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So could anyone fill me in on what happened the last few minutes. My DVR skills still suck, so it always cuts off the last 5 minutes of Lost. The last thing I saw was Sayid telling Jack that "Michael has been compromised." Then what happens? Thanks.


Jack doesn't buy it at first, but Sayid convinces him. They head to the funeral. Jack says a few words about Ana Lucia, Hurley says a few words about Libby then tells Michael "I'm coming with you". Everyone's sad. Sun points to the ocean and yells BOAT~! Everyone looks to see a tiny sailboat heading towards them.


The end.

Edited by chirs3

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So could anyone fill me in on what happened the last few minutes. My DVR skills still suck, so it always cuts off the last 5 minutes of Lost. The last thing I saw was Sayid telling Jack that "Michael has been compromised." Then what happens? Thanks.


Jack is doesn't buy it at first, but Sayid convinces him. They head to the funeral. Jack says a few words about Ana Lucia, Hurley says a few words about Libby then tells Michael "I'm coming with you". Everyone's sad. Sun points to the ocean and yells BOAT~! Everyone looks to see a tiny sailboat heading towards them.


The end.


Cool, thanks man. Next weeks ep does sound pretty good.

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I think the preview is all hype. Doubtful that we'll get all the big questions fully answered next week, maybe something like "the plane crashed to get Walt on the island," but we won't find out what's important about Walt until next season. Something like that. And yeah, that's what Walt meant by "they're pretending"; the Others are actually DHARMA people in disguise.


Miss Clue is yet another interesting character. Obviously a step up the ladder from Mr. Friendly, but not the "him" that Henry (and Desmond?) was referring to. What is the room she mentioned that scared Walt?


Good character development for Charlie and Locke. Locke has lost his "faith" and Charlie is working through his dependence issues (drugs, his brother, Claire, and recently Eko).

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Add me to the list of people that immediately thought "Desmond" when they showed the boat at the end. (And while I'm being added to lists, add me to the list of people that don't care for Michael OR Walt at all. Considering how much I liked Perrineau on OZ, it's disheartening for how little I like his acting on Lost. At first I didn't think it was him, really, but his character ... but these last few episodes have been killing me. He's just doing nothing to make me care for him or his quest to save his boy.)


All in all, though, an awesome episode last night. Really good build to the season finale. Sawyer having his 'moment' with Jack was a good character development (and LotC, good line about them being BFF). Locke cutting his splint off and slowly walking up the bach was a wicked good scene ... although I'm still not 100% certain why he didn't attend the service at all. Sayid being the first (only?) one to realize that Michael's been compromised shows that he's the one that should be the Alpha Male of the original survivors, instead of Jack OR Locke (Eko might be #1 on the island, IMHO). And, speaking of Eko, he was, as always, stellar.


Next week really can't come quick enough.

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No one on the island has called Hurley "Hugo" until Michael did so last night. I immediately knew that The Others had referred to him by his real name. The list later confirmed that. Hurley is not in a good frame of mind at the moment, or he might have picked up on it. I would like it if it clicks with Hurley or if Kate asks him why he called him Hugo.

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I'm sure Hurley has told people before that his name was Hugo, he told Jack back in season one.


I like how the beggining of next week's ep (at this point) appears to be Desmond on the beach with all the survivors. Good connection between the season one finale w/ Danielle showing up.

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Locke calls him Hugo all the time, but he probably knows his name because of the box company link (or maybe from the manifest)

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I've been waiting all season for someone to call him Hugo in front of Sawyer and have that look of realization on Sawyer's face because he read the notes on the raft and knows the one named Hugo is rich.


Desmond has said numerous times he was in a race sailing around the world, so he was automatically thought of when the boat showed up.

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My mistake then. I couldn't think of any time he had been called Hugo on the island, but I guess there are several. Oh well, my thoughts on the Others calling him by that name worked out for me anyway, but the rest of my thoughts went to piss.

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I've been waiting all season for someone to call him Hugo in front of Sawyer and have that look of realization on Sawyer's face because he read the notes on the raft and knows the one named Hugo is rich.


Desmond has said numerous times he was in a race sailing around the world, so he was automatically thought of when the boat showed up.


I'm thinking an Other will call him Hugo, since that's what he was called on the List

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Another really good episode and I absolutely can't wait till next week. Didn't think of Desmond when I saw the boat, but obviously it makes perfect sense. As far as Alex goes, part of me wondered if she actually understood Zeke's motives because of her comment to Michael about how Zeke needed to send a message to his friends and he had to scare them to do it. She seemed somewhat sympathetic to the Other's cause... by the way, I can't remember if Alex set Claire free or if she was just friendly to Claire, does anybody remember?


Sayid and Eko continue to be awesome, and Sawyer's redemption theme seems to be returning. All good stuff.


Ms. Clue... loved her, wasn't the actress Jamal Wallace's public-school teacher in Finding Forrester? I'm also wondering how high Henry Gale ranks, because they obviously wanted him back but he didn't have very nice things to say about Mr. Friendly. And there's no way they're letting Walt go without a fight.

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I'm also wondering how high Henry Gale ranks, because they obviously wanted him back but he didn't have very nice things to say about Mr. Friendly. And there's no way they're letting Walt go without a fight.


I'm betting that Gale was captured by Rousseau's net just by chance and that they want him back so bad because they're worried that he'll blow their cover/story/etc.


EDIT: I also just realized -and I don't know why I waited so long to look this up- that the actor who plays Gale also played Zep in the first Saw movie. Cool.

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Do you think Henry even went back to the others? Didn't he say that they were going to kill him because he failed his mission and "he" doesn't like failures? I can totally see the Losties get to the Others' camp and then we see a scene of Henry being whipped for failing.

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Do you think Henry even went back to the others? Didn't he say that they were going to kill him because he failed his mission and "he" doesn't like failures? I can totally see the Losties get to the Others' camp and then we see a scene of Henry being whipped for failing.


Maybe he never went back to the Others camp, maybe he went to find someone else for sanctuary. We really don't know how many people are on the island, so it is possible that there are other groups or individuals. A paranoid theory I know, but hey, ANYTHING can happen on this island!

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Guest Vitamin X

I think Walt screaming, "They're not who they say they are!" should have brought up more questions than it has.


Who are they saying they are and if they're not, then who are they? That gives credence to the "there's two groups of others" theory.

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Great episode. Got to see the others, got a few tantalizing hints, got to see Michael's missing time, and set up a great finale.


As long as the season finale doesn't climax with the lostaways finding an empty hatch and strolling through it, it should be good.

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Speculation based on Preview and knowledge of who the next week flashback is :


I'm guessing the two 'big answers' are linked in a totally non answering way. Numbers count down in Desmond's flashback = Flight 815 crashing. Answers questions, yet gives little away

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I don't know. Didn't Zeke say something about how "they" were coming when they captured Michael? Or was that when they caught Kate?


IIRC, he said that "his friends" (ie: Jack, Locke, etc) were right behind them when they captured Michael.

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I was thinking about "The Room" that Ms. Clue threatened Walt with. Think it's possible it's a sensory deprivation chamber?


Might sound kinda silly, but if they block out all his senses, then it might cause him to focus more with his mind and perhaps develop his psychic powers better. Also, it's quite possible that in such a chamber, he'd be floating in water. Perhaps that's why he was soaked when Shannon saw him?

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Another thing that interested me after re-watching it was when Michael explained that he, Jack, Hurley, Kate & Sawyer could only go because they were the only ones who knew about them, when in fact so did Locke, Eko & Sayid (The ones still alive)


So were those four on the list because they were bad people? And if so what is Jack & Hurley offense?

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Guest Evolution
Another thing that interested me after re-watching it was when Michael explained that he, Jack, Hurley, Kate & Sawyer could only go because they were the only ones who knew about them, when in fact so did Locke, Eko & Sayid (The ones still alive)


So were those four on the list because they were bad people? And if so what is Jack & Hurley offense?


Locke and Eko have seen the black smoke. Not sure about Sayid, but perhaps they just want to investigate these four further.

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Another thing that interested me after re-watching it was when Michael explained that he, Jack, Hurley, Kate & Sawyer could only go because they were the only ones who knew about them, when in fact so did Locke, Eko & Sayid (The ones still alive)


So were those four on the list because they were bad people? And if so what is Jack & Hurley offense?


I thought the way The Others' lists worked was they named good people, and took them away.


Which is why I'm puzzled at Sawyer being on the list.

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I thought the way The Others' lists worked was they named good people, and took them away.


Which is why I'm puzzled at Sawyer being on the list.


Consider this too: Hengry Gale told Locke he came to take *him*, because Locke is a good person.


So either Gale was lying to fuck with Locke, or that list isn't good people.

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Hurley (saw Dave), Jack (saw his Dad), Kate and Sawyer (saw Kate's Horse) have all seen something they're not meant to on the Island, maybe that is the connection?


And I'm pretty sure Sawyer has shot/killed a few less people than Kate, so if we're talking about scales of goodness, he's well above her.

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