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Can HHH have the title back please?

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Is it just me or is anyone really sick of Cena now? I didn't mind him back when he was getting booed but right now having him on top is just so dull. His interviews where he mimics The Rock are getting tired and his iteraction with other wrestlers is boring. I would much rather have the belt on HHH - even when he buried his opponents, his feuds would be interesting (except the Scott Steiner feud of course). The mic work was always raised up a notch when someone was feuding with HHH too and the mic work would generally be worth watching.


Just a thought I've had when I've fast forwarded through Raw the past two weeks. It just seems more stale than ever before. Don't know if anyone will agree with more or anything but thought it might be interesting to see if anyone agrees with me.

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If they decide to give Federline the belt, then yes.


Since that will most likely never happen though, then no.

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Would people want HHH vs Cena at WM? I wouldn't mind it but in the long run I'm looking forward to a Edge and HHH getting it on. Provided they don't tone Edge down by then it could be pretty good.

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Ugh, no thanks. I'd rather see a three way with DX Vs Cena with HBK finally turing heel and winning the title at Mania.


I agree. I've been saying for a while that they should do Cena vs HBK at WM...it would be better than another tired Cena/HHH match.

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I think another problem is that over the past couple of years, WWE is hotshotting the WWE title to newer workers too fast, andas a bi-product that worker becomes too stale too fast, because for one they had no business being the champ in the first place, either due to lack of crowd response,talent etc....and/or the fact that they aren't ready to handle the load and carry the company the way champions have to.


Just think if Orton had never been the champ in the first place, it might be interesting to see it happen once he is done tagging with Edge, but nooooo since he has already been champ, now the idea doesn't seem so great because we saw what happened the first time around.


I know Vince is constantly in search for the next big thing, but he should consider waiting a good five years before putting the title belt on new talent, and when I say new talent, I mean new talent to the industry, not new to WWE.

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The Raw main event scence is so boring. I'm sick of Cena, HHH is annoying as a face and I don't want the belt back on him for a long time. Orton is blah. I like Umaga, but I don't think he would work as champ. I like Edge, but his feuding with Cena is played out.


I like the idea of an HBK heel turn. To get him in the WM main event, Shawn turns on HHH and they have a blow off match at the Royal Rumble. It looks like Taker is wining the RR, so Raw needs a Main Event. HBK starts a fued with Cena and there's your Raw main event.


But thats not going to happen. I'm about ready to give up on Raw.

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Cena had a movie to promote.

Then why didn't Kane get a title run?


Because he's black.



I didn't know he was black!?!?!


They need to unify the championships already. I would rather watch Edge vs Booker T fighting over japanese shampoo commercials than watch Cena or Batista or Bobby "Token" Lashley as champions. Too bad RVD got screwed out of the WWE Undisputed Triple Crown Championship over a lame Dukes of Hazzard speed trap ticket.

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I thought Cena has been getting "mixed reactions" for the past 18 months. Hell if they brought in Borat to work a match against Cena they would still boo him!

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They need to get rid of this Brand Extention Crap, or at least two world titles. Both Main Event scenes are poor. A Cena/Batista Title Match with a really well build undercard of Orton/HBK, Edge/HHH, Taker/Booker and Finley/Benoit would be ideal.

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