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Guest Ransome

Flubbed lines in promos

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Guest Ransome

Can anyone point out some televised promos, backstage or in-ring, that contain somewhat-humourous mistakes, flubbed lines or just a bad choice of words?


The obvious example is Owen Hart's classic 'I kicked your leg out from under your.....leg'. Recently, theres also Randy Orton making a tag match against La Resistance with the 'World Heavyweight title' on the line. What are some other memorable mistakes made in promos?

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Lex Luger in WCW 1996 cutting a promo on the nWo and saying something about "W.W....I mean, WCW." Everyone on the 'net at the time jumped on it, thinking he was hinting that he was joining the nWo...when really he just messed up.

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That's happened before with Austin and Foley. I've already forgotten way they did it since it's such a blur. I think one time Foley was yelling at Randy Orton and the other time Austin was yelling about the Rock.


You could tell it was slipped both times.

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"William Regal and Eugene will take on La Resistance...and it will be for the World Heavyweight title." - Randy Orton, as RAW GM for the week.

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"William Regal and Eugene will take on La Resistance...and it will be for the World Heavyweight title." - Randy Orton, as RAW GM for the week.

he said that in the first post ;).


For some reason, Paul Heyman, seemed to be stirring his lines alot on RAW this week.

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Scott Steiner "mezmermize"...."Phemoninon"


Sid "...but when Goldberg least expected" (instead of suspects it)

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Guest jm29195

Jeff Jarrett to Buff Bagwell at Mayhem 2000- 'that's why I'm a Stupid-Star'- they evn acknowledged it on commentary...

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Raven to Sabu at some TNA show: Come out of the showers... I mean shadows.


Lillian Garcia (after Test beat Nash): And the winner is Kevin... Test.


Howard Finkel (introducing Jericho w/Benoit): And coming to the ring, being accompanied by Chris Jericho, from Winnipeg Manitoba, Chris... uh... Jericho.

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I remember Rock saying to Terri "now bubble your on ass out of here" instead of "now bubble your ass on out of here."


I have no idea why I remember that.

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The funniest one in recent memory was in 99, whn Boss Man was feuding with Al Snow...it was around the time when Al was looking for Pepper(his dog), and Boss Man was "sympathizing" with him, by saying how he was attached to an animal when he was a kid; he then mentioned how his "dog got ran over by a dog.....I mean truck". If someone has a clip of that, I'd be set.

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Sid to Kevin Nash: Tou may be twice the man I am, but I have half the brains you do!

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"I will beat everybody in the Evolution chamber this sunday at Summerslam!" - HHH prior to Summerslam '03.


Ah yes. I'd forgotten all about that one.

Was it on purpose cause if not that's funny as hell.


Another HHH gem: In case you have forgotten, let me just tell you who in the hell I am.


Or whatever he said.


Edit: Another one...back after Royal Rumble 2005, JBL showed up on the big screen cutting a promo on Batista and HHH goes:


"Listen up you Fog Horn Leg Horn."


I died laughing.

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The JR/Sid one is on the WWE Funniest Moments release which I'm sure was ripped to the net at some point.


Not so much a flubbed line but Randy Orton fell off the turnbuckles while cutting a promo at Bad Blood 2004 and ended up laughing about it on camera.


Orton seemed to be fumbling over what to say next when doing a promo with Edge earlier this year though I don't remember the context of it at all. I believe it was the promo that had Edge refer to Orton as a failure.


I have no idea what to make of Bulldog's "I'll win the Rumble because I'm BIZAAARRE" promo. Did he mean to say something else?

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