


Overall Rating: 92

Crowd Reaction:93

Match Quality: 92


I built this match up in just two weeks. I only cheated by upping Vince's brawl stat and turning on high spots.

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Does the game like put young created wrestlers on your roster after a while or something? I loaded my game today, I'm in February in my second year with WWE, and all of the sudden I noticed like 6 or 7 created guys I'd never seen before with no pictures or anything on my roster. I sent 5 to development and released the other two. I'm guessing the game puts guys on your roster after a while, because I never signed them ?

Don't know if anyone has answered this for you or not, but new guys come in when you have a training camp. If you're playing WWE you may, but I'm not sure as I've never played a WWE game

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Yes, if you're operating a training camp, you'll notice something like "The next batch of trainees are due to graduate in: Month X", with the month being one year's time from whatever month you started your fed in.


One thing I'm curious about is the number of wrestlers you receive. If you're a smaller fed, will you receive a smaller number of created wrestlers as opposed to a global fed? I've only lasted long enough on a game playing global level.

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Guest El Satanico

Survivor Series is coming up this month and I'm planning some Survivor Series style matches.


Now I have to book the build ups. Does anyone have any tips for succesful Survivor Series match build ups?

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I've never tried it, I guess generic stable vs stable would work. I got a question though, I want to run a Dreamer/Raven type feud... will the game recongize it as a "bad" feud 'cause the face never can get a win?

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I dont know about that, i had Daniels/Guerrero going 7-7 (with seven attacks from Guerrero, to seven cheating wins for Daniels) and Guerrero and Daneils both gained about four overness when Guerrero pinned him.

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I've never tried it, I guess generic stable vs stable would work. I got a question though, I want to run a Dreamer/Raven type feud... will the game recongize it as a "bad" feud 'cause the face never can get a win?

I've never actually had a face lose completely. Maybe if you let him get the better of Raven in interviews, you might get away with it. (Other Win basically)


I dont know about that, i had Daniels/Guerrero going 7-7 (with seven attacks from Guerrero, to seven cheating wins for Daniels) and Guerrero and Daneils both gained about four overness when Guerrero pinned him.

To get 9 for the winner, you have to have the feud end as a finality though.


So someone must have the clear advantage in match victories. If you don't, then blah.

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Guest El Satanico
I got a question though, I want to run a Dreamer/Raven type feud... will the game recongize it as a "bad" feud 'cause the face never can get a win?

By never winning, do you mean...


the face will never win a match in the entire feud




the heel will dominate and win every match during the feud, but the face will win the blow off?




Flik is probably right. As long as you let Dreamer do promos on Raven, the feud should work.

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Jerry Jarrett is a no-good man-slut. I now have 7 guys with creative control cause they married his daughters.


Christian York

Joey Matthews

Vic Capri

Paul London


Jimmy Rave

and someone else

York and Matthews are the biggest shits about using it. Will hardly ever put someone over clean.

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I recently had my first PPV, here it is, sorry I don't have anything other than the recap screen stats for you.


Heat: Sylvan Grenier, Renee Dupree & Kevin Nash d. Bubba Ray, D'Von, & Spike Dudley (64%)


Match 1 (SD): Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas d. Hurricane & Ultimo Dragon to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. (89%)


Match 2 (Raw): Randy Orton d. Shawn Michaels (86%)


Match 3 (Raw): Rob Van Dam p. Booker T in a Triple Threat to win Christian's Intercontinental Title (78%)


Match 4 (SD): Rey Mysterio d. Chavo Guerrero to retain the Cruiserweight Title. (79%)


Match 5 (Raw): Goldberg d. HHH by DQ (71%)


Match 6 (SD): Eddie Guerrero d. Kurt Angle in an Iron Man Match for the WWE Title (86%)


Match 7 (SD): The Rock d. Brock Lesnar to retain the US Title (84%)


Match 8 (Raw): Chris Benoit retained the Heavyweight Title over Chris Jericho in a time limit draw. (93%)



Overall: 83%

Next PPV: Evolution: In Your House (June 13)

All feuds will continue through the next PPV, the lesser ones will be ended there.

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Bill Busch has just taken over CZW. And he's a old school promoter. So out go B-Boy, Sonjay Dutt and the like...


...to make way for Jim Duggan, Dusty Rhodes, Kevin Sullivan, Mando Guerrero and a whole other bunch of OLD wrestlers. And their risk level has dropped to 20%.


When CZW's Top 5 is New Jack, Dusty Rhodes, Jim Duggan, Mando Guerrero and Abdullah The Butcher...you just have to laugh.

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TEW is out and about and flooding .400 Software.


My computer would cry if I downloaded it, but I'm just curious, has anyone picked up a copy?

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Honestly.....as excited as I was about it, and as much as I had planned to order it.....the complaints people gave the first few days have pretty much scared me away.


I'm not sure if it's worth my money at this point. Maybe a little later on, once the bugs have (theoretically) been worked out and the full Rave X update is complete.

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Guest El Satanico

I have no interest in TEW. There's too much depth and it's far more complicated than I care for a game to be.

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Super Dragon vs Jonny Storm.


Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. Dragon and Jonny have been feuding recently. So far, Dragon hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Jonny since the feud started. This match is for the FOW World title. Jonny Storm has been FOW World champion since 26 October 2004.


The Match: Dragon gets hip-tossed onto the ladder! Flying cross body off the top rope! Dragon reverses a Jonny Storm hammerlock. Spinning back kick from Super Dragon. Hard back suplex on Jonny. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Dropkick into the ladder by Dragon, sending it into Jonny! Spin kick by Super Dragon to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Jonny counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Jonny crushes Dragon with a running senton. Back heel kick off the second rope, Dragon goes down. Jonny Storm hits a rolling kick on Dragon. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Splash from the top of the ladder, reminiscent of HBK at Wrestlemania 10! Dragon counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Dragon uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Springboard dropkick from Super Dragon. Nicely done. Jonny Storm can barely stand. Psycho Driver! Super Dragon goes up ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Super Dragon goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory


My Opinion: As close to a ***** match as possible...but unfortunately, it was missing something, so I can only give it ****3/4.

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Does anyone know if Ravex will keep doing updates for EWR 4.0 or if they'll be solely working on TEW from now on? I'll be sticking with EWR, but it would be nice to have updates every so often

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Does anyone know if Ravex will keep doing updates for EWR 4.0 or if they'll be solely working on TEW from now on? I'll be sticking with EWR, but it would be nice to have updates every so often

I think I heard over at .400's board that they would. But don't quote me on it.


I'd really love to get TEW, no matter how complex it is...but my computer is dis-agreeing with it MAJORLY, so it looks doubtful.

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Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho (For The World Heavyweight Title) : Chris Jericho scores with a back heel kick on Benoit. Chris Benoit fights out of a grapple. Benoit drives a forearm into the chest of Jericho. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Jericho. Jericho ducks a wild right hand. Chris Jericho hits a table shot to the ribs. Chris Jericho hits a bulldog off the ropes. The referee gets to a five count....and Chris Benoit gets back up. DDT from the top rope by Chris Jericho. That looked brutal. Benoit reverses a Chris Jericho hammerlock. Singapore cane shot by Benoit. The referee gets to a seven count....and Chris Jericho gets back up. Chris Jericho ducks a clothesline attempt. Chris Benoit gets knocked to the ground by Jericho. Here it comes - Lion Sault, right on the money. The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Chris Jericho goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory A ****1\2 rating for a great match.


Overall: 94%

Crowd Reaction: 93%

Match Quality: 95%


Sunday, June 13, 2004

Evolution: In Your House


Match 1 (SD): Chavo Guerrero d. Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight Title (79%)

Match 2 (SD): Hurricane & Ultimo Dragon d. Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin for the WWE Tag Team titles (89%)

Match 3 (Raw): Booker T. d. Rob Van Dam

Match 4 (Raw): Shawn Michaels d. Randy Orton in a No-DQ match

Match 5 (SD) : Brock Lesnar d. The Rock for the US Title

Match 6 (SD): Kurt Angle d. Eddie Guerrero in a submission match for the WWE Title (88%)

Match 7 (Raw): Goldberg d. HHH in a Hell in a Cell match (71%)

Match 8 (Raw): Chris Jericho d. Chris Benoit in a Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Title (94%) Jericho is already the Intercontinental Champion.


Overall: 84% (Best show to date)


Next PPV: Scars & Stripes Forever: In Your House, Sunday, July 4, featuring Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit battle once again for the World Heavyweight Title, Kurt Angle defending his regained WWE Title, and much more.

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