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The SWF Character Discussion... discussion. Thing.

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I was thinking today, what has caused us all to be the people we are in the SWF? A better and more psychologically revealing question might be 'what has caused us to want to write imaginary wrestling matches', but let's leave the tough stuff for another day shall we? What I'm interested in is the stuff like:


Why did you choose that name for your character?

Why do they look the way they do?

Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


That sort of thing. I'll start, shall I?




I first came up with Toxxic's name a few years ago when I happened to think 'that'd be a cool name for a wrestler'. However, when at Uni I just happened to see an article in the student-run paper about the dangers of overdrinking (can't imagine why that was in a student paper...) and the fact that it could lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Immediately my brain went 'what a great name for a move done by a wrestler called Toxxic' (not really thinking about the angle that Flesher always focuses on, i.e. the relation to tampons). So when i came across the SWF and needed a wrestler, the name of the wrestler and the name of his finisher (as was) was already determined.


Toxxic... well, he basically looks like me (no surprise). The bulky, cybery trousers, the New Rocks, the spiky black hair and the nail varnish - the only exception is that I don't wear the eyeliner except if I'm going to a big rock night or something, and I haven't even done that for a while. So yeah, the appearance is kind of unimaginative on my part.


Toxxic's character: Well, the inferiority complex and most of his pre-SWF background is basically the life of a friend of mine (and yes, he trained at Dave Taylor's Bluebloods Academy where he met William Regal). I'm convinced my mate doesn't realise he has an inferiority complex, but given that he went from 6'0 ten-stone guy to a trainee wrestler closer to 200lbs and was obsessed with 'proving wrong' the people who called him 'skinny' in high school, I'd say it's a given. The straight-edge thing is BASICALLY me - I'm not straight-edge, but I don't drink, smoke, do drugs etc so I figured I'd just call it straight-edge and have done.


As for Toxxic's attitude, that's basically me in overdrive with the brakes off. I always will have an insult or a comeback (although I usually don't use them). However, Toxxic now as cocky, abrasive uber-heel was never meant to happen. The original plan, believe it or not, was to have Toxx as a sort of Jeff Hardy clone (hence the fact that he is and probably always will be 218lbs, Jeff's announced WWF/E weight even when it was clear he was far, far lighter) who held a relatively low regard for his personal safety and got over as a result. If I wasn't winning matches then he was eventually going to go darker and more violent (sort of how Jeff was starting to go just before they fired him), ending up in a run where he was so self-absorbed and violent that he just wanted to hurt ANYONE... and this paradoxically would help him start winning again.


Of course, these things don't work out. Toxxic not only won, but the SWF was low on heels and Z was bemoaning it in chat. I offered to turn Toxxic right after his first title win, but since he'd been winning I couldn't use my original plan and so just went down the road of misunderstood, eventually going with an all-out ego trip. So yeah, if Zed hadn't wanted me turned then you could still be looking at bland face USJL Champ Toxxic - way to go, Z.


If there is one thing I'd want Toxxic remembered for it'd be that hopefully, everything I do with him will always have a reason. I don't want any surprise swerves or stupid turns that come from nowhere - his turn after winning the HGC was sudden, but for a good reason (although Zed had to write Mark Stevens as criticising Toxxic for it to work), and everything since has (hopefully) made reasonable sense. Even his current mind games with Martial Law should be believable as he's not pretending that he has anyone's best interest at heart except his own.


Well, that's me. Feel free to no-sell this topic.

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I'll play this game. Here goes.


Why did you choose that name for your character?


"Urban Legend" Todd Cortez was a fantasy character I had made up ages ago that was perserved in a notebook full of old ideas that I had always scribbled down. Shane Thompson, the original planned character for me in the SWF (whom I had used in an e-fed called ice which later evolved into the ICW or some such back in '99-'00) wasn't what I wanted to do, as I felt he was somewhat similar to what I was doing as Zack Malibu at the time in the OAOAST. Wanting to go a different route, I debuted here as the Spanish straight edge street thug with a heart of gold.


Why do they look the way they do?


His look is based off how you see most Hispanic gang members or street types in movies/music videos, combined with a bit of that cruiser look (re:baggy leathery pants). Picture a more stern, less childish looking Mysterio when he was unmasked in WCW.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


Well I had never done much evolution with this character as it was just something I had the idea for and jotted it down some 5 years ago. When I decided to do something different than Zack Malibu, I thought about possible angles to use for Todd. Here's this guy, a legit badass with a chip on his shoulder, but what's the reason for it? Why did he agree to take the place of Shane Thompson? Why is he so loyal to Mike Van Siclen? Why does he never quit, even after he's beaten to a bloody pulp? All those things relate to the backstoy of Todd's deceased brother, which I'll explain how I came up with that.


Breaking kayfabe here for a moment, Cortez's feelings over his brother's death were taken from, well, me. My own personal experience. Without delving into much detail as this isn't really the place for it, my cousin, who was very much my older brother figure in life and to this day remains an idol to me, was shot and killed back in 1996. The person responsible is still out there walking free, at least as far as I know because the police were never able to solve the crime. It's something that's put a chip on my shoulder so to speak ever since, and has made me take trust and loyalty in people very seriously. In that essence, much of Todd Cortez is me. The best characters are just extensions of the person behind them.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


The amazing tag run with MVS that broke me into this style, and the current hardcore stuff, which I've done my damndest to make interesting and innovative all at the same time. Hopefully if we do another one of these down the line, I'll have some other highlights to add.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?

- Let's leave this one aside for the moment.


Why do they look the way they do?

- This one, too.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

- The character is now much more mature than he was when I started writing him, when his gimmick was that he didn't quite grasp that the fans weren't actually cheering him and he was a comical college-age alcoholic. He wrestled in jeans and a t-shirt for months, and for a period carried a beer mug to be used as a foreign object. The Durandal fiasco gave me the opportunity to reinvent Flesher, when he returned to his original character, as a slightly more realistic character. He wasn't misguided about fan reactions anymore, and when I realized that everyone was writing him incorrectly, I sort of retconned the character so that no one was. Zed was fairly instrumental in the transformation, since I was getting bored as a comedy act and working with Zed in the WF gave me the opportunity to add some layers to Flesher - make him a manipulative bastard instead of just a guy who thinks he's better than everyone else, for example. When he took over the Magnificent Seven, I did one final promo with Chris Wilson that drew on the silly Flesher - we sang, and he handed Flesher a black fedora that he wore for a period as a symbolic device (bad guys wear black hats, after all), but the King's Road storyline gave me the opportunity to jettison a lot of the "old" devices symbolically. At bars, Flesher stopped drinking boilermakers and started drinking hard liquor on the rocks. He showed up for New Year's in a tuxedo, and you could tell that even though he tried to show the tag title off, he was disappointed that it wasn't the World Title.


And then Zed slipped ex-lax into his food.


Really, the big change was when I started letting Flesher realize he wasn't perfect, a device that Toxxic has really taken to a whole new level.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

- You expect me to say the success. I'd rather the character be remembered for his evolution into a realistic character that's not just me writing about myself.

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Oh, and...


Well, that's me. Feel free to no-sell this topic.


As Muzz would no doubt point out, everyone loves writing about their own character.

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I'm at work for the dole and bored, and retired, but no one said I can't poke my nose in, right? :P


First up, mega-props for Tom for having the sig I saw on a random browse of Lords Of Pain and luring me over here in the first place way back when. (Y)


Why did you choose that name for your character?

The name of Janus was pretty much a name I thought sounded pretty cool for a wrestler, given I'd pretty much just yanked it from a certain character in Chrono Trigger. The whole "Anti Heel Machine" and "Hell Machine" monikers were basically me looking for a nickname for him, and pretty much ending up sounding like I ripped off Kane ;) When I worked the personality split, I pretty much threw a bastardised version of my real name around Janus.


Why do they look the way they do?

I'm a five foot five, 104lb guy. That's 166cm, 50kg for those of us using the metric system. And I always had a thing for the big guys, so of course Janus ended up being a seven foot two, 360lb behemoth. I mostly wanted him to be bigger than the biggest of the WWE without looking weighty. The red/green eyes were basically a way of showing mood and personality, and I was always a fan of the white hair - probably a carryover from days of anime. I went with pretty standard Big Guy garb of the pants and boots and gloves, and the trenchcoat and shirt came later as accessories. The scars on his chest had a story behind them when I first made him, but they took on such a sinister and better meaning when I ran a certain storyline.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

When I first designed Janus, he was the bastard heel of doom way back when in the RP feds. I daresay I used the Last Ride style powerbomb before the Undertaker (for those of you remembering Janus' "Dark Bomb" finisher). There was no real story behind him, but when I brought him into the SWF, I realised I'd need to do something. Way back in the RP feds, he joined a group that looked much like the Ministry, and I worked off that to bring up the whole personality split idea. I'd originally planned to work it where he'd be a face, but snap into being a heel at random intervals in some matches, and always be a gentle and apologetic giant to those he hurt unduly. Of course, he didn't quite turn out that way, as he prettty much swings between violent psychopath and quiet giant at random. Especially, when the whole storyline with Kibagami started up, it gave me an awesome way to modify that RP history into something nasty.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

Being the mentally unstable big bastard that he is, really. As well as in-character things like beating Toxxic twice, ending WC's Hardcore Gamers streak, and dethroning W&D with Aecas. He'll be remembered for being a big bastard played by a tiny bastard though. :P

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I'm bored.


Why did you choose that name for your character?

Huhn, good question. I don't even remember where I got Z from, originally. It was probably one of those things that just sounded vaguely cool and seemed to fit the character. Alex Zenon was simply the first 'real' name that came to mind.


Why do they look the way they do?

Z was vaguely modled after myself and just sort of this dorky, happy image in my mind, which included a strange and unreasonable inclusion of camoflage jackets and smiley faced t-shirts. The blue hair just seemed to fit.


Zenon's look, on the other hand, was little more than a shameless rip-off of Kyo Kusanagi. I mean, if Thoth can get away with Iori Yagami, why can't I?


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

In Z's case, his character was pretty much exactly what it was supposed to be in the beginning. He was a rather blatant Mikey Whipwreck ripoff, except that it was still fresh, interesting and entertaining to everyone because there's never BEEN any Mikey Whipwreck ripoffs before. That was pretty much exactly why I went for it right from the concept stages. Of course, by my second motherfucking match I was already trying to show a 'serious' side to the character, so I think that shows exactly how well I understood what I really wanted to do.


Zenon's evolution was, ironically, something I always wanted to avoid. I never wanted to write a character that was all dark and moody and angsty, just like everybody else. But, unfortunately, I was very stupid when I was active. However, everything about Zenon's turn and character evolution worked out just as I had planned -- in many respects, it was even better, because people bought my return promos hook, line and sinker -- with the exception of the one thing that I had planned to cement his fall from grace. It was a rather unspeakably brilliant and diabolical twist in the Kibagami/Zenon storyline that I'm still proud of coming up with, even if I never had the opportunity to pull it off.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

Honestly, I'm so disappointed and upset with myself and my general incompetence and lack of foresight while active that I'm glad memories of me as a writer have faded away. The only thing I'll be remember for in the fed is the only thing I'd ever want to be remembered for in the fed: My time as a booker.



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I would also like to note that Janus naming his wrestler "Janus" also springs from the fact that every single motherfucking character he's ever created, ever, has also been named Janus.





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I would also like to note that Janus naming his wrestler "Janus" also springs from the fact that every single motherfucking character he's ever created, ever, has also been named Janus.





Yeah, but this one was the first, so you shut your piehole :D


There's only three of them. Four if you count my furry self. :P

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Guest Evolution

Why did you choose that name for your character?


John Duran is a combination of John Fogerty and Duran Duran. John Fogerty + Duran Duran = John Duran. I've never told anyone that before, but that is the source of the name for me.


Why do they look the way they do?


I don't have a very terribly interesting answer for this question, so I'll skip it over.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


John became the way he was during his retirement run through his feud with Charlie Matthews, a brutal cage match with Janus, and the constant mental grief he held over his head after the death of close friend Randy Turner.


One of the things I really enjoyed about Duran was that he was a heel throughout his career as an SWF wrestler, and even in the SJL. This was not supposed to be the plan. Duran was to turn face sometime in January, win the Clusterfuck, and go on to do the typical face run at the title for From The Fire. This would be run under the premise that Duran would be fighting for Randy Turner, etc. Fortunately/Unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, Card and the Unnamed came along, and Duran's history was changed forever. For better or for worse, I ended up becoming SWF champion, and I can't really complain, though my writing, or lack thereof, was eventually my downfall.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


The run from From The Fire to Battleground that started with Duran getting fucked up by Janus and escaping with a victory and ending with Duran finally getting that elusive one-on-one victory against Charlie Matthews. That was probably the best month of writing that I had ever done, and to have it cap off with me beating out my good buddy (outside of 'fabe, of course) one-on-one, finally, was just a high that I could never reach again, unfortunately. That was about the peak for me, and I must say that I'm at least glad I got THAT far.

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Oh, and...


Well, that's me. Feel free to no-sell this topic.


As Muzz would no doubt point out, everyone loves writing about their own character.

Well I can't point it out if you do it for me.


Now my fun's been ruined...

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Talking this much about such a mediocre character with such a mediocre career is a bit strange, but here goes.


Why did you choose that name for your character?


Mafia was chosen because I had a fascination with the whole lifestyle associated with the mafia, but of course, the character never matched the name. Manson, because of the connotations and images it invokes, even if I never did plan to pattern him after Charlie in anything more than name.


Why do they look the way they do?


Aside from a misguided attempt at becoming Jericho-lite with tights and all, I've generally kept the same look. I was a fan of Raven and Crowbar, and that's who I patterned my look after. It should be known that aside from having long blackish hair at times, I look nothing like that, especially being so fucking short... but still a little taller than Janus.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


Mafia was the way he was because I obviously didn't think things through when I joined. I never did anything "mafia-like" aside from having a penchant for violence. On a whole he was pretty much Raven and Crowbar, with the depression and erratic paranoia. Nothing fit together, and if I were to go back, I'd do things quite differently.


It wasn't until I changed my name that my character today took shape. The paranoia of old went on the decline, as violence, bitterness, angst and such came to the forefront. He's obviously that way because all he does to come back from injuries, personal issues, etc. means squat and he remains unfulfilled... although unintentional, my lack of successes character-wise and personally makes the bitterness more believable. Likewise, there are other aspects of the character that are culled from my own personality.


Thankfully I salvaged my character from such great ideas like Hate Personified, The New Sound and Tommy Gunn, and forced him to evolve somewhat logically.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


Like Zed, I don't know if I really want to be remembered for anything.

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Nameage: There seemed to be quite a few Andreas at my school in MS, and Montgomery sounded fairly southern, so, meh. As for teh GOATz0r, that was prior to my brain transplant, and I was like "GOAT amz be Greetest of All Tim. That be coolz!" I basically decided to make the two siblings on a whim, and I named him Zutroy because that was the name Galatea used when he'd explain to ML sign-ups about labelling match PMs.




Characterification: I never really put too much thought into stuff like that. Any character development/growth was purely coincidental. Or accidental.


RememberifiBORT! - I don't know. I mean, the whole "I created the first stats template back on the 'I Haven't Done This Here Yet So I'll Start' thread" along with being sort of the longest standing member (Minus large chunks where I think I was dead), isn't bad. Same with me being the first female character to win a title (Or heck, first female writer for that matter.), and were it not for Zed's "colour" bias (Meaning he prefers colour to color), first female to win the world title. But really, something like "Best Comedic Promo" or just "Most Fucked Up In the Head Person" is good enough for me.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?

Bloodshed: Back in my RP fed days, I met a young kid who used the character "Bloodshed". He, along with myself as "The Black Diamond", formed the tag team known as "The Psychos" and actually ran it through a few feds before he disappeared. So I took the character, dropped the Black Diamond one, and kept using his as a change of pace.


Apostle: My first ever RP fed character, and actually comparable to the Bloodshed character I stole, hence why I kinda melded the two together.


Alan Clark: The 'handler' of the original Bloodshed was named Alan Clark, and so it is my tribute to him, wherever he is. I believe he lived in SC the last time i ever talked to him (which was like 4 years ago).





Why do they look the way they do?

Bloodshed's original look came from the original Bloodshed look, while the Apostle's was just a white variation on it. Alan started as the Disney guy, and then has transitioned way too many times, though he always stayed mostly true to the Bloodshed look, outside of the times when his hair was cut short and less red was used.



Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

The character is the way he is now because of all the crap i've tried to do since I started in the JL. My original vision to was use Bloodshed as his creator intended...a hardcore basketcase that liked to bleed and was basically a comedy character with a jagged edge. Looking back, especially whilst reading things like Condemned House and Mall Brawl, I see that I had something decent going.



If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

Bloodshed: Mall Brawl, and the Bloodmist.

Apostle: I don't know.

Alan Clark: Putting Thugg through a car and getting to tag with Coy West a few times.


Sadly...there are about 27,000 other small things I'll be remembered for instead.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?


I was obsessed, obsessed I tell you, with the Marathon games, which Bungie made before Halo. In them, there are 4 Artificial Intelligences. One was Leela, which is a girls' name, so that's out. Durandal appealed to me for a bit, but I nixed it (though I later gave Tom Flesher the "honor" of the name). Tycho sounded too much like the guy from Penny Arcade. So we're left with Thoth.


The main problem with Thoth was that he had no personality in the game. Literally, none. He spoke in obscure rhymes and phrases.


Why do they look the way they do?


Because I am a King of Fighters nut. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Thoth's looks are a blatant ripoff of Iori Yagami. When I changed gimmick to Orochi, I ripped off Orochi's look from KoF. I used the look to my psychological advantage, as the strap-pants helped me (in my match) win the world title from Flesher.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


I think a lot of what happened to Thoth over the years was out of my control, and I really like that. Thoth was, at the very beginning, a bloodthirsty mindless Raven ripoff. Later, I joined the Clan, and became a bloodthirsty mindless Raven ripoff with a posse. I wrote really shitty promos back then.


It wasn't until the feud with Silent that never ended that I got some dimension. Having him as a brother was the coolest thing that happened to my character, to give him some depth and dimension.


Let's ignore the DDR gimmick for the time being.


I wish though, that in the end, I worked more programs with more people, although the Clan-Carnival feud was fun while it lasted.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


The Clan. I have others, like my US Title reign, but the Clan was my favorite thing I ever did. I wish I had put more effort into it, but we had awesome people like Spider Nekura, Silent, Tom Flesher, and Fallout.

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Johnny Dangerous


The entire name and concept for Johnny Dangerous came in two ways.


1. Was the fact that I wanted to return to the SWF or SJL at the time after having basically ruined what could have been the biggest angle in the JL. I know people will come back and say it sucked, but what sucked was the piss poor execution as the plot was basically a “what if” scenario. Like, what if the NwO had actually taken over WCW – and that’s where it came from, but I left before it got finished.


Anyway, needless to say, after leaving on a whim I decided like all sheep to return to the flock but was met by a huge roadblock named Axis, who was sour at me leaving last time. So like everyone else, I came up with a different character to sneak back in with and this was Johnny Dangerous.


2. Johnny’s name itself was a complete rip of “Johnny Barracuda” from the Cliffhanger! comic series “Danger Girl”. Adding the Dangerous portion of it actually came from the Michael Keaton gangster movie “Johnny Dangerously” just I thought Dangerous by itself was cool enough.


His look is also pretty much ripped off from how the character Johnny Barracuda looks. Lean but muscular, good looking, dark hair, blue eyes, etc. When I first started out in the JL though Johnny wrestled in a tuxedo and the reasoning behind that is in the James Bond films, Bond always does everything in a freaking suit. Everything that requires him to be dressed that is, so it’s pretty much playing up to a stereotype that I defined on my own as I don’t know if everyone else sees it like I do. When defining the character itself I basically relied upon two sets of stereotypes.


1. Good spies are always clean shaven and proper. They also drink the elegant drinks – Scotch, Martini, etc


2. Bad spies always smoke, have a 5’oclock… hell make that 2 day shadow, and they drink straight whiskey and I don’t mean shots - we are talking about a good cup full.


Johnny being a ladies man is also ripped off from James Bond. In fact, his original entrance theme was James Bond’s theme before I changed it to the Mission Impossible theme. The only things I can think that I really added was I designed him to be someone who is just over with crowd popping moves that really aren’t effective.


Johnny is way different that I originally envisioned as he was suppose to be something for me to do until I could bring my original character back. Since I had planned him for a temporary character I decided to do something with him somewhat original as well as have fun with and at the same time, I’d have an easy way to retire him from SWF competition.


His purpose at first goes back to the “Who is he after” plot that I used to introduce him to the JL, where he was a secret agent that was sent in to take down someone the CIA or whatever agency it was (I don’t think is specifically named it other than a Black Ops section of the CIA) had set their sights on. Somebody in the WF was doing something pretty bad and he was there to stop them.


His whole guise was he was pretending to be a wrestler who was a former Secret Agent while secretly still being an active agent. He would have to work his way through the ranks so he could infiltrate the WF itself though, where this mystery person he was after was already at.


As the story goes, it was originally not supposed to be Wildchild, but I switched it to him because it was the most back stabbing type of situation possible and hell, he agreed to do it.


“Grand Slam” Mark Stevens was to be the man he was after but he had to back out after going ahead with the Commissioner Angle from Genesis 4. Anyway, Johnny’s boss, a female, was supposed to have been a former girlfriend of Stevens before there was a Lynn, who felt she got done so badly she was destined to have the final word in the biggest payback scheme ever. Johnny was the man caught in the middle who would have been pit against Stevens but in the end discovered the entire plot.


He was supposed to end there, after the WC angle, but I didn’t want to so I basically just said he was on “Vacation” for as long as he wants at the expense of the Government.


I’m not sure what Johnny Dangerous will be remembered for. Z once said the character was too convoluted, but I just wanted to design a character that had a purpose that was different from everybody else’s. I’m sure he’ll just be remembered as a part of Wild and Dangerous, which is great in itself as I’m just a mark for tag team matches anyway.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?


From the fantasy novel "Dark Moon" by David Gemmell. Never had a problem admitting that. And that Dace bascily become my stock alter ego from then on.


Why do they look the way they do?


The image of Dace was always a rough outline, adapted to whatever setting was needed really. Just one that seemed suitable for the "real world" and wrestling. Apart from the scars, thank you Janus :P


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


Dace just grew up with me, from my own life and learning to be mature in my writing and just watching more and more wrestling. Definatly very different from my first plans but much more real and the better for it in the end I think. The original base was just the bad-ass alter ego my. The side with the volume on 11, that wouldn't really work but that works great for settings like the fed and such.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


Either murdering Spike back in the JL or being part of the team that dethroned Justice and Rule at last for the tag titles. Otherwise, just being of that class in the JL, that brought stuff to the fed and they we all kicked it up together.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?

I think my exact thought was 'If I'm gonna do this SJL thing, I need a name that'll stand out. Landon came from some American soccer player who I saw playing and thought 'Wow, what a wierd name'. No idea about Maddix. Call it inspiration.


Why do they look the way they do?

Me likey Brian Kendrick.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

A lot of it is to do with the Disciple stuff I did in the JL with Todd Royal. If it wasn't for that storyline, I'd probably have stayed with the tired 'cruiserweight face in peril' for a lot longer. But that kinda shaped Maddix into someone who wanted to win, rather than enjoyed winning. And obviously, I wouldn't be the C2W face I am now if my heel run flopped. Which luckily, it didn't. If I hadn't gotten the rub off of Flesher at Genesis, then I doubt I'd be going for World Titles right now.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

Being the best ICTV Champion ever, duh! Also, being the guy to end Toxxic's long-ass World Title reign and the whole 'carrying the SJL on my back for the last 2 months of it's existance.' Or...near enough.


EDIT: Plus winning the 'Fuck obviously

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Why did you choose that name for your character?


-> It just popped into my head when i started filling out the stat sheet way back when, i was trying to think of something simple like 'Edge', and Strike sounded good enough to me. And then i changed the 'i' to a 'y', because that makes it cool or something.


Why do they look the way they do?


-> I don't think i ever gave Stryke a 'look', he's just some guy. I'm no good with that sort of stuff and could never be bothered, so i never really did.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


-> I didn't have any real plans or expectations for Stryke when i first joined, and in 4+ years i've never expanded on the character much either. I originally planned to be a face long-term, but i think Strangler suggested i should turn with the lack of heels in the JL at the time, and that was probably for the best since i've been at my best in the heel role, and have been one almost exclusively since. Of course i've always flamed out and quit before i managed to build anything or have a decent run, and have never really got to develop Stryke beyond anything more than a generic cocky/arrogant character. Hell, Erek Taylor and Chris Wilson did a ton more character development for Stryke than i ever have or probably will.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


-> Anything other than the SWF's most prolific no-shower and one of the biggest wastes of potential the fed has ever seen would be nice.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?

The name Wildchild doesn't have any significance in particular. I just thought that it would be a cool name for a lucha to have, and couldn't think of a better one at the time.


Why do they look the way they do?

Because. ;)


Seriously, once I'd made up my mind to deviate from the character that I'd originally intended (more on that later), it was just a matter of deciding what Wildchild's SWF origin would be... I made the whole thing up, the day before I applied to join the JL. I picked the Bahamas on a whim (I'm not from the Bahamas, I've never been to the Bahamas, and I've never even met anyone who's been to the Bahamas); I considered having him come from Hawaii, since I was stationed there at the time, but I hate Hawaii, so that was a "no way" situation. Once I decided on the Bahamas, I did about five minutes of research on the internet about the Bahamas, grabbed a handful of information, and patterned WC's entire persona around it. I then found out what the National Flag of the Bahamas looked like and thought, "hey, those colors would look flamboyant on a wrestling costume. Perfect!" As for the rest of his appearance, I never patterned him off of an actual human being, but rather based his archetype loosely off the Capoeira guy in Tekken 2.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?

Years ago, before I'd ever even heard of the concept of e-fedding/fantasy booking, I always had a "dream" character in my head, who evolved, over the course of his career, from a lucha suicida, to a hardcore warrior, to a technical brawler, and finally to a character that combined the strengths of the three previous characters. The character that you all know as "Wildchild" was originally the first stage of that character's evolution.


I was going to enter the fed as the 4th stage evolution of the character, along with my best friend, and we were going to write together as a tag team. But, he was never able to commit to writing, so I decided to try and make it on my own. But, I also decided that I didn't want to debut as my "ultimate" character, in case it turned out that I wasn't any good, so I chose to write WC as if he never evolved into my "ultimate" character; on the contrary, I chose to write him as if they were never the same person. I made him a circus acrobat simply so that I could justify him being way more agile than anybody else in the fed.


Back in the JL, I'd planned to eventually write my "ultimate" character once I'd established myself as a writer, but then the Wildchild started to grow on me. I may yet return as this "ultimate" character, once I finally retire WC, just to see if I can write a technical wrestler.


Apparently unlike many other writers here, WC bears no resemblance to me at any point in my life; we have absolutely nothing in common. I mean, we're both black, and that's about it.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?

When I finally retire WC, I want his name to be synonymous with the Cruiserweight Division. I want to be the standard; I want any talented Cruiser to come down the pipe to be compared to me the way that any young talented basketball player to come into the NBA in the last fifteen years has been compared to Michael Jordan. I also want to be remembered for Wild and Dangerous, and becoming the first three-time champions in history. And... uhh... I guess that's it; well that and being most likely the only person in the fed to write a character that's actually much younger than he is in real life, since most of you guys are in your teens/early-twenties writing characters in their late twenties/early-thirties, and I'm almost thirty, writing a character in his early twenties.

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Why did you choose that name for your character?


Because I'm an unoriginal bastard! :) Basically, I've had the JHawk nickname since high school and figured "Jay Hawke" was the easiest thing since everybody already called me that anyway. I even toyed around with the idea of making him British but thought saying "bloody hell" all the time would get old.


Why do they look the way they do?


The character is essentially done up to look like me if I bulked up some. The outfit is based off of various incarnations of the CAW for myself on the SmackDown games.


Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


The character basically started out in the old HOWF as being a slightly older version of me. I keep evolving the character just a little bit every so often to keep it from getting stale. I went through a bit of a Stone Cold phase with it for awhile. The "Dean of Wrestling" thing came about on a lark when I was doing an RP for the efed I ran for six years, the High Impact Wrestling Federation, and I came up with the line "I'm going to teach you a wrestling lesson you'll never forget." The idea just came into my head to do a Dean Douglas-type character but without all the grading bullshit.


Probably the most fun I've ever had with this character was when I did an "amnesia from a bump to the head" angle for about six weeks and thought I was everybody from Ric Flair to Dusty Rhodes to Terry Funk.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


I just want people to think I had a damn entertaining run, honestly. After a World Title run, of course. :)

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I even toyed around with the idea of making him British but thought saying "bloody hell" all the time would get old.

Bloody hell... wanker.


Most worryingly, since writing Toxxic I have now started calling people 'sunshine'. I never did before.

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You know it's bad when you pick up the habbits of online fictional characters in real life.

Even more worrying, I'm using it in the same way. If I call someone 'sunshine' it's a fairly good sign I'm about to haul off and punch them.


And lol @ Supes. You go, man.

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You know it's bad when you pick up the habbits of online fictional characters in real life.

*points at Aecas* Is it really? ;)

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Why did you choose that name for your character?


Judge Mental: Believe it or not, a lot of my character's basics came from Thor of all people. The name was originally his idea, and he convinced me to use it instead of a hockey-themed guy (Hence why I was Powerplay for so damn long).


William Hearford III: William sounds sophisticated, and I've always associated it with William Regal when I think of wrestling. Hearford... I dunno, just something that sounded fairly upper-class, which is why I put 'III' in as well.


Justice: Mak is the innovater of this, coming up with the name "Justice and Rule". Since Judge Mental sounded so damn gimmicky, I decided to take this or just plain "The Judge" as a proper sub.


Why do they look the way they do?


Well, I'm a fan of the movie Mallrats. And I always thought La Fours looked completely bad-ass. So I modelled Judge after him. He looks essentially the same, only with a closer cropped beard and maybe a bit more grey in there.




Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them?


Oh God, this is a long story. Originally, this guy was gonna be a big power wrestler, because, well, that's about all I knew about when I entered the fed. I had not be into wrestling in YEARS. But, surprisingly enough, it was Thor who convinced me that he should be a manipulative lone heel. So I shrunk him down (And continued to as I tweaked the character. He lost around 3" of height and 25 pounds) a bit over time.


My original story, which sort of got covered up in the end, focuses mainly on Judge's past as a prosecutor, eventually a county judge, and his history with a local federation back when wrestling was more acceptable, and his eventual fall from grace as times changed. I think I took like, two months alone writing three promos that contained my background info, though only one of them was posted. One of them was an 8,000 word match that was supposed to show how my fall from grace began. That was back in the day when I busted out 3 1,000 word promos in as many days. Lord, how long ago was that? :D


Judge was originally supposed to turn face during my ill-fated feud with Kamikaze (Sarah), but it just never really took off. First off I won the JL title in 4 matches and Kazi got the T.V. Title. So I decided to stay heel for a better opportunity, but it never came. I was too busy beating the shit out of Matt Myers after he took my title to ever execute a change, and after that I formed the JL Mag 7 with Ejiro and the returning Fugue with help from Tom.


I really wish I had turned face at one time. I was prepped for it when I came back briefly, but my life took a turn into the shitter and that just dried up on me (Sorry Toxxic). I also wish I had worked a serious program with Tom rather than fleeing back to the tag ranks to let Silent take his chance.


If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be?


In all honesty, the beginning of my Hardcore Run and the very beginning of Justice and Rule, and most of my JL Career would please me. That's before it got all fucked up with my own problems :\. Also, the few promos that I wrote for Tom and Thugg because both of them were busy and couldn't get it done. I honestly loved writing that sort of gang-warfare jazz between the Mag 7, the Carnies, CC, and Thugg. :)

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