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X-Men 3

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I found one scene unintentionally amusing, when they find out about the cure, and drop dead super-hot Storm who can control the weather is lecturing the guy with BLUE SKIN AND FUR, and the girl who CANT TOUCH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING about how horrible the cure is.

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After posting that intro clip I found 10 minutes of it ("Pryde of the X-Men" - youtube it). The animation is topnotch but overall it's terrible, I can see why NBC didn't pick it up. Wolverine's Aussie accent was too much.

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The computer effects in the beginning to "de-age" Prof X and Magneto SUCKED, btw. Seriously, this was the X-Men George Lucas would have directed, shitty dialogue and needless special effects and all.

Because they actually managed to make them look younger...?

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The computer effects in the beginning to "de-age" Prof X and Magneto SUCKED, btw. Seriously, this was the X-Men George Lucas would have directed, shitty dialogue and needless special effects and all.

Because they actually managed to make them look younger...?


I thought that effect was pretty cool, though I do wonder why they ued digital technology instead of make-up.

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I guess it was done well but it was still weird. Magneto looked too different. Charles looked almost the same. I think it's the hair. Magneto's was so different it was jarring while Charles is still bald.


Magneto's helmet continues to be the silliest piece of clothing in the series. It's too tight! I watched X2 last night and had forgotten about Pyro calling it dorky. Only thing almost as bad is Scott's giant earmuff visor in X1.



So to get to Jean's room did Magneto levitate the professor's wheelchair up the stairs? :P

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The computer effects in the beginning to "de-age" Prof X and Magneto SUCKED, btw. Seriously, this was the X-Men George Lucas would have directed, shitty dialogue and needless special effects and all.

Because they actually managed to make them look younger...?


Becuase it looked like CGI?

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The computer effects in the beginning to "de-age" Prof X and Magneto SUCKED, btw. Seriously, this was the X-Men George Lucas would have directed, shitty dialogue and needless special effects and all.

Because they actually managed to make them look younger...?


Becuase it looked like CGI?


Some of us aren't computer animation experts that can instantly examine every nuance of an image that's only on screen for a few seconds at a time.


In other words, it looked real to me, and I have absolutely no idea why you're complaining.

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The computer effects in the beginning to "de-age" Prof X and Magneto SUCKED, btw. Seriously, this was the X-Men George Lucas would have directed, shitty dialogue and needless special effects and all.

Because they actually managed to make them look younger...?


Becuase it looked like CGI?


Some of us aren't computer animation experts that can instantly examine every nuance of an image that's only on screen for a few seconds at a time.


In other words, it looked real to me, and I have absolutely no idea why you're complaining.


How does noticing shitty effects make you a computer animation expert? If you couldn't see how shite that was then you need some glasses my friend.

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The movie was pretty good in my opinion, the only complaint I have is "THE PHOENIX OMG SHE IS SO POWERFUL LEVEL 5 MUTANT YOU VAPORIZE OUR LEADER AND TEAMMATE BUT I LOVE YOU JEAN GREY!~"


Bear in mind, I never liked the Phoenix storyline when it was a major part of the X-Men animated series, I got sick and tired of Jean Grey proclaiming every 90 seconds "I am PHOENIX!" Yeah, Whitney Houston was every woman and now she is a mindless crackwhore, but I digress. In the animated series, Phoenix was powerful, but only as powerful as every other villain of the month who had insurmountable powers one week and the next was getting their asses kicked by the rookie b-team. In the movie however, she is seemingly all powerful and the way it was shoved down the audiences throat is what I took offense to. It was as if Ratner was saying, "Hey, you have all of these well developed characters here including an awesome villian in Magneto, but let's ignore all of that so you can focus on the awesomeness that is Phoenix who in the other two movies was a bland Jean Grey. Oh, but don't ignore the other characters when they talk about Jean Grey and her AWESOME POWERS-AH~!" Turning Magneto and Charles into pathetic boys fighting over a grade school crush was pretty disheartening.


Phoenix ruined the movie for me. The bad writing combined with the fact male characters usually pull off the all powerful villain who isn't powerful enough to avoid being killed at the end (though Ratner made it clear that without the benevolence of Jean Grey everyone would have turned into shards of flesh) better than women who stand their making futile attempts to look scary or menacing.


Also, I liked Callistos whipping of Storm, but I hated how Storm electrocuted her in the end. I mean damn bitch, fight fair for once. I'm tired of her electrocuting all the cool subvillains.


Other than that, the movie was pretty good.


Jean Grey/All Powerful Phoenix sucked.

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I thought the de-aging effects were pretty keen, myself.


And Patrick Stewart didn't look much younger because he hasn't really noticeably aged in the last twenty years. He looked like the exact same in Star Trek.

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I thought the de-aging effects were pretty keen, myself.


And Patrick Stewart didn't look much younger because he hasn't really noticeably aged in the last twenty years. He looked like the exact same in Star Trek.


I agree. Stewart didn't look that much different, and overall I liked the movie.


Colossus should have gotten more love though.

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Question. Does Colossus cover himself with an actual metal? IE: If he and Magneto faught, would Magneto be able to manipulate his metalic covering like he does Wolverine?

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I would assume so. He killed Mutant X by grabbing him (Mutant X was weak to metal) and Magneto attempted to manipulate him in Ultimate X-Men (though in UXM Colossus is so strong that he just fights through it and socks Magneto.)


I believe the term is "bio-organic steel", whatever the fuck that means.


Boy, Colossus's special effect sure looked a lot better in X2. They already had the computer model. Why change it?

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Is there any reason why Nightcrawler was completely written out of the story?


Also, I didnt enjoy this nearly as much as I expected for sure. The difference between Ratner's vision of this franchise versus Singers was as clear as day. The two first films had a solid flow and formula that seemed to play towards the characters more, where this third chapter kind of just seemed all over the place with some really bad dialouge and characters just appearing out of nowhere with no real emphasis on any of them, even the already developed ones. Sure, the effects were fantastic, but you take that stuff out and the story wasnt nearly as impressive at the first two films.


Plus it was obvious Halle Berry put up a stink and demanded she had more scenes and a larger general role in the film, which also hurt it when there wasnt a point for her to even be in most of the scenes. It was all just kind of "there" with her, and I enjoyed her role as Storm much more in the other two films as well.

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The other characters weren't focused on nor developed because everyone was putting over how AWESOME Jean Grey's Phoenix powers were. Add to the fact they had another huge plot alongside the Phoenix deal and you get a somewhat developed story (the cure) mixed in with one where the focus is a character who's basically a vacuum to all of the characters around her.


They should have left out the Phoenix bullshit and saved it for a Wolverine spin-off and just inserted the Trask/Sentinel storyline which would have fit PERFECTLY alongside the cure.

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Is there any reason why Nightcrawler was completely written out of the story?


Well, there's one official reason for no Nightcrawler, and one reason, which will remain unsaid.


The first reason is, the creative team felt that there were too many new mutants to introduce in the film, and Nightcrawler was barely in their working draft anyway, so he was cut.


Unoffical reason; Alan Cumming, the actor, HATED the makeup process and complained every chance he got. Whenever interviewed about X-men, he'd mention the makeup and what a pain in the ass it was and how he hoped Nightcrawler would fall into a vat of bleach the opening scene in the film. Also, he hated working with Bryan Singer. Rather than deal with that headache, they decided not to force him back in (as he was contracted to) for very little screentime.


That's the reasoning behind no Nightcrawler.


In the X-Men: The Last Stand video game (its takes place between X2 and X3) once you beat the game,

the X-Men head home. Nightcrawler tells Xavier he does not want to be an X-Man, for their lives are too violent and he is a religious man. Xavier tells him he is always welcome in the Mansion, and Kurt leaves, explaining his absence in X-Men: The Last Stand

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

Saw X3 at midnight. It was an alright end to the trilogy but I felt it wasn't as strong as X2. It had some interesting moments, particularly the end, but I think X2 is the stronger picture.

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And honestly, I don't think she was actually on screen more than she was in X2. She had more lines, and it was kinda necessary with Jean, Proff X and Cyclops being dead and all. At least they didn't treat me to more Marie "Why the fuck are they trying to make me a Xman when my powers are fucking useless in these movies because I didn't fuck up Ms. Marvel and have the ability to fly and super strength so I just kinda stand around and be pissed about my powers" aka Rouge and that bastardized version of Iceman who was always one of my fav Xmen.

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Well, Iceman's still learning to use his powers. Funny how the video game has him traveling on ice slides and apparently kicking lots of BUTT, unlike in the movie.

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Well, Iceman's still learning to use his powers. Funny how the video game has him traveling on ice slides and apparently kicking lots of BUTT, unlike in the movie.


Yeah, I was expecting an iceslide in the movie. I totally was wondering why I was missing something when I walked out. Now I know.

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