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Eddy Guerrero passes away

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I just got back from work and it took a minute to process this. A sad day. It's strange how you never personally know the wrestlers you see on tv or live, but it still affects you nontheless. I only say Eddie Guerrero perform live once at a Raw house show against RVD. For what it's worth, it was by far the match of the night. I was just glad that he got his chance to shine last year in the main event scene. God knows he deserved it.


He was a very gifted man who will be forever missed.

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I haven't been on the net all weekend, and I just got the chance to get on here now... and I see this. GOD DAMMIT WHY? WHY EDDIE?! WHY GOD?


I just don't know what to say at the moment... I just don't... it's like someone said earlier in this topic, you just can't believe this... just...fuck...


Rest In Peace Eddie. You will be missed.

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Guest *KNK*

Thankfully, They used a good picture of Eddie for that article from the AP. I still remember the picture they used for Owen, was a shot of him with smug look on his face or the one taken during him working out.

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Just to show you how much his appeal crossed fanbases, I've seen this posted even on mma forums, which generally have a big distaste for anything wrestling related. It's kind of surreal to see pro wrestling discussed without getting bashed. Just shows how great Eddy was at what he did.


RIP Eddie

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I have yet to post, but feel the need to. Eddy never failed to get me to laugh, whether he was a heel or face. From his time in WCW playing Uncle Eddy and driving Chavo crazy, to his Mamacita days in WWE. Eddy brought a lot of laughs to WWE, as well as work rate.


God bless you Eddy Guerrero, may you rest in peace.

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I'm not going to sleep tonight - I will be crying so hard when this all sinks in.


This man, I'm proud to say, was my favorite wrestler of all time. The last three years, he has won me over with everything he's done.


EDIT: Good god, I just found this out minutes ago, and already I'm about to bawl my eyes out.

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Courtesy of Chris Jericho's website:


I am devastated by the news of Eddy's passing and I am so sad...


I've lost alot of friends over the years but this one hurts the most by far.


I had the pleasure of meeting Eddy in Mexico City almost 14 years ago and we've been close ever since (although it didn't start that way!) He is one of my favorite people that I've ever met in the wrestling business, as well one of the greatest performers I've ever seen and had the pleasure to work with. One of my favorite times in my career was when Eddy and I were an underutilized, underpushed, hell, almost non-exisitant tagteam, that were thrown together randomly in WCW. But there was a chemistry there that existed becuase we had mutual respect for each other and we both loved what we were doing. One of my most cherished matches was myself and Eddy vs Chris and Dean in Knoxville, on a benefit show for our dear friend Brian Hildebrand. All four of us started the same way and had the same love and respect for the business, for Brian and for each other...it was a magical night. My best match of 1997 was against Ed at Fall Brawl that year. He was as talented as they come and a true class act.


He was also so humble and a true family man and most importantly a warrior for God. He taught me so much about wrestling and about being a man and it is an honor to call him a true brother and friend.


I have so many classic Eddy stories that I would love to share, but instead I'm just going to go and cry myself to sleep remembering what an awesome human being Eddy was and will always be...


May God bless your family and your soul and may he keep you safe forever putillo falso....I love you my brother...


Love your chapete

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The first thing he said was something along the lines of, "Every day I get to come out and wrestle is a blessing, and I thank God and thank all of you fans." And it's true. He's had all the life experiences to the point where I can believe that he honestly thinks that way. So, even though this is entirely disappointing and sad, it's tough to feel dreadfully awful when a guy died while he was having a good attitude and good time in his life. He died while on top and he had the chance to turn his life around, and if all the reports are true that he did turn his life around, he ended up winning.


The only thing I regret is to not see him ride this wave of success and recognition into his eventual retirement. My god, has he deserved this last three years more than anyone in the world.

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Man, honestly I've been down since I heard the news earlier. Honestly I've been considering getting into the business because of people like Guerrero helping me realize that there is a lot of corruption and bad politics that creep around but there are good people in the business and it is worthwhile and he iis truly someone I would have loved to have met. I can guarantee we would've been friends if I ever got to meet him and travel with him. I truly wish this was a dream and that I'd wake up tomorrow and none of this would've happened. Guerrero was an inspiration to me after reading about what he's been through and being able to strive. And I will truly miss him and I'll always be a great fan of his life. I can tell you, if I ever do decide to get into the business I will model myself after Eddie just like Benoit modeled himself after Dynamite.


Thanks a lot Eddie. Truly.

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...and the tears start coming out after letting this all sink in.


It's times like these when I realize, we're all a part of a huge family. To lose someone from your family hurts like no other. We allowed him into our homes for years and years, and he entertained us with all he had. For him to go the way he did.. goddamn, it's just tragic. Nothing but tragic. I don't know how to put how I feel into words right now.

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In June 02, me and two friends went to a house show at MSG and one of the matches was Eddy v. RVD in a ladder match. We were excited, but we assumed both guys would half-ass it and maybe only take one-two bumps.


But no. Eddy and RVD both went out there and wrestled like it was Wrestlemania. They did tons of crazy spots and bumps and really put on a show for the crowd. It's probably one of the best matches I've ever seen live.


I remember me, my two friends and all these Spanish people near us were the only ones cheering Eddy. We were chanting his name and yelling Viva La Raza.


I talked about that moment with my friend and we spent an hour just remembering all these great Eddy moments. Even on a dark day like this, Eddy somehow managed to put a smile on my face.

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I was supposed to hang out with a friend tomorrow and watch Raw at night but I really don't think I can... I know I am not going be able to resist tearing up during Raw (in fact I almost did at work today... the later it got, the quieter it became, the more time I had to reflect) and he probably won't be able to either, and that's not the sort of moment I want to be a part of when I'm out of the house.

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The parallels between this and Pillman's death are too akward.


And I'll admit it. When I saw the news link "WWE Superstar Guerrero dies"..I wanted it to be Chavo, but deep in the pit of my gut I knew it was Eddy. I almost didn't want to click the link..just cut off my computer and go to bed and pretend it never happened...wake up tomorrow and it wouldn't have happened.


I think its really crappy that he probably would have walked out tonight the Champion, not that it matters at all. And I really hope that it wasn't Kennedy's chairshot that had any factor in it, although given Eddy's past, I doubt it. Most of the other deaths in Pro Wrestling that I can think of were of no direct fault of another wrestler..and if it were to be the chairshot, that would be pretty devastating to the whole industry as a whole.

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He has his e-mail right there.


If I knew how to send the jerk a virus...I would

Goddamnit, I remember having an ad for that asshole on my sig. Granted, I'm not a fan of this dickweed (I didn't even know who he was), I only chose it because it had an amusing photoshop of a pissed off Matt Hardy holding a gun at Lita.


Now I just feel dirty for doing that. If I had any idea Jason Rivera was such a useless fuck, I wouldn't have chosen that image. Granted, it was a while back, but still.

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He has his e-mail right there.


If I knew how to send the jerk a virus...I would

Goddamnit, I remember having an ad for that asshole on my sig. Granted, I'm not a fan of this dickweed, I only chose it because it had an amusing photoshop of a pissed off Matt Hardy holding a gun at Lita.


Now I just feel dirty for doing that. If I had any idea Jason Rivera was such a useless fuck, I wouldn't have chosen that image. Granted, it was a while back, but still.


Rivera didn't write the article one of the other writers did.

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He has his e-mail right there.


If I knew how to send the jerk a virus...I would

Goddamnit, I remember having an ad for that asshole on my sig. Granted, I'm not a fan of this dickweed, I only chose it because it had an amusing photoshop of a pissed off Matt Hardy holding a gun at Lita.


Now I just feel dirty for doing that. If I had any idea Jason Rivera was such a useless fuck, I wouldn't have chosen that image. Granted, it was a while back, but still.



Rivera didn't write the article one of the other writers did.

Well, I still feel kind of bad. Oh well.

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Guest hasbeen


He has his e-mail right there.


If I knew how to send the jerk a virus...I would

Goddamnit, I remember having an ad for that asshole on my sig. Granted, I'm not a fan of this dickweed (I didn't even know who he was), I only chose it because it had an amusing photoshop of a pissed off Matt Hardy holding a gun at Lita.


Now I just feel dirty for doing that. If I had any idea Jason Rivera was such a useless fuck, I wouldn't have chosen that image. Granted, it was a while back, but still.


Its easy to hide behind a computer screen. Anything anyone says on the net, they should be able to say to someone's face, or to their friends.

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