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Songs stuck in your head today

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Crazy Bitch - Buckcherry


This song is pretty much made for strip clubs.


While getting my tat last week, the artist said every stripper he had inked said 'This song was written for me"


I have a terrible habit of weird songs that I havent heard in a while getting in my head while at work,usually out of nowhere. Shock the Monkey by Coal Chamber and Uncle Fucker from South Park were today's examples.

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Crazy Bitch - Buckcherry


This song is pretty much made for strip clubs.

That song is pretty much made to worsen one's life to the point of suicide.


I had Def Leppard stuck in my head this morning because I read something about how lame acid washed and torn jeans were...and now I got that fucking Buckcherry song.


Thanks, Rant. You ruined my spaghetti.

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Crazy Bitch - Buckcherry


This song is pretty much made for strip clubs.

That song is pretty much made to worsen one's life to the point of suicide.


I had Def Leppard stuck in my head this morning because I read something about how lame acid washed and torn jeans were...and now I got that fucking Buckcherry song.


Thanks, Rant. You ruined my spaghetti.


Well, now I don't feel half as bad that I have "poor some sugar on me" stuck in my head.

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A Look at Beethoven’s 32 Variations in C Minor (Part I)


Beth Levin


[July 2002.]


Thema / Allegretto


The eight-measure theme is in 3/4 time, strong in meter, in spine, in sound — chords and melody walk chromatically away from C minor, reach a climactic sforzando on IV (F minor), then quickly run home again.


This is our basis from which everything will evolve. Let’s move on…


Variation I


Scale notes of the statement transform to arpeggios and repeated notes in 16ths — "lightly, lightly," Beethoven tells us — who are we to question? Harmonic form identical, sf on F intact, but resolve has given way to raindrops, sweetness prevails.


Variation II


Still leggiermente, the bass steals the treble’s pattern verbatim. It is Variation I turned exactly on its head.


Variation III


Beethoven, not ready to relinquish a good idea, combines I with II — arpeggios abound in both hands at once! The strength of it is its beauty — form intact, meter intact, C minor reigning.



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I got "Scatman" stuck in my girlfriend's head last night just by mentioning it. 'Twas fun.


I kinda/sorta got "Dread and the Fugitive Mind" by Megadeth stuck in my head, but that'll go away once I hit the road to go to work.

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hahahahahaha...I have a scar on the back of my left elbow from my buddy Crawford throwing me onto the pavement in a parking lot for singing the melody of "The Final Countdown" for a solid 10 minutes. It's my best weapon against him in the annoyance game: Europe and Motley Crue.


...Shit, now I have "The Final Countdown" stuck in my head. You fucker.

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I 've had Amarie's "This One Thing" stuck in my head today for some odd reason.

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Me and my buddy's spent literally about 6 hours listening to "The Final Countdown" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. We were on a lot of drugs.


That's gonna be stuck in my head for eternity.



"Ninja", from the same album, has a way of getting stuck in my head at times. Hell, alot of songs from that album can get stuck in my head.

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I currently have the end of Shadows Fall's "Prelude to Disaster" (a short, 90-second or so instrumental) stuck in my head. Jon's solo leading to Matt's slow acoustic picking and then open strum as the sound effects of flames are heard subtely in the background...I have the last 10 seconds or so of the song running repeat in my head.


I need some Republica, or something.

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Guest Fook

Seal - Kiss From a Rose


Heard it on the radio a couple days ago and haven't been able to get it out of my head since.

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I'm really glad I'm not the only one who frequently gets The Final Countdown stuck in their head..


That song is my ringtone. It's obnoxiously good and Arrested Development only made it cooler.

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Bon Jovi "It's my life" I have no flippin' clue why this has been in my head since I woke up this morning.

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Liquid Liquid-Cavern

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