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Daivari threatened by fan

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Shawn Daivari has received a threatening note from someone via his personal message board. The message was submitted to the Raw superstar last week, with the person identifying themselves as only “Sand N-gger Hater”


The following is part of the full message which was posted:


“Hey, Davari (sic) you and Hassan are going to be sorry you sand n-gger piles of sh–. After what I saw on TV last weeekend, I have made a decision that if you and Hassan come anywhere within 300 miles of where I am you stupid assclowns who s— off f–ing camels and wants seconds, I will be more then (sic) glad to empty three full clips from my 9MM glock into your punk ass. If you and Hassan don’t like the USA then do us Americans all a f–ing favor and leave the USA muthaf—er before someone sends you home to the Middle East in a f—ing casket you stupid son of a f—ing bitch. How dare you talk sh– about the American soldier you stupid f–… So please come within 300 miles so I can buy front row ringside tix for me and my 15 friends and then when you and Hassan come to the ring talking sh–, security won’t be able to stop us and we are going to take your candy asses out for good and so what if we go to jail.”


The person who submitted the message said he has a cousin who is stationed in Afganistan as part of the Special Forces Unit. Daivari responded with the following:


“You have to wait till we get within 300 miles of you before you hop the rail and kick our asses?! Any real American patriot would be willing to drive at least 302 miles.” In an earlier post, Daivari wrote: “I don’t feel like I’m playing a character mostly cause I’m not. Not one scenario played out on TV yet has been 100 percent fabricated. Sh– like that happens to me semi-often, especially worse now that I’ve made my case public.”


Credit: PWTorch newsletter

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“You have to wait till we get within 300 miles of you before you hop the rail and kick our asses?! Any real American patriot would be willing to drive at least 302 miles.”


I like him better already.

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They should have a "fan" jump the rails and try to beat up Daivari. I don't mean an Indy worker and they get in a fight, I mean try to make it look legit and have security get at him quickly (after he gets in a shot) and Daivari pulls an Eddie and beats him up as well.


It wouldn't be a great message to send to the fans, but shit, if this angle is about turning up the heat, that would do it.

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Guest Phenom

Shawn Daivari is my hero. If he ever fights, his finisher should be called '302 Miles of Asskicking'.

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I feel so bad for Hassan and Daivari. From the very start, we all knew it was a bad idea and its starting to come into effect. :(

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Shawn Daivari is my hero. If he ever fights, his finisher should be called '302 Miles of Asskicking'.

Wasn't he the one with the Magic Carpet Frog Splash?

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Guest Fook_Theta

I feel sorry for Mark Magnus more, since he isn't even arab. Shaun is a classy guy, I keep waiting to hear who they travel with. If I were them, I'd be traveling with Benoit on one side and Flair on the other.

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I feel sorry for Mark Magnus more, since he isn't even arab. Shaun is a classy guy, I keep waiting to hear who they travel with. If I were them, I'd be traveling with Benoit on one side and Flair on the other.

"Watch out, he's got a gun!"










*gunman collapses*


"...man, am I glad you guys were here."

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Guest CronoT
Shawn Daivari has received a threatening note from someone via his personal message board. The message was submitted to the Raw superstar last week, with the person identifying themselves as only “Sand N-gger Hater”


The following is part of the full message which was posted:


“Hey, Davari (sic) you and Hassan are going to be sorry you sand n-gger piles of sh–. After what I saw on TV last weeekend, I have made a decision that if you and Hassan come anywhere within 300 miles of where I am you stupid assclowns who s— off f–ing camels and wants seconds, I will be more then (sic) glad to empty three full clips from my 9MM glock into your punk ass. If you and Hassan don’t like the USA then do us Americans all a f–ing favor and leave the USA muthaf—er before someone sends you home to the Middle East in a f—ing casket you stupid son of a f—ing bitch. How dare you talk sh– about the American soldier you stupid f–… So please come within 300 miles so I can buy front row ringside tix for me and my 15 friends and then when you and Hassan come to the ring talking sh–, security won’t be able to stop us and we are going to take your candy asses out for good and so what if we go to jail.”


The person who submitted the message said he has a cousin who is stationed in Afganistan as part of the Special Forces Unit. Daivari responded with the following:


“You have to wait till we get within 300 miles of you before you hop the rail and kick our asses?! Any real American patriot would be willing to drive at least 302 miles.” In an earlier post, Daivari wrote: “I don’t feel like I’m playing a character mostly cause I’m not. Not one scenario played out on TV yet has been 100 percent fabricated. Sh– like that happens to me semi-often, especially worse now that I’ve made my case public.”


Credit: PWTorch newsletter

This screams "work" to me. Plus, look at the source. Most people on here know The Torch isn't the most reliable of sources.

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Shawn Daivari is my hero. If he ever fights, his finisher should be called '302 Miles of Asskicking'.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I feel so bad for Hassan and Daivari.  From the very start, we all knew it was a bad idea and its starting to come into effect.  :(

I'm not all that sympathetic for Hassan and Daivari if only because they had a hand (even if perhaps reluctantly) in creating these personas.


I feel bad for any Arab-Americans (and those mistaken as such) who may have the unfortunate luck to encounter such riled up fans without the benefit of WWE security.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Yeah it looks like a work - you wouldn't reply to a message like that if you thought it was legit, let alone in the manner he did.


I think this gimmick has been worst case for WWE so far...they have had ZERO publicity over it. Long-time fans just treat it with apathy, as they do any new 'whacky' character. Every time they bring one out these days, my casual fan friends say 'Hey, wasn't it so much better 5 years ago?'. I can only nod.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame
Yeah it looks like a work - you wouldn't reply to a message like that if you thought it was legit, let alone in the manner he did.

I think he was just mocking the guy.

Exactly...you would mock someone who made that threat? I'd just ignore it.

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I can't figure out where the money is in this gimmick. It makes no sense. With the Iron Sheik and Volkoff they had Hogan, the all American type guy to take them out. Now there is no one in WWE with a gimmick like that. So every guy who feuds with them would have to change his character to make the feud feasable. Plus it draws negative heat, X-Pac heat. People aren't booing because they want to pay money to see them get beat up, they are booing because they want them to shut and get out of the ring. Times haev changed since the 80s when this shit flew. The Iran Hostage crisis and the Soviet Union and the exploitation of those were very different from the explotation of 9/11. You'd think Vince would have learned from WM 7. Exploiting war and the death of Americans is just poor taste and does nothing but hurt the company's bottomline and already horrible reputation. It also doesn't help when you allow the heels to make better arguments than the faces. "Love it or leave it" really has no place in a debate.

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Guest combat_rock

I think they should make Shelton Benjamin the all american hero, it's not like he's got any character otherwise. Then have William Regal try and reach out to them, being that he used to be the anti-american foriegn heel (yes, that would require people to remember an angle that is fairly old). Granted it'd be hard for him to relate since he never faced that kind of persacution, but it might be doable. Then have Diavari turn face, and to rachet the heel heat on Hassan, have him reveal to everyone that he isn't arab (it isn't like he can play this character for ever, they need some way to bring it out). Have him say he fooled everyone to get a reaction and publicity, to help his wrestling career.

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I think Hassan should be next in line for the IC title shot. Who else would they give it too anyways? Besides, Hassan in a few weeks has become quite the hated heel on RAW. That reaction to him when his music hit last week was pretty damn strong. I say, strike while ya can with him. Is this cheap heat? Sure it is. Is it effective though? Yes it is.

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Again, if Hassan isn't Arab, what is he?

If I'm not mistaken he's Italian, makes me ashamed my paisan

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Well after Hassan's segment on the Jericho show tonight(forgot what it is called) it is further proof that there is no "brains" behind this gimmick, and they have collectively decided that cheap heat is the way to go.

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you wouldn't reply to a message like that if you thought it was legit, let alone in the manner he did.

I don't know. I was reading that message, and I hadn't read his reply yet, and when I kept seeing 300 miles the only think I thought was "I guess 301 miles is just too far to go." Was kind of amused to see his response then.

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