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Guest TysonTomko420

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I suppose 90 minutes of bad TV is better than 120. zing~


That's weird, though, since I always just assumed RAW made money for them, with advertising and all. I never really thought about it. Is that true?

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That's a typical tag team finish. Edge hit Batista with the belt while MVP was the legal man and MVP got the cover. I wouldn't get too worked up over it.

I know it's the typical finish, but seeing Batista get beaten over Benoit is just...weird. Benoit's been put in the role to carry the workload and drop the fall for so long, that it's strange seeing him not lose when he normally would.

I don't mean to sound like a prick, but your looking to deeply into who got the pinned in that match.

Maybe I am looking too deeply, but usual WWE booking policy for house shows is that the chosen ones don't do jobs. If it only happens once, I can see Batista losing being done as a surprise. But if it happens again, I'd be getting suspicious, because it's not the type of thing WWE does for no reason.

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Man, I don't even care. He'll raise the quality of whatever show he's on.

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I read in a recent Observer (don't know which one, I get them all several days late and then usually read them one day after that, and one week had two) that Vince ideally wants TV to be 90 minutes, not 2 hours, but no network will change their block to accommodate that.



Maybe back in 98-99 this would work


But Vince is in no kind of position to warrant a change like that with wrestling no where near as popular as it was before


I will not allow my Law & Order repeats to be changed...Not I

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I don't have any interest in seeing Jericho come back, wrestle the same matches with the same five or six big moves, and job to HHH and Cena all over again.

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Initially I am all for a Jericho comeback. But, the more I think, Jericho has outside interests and it will probably take a big payday to bring him back. Given the fact that he has not been wrestling for the past two years you have got to think that he would only be doing it for the paycheck. Do you really want to watch Jericho phone it in for a couple of years and then leave? I think Vince gets off on bringing people back "that do not need him" so I am sure he will be back. He would best be suited for SD or ECW, but with the money they would be paying him you know he would be on Raw. If he were to come back in 3 months at best he would immediately be below Cena, HBK, Khali, HHH and probably be below Umaga, Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy.


If you look back, for whatever reason, WWE never really properly pushed Jericho. The peak of his WWE career was his debut (the pop his name gets when it first appears on the Titantron still gives me goosebumps). They should have shot him straight into Main Events but instead he languished as a mid-carder. His one run on top was a joke. He might as well save his body the pounding and continue trying to get work as an actor.

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I was at the RAW House Show last night (Saturday, May 12th) in St. John's, Newfoundland and it was a great time. This is the first time the WWE has been here in about 2 years, and I almost forgot how good of a show they perform live. I have 5th row seats in a pretty full arena (may 50 or so seats out of 7,000 or so were empty). Here' s a quick recap of the nights card;


Cryme Tyme Vs. WGTT

Crowd was pretty into this match considering it was the first match of the night. WGTT did the usual heel tag stuff until the hot tag, finish combo. After the match Cryme Tyme had a 10 year old kid come into the ring with them and try to dance. Kid looked more amazed to see a black man that he really didn't do much at all.


Kenny Vs. Chuck Palumbo

Kenny came out and ran down th announcer for introducing him poorly. Brought a chair into the ring and made him "take notes" on how to introduce someone correctly. Match consisted of Kenny working over Palumbo's arm until Palumbo got some offense. A few "Kenny sucks" chants from the crowd, but nothing worth talking about. Palumbo won with a big boot that looked pretty good.


Val Venis vs. Dan Rodman

Crowd popped really good for Val. Val worked the crowd pretty good to get them going. Rodman then came to the ring and earned the nickname of "Brock Orton" from me and my buddies. Rodman did 3 or 4 bear hugs during the match which really slowed the pace. Funny part happened when Val set Rodman up for the Russian Leg Sweep which the crowd started a "Russian Leg Sweep...clap, clap, clap, clap, clap" chant and then Rodman blocked it. Crowd wouldn't stop the chant until Val successfully pulled it off successfully. Shortly after Rodman had Val in a headlock and the crowd started the Russian Leg Sweep chant again. You could clearly tell that Val was trying his hardest not to bust a gut laughing, even though he was in a headlock. Match ended with Val winning with the money shot.


Mickie Vs. Melina for the Women's title

Crowd popped pretty good for Mickie. Match was a pretty decent back and forth contest but the crowd never really got into it. We actually started another Russian Leg Sweep chant at least twice during the match. Melina won with her hand on the rope.


Santino Marella Vs. Chris Masters for the IC Title

Masters came down first and ran down Marella's victory on RAW saying it was a fluke and that he won't be beat by a guy named Santino Mozzarella (his words, not mine) again. Marella then came down to a decent reception. Match was pretty uneventful with Masters controlling the pace and then Santino getting a few decent kicks in before winning with a roll up. Once again in the dead spots of the match the crowd started another Russian Leg Sweep chant (that move was more over then a lot of guys that night..lol)




Maria came down and started throwing out shirts. When she ran down Eugene came down with some more and helped her. Johnny Nitro then came down and called us all freeloading Canadians and that he would teach Eugene a lessen for aiding our freeloading ways

Johnny Nitro Vs. Eugene

Pretty decent match with both guys hitting their usual spots. Once again the crowd started another Russian Leg Sweep chant. Moments later Nitro did a Russian Leg Sweep which got a crazy pop. Nitro smirked a bit after he realized what happened. Nitro hit his finisher on Eugene and thats all she wrote.


Hardys Vs. Cade and Murdock for the Tag Titles

Cade and Murdoch came down to the usual heel reaction. Hardys got one of the best ovations of the night. The rednecks got the mic a few times and told us to shut up Murdoch would drag each and ever one of us outside and kick our asses. Pretty solid match with the heels controlling most of the match. Murdoch pulled off a Canadian Destroyer which amazed most of the crowd. A few Russian Leg Sweep chants later (the chant was awesome in a campy kinda way) and Jeff hit Matt for the hot tag. A little while later the match ended via the Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combo. After the match the Hardys worked the crowd with both bros doing the others signature poses and gestures.


Main Event: John Cena Vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Title

Orton came down first and said that he was going to beat Cena for the Title even if Kahli has the belt. He was also saying that he would then fight Kahli at Judgment Day and take his belt. Cena came down to a pretty good reaction. It was the usual combo of most kinds and women cheering him with most of the older guys booing him. Match was a typical Cena match with Orton beating the shit out of him for the most part. There were a few chants of "Lets Go Cena" "RKO" and of course a few "Russian Leg Sweep" ones as well. Towards the end Cena went for the FU but knocked down ref. He then managed to get an STFU locked in and then Kahli came down and choke bombed the shit out of Cena. Crowd went wild for Kahli and many laws were dropped (including my own) when we say the size of this guy live. Kahli posed with the Title over Cena and left. Orton tried to pin Cena but he kicked out. Finsh happened when Cena blocked the RKO and hit the FU for the pin.


All and all it was a pretty entertaining night even though the card lacked major star power. The Russian Leg Sweep chants were funny as hell and it was amazing how they caught on like wild fire all night.

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All and all it was a pretty entertaining night even though the card lacked major star power. The Russian Leg Sweep chants were funny as hell and it was amazing how they caught on like wild fire all night.


I love the fact that The Russian Leg Sweep was more over then most of the wrestlers last night. To bad the chant will never have a chance to catch on.

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I don't have any interest in seeing Jericho come back, wrestle the same matches with the same five or six big moves, and job to HHH and Cena all over again.


Yeah, I'm not real excited about Jericho coming back as a face. It'd be good simply to have another recognised name in the company, but other than that, I've heard the word 'Assclown' enough to last five lifetimes from Jericho's various face runs. Maybe if he came in under the premise he had to come up with some new catchphrases.

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I don't know about anyone but Benoit and CM Punk need to switch brands.


Punk is in desperate need of a Mid-card title run and sence there arn't any in ECW, a US Title run would be perfect for him, and sence its been reported that Benoit won't be Main-eventing anytime soon. or on SmackDown anyway, a switch to ECW would suit him perfectly. have Benoit be the centerpeice for ECW with a nice long reign with the ECW Title.


I agree. After Burke jobs to Punk (it's the only thing that makes sense, unless the bookers are on crack) move CM Punk to Smackdown. He needs a title soon.


Benoit would make a great face on there and would make ECW a little less stale. But they probably won't move him. Actually, if they move Punk to Smackdown, they'll probably have a Benoit/Punk program...

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I don't know about anyone but Benoit and CM Punk need to switch brands.


Punk is in desperate need of a Mid-card title run and sence there arn't any in ECW, a US Title run would be perfect for him, and sence its been reported that Benoit won't be Main-eventing anytime soon. or on SmackDown anyway, a switch to ECW would suit him perfectly. have Benoit be the centerpeice for ECW with a nice long reign with the ECW Title.


I agree. After Burke jobs to Punk (it's the only thing that makes sense, unless the bookers are on crack) move CM Punk to Smackdown. He needs a title soon.


Benoit would make a great face on there and would make ECW a little less stale. But they probably won't move him. Actually, if they move Punk to Smackdown, they'll probably have a Benoit/Punk program...


There is nothing wrong with a Benoit/Punk program, no matter what brand its on

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recent McMahon interview


Vinnie Mac talks it up!


WWE held their 2007 shareholders meeting today in Connecticut. Vince McMahon addressed many questions from the audience. Highlights are below.


- Said that WWE had a good year but that he wasn't satisfied and never will be. He said that some things they tried didn't work but that happens and that their goal is always to look to the long term.


- Talked about WWE Films. He really blasted Lionsgate for how they marketed The Condemned, basically blaming them for the film's lack of success. He went as far as to say that they "sabatoged" the film. He said that they never promoted Steve Austin as the star, never properly explained what the story was about in the poster and trailers, and said that nobody outside of the WWE fanbase knew about the film. He put over 20th Century Fox for the job they did on The Marine. He said that WWE is close to reaching a new deal with Fox which will see two theatrical releases and several DVD releases. He said that he doesn't want to do anymore R rated films. He also said that with their current financial model for films, it is very hard for them to lose money on any of them.


- He talked about WWE expanding into MMA, saying that they considered it but have decided against it. He said that MMA is everywhere it can be right now and that it will burn out soon. He said that MMA has no major stars and that it is difficult to invest in a fighter because all that investment can be undone if he loses or gets knocked out. He said the upside isn't there for MMA or boxing in terms of WWE going in those directions.


- He talked about the XFL, saying that the failure has not humbled him. He once again said that if NBC had not of backed out, the league would have been a success. He said that NBC backing out made all their other TV partners nervous and caused the demise of the league.


- Said the brand extension will continue despite the tri-branded PPVs. Said that injuries forced them to adapt.


- Said that he doesn't think having so many titles dilutes them. He said that having as many title matches on a PPV as possible gives the consumer a good value and that is needed with the increased PPV prices.


- Said that the ECW brand has not met his expectations. He did add that it takes time to build a brand and that ECW has a bright future.


- He put over WWE's international plans, saying they want to get more involved in South America and China, and that Linda McMahon is going to China in July.


- Said that WWE has tested high definition and will be going to it within the next year.


- Said there will be an upcoming WWE event called "Night of Champions" where every match will be a title match.


- Said that PPV is headed in a direction where everyone will eventually watch them online or through other digital means and that the middle man of PPV providers will be eliminated.


- Said that the cable companies are happy with WWE 24/7 but that WWE hasn't put enough energy behind it yet.


- He said that there is an effort going on in the company right now to delegate more of his duties to other people because it isn't wise to have so much responsibility fall completely on him. He said that if your last name is McMahon or Levesque, you have a good chance at succeeding him.


- Said he doesn't have time to do a book on his life.


- Said that WWE is trying to get back to the fundamentals inside the ring and that the in-ring product will be a place of big improvement over the next year.


- Put over WWE's production and said they will continue to get better in that department.


- Said that TNA can succeed as a "niche product" but added that their biggest mistake would be to try and compete with WWE. He said he doesn't have time to watch their product. Said that TNA needs to produce a different product to succeed.


- Said that using celebrities has its place but only sometimes, since promoting celebrities takes away from promoting regular wrestlers. He mentioned how WCW never had success using celebrities.


- Said that he "doubts" WWE will ever follow the route of other major American companies and work with companies in terrorist states.


we definitely need to discuss a few things here...this man cracks me up! I'll post my thoughts here in a bit...

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Whoa, where to start.


Dont blame Liongate, they're are a good distributor. If no one will put your film out, liongate most definatly will.


The ECW brand has not met standards. Well duh. Although ive not watched it in a while, ive been told that it is getting better. But i dont think making yourself the champion will help matters.


Does WWE need to go HD?


He said that if your last name is McMahon or Levesque, you have a good chance at succeeding him.


Lets hope that means Shane.


Said that using celebrities has its place but only sometimes, since promoting celebrities takes away from promoting regular wrestlers. He mentioned how WCW never had success using celebrities.


Wasnt there plans to bring K-Fed in full time?


And he hit the nail on the head about TNA. But it wasnt so long ago that they were panicking over the sucess they were having. I dont think they are now.

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Vince is nuts. WCW never had success with a celeb? I guess he ignored the Rodman/Malone stuff which was probably a bigger deal then Trump's deal.

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- Said that he doesn't think having so many titles dilutes them. He said that having as many title matches on a PPV as possible gives the consumer a good value and that is needed with the increased PPV prices.

Thats some really backwards logic.


- Said that WWE has tested high definition and will be going to it within the next year.



- Said there will be an upcoming WWE event called "Night of Champions" where every match will be a title match.

I wonder if Vince is even aware that he owns the rights to the name "Clash of the Champions"?


- Said he doesn't have time to do a book on his life.

Cause hes working on the script for the movie on his life..


- Said that using celebrities has its place but only sometimes, since promoting celebrities takes away from promoting regular wrestlers. He mentioned how WCW never had success using celebrities.

NEVER? They pulled some huge PPVs with Karl Malone, Dennis Rodman and Jay Leno of all people. Maybe he thinks David Arquette is the celebrity..and I find it funny they're promoting Ozzy performing live @ Smackdown next week instead of any matches or anything..

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Im back with the houseshow report


May 13th 2007 Smackdown/ECW @Westchester County Center, White Plains, NY 7pm show


Outside the arena they had dudes doing surveys and aksed me if I had gone to the earlier show and when I said no he asked me why, of course I answered why would I spend double money to see the same people wrestle. Then later yelled to him I liked TNA better for fun.


First of all I must have made a goof when ordering on ticketmaster as I thought I ordered balcony seats, which give a better view than the floor, but I never bothered to actually read my tix when I received them. so I had lousy floor seats in the last row, which actually werent too far away form the ring cuz of the small size of the building (only seats about 4400 tops), but bad cuz as you know everyone has to stand up constantly (and especially the tons of kids who were running around-yea most of the crowd was kids with parents, so mostly marks acting out as WWE has programmed them to, with conditioned responses and chants) Lots of fans with tshirts and belts and SIGNS (at a house show)


Finkel came out to a big pop and I was glad to see him (he should be on tv not Lillian)He introd Teddy Long who came out dancing to a HUGE pop (yea this crowd was popping for EVERYTHING) and he said happy mothers day and etc. SAid that due to intereference in the earlier 1 pm show (I assume Batista faced Edge for the title there) Tonights Main event would be Batista aand Benoit vs Edge and MVP, plus a 3 way elimination match for the wwe tag titles (but not who the challengers were) so here we go. then Teddy sat on the satge behind the seats and the kids got so excited running up to him and getting autographs/


1. Tommy Dreamer and CM PUNK defeated Elijah Burke and Matt Striker, when Punk hit the G.T.S. on I think it was Striker.

PUNK was over HUGE here, I mean Tommy was dwarfed by Punk even in his hometown area (though I was cheering for Dreamer obviously). Decent, yet short tag match, Burke got good heat, before the match he demanded Finkel announce him as the leader of the new breed to get on the crowds nerves. afterwards Tommy grabbed the mic and talked about how he went to his first wrestling show right here in this building and when he was 16 he took his grilfriend here and sat "right there" pointed at some fan, and saw Demolition face the Twin Towers (well he said Bossman and Akeem but) and he never though hed be in that ring in this building and yet he had been, wrestling in main events for ECW and now right here in WWE (ooo I don't think Vince would like that statement) He asked the crowd if they thought Punk could be the new face of ECW, and they agreed, put over Punk and told him never forget these people cuz they pay your salary.


2. Mark Henry defeated Jimmy Wang Yang when he caught Yangs moonsault and nailed the Worlds Strongest Slam.

Short squash match which saw Yang get in a bit of offense, attacking Henrys previously injured knee, but Henry just shrugged it off. Mark looked HUGE in person. Crowd actually kinda liked Mark but mostly boos


3. Kristal defeated Jillian Hall by DQ when Jillian pushed Special Ref Michelle McCool.

Crowd even loved this match, treating it as an actual match (well there were lots of kids there) before the match Jillian sang her song which sounded even worse here cuz the sound system was lousy (and the dumb sound man had the sound up too high) match sucked and a DQ finish at a househow?


4. WWE Tag Champions Deuce And Domino defeated London and Kendrick and Chavo Guerrero and Greg Helms in a 3 way elimination match. Crowd again way into this match. Deue and Domino actually got some heat here unlike on tv when it sounds like the crowd went to sleep. Decent match but I expected more (then again all the guys were pulling double duty today). Kendrick nailed Sliced Bread #2 at one point and it looked awesome. Chavo and Helms got great heat as well, and they were first eliminated when they kept double teaming and wouldnt stay out of the ring. The match ended quickly thereafter when one of the champs (sory I dont remember it was hard to see after all) rolled up London I think it was and held the tights to retain the titles. At the very least the champs have great theme music :)


5. Kane defeated Finlay after a chokeslam.

Very good match surprisngly, but I guess I should be surprised since Finlay was in there. Finlay came out to huge heat and Kane got a monster pop, no pyro though in the small venue. Finlay stalled before the match at least 5 mins, really riling up the crowd, by standing outside and challenging the fans to fight him. He got several loud Finlay sucks chants. Very good back and forth longish match. Finlay removed the turnbuckle and then used it of course. At the end Finlay nailed Kane with the stick, but Kane sat up. Kane hit the flying clothesline from the top. Finlay reversed a chokeslam attempt yet, Kane was able to duck a clothesline and hit the chokeslam for the pin.


Howard came out to shill merchandise and announce the october 30 SD/ECW taping at Nassau Coliseum and that they would be handiong out fliers after the show with the numbers to get tix on it. I loived how he said the tv cameras will be there, as if no one knows SD is taped on tuesdays. (and fiv emonths before the show tix go on sale? what is this wrestlemania or something?) of course this led to intermission, where I had to stand on a long line just to pee.

They had some nice shirts there but the lines were too long and after all the shirts are 25 bucks plus tax (they had dx, batista, kennedy,undertaker,CM Punk, among others. plus belts and masks)


2nd half begins


6. In An Extreme Rules Match The Alpha Male Monty Bro-----I mean Marcus Cor Von defeated Rob Van Dam when he slammed RVDS head into a chair wedged in the corner turnbuckle.

RVD came out to another monster pop. match was kinda dull and the only weapon used was a chair. They brawled outside and RVD hit his spinning legdrop off the apron. Hard to see a lot of the outside stuff. RVD nailed some singature moved like Rolling Thunder with the chair and and chair dropkick in the corner (I thoguht he was going for the Van Terminator but I guess Shane o Mac owns that now) Cor Von hit some impressive power moves and suplexes, plus the Alpha bomb on a chair (I tried to get a TNA or Monty Brown chant going but I dont think anyone there knows TNA) He looked good live.

I kept calling for the pounce but no dice. Marcus slammed RVD into the chair which was wedged in the corner, and RVD wore it as a necklace while Marcus made the pin. And the burial continues for Rob, but the crowd didnt care cheering him on his way back to the locker room.


During that match Finlay came out with a towel on his head to sit on the stage next to the sound guy but the kids noticed him and were yelling his name despite booing him moments ago


7. Funaki defeated a fat balding Jobber named Anthony something, when the jobber missed a corner charge and Funaki rolled him up for the 3.

Just what we needed a jobber match. They tried to have fun in there but it was lame. Crowd liked Funaki though (but dude he needs to get new tights, those must smell real bad by now)


8. Main Event- Batista and US Champ Chris Benoit defeated World Champion Edge and MVP when Benoit forced MVP to tap out to the crossface. Crowd was way into this one. Edge got a nice pop and the crowd seemed split on him half cheer half boos. MVP also got a surprisingly mixed reaction despite all the marks in the crowd. MVP grabbed a fans sign (must have been anti MVP I gues) and yelled at the referee about it. Benoit got a nice pop, but Batista blew the roof off the place. I guess he is still loved by some fans. Match went about 15 mins or so. Edge and MVP did double teaming to isolate Benoit or Batista. Hard to see to start as some kid was standing on a chair holding up a "Batista is the Bomb sign" which dave actually saw and ackowledged


We started to walk away to get ready to leave, and stood closer to the ring for the finish. Ok tag match with some nice spots by Benoit and MVP, such as a chop battle and the rolling germans. Chris missed the headbutt though. Crowd started yelling Edge cant fight, which is a rather lame chant huh?

Toward the end Benoit tried the sharpshooter but MVP got out. Batista tagged in and spinebusted both guys. did the whole thumbs down thing and went for the Batista bomb, but Edge came in with the ref distracted and nailed Batista with the title, but MVP only got a two count. Benoit got tagged in and germaned MVP again and locked in the crossface, MVP tired to fight and looked to edge for help, but Edge ran away from the ring area and MVP tapped. Benoit and big Dave hugged and celebrated as we ran out.


Running out or not it was impossible to leave the parking lot cuz there was no police presence to direct traffice (nice job by the county here)


anyhow it was a rather dissapointing show and I didnt pay attention as much as I should have with the lousy seats. but the crowd was RABID last night popping for everything that happened so thats a plus.



Biggest Pops



3. Kane


Biggest Heat



3. Edge during the match

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Wasn't Backlash a Night of Champions?


I thought that too...I remember discussing here that every match was a title match. I'm actually okay with that kind of booking. They can save other fueds for the TV shows.


It's funny he talks about celebs...Vince is certainly not above having celebs take up valuable TV time. I'm pretty sure that was Donald Trump and Keven Federline getting a chunk of TV time this past year on Raw.


he's upset about The Condemned sucking because of advertising? How about it sucking because it stars a wrestler, probably has shitty production value, the story has been used and reused a thousand times over, et.c etc.


he blames NBC for the XFL...sure, they fucked up, but take your own blame there, buddy.


The ECW brand doesn't meet expectations because you keep doing dumb shit like making yourself champ, devoting match time to that expose shit, ruining a fued that potentially could have lasted through the summer (old school/new breed) and THEN pulling the trigger on the Punk/Burke struggle for power, etc.


watching PPV on PCs? garbage.


WWE in HD...bout time...


haven't put enough energy behind 24/7...as a subscriber I say HURRY THE FUCK UP!


a book on his life? hasn't he done that as well as a DVD or no?


getting back to fundamentals in the ring...I'll believe it when I see it.

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Yeah I believe someone asked if Backlash being an all title PPV was a first in a thread while I was away. My answer would have been "Yes, the cloest they came previously was 7 title matches out of an 8 match card at Unforgiven 2001".


I like the loose brand split. There are reaons (main one being touring) they can't end it and I like the idea guys being members of a roster but being allowed to show up wherever. Some say it defeats the purpose, and for TV reasons they have a point, but since it exists for seperate house show tours the purpose is not fully defeated.


The one thing they NEED to do (and I doubt they will) is get rid of a world title, though. With tri-brand PPVs and such, it would be easier for there to just be one world champion, but to set up seperate main feuds for said PPVs (and the touring thing again), they need at least two. ECW and SmackDown do the same tour and tapings and should probably merge their world titles (now that Vince got to be a ECW champion) to stop diluting the "world" title scene, but again I don't see that happening. Even scrapping the ECW world title and replacing it with the ECW TV title would be a step in the right direction.

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7. Funaki defeated a fat balding Jobber named Anthony something, when the jobber missed a corner charge and Funaki rolled him up for the 3.

Just what we needed a jobber match. They tried to have fun in there but it was lame. Crowd liked Funaki though (but dude he needs to get new tights, those must smell real bad by now)


This "Jobber" is the former Amish Roadkill (of ECW fame), under a new gimmick of course. He's currently in OVW under the name Antoni Polaski, after a brief run as Tony Braddock. He might have the droopiest man-boobs one has ever seen though...

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All the titles weren't on the line at Backlash. The point of Night of Champions is every belt being on the line.

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Yeesh, and I thought he said some positive stuff in there. I agreed with most of what he said in principle, even if you have to view it through WWE's rose colored glasses.


I'm excited to see WWE do HD. I would've figured they'd at least have done a TV special in HD by now (like maybe a Saturday Night's Main Event).


Vince isn't stupid. He understands what the business is about, but he also knows what to say to the investors, since you know, they're trying to get people to buy their stock, not get internet smarks excited about their product.

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All the titles weren't on the line at Backlash. The point of Night of Champions is every belt being on the line.


I wanted to say something like "Here's a sarcasm detector" but I guess I wasn't being that sarcastic with the original Backlash comment. Maybe a bit facetious, but not sarcastic. But yeah, I got the difference the first time, I just wanted to point the Backlash thing out.


A TV special with 9 title bouts would be interesting but maybe a bit much.

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