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The writers owe you shit. Whether you've been watching from the beginning or not, they owe you nothing. Your only way to actually get anything changed is to not watch the show. Bitching on here does nothing except annoy the people who do like it.


How about this, make a Lost Hater thread and go nuts.


How about this: You fuck off and stop trying to derail this thread by bitching about people who are disappointed with the turn that this show has taken. A thread that's about the show. GOOD AND BAD ASPECTS. That includes praise and complaints.


As for the writers owing anyone anything.. they owe the fans more than this shit, that's for sure. So stop acting like you're their fucking publicist and take a hike if you don't like the complaints.

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I love how nobody can give a straight answer as to why the hell Jack got beat up and shunned for getting a tattoo, just a bunch of speculation "maybe it was a cultural thing? maybe it was religious? maybe it has some mystical meaning?"


or maybe it makes zero sense, and they just wanted to make some amateurish half-baked parallel with Jack being the "other" amidst all the Thai people and Jack being the odd man out as part of the Others.


I think the source of a lot of disconnect is The Others. This season has almost exclusively been about them. I can think of two episodes that weren't Other-centric. The writers seem to think they are really interesting and worth spending 9 episodes hanging around them and still not answering wtf is up with them. Are they really that interesting??


I also think the show really loses something when they try to ground the stories. The Others are apparently ordinary people, with an agenda/mission/whatever, sure, but there's nothing supernatural or mystical about them (apparently). The best stuff is the stuff that feels scifi/fantasy like Desmond, or the mystical stuff from season 1, Smokie, the evil island, etc.

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The difference between what the girl in Phuket said about Jack ("strong leader, but that means he will be alone") and what the Other girl said ("he walks amongst us, but he is not one of us").


I'm glad somebody understood the point of the episode. His flashback and Juliet's marking are one in the same. I'm sure others got it as well and if that wasn't enough for you I can understand, but seems like a decent revel to me. Doesn't seem like Jack's coming back to the main group for a little while no matter what kind of army Kate builds up.


And Wow. You guys must admit you're bitching quite a lot after they gave us arguably the best episode since season 1, when the concept was completely fresh. And the whole point of season 3 was to show how the Others are 'good guys' right? It's like after season 2 and the way they handled the tailies, the internet decided to kill a show whose only fault is they are using the same pattern they did from their best season. Except now it's the background story of most important new characters (Juliet and Desmond).


This episode wasn't great by any means, but we learned why Jack and Juliet are kindred beyond the obvious. We learned that Cindy and the other Others have been incorperated into their community, maybe even brainwashed. We confirmed the Others don't tolerate killing each other (unless Ben says so apparently) and that Ethan was their surgeon. Plus that the lady from Desmond's story who supposedly knows everything that's going to happen is on the island. Answers and no new big questions. Wasn't that what everyone was asking for like three weeks ago?

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I love how nobody can give a straight answer as to why the hell Jack got beat up and shunned for getting a tattoo, just a bunch of speculation "maybe it was a cultural thing? maybe it was religious? maybe it has some mystical meaning?"


Basically I think it goes like this. She knew he was there to define who he was as a person. Her gift was to see what a person is, in her culture as a right of passage of sorts she marks her people with what they are. An outsider forcing a woman, who is most likely considered a religious leader in their village, to perform a ritual that is considered sacred and holy to their people. The fact that he did it just for his own selfishness and against their custom, they probably saw him as a "rich american" and they took it as a slap in the face of their culture.


So basically I think it was mostly cultural, but rooted in religious beliefs.

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And Wow. You guys must admit you're bitching quite a lot after they gave us arguably the best episode since season 1, when the concept was completely fresh. And the whole point of season 3 was to show how the Others are 'good guys' right? It's like after season 2 and the way they handled the tailies, the internet decided to kill a show whose only fault is they are using the same pattern they did from their best season. Except now it's the background story of most important new characters (Juliet and Desmond).


I don't quite see how the Others are being shown as the 'good guys'. They seem to be holding people against their will, brainwashing and torturing others and all for no real reasons yet.


Also, Jack always is shown with some large character flaws. It's really hard to like him.


Overall, this episode was kind of meh to me. I still enjoy the show and don't see a need to complain about it, but sometimes the little things frustrate me.

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And Wow. You guys must admit you're bitching quite a lot after they gave us arguably the best episode since season 1, when the concept was completely fresh. And the whole point of season 3 was to show how the Others are 'good guys' right? It's like after season 2 and the way they handled the tailies, the internet decided to kill a show whose only fault is they are using the same pattern they did from their best season. Except now it's the background story of most important new characters (Juliet and Desmond).


I don't quite see how the Others are being shown as the 'good guys'. They seem to be holding people against their will, brainwashing and torturing others and all for no real reasons yet.


Also, Jack always is shown with some large character flaws. It's really hard to like him.


Overall, this episode was kind of meh to me. I still enjoy the show and don't see a need to complain about it, but sometimes the little things frustrate me.


That's the point. They aren't really good guys at all (possibly in the grand scheme of things but we don't know yet), but they are people who have problems and issues of their own. Not just this mystic force like the island.

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The Ethan thing was mind-bogglingly dumb. You send your surgeon to go infiltrate--and then kill--the new guys? You send probably the most essential member of your community? The Others aren't just boring--they're also retarded. And they shake bunnies.


And wait, you had a surgeon in the first place? WTF is "the day after I found I had a tumor, a surgeon fell out of the sky" about, then? I guess Ethan wasn't a good enough surgeon. He didn't have tattoos.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I'm almost certain I'm alone in this, (and I haven't watched last night's episode yet,) but I LIKED the stuff about the different hatches and their myriad purposes. When watching anything to do with survival or a post-apocalyptic scenario, I always attempt to put myself in the program, which is essentially the point. I know if I were there, and found a series of bunkers built by some phantom organization, I'd ask myself "What the fuck do these do?" That, and fighting with the assholes on the other side of the island strike a chord with me more than torrid love interests and interpersonal relationships between the marooned characters. Besides, they're already built up enough. Let them do shit.

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No, I totally agree with you. I like the character interaction too, but none of the terribly-executed love triangle stuff. Fucking around in hatches and exploring the island, trying to figure out what's going on there--that's really the only time there's been any sort of inquisitive spirit among any of the characters on this show.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Another thing, I realize that the plane crash folks aren't killers, but they had a real chance to reduce the numbers of the Others drastically in more than a few points in the series so far. In the escape a few weeks ago, I bet Kate and Sawyer could've killed five of them. Considering that manpower is a limiting factor on both sides, taking an approach like attrition wouldn't be the worst idea. It'd make for lousy TV, yeah, but I'm looking at this statistically.

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What did Jack mean anyways when he said "that's what they say, it's not what they mean" regarding his tattoos? I did not get that at all.


I took that as he meant he is not an outsider to the Others or doesnt want to be portrayed as such, I could be way off though but I think that was meant to speculate that he's gotten closer to the clan and feels like one of their own, at least portrayed to them. Of course he's swerving though and just trying to save Juliet.


I missed where Jack and Juliet's marking are one of the same though. Can someone explain this as I saw two completely different designs and whatnot.

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Ahhh makes sense now, I thought he meant they literally had the same marking, not the same general idea/purpose of such markings.

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It's like after season 2 and the way they handled the tailies, the internet decided to kill a show whose only fault is they are using the same pattern they did from their best season.


Or.... They spent hours and hours on characters that proved to be totally, entirely inconsequential to the show, largely abandoning characters that the viewers actually liked.


And "the internet decided to kill a show"? Maybe people just got fed up with the show just meandering and going nowhere.

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I've been thinking about how to handle all the negativity... whether to put posters on ignore, or start a new thread, or just PM the posters who like the show, etc. Instead, I've decided it's perfectly fair to be absolutely merciless to the people that post stupid shit and complain ALL THE TIME. The guy who said "stop derailing the thread by trying to shift the conversation toward the actual story" is straight up a fucking idiot. There actually is a way to complain constructively.


The guy who said he didn't understand "that's what the words say but it's not what they mean"... seriously, can a person be a bigger moron? The lost writers even foreshadowed the point when they had Tom ask Jack if he wanted stones for his glass house. I'll bet that guy thought that the others had built Jack a new house.


I can't fathom how people didn't see why Jack was attacked for his tattoos. One of the previous posts pretty much covered it, but the leader of that group was also the brother of the "tattoo artist". Jack forced the guy's sister to perform a sacred ritual against her wishes and against their society. How could anyone not get that? I guess it makes sense that they would also not like lost on the whole.


I won't even begin on the guy that said this is not a character driven show. I mean really!

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I've been thinking about how to handle all the negativity... whether to put posters on ignore, or start a new thread, or just PM the posters who like the show, etc. Instead, I've decided it's perfectly fair to be absolutely merciless to the people that post stupid shit and complain ALL THE TIME. The guy who said "stop derailing the thread by trying to shift the conversation toward the actual story" is straight up a fucking idiot. There actually is a way to complain constructively.


The guy who said he didn't understand "that's what the words say but it's not what they mean"... seriously, can a person be a bigger moron? The lost writers even foreshadowed the point when they had Tom ask Jack if he wanted stones for his glass house. I'll bet that guy thought that the others had built Jack a new house.


I can't fathom how people didn't see why Jack was attacked for his tattoos. One of the previous posts pretty much covered it, but the leader of that group was also the brother of the "tattoo artist". Jack forced the guy's sister to perform a sacred ritual against her wishes and against their society. How could anyone not get that? I guess it makes sense that they would also not like lost on the whole.


I won't even begin on the guy that said this is not a character driven show. I mean really!


Oh. Is that what you're doing right now? :rolleyes: FYI, if you read what I posted. The guy I was talking to was NOT trying to shift the convo to the story of the show.. he was trying to shift it to how the writers don't owe the fans of the show shit and how we should just shut up and swallow whatever they decide to throw at us.


Like I said, if you can't take the criticisms then piss right off. You don't see me calling out people who still extole the virtues of the show as morons. The lot of us are simply stating our distaste for what the shows become.. Again, can't handle it? There's the back button right there.


Clearly there's at least an equal ratio of people who swallow the bullshit that the writers feed them to the people who are fed up with this show and the direction it's taking.

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Plus that the lady from Desmond's story who supposedly knows everything that's going to happen is on the island.


Nope, she was a different actress.


That's what I thought too initially, but they do look awfully similar. The lady in the Desmond story just looked like an older version of the same person. It would make perfect sense for her to be in Desmond's story, though, all things considered.


As far as all this wining about people being critical of the show, I honestly must say that this is a discussion forum - not a "sunny happy shiny positive-filled pick me up forum" - anyone and everyone has all the right in the world to say what they want to say about the show. negative AND positive. If it bothers you to see some negative responses to things, I think people really need to get a life, its a fucking discussion forum for god's sakes! I don't see anyone really maliciously attacking things about the show without merit. I still will watch it every week I'm sure, but my thoughts is that it just doesnt have that same "fire" it used to. That cannot be denied. Look at the ratings drop.....read the articles explaining WHY that is......it's not really a big deal but the show just isn't consistently, at this point, the groundbreaking presentation it used to be. Even mainstream pop culture shows like G4's "Attack of the Show" recently had a blip along the lines of Heroes > Lost. It shouldnt be surprising or even questioned why some of us are being critical at this point when these same sentiments aren't just being shared here, but all over the country, even in mainstream media.

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I've been thinking about how to handle all the negativity... whether to put posters on ignore, or start a new thread, or just PM the posters who like the show, etc. Instead, I've decided it's perfectly fair to be absolutely merciless to the people that post stupid shit and complain ALL THE TIME.


Waa fucking waa. People don't like your favorite show. In case you haven't realized, the negativity comes 90% from people who used to LOVE the show. They would probably hop right on board the LOSTwagon if it was any good, myself included. It's not some kind of deep shame to be dissatisfied with an hour-long show you used to like.


Constructive criticism:


-The Others are boring.

-Jack is an unlikeable dick

-Lost focuses very much on the Others and Jack.

- Mystery or not, the characters don't act like people! They never have realistic (even for TV) conversations, they've seemingly given up on solving the mystery of the island, they;re staid and unrealistic.


And here's my biggest point: The flashbacks wore out their welcome long ago. They've been filler for a long time, and a replacement for that thing we call dialogue.

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Until we find out how Locke got in his wheelchair I'm saying the flashbacks have a purpose.


And until we get a Ben flashback about what he was doing in Season Two when Rosseau captured him.


And I loved last night. Complete opposite reaction from last weeks episode.

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One thing from last night that intruiged me that really wasnt mentioned - Alex is apparently Ben's kid, but this IS the same Alex that is actually Rosseau's kid that was taken, correct? That is an upcoming story that has potential at some point, for sure.

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I've been thinking about how to handle all the negativity... whether to put posters on ignore, or start a new thread, or just PM the posters who like the show, etc.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Indeed - hilarious. First, putting people on ignore because they don't agree with your views on a certain show? Ooooooook. Start a new thread, how would that work (critical or negative opinions are BANNED!?!!)? PM posters who like the show - I think damn near all of us HAVE liked the show at one time or another so whats the point. Ugh.....why can't people get a life and stop worrying about CLEARLY an issue that shouldn't be ANYWHERE near the big deal some are making it out to be here? ITS A FUCKING DISCUSSION FORUM PEOPLE.

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Look I'm not saying that you can't give criticism, but a lot of it has been just annoying whining like a little kid who doesn't get their way. Instead of pointing out just things that you don't like, point out some things that you think they should do and not just "show the other characters" be specific.


The way the story has been going, most of the main characters don't have urgent issues right now, so they are focusing on those that do. What would you have them do? If they did an episode about Sun and Jin you'd have a hissy fit because they stopped the pressing issues and went to a smaller one. Same with most other characters, the same people that are saying they want to see other characters just want to see Locke, Sayid, and Desmond. The problem is that they can't just throw those guys into action without a setup and they are trying to set it up slowly to make the payoff better.


The sky isn't falling, they only have 46 or so minutes to work with per week, give em till the end of the season to point out the glaring issues.

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The guy who said he didn't understand "that's what the words say but it's not what they mean"... seriously, can a person be a bigger moron? The lost writers even foreshadowed the point when they had Tom ask Jack if he wanted stones for his glass house. I'll bet that guy thought that the others had built Jack a new house.


What the fuck are you babbling about? The glass house line was clearly meant in response to Jack questioning the Other's actions when the survivors had done just as much wrong in his mind. It had nothing to do with the tattoos.


The line about the tattoos was retarded. Take off your blinders. I fucking love the show, still to this day, but if you can't see flaws in it from time to time I just don't know what to say to you.

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