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It's just stupid. It wouldn't make any sense with anything we know about her character, and would be an idiotic retcon.


Of course, watch it be revealed towards the end of the season, after Jin gets angry at Sun for not doing as she's told for the 18th time.

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I thought "The Glass Ballerina" was one of the best episodes of the series. It was very, very deep and addressed a ton of the show's issues. Seriously, at about 27 minutes in I thought that an elongated version of what I had just seen would have been an acceptable episode last season. And then we had 30 minutes more.


Now, my gut reaction when Jae landed on Jin's car was that Mr. Paik sent someone to finish the job, especially considering the fact that Jin let that government official live when he had to deliver his first message. I imagine Paik thought that Jae might let it slip that he was with Sun and Jin might end up too upset to finish it. Suicide is what I thought next. But the idea that Sun did it is gaining a lot more traction with me. Knowing that her father is related to Widmore Corp., maybe he was able to hide her murderous past from whoever collects information for the Others... hence the reason Colleen didn't think Sun was a murderer.


I loved the whole thing with questioning whether Jin could handle a weapon. I also thought Sayid's plan, while shortsighted, was pretty hard-core. You could really see the position the Lostaways are in and the measures they feel they need to resort to because they don't yet understand what The Others are all about. The Others are truly a significant danger right now, and I honestly love what Sayid is prepared to do, and I know why he scares them.


Some classic Sawyer was on display. Still talking trash, still not trusting anyone he doesn't know... and yet you could definitely see the method to it. The defiance in emptying the canteen was awesome. Perhaps, Sawyer didn't trust Juliet, perhaps he just wanted to piss her off. Another example of Sawyer at his best: "This is probably going to hurt me more than it hurts you... but I just want to make life that extra bit harder for you, so fuck off and go fill up your canteen again." Classic. As for Kate, that was the hottest she's ever looked. Claire is going to have to do a lot to win me over again. I never thought they could make chopping rocks so sexy. That was totally primal. I wonder, when Sawyer sees Jack again, if he'll see Jack's "we got caught in a net" and raise him "we were chopping rocks". I kind of got the impression that Sawyer figured he was going to do something stupid enough to get tasered anyway, so he might as well kiss Kate first. I don't think he thought about using the kiss to scout the Others until the moment he was grabbed. Or maybe, as with Kate, he is always scouting. She was definitely interested in more than just scouting as well. I liked at the end how Sawyer used that for the ol' push-pull.


The character of Benjamin Linus is utterly amazing. I love how ambiguous he is. Attempting to shake hands with Jack, how cool was that? I didn't think seeing him observing Sawyer and Kate at the end was that big of a revelation. They showed the monitors earlier... and someone as smart as Ben would assume Sawyer's plan even without the benefit of monitors, especially if you assume they have files on him and Kate. I'm still trying to figure out the significance of mentioning Christopher Reeve. The other stuff pretty much makes sense... they did, however, edit out Joe Buck referencing the 86 year drought since 1918 for the Red Sox win. The huge thing though, is that it totally exploded Jack's concept of fate. Whether he believed his dad or not, it was something Jack had been taught his entire life. You can see how they are breaking Jack's bonds to his old life. I think Ben's deal about "cooperate and I'll take you home" hinges on the fact that he believes if Jack is willing to cooperate (however and whenever that is) he won't want to leave the island.


I was a little shocked at how cold and calculating Juliet came across in her dealings with Kate. She's all into intimacy with Jack, she gives Sawyer water, and then she pulls a gun on Kate. Just threatens her life, plain as day. With Ben saying Juliet never gave him soup and that he had been on the island all his life, a theory started developing. I think Juliet may very well be "Him". I'm not sure how, it may have to involve some weird genetics explanation that keeps Juliet young, or makes Ben older. But I think Ben was either a prisoner or part of the experiment, he somehow recruited Juliet to his side, and he led a rebellion. Now, I think Ben and Juliet lead the Others, perhaps one is in charge of intelligence and the other is in charge tactically. There very well could be another person who is Him, that Ben and Juliet report to, and Ben's soup comment was a red herring that only referred to their defunct relationship... but I'm going to stick with my theory for now.

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:lol: I was thinking that too. They really did paint her as truly dishonest. From the scene as a kid, to her cheating, to her hiding her English, to her telling Jin "I've never been with another man" (from last season, that's just fucked up), to her now.


It'd actually be kind of awesome if they slowly revealed more stuff and by the end we find out she's really this raging evil bitchmonster hiding behind this friendly demeanor, though I suspect it's more inconsistent writing than a concerted effort to make her into a baddie.

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btw I love ABC putting the episodes for free on ABC.com. A lot of times I dont want to rewatch a whole episode, just a few scenes, and don't want to go through the hassle of getting/downloading it from torrents or mirc. The resolution's not bad either, even at the "big" size setting, for a free show.

Yeah you have to sit through a commercial to go between acts but its still pretty convenient. Episode 1 was the season opening scene, which rocked, and here it was the Red Sox scene which was pretty dramatic. nice bit of acting there by Jack.

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I think that idea that Juliet is "him" is a little crazy. But I do wonder who "him" will end up being...as Ben is obviously the leader so far and Ben was deathly afraid to be killed by "him" if he failed.

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I think my biggest question regarding Ben and his crew is what's the real story behind Ben getting captured by Rosseau? I can definetly see it being on purpose but I'm more curious as to whether or not he was telling the truth when he told Locke that he was coming for him.

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I think he wanted to see who he could get to release him as he gleaned information. That is interesting though to see what his interaction with Locke is in the future.


Spike, the girls on my tennis team got mad at me when I said "see why Jin treats Sun so bad on the island?" Your comment was better, but probably would have got me in trouble!

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I think that idea that Juliet is "him" is a little crazy. But I do wonder who "him" will end up being...as Ben is obviously the leader so far and Ben was deathly afraid to be killed by "him" if he failed.


I always just thought he was bullshitting about "him" and that Ben/Henry is in fact THE "him". ;)

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I can definetly see it being on purpose but I'm more curious as to whether or not he was telling the truth when he told Locke that he was coming for him.


I think pretty much everything Henry Gale told Locke was a lie. He also told Locke that he never pressed the button, though we know now that he must've. I dunno why exactly he was lying to Locke, but now that I think about it, perhaps he wanted Locke to lose his faith in the island, because perhaps the things Locke discovered through his faith (like the hatch itself) are not things the Others want them to know.

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I think they know, and that's part of the reason why they don't leave the island. I had at once point entertained the thought that the island grants immortality to anyone who lives on it, but if that were the case, I don't think that Alex would've ever grown up (wouldn't she be immortally a baby?).

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that makes sense actually, they all have some sort of illness or handicap or something debillitating, and that's why they're there, trying to recreate normal life. Would also explain why Juliet was tearing up at the song, it reminded her of home (downtown, cities, etc) but she can't go there because she'll die or be a cripple or whatever.

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Did anyone else notice the name of the dock? "Talla Ferry" - I read somewhere that this name has something to do with either Samoa or Tonga...

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I think that idea that Juliet is "him" is a little crazy. But I do wonder who "him" will end up being...as Ben is obviously the leader so far and Ben was deathly afraid to be killed by "him" if he failed.


I always just thought he was bullshitting about "him" and that Ben/Henry is in fact THE "him". ;)


I think that's what we're supposed to be thinking, I'm sure maybe 'him' isn't quite as bad as NotHenry made out but I definately think there's someone higher up than him especially because we've been made to think everything he says has been a lie

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Guest Connzilla

I have not watched the last two episodes but I'm planning on watching tonight. I have a question does anyone know what happened to Locke and Ecko?

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I was kinda disappointed that they were heading out to the other side of the island so soon, as I like the focus on the Others, the captives, and the rescue crew. But I'll be damned if that promo is 100% bad-ass.

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Desmond the seer


And I can't wait to see Psycho Ben

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