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Guest Suicide King

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Guest Suicide King

Right. Effective immediately, I am retiring as Commissioner of the SWF. I decided for sure about a month ago, and since then myself and the rest of CC have been moving to insure a smooth transition of power. To that effect, I would like to announce that Z will be taking over immediately as Commish. Joining him in CC will be mainstay Stevens and new additions Thugg and Thoth.


My reasons for doing this are twofold. One, well, I've been head CC guy for just over a year now and I feel that new blood and new ideas are needed in a leadership position. I think to some extent that I have lost either the desire or the connection to properly represent the fed. And as I have always been a firm believer in leaving before you're thrown out, well, there you go. ;)


Second, the fed has become a much different place. This is of course expected; every community changes over time as people come and go. But my main concern, as has been previously brought to my attention by both Thugg and Z, is the lack of enjoyment many people seem to be having. They write their matches like they are going to their jobs, and once they are done they can go have fun. Well, at least originally we all came here to have fun. We loved wrestling, we loved writing, and we loved our characters. And even more important we loved everyone's contributions to the fed. And most important of all, we didn't take ourselves so seriously. I think it would be good to reawaken some of these attributes so we could increase our own enjoyment. Winning is good. Winning is fun. But honestly enjoying your plotline, writing it with a person who shares your vision of what a wrestling plotline should be... well, if you do it right, it doesn't matter if you win or lose.


I want to make it clear that I am not leaving to punish anyone, or because I am "fed up." No. It's just very clear to me that the fed needs something other than what I can currently give it. I truly love the SWF, and I want to see it succeed. So I will do what is best for it whenever possible. I've done my time, and now I am free, dammit. ;)


I'd like to thank all my fellow CCers and the former and current writers of the fed. It has truly been a pleasure. I hope that you enjoyed it half as much as I did, because it was truly a joy to work with you. I will remain on in a marking capacity so it's not like I am falling off the planet. I will still be here, and I will do what I can to ensure that the SWF last for one more year. And with any luck, it will be a blast.

Edited by Suicide King

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/me is sad


/me was gonna ask King to manage Chris Card when I got round to bringing him back


/me also understands totally, cos this is why i quit as booker for the GFWA after 8 months at the helm

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It's been real, King. Thanks for stepping up at a time when we really needed you. I guess I'm responsible for all that badness back in the day, and you came in, along with the rest of CC, and saved our asses. I will forever be grateful.


Now, former world champion Thoth... books the WF? Actually, I think my role might be policing the threads, making sure stats are good and there is no evil, but since you guys are a well-behaved lot, I think I won't be doing much. I guess I'll book cards in case of emergency.

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Actually, I think my role might be policing the threads, making sure stats are good and there is no evil, but since you guys are a well-behaved lot, I think I won't be doing much.

We were hoping you'd just threaten people idly.

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I don't think this is sad at all and the people who are saying that are missing the point entirely. I am happy with the job that King did as Commish. During the last few months when I was active and getting very fed up with the way Frost was getting booked, I felt that King was the only person I could talk to and he was always very helpful and positive with my requests. I am now very happy that King has decided to step down at a point before he was personally at that point of no return with his association with the SWF. The SWF will be much better off with fresh leadership and new viewpoints than with a worn out and tired King.


Know that I am here for anything ever needed. And if you guys want to inject fun, the Memphis Eel is always available for any on air ceremonial role. Aren't you guys getting tired of writing Riley anyway?

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Being only in the WF for...oh...5 days, I can't much say anything good or bad about what King did for the past year or so...but I can say that when I needed someone to help me out or give me advice, he was always there - and I know in the future he will still be there.


Z, Thugg, & Thoth? What a team. It's gonna be a fun year.

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Just when I thought I was out of the malicious clutches of Z's jobbing power... ZOOM~!


:lol: ;)


Sorry to see you go King... good luck in the future.

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I remember trying to do CC stuff early on, and King was a massive help for me back then. He also gave me a shot to break into the main event, which I am eternally grateful for. King's been the best head booker this place has even seen, and I'll miss the guy.


Now, time for everyone to artifically inflate Z's ego to a new level. Should be fun.

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It's saddening that King is leaving the head position, because we all know that he did a fine job and took a lot of crap over the past year. However, much like Frost, I also believe that some fresh leadership will inject some more life into the SWF. And personally, I can not think of a better successor. Z, I wish you good luck in your duties... and damn you for wanting me to un-retire. :)

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Thaaaaaaaat's right. Keep the praise coming, guys.


Ahem. In all seriousness, though, I too am little saddened to see the end of King's era, just because with the exception of a few... less glamorus moment... he is the best booker the SWF has ever had, and we never, ever would've been able to get past Clusterfuck 2003 if he hadn't agreed to lead the fed. Sayanora, man.



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Z, Thugg, & Thoth? What a team. It's gonna be a fun year.

::sigh:: I'll be over here in the corner if anyone needs me...


You know, to post Lockdown or something... ;)

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*hugs GSMS*


I didn't forget you buddy.


Just thought I'd chime in right quick to say that while I'm sad to see King leave, I totally understand why and it's a smart move. A refreshing time off may very well lead to King being HB again should Zed crack and turn the fed into a cheese-dancing tournament starring Thugg, Strangler, and whatever animal Janus is being at the moment.



That being said, love you Zed, and I know you'll do a good job.


*puts on her cheese helmet*




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he he he ...


Annie hugged me... :P at the rest of you.


BTW, I am not taking King's departure lightly, nor trying to hijack the thread. To be honest, King knows my feelings on the matter and I'll keep it that way. Suffice to say, I am sorry to see him go.

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A refreshing time off may very well lead to King being HB again should Zed crack and turn the fed into a cheese-dancing tournament starring Thugg, Strangler, and whatever animal Janus is being at the moment.

Ferret forever.


*turns Annie into a lesbian catgirl and throws her to Ebony*


--- On a more serious note, I am rather sorry to see King go, as he was a nice bloke from what I've seen of him. May he rest and return, as the saying goes that they all come back. As of now I bow down to Lord Zed and take up an honourary position as his footstool.


Oh, and *hugs* to Mark too for being forgotten. I remember ya too--

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Z, Thugg, & Thoth?  What a team. It's gonna be a fun year.

::sigh:: I'll be over here in the corner if anyone needs me...


You know, to post Lockdown or something... ;)

I was only mentioning the "new" things....



you know i'd take a run around your bases anytime... in a heterosexual way of course.

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Okay I must say something better than my two line cussing post.


As far as King resigning as Commish before he gets tossed to the curb, I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to, or moving towards tossing King out. However, just like writers don't want to write anymore, I'm sure it's the same for the booking position, and head of the SWF position. King seems to have burnt out, and hopefully one day you will possibly come back again for round two! :D


As far as the position goes, it could quite possibly be one that needs to be changed once a year to keep the people running it sane.


Anyway, King, you have done one hell of a job in my book, so kudos to your reign as head of the SWF. I hope taking a step back will ease you up on the stress, and


Steven's post made me wonder how come he didn't want the job, no offense to Z of course it just struck me as... odd. Z will do good though as long as he doesn't book anymore 5 stages of heck 6k matches in the SWF. ;)


Now as far as the people having fun; I think it's fun, but if you ask me I think this place has shifted as already stated. No more is it just people not really caring about the seriousness of their characters and being zany and what not, but rather its a damn stiff competition where everyone wants to be number 1! Losing a match seems to set you back, and its sometimes hard to dig yourself out of a losing slump. When you start losing you start to loose the fun, and that in turn makes this place pointless.


Myself included, I am guilty of this as I’m sure Z, Stevens, King, and anyone else with a working set of eyeballs could attest to. I have gotten completely bent out of shape over losing a match, instead of just congratulating the winner for besting me, and trying better next time. In my effort to prove everyone one wrong, and be the best, (which will never ever happen when I half-ass things) I lost sight plenty of times that we are here to have fun.


I could be wrong but I think a lot of it has to do with when we started getting rankings, people keeping solid win/loss records, etc.


Nobody wants to be at the bottom of those rankings, and yes, I know there hasn’t been rankings in ages, and nobody wants a 0-76 record. Even if it is just suppose to be fun, things like that can suck the fun right out of it. For me I think the most fun I had was while working the Johnny/Wildchild angle where it was all about moving a plot, and people actually seemed to be reading for once! Imagine that, anyway, I didn’t care if Wildchild beat Johnny’s ass at Genesis because it was fun. My ever so high loss record going up one more didn’t matter at all, and it didn‘t really feel like a competition aside from competing for peoples attention on the story. So, maybe the answer to making it more fun is to get more people involved with feuds, storylines, etc... basically where the point is to draw people in with a story and FORCE then to read your match which is the payoff for building the tale. I have seen a couple lately but not a whole lot.


CC could step in and possibly point people in the right direction for feuds, but that would make for a lazy ass group of writers. Anyway, the JL folded due to a lack of new recruits, I would think people would want to do everything they could to make this place seem like Disney World for Alan Clark, and whatever suits your fancy for everyone else who is a little less animated.


I’m sure this post has absolutely no point, and I have rambled on far too long. So if all else fails at least I got +1

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It took me reading a few classic matches to really understand what this place is about. And actually...I had written a column about it a few years back.


Basically, my column was saying "if you hate to see what's on TV, you can create your own destiny - your own passion - your own mark out moments right in the e-fed circle"


I had begun to forget about that whilst running around the SJL. I saw it more as a place where winning is EVERYTHING. I lost site of giving myself those mark out moments, those surprises, those little things that make me still care about what is on TV...but here I can control them (for the most part).


And now that I have come to realize that, I feel that I can get back into the swinging of writing something of quality - and even if it isn't exactly what the markers are looking for - it is keeping me happy and making me want to continue doing it...no matter what my record is.

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Guest Goodear

Amen... Now to write a promo where Coy gives HVT a ride ion the SS General Lee Jr.




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