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Oh snap Rose knows about Locke

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All I can say I absoutely love this show. It's seriously the best thing ever. Some quick notes:


-Rose knowing about Locke is HUGE. The fact she thinks because he got cured, she got cured too is something very significant. Maybe the magnetic force in the Hatch?


-Michael is with the Others. He was captured, explained, and told if he brings as many people as he can to the Others, then they'll give him Walt back. He left dilussionial and confused, what could he be possibly running away from at THAT point in time? I really want a Michael flashback.


-Jack telling Kate he didn't regret kissing her? Love it.


-Vincent chillin with Sawyer. Niiiice.

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I love this show. I will forever sing it's praises, BUT tonights episode was one this shows worst in recent memory. The entire preview for this ep hyped the whole Jack/Others confrontation, and all we got was 43 minutes of Bernard/Rose backstory. Granted, it was still well written and everyone was spot on, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED. You would think since they won't be on next week, they would want to go out on a bang, give us something HUGE, but nothing. "Lost" is seriously starting to try my patience.

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I think Rose being revealed as the first person to know about Locke and the return of Michael, along with the same exact reaction the physic had for Claire that the healer had for Rose...I think this episode was very good.



One of the best parts of the season was when Rose goes to Locke "Well, honey, you and I both know it's not going to take that long." And then the look they give each other along with the music, I knew instantly. Loved that part.

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Good episode, finding out Rose knew about Locke, Michael coming back, might not have been the greatest flashback sequence, but since the core group are on third, fourth or even fifth flashbacks it was nice to see someone else.


And damn, Sun looked tasty in that tank top, made me hungry for some orean :) and Kate all soaking wet <drool>

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I love this show. I will forever sing it's praises, BUT tonights episode was one this shows worst in recent memory. The entire preview for this ep hyped the whole Jack/Others confrontation, and all we got was 43 minutes of Bernard/Rose backstory. Granted, it was still well written and everyone was spot on, but ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED.

That is because LOST works for the long term storyline. They are building stuff up for the whole season. While a show like The OC will finish storylines within 2-3 episodes.


That is why LOST is a better show, it builds things.


You would think since they won't be on next week, they would want to go out on a bang, give us something HUGE, but nothing.

The writers don't know when they have breaks like that; it's up to ABC for that junk. And it is only 2 weeks.


"Lost" is seriously starting to try my patience.

Then you are watching the wrong show. Things are written for a whole season, not just a few weeks.

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You just knew the doll in the woods was a trap, even without seeing Jack & Kate trapped in the netting from last week's previews. That was straight up "Chewie grabbing the meat in the forest on Endor" boobytrapping.


I really dug that smile on Gale's face when Locke was asking whether he punched in the numbers.


And I agree w/ the Others flipping Michael. Total trap.

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I was seriously pissed off at Michael showing up, because it is exactly what I thought was gonna happen after seeing last week's preview, him screaming, seeing a torch in the trees and somebody stumbling out. It's exactly the kind of stalling tactic thing this show does.

I seriously have to stop watching previews altogether because its jsut too easy to figure out what's going to happen from them, its just the little details that sometime surprise.

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Very cool ep. Good build, and lots of really basic stuff I wanted to happen happened: Kate told Jack about the medical bunker, someone questioned why everyone was getting so complacent about staying on the island, and Locke got out of the damn hatch, interacted with someone he hadn't in a while, and started to get back some of that old Locke charm. I dug it.

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It wasn't great, but the developments themselves were pretty big.


The island is further defined, going so far as to say Locke's miracle wasn't just a fluke. Rose knowing he was crippled. Locke losing his cool and faith in the island, being humbled, which I wish would continue. Gale fucking with him was great.


Of course, Michael's return. I'm with others in saying he'll probably turn on the group. I'm still disappointed in where they're going with Charlie after his breakdown. If anyone were to save him, it was Eko, but I still want Jin to find out what he did and go into yakuza mode (or at least try to, since he's seemingly something like 0-3).

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Rose knowing about Locke is HUGE. The fact she thinks because he got cured, she got cured too is something very significant.


Don't forget - Jin also seems to have been cured of whatever was keeping him from having kids. I think the island is one of those "places of power" or whatever that the healer talked about, and that's probably part of the reason that Dharma chose that specific island.

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The problem with this season so far is that there's only 5 new episodes left and it feels like we just started into something really good. Hopefully the next few weeks w/ Michael's storyline fills in some holes and we get something out of it.


Really liked the episode, probably because I've been waiting for a Bernard and Rose ep ever since "They're probably thinking the same thing about us." Their reunion this season is was a serious highlight for me. Their moments were really well written and I loved Bernard's proposal @ Niagra Falls.


The Jack and Kate stuff in the net was well done and Jack telling Kate in no uncertain terms that she's gettin' stuffed soon is awesome.


Jin adds "Sorry" to his list of words. Cool.


Locke and Rose steal the entire show now that we can all see the bond between them.

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Guest Brian

That was the first time Eko revealed he was building a church, right, because I don't remember it?

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Everyone's forgeting that Bernard had the line of the night to Eko-


"I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick"

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Good episode, but I'm probably going to stop watching the previews as well. They make every episode sound like THE EPISODE OF THE SEASON THAT YOU JUST CAN'T MISS, and they almost never live up. Yes, I know the whole point of the teaser is to get you to watch, but as was mentioned above, this week's was "Jack calls out the Others, and SHIT GOES DOWN!", which took up maybe five minutes of an otherwise pleasant but not particularly thrilling episode.


And the only way the next episode will shock me is if Michael doesn't turn on them, because that just looked too obvious.


So yeah, no more teasers for me.


Still, tonight's episode was nice enough. Glad to see Rose and Bernard get some flashback lovin', and that scene with Rose and Locke on the beach was pure money.


So the Island has healed Locke's legs, Rose's cancer-or-whatever, and Jin's firing blanks... anything else?


Also, I have to wonder how Jack never considered the possibility that he and Kate would get nabbed by the Others, then traded back for Henry. I don't think the Others want Henry back that bad anyway, but still, talk about an ill conceived plan.

Edited by chirs3

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Everyone's forgeting that Bernard had the line of the night to Eko-


"I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick"

Best line since Batman's "The last time you really inspired anyone was when you were dead" in Infinite Crisis #1...

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Okay, someone asked me what I think.


I think that the term "Others" is intentionally misleading. There are more than 1 group of "Others"


1) Lostaways

2) Danielle

3) Zeke's crew

4) Ethan\Henry's crew

5) Barefoot Others

6) The Snowman and Dr. Candle (unknown except for being a part of the Lost WebMaze).


The island is at a nexus of one of the many "triangles" or "energy vorticies" in our world. The faith healer, Isaac, was at Devil's Rock, or nearby, I believe.


It was nice to see Bernard actually act rationally. He's the only survivor that is/was. They are very complacent in that they're on this island, and it is as if they've given up hope. Jack seems to be snapping out of it.


It was also nice this episode as we got names to go with alot more of the redshirts.


I'm going to say that Michael isn't turned, but what he saw or found wasnt what he thought it was. I've been waiting for the war to start, glad it is.

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Okay, someone asked me what I think.


I think that the term "Others" is intentionally misleading. There are more than 1 group of "Others"


1) Lostaways

2) Danielle

3) Zeke's crew

4) Ethan\Henry's crew

5) Barefoot Others

6) The Snowman and Dr. Candle (unknown except for being a part of the Lost WebMaze).


The island is at a nexus of one of the many "triangles" or "energy vorticies" in our world. The faith healer, Isaac, was at Devil's Rock, or nearby, I believe.


Zeke (aka Mr. Friendly) and Ethan are a part of the same group. They were together in Claire's flashback to the medical hatch. I do think it's possible that they aren't one of the barefoot Others though.


I think that we are meant to think that the island is one of those energy points that Isaac talks about. Perhaps that's why DHARMA chose the location. BTW, Isaac was played by Wayne Pygram, who played Scorpius on the show Farscape.


I got to thinking about something the other day. When Desmond is talking to Locke in the hatch, he asks if he is "Him". In Claire's flashback, Friendly asks Ethan what he is going to tell "Him" about Ethan not making the list. Could Desmond and Friendly be talking about the same person?

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I think that we are meant to think that the island is one of those energy points that Isaac talks about. Perhaps that's why DHARMA chose the location. BTW, Isaac was played by Wayne Pygram, who played Scorpius on the show Farscape.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I knew he looked familiar, I was trying to place him. Wayne did awesome as Scorpious.

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Minor point of interest, just wondering what you all think about it: Bernard was a dentist before the crash ... and yet they showed his teeth last night, and they're among the worst looking ones on the island.


Inside "joke" by the writers, or something we should keep in mind moving forward?

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Okay, someone asked me what I think.


I think that the term "Others" is intentionally misleading. There are more than 1 group of "Others"


1) Lostaways

2) Danielle

3) Zeke's crew

4) Ethan\Henry's crew

5) Barefoot Others

6) The Snowman and Dr. Candle (unknown except for being a part of the Lost WebMaze).


The island is at a nexus of one of the many "triangles" or "energy vorticies" in our world. The faith healer, Isaac, was at Devil's Rock, or nearby, I believe.


It was nice to see Bernard actually act rationally. He's the only survivor that is/was. They are very complacent in that they're on this island, and it is as if they've given up hope. Jack seems to be snapping out of it.


It was also nice this episode as we got names to go with alot more of the redshirts.


I'm going to say that Michael isn't turned, but what he saw or found wasnt what he thought it was. I've been waiting for the war to start, glad it is.

Does anyone see the barefoot others being 'crazy' people? Kind of like the Reavers on Firefly?

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